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  Hey everyone, and happy Sneak Peek Thursday! Today, I'm showcasing my "Old Road Encounters" map, which will be in the generic map series and feature a single winding road through an old pine forest.

I'm creating three core variants for this map:

  • With small party camp

  • With a singular gravestone (Inspired by a random encounter in the CoS module)

  • Just trees only

Modules like Curse of Strahd feature a good number of road encounters, so it's always handy to have another road map to display for your players!

In addition to the variants, I'm also creating a "no trees" version of each, which removes the top layer of trees and only shows the tangling roots. Great for those DMs who don't want to show the tops of the trees and show a clearer view for token movement!

I'll have the full release ready by Monday.


DM Andy



Dungeon of Terra

Yay something else for them to -tpk-, -die on-, explore.

Dungeoneer Guild

I'm pretty stoked for this! 90% of my maps are from here and I'd love some more road encounters!