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 Hey everyone, and happy New Release Monday! Today, I'm SUPER excited to share with you an update for a map that I created over 3 years ago: The Church & Graveyard of the Village of Barovia!

It was really fun to revisit this map and showcase a number of the new assets I've commissioned to use with my maps, including the beautifully drawn gravestone assets.

Also, I created a really fun trailer for this map and featured the incredible music of RPG Music Maker Travis Savoie which you can find here.

Below are the details of the map when using in your VTT. In the file attached, you'll find both grid and NoGrid versions.

Grid Size: 30x40
PPI: 102

Thank you for supporting my work!


DM Andy

"DM Andy Maps is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC."

"This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode." 




Hey Andy, how would you go about setting this up in Foundry VTT? I am struggling with integrating the exterior image on top of the interior image.


I'm not a Foundry expert as I use Roll20 personally, but I do there are a few modules that allow you to use various images to create a seamless map (Levels for example). If you cut the exterior image out, you might just have to expand the size of the roof just a tad to ensure it covers the edges of the interior walls. I did test this in Photoshop and it worked out great just enlarging the roof by a little (if you don't have Photoshop, Gimp is a great free resource that makes it easy to cut out images). I hope that is somewhat helpful!

Hans Petersen

Hey, love you work and I am sad that I finished Barovia Village months ago. Well, guess I'll just have to DM it again. Anyways, what I am actually curious about: You are using tons of custom assets, do you not? I am looking all over the place in Inkarnate and I can't find these wall pillars anywhere. Did you make them yourself or did you get them from somewhere?


I'm so glad you noticed! Yes, I have been using many custom assets as I have been commissioning art from a wonderfully talented artist just for my maps. A number of the assets you see here are the results of this work and this includes the graves, columns, arches, doors, windows, candlesticks and more. I'm afraid they are not available as Inkarnate base assets though since their art team is mostly focused on a strictly top down perspective, and my art direction has shifted to a more angled perspective. I do very much enjoy adding more angles to my maps as it allows me to decorate the face of the building along with the walls (which have always been my favorite part of old buildings). The pillars in the undercroft, however, were made by me (for the most part as I used a custom texture for the wood grain) using the new pathing tool (which is currently in beta testing). So glad you're enjoying the new custom assets and I currently have more ongoing projects with the artist I've hired so you'll be seeing more and more exclusive art for my maps :) Cheers!