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Hello everyone, and happy Sneak Peek Thursday! It feels great to pivot back to the town of Saltmarsh, and this time, I have been working hard on a very challenging yet rewarding location: The Dwarven Mining Company HQ

This location was a bit daunting, considering it features a mansion in which the Dwarves conduct their mining operations. Anyone who has seen my previous manor maps knows I put a significant amount of detail in each room, but I wanted this location to feel truly "Dwarvish," so spent extra time with little small details that help solidify their Dwarven nature. 

This is a sneak peek of the main hall from the entrance, and since this will be a huge map, it will be a two-release map for sure, starting with the 1st floor. However, I plan to do a two-story building full of wonderfully Dwarven imagery and rooms that tell a story. It will also contain a small underground map featuring the vault along with the hidden staircase from the mansion above. 

It is my hope this map can be used as a quest hub or even a heist for your sessions in Saltmarsh or any other campaign! 

I look forward to sharing my work with you all on Monday. 


DM Andy




I am getting Deep Rock Galactic vibes from this, looks great! Karl would be proud.

Eric Royer

Hmm...might have use for this in my WFRP campaign...