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Hey everyone!!!

I wanted to let you know that I’m making a few changes on how the Giveaways Works.

From now on there will be no more Pro Giveaways ($5 usd subscribers), but instead I’ll make at least one thread every month were I will by asking something, most likely focusing on a theme in particular (for instance, will be Halloween theme for October), but on this particular thread the winner will be chosen randomly instead of winning for likes or using a poll. 

I have done this already with some unclaimed giveaways, were I chose the winner randomly among those who posted a comment.

It will be very similar to a giveaway, but it will be focused on a theme and on the people who participate, since that was my aim for the Pro pledge from the beginning. Plus, I think it will help with the unclaimed giveaways problem I keep getting all the time.

Just Pro and Gold members will have access to "this".
(need to find a catchy name since it will be confusing if i called it giveaway too :p)   

The giveaway for gold members ($10 usd subscribers) will remain the same for now. It might change in the future since technically Patreon doesn't allow them... (another reason why i'm looking for options) but I’ll look how the change in the Pro giveaway works first. 

That’s all for now!

This change will take effect next month, so those who pledge this month still have a chance to get one of the old giveaways (I won’t do the raffle until next month)

Let me know your thoughts about this anyway!



Crazy sam10

If it's chosen at random, wouldn't that make it a raffle? If you're after a word to replace giveaway.


the giveaway is also a raffle :p but you are correct, it does works :D thanks


So Like a ProGo then :)


If you're going to change the nature of the giveaway, why not make it more fun and challenging for you? Turn the monthly giveaway to an idea challenge for scenarios to a specific month or some holiday or event tied to the month? For example, September has Labor Day, back-to-school, 9/11, start of WWII, Dragon Con, Frodo and Bilbo's birthdays (9/22, LOTR), and the autumnal equinox. October has Halloween, of course, but also the World Series in baseball, rivalry college football games (depending on the schools, could also be in November or December).


I forgot to add that the winner receives a signed copy of the art, and since the winner has his or her idea done by you, they can obviously enjoy the artwork, YOU chose the winning idea based on what you'd like to do, so the final product is something you (hopefully) enjoyed drqwing!