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Gavin and Stacey

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1



Love this episode! Thanks Josh as always!


The first Christmas special is up next and it's by far my favourite episode of them all


Christmas special next!!

Tony Smyth

That scene at about 16:00 with the girls fighting... I had to rewind it a few times because I kept falling off of me sofa laughing and had tears in me eyes. Sheer Brilliance.

H Grazza

Jenkins and Jones are amongst some of the most common surnames in Wales.


The worst thing about Gavin & Stacey are the characters Gavin & Stacey. A boring B-plot involving two unlikable, wet, boring individuals. If the show was called Pam & Mick, Smithy & Nessa or even Dawn & Pete, that would be a stark improvement.

Kieran B

Williams, Smith, Jones and Brown have been the top 4 surnames in the US for a long time throughout the whole population (Jones is originally Welsh) although it’s probably shifted - I can’t remember the fifth one but the census data on names is similar for the UK too as that’s where a lot of the names in the US have their origins Jenkins is also a Cornish/southern Welsh surname originally. The Shanessa part of her name is definitely not common 😂

Michael Harrop

This show is consistently funny, but what sets it apart and makes it special is how much you grow to love these people. When they start dealing with the real emotional moments it really connects. Next episode is my favourite of the series, watch it every Christmas!

Michael Harrop

Stacey is so unreasonable and heartless with Gavin here, she's trying to distance herself but how can you be so awful to someone you claim to love. Gavin and Stacey tend to be peoples least favourite characters, but I almost think it's deliberate. It's their relationship that brings everyone else together and that's where the magic of the show is.

Mark McKeown

You should check out the '12 Days of Christmas' behind the scenes of the Christmas ep after you get there. It's 30 or 45mins long depending on whether you get the extended version or not.

Ash Jeffries

Great reaction Josh! I will join what seems like the general consensus and say that I find Gavin and Stacey the least interesting characters - albeit they're supposed to be - and I also find Stacey unreasonable in this episode. Initially, I do get where she's coming from as it was very much about her adjusting to Gavin's world rather than the other way around. I also think one of the key differences is that her family are more traditionally "working class" and not as wealthy and "middle class" as Gavin's. Just look at Gwen's place and then look at Pam and Mick's. To an American, Pam & Mick's place is probably still quite small - haha - but I'd say it was definitely a spacious property for England! Accordingly, Stacey feels overwhelmed by Pam and Mick's generosity with the deposit for the house but perhaps a little embarrassed too that Gavin's parents can offer than where her mum can't. All of this said, it still seems a bit tenuous in terms of questioning their whole relationship. Sure, it would cause friction and they'd discuss it, Gavin would be made aware that it's not gone unnoticed, but ending it all? No. This is a sweet episode although I was half expecting the Christmas Special this week - I forgot series 2 had 7 episodes! :-D. The Christmas special is fantastic. Can't wait for you to see it. As others have pointed out, Williams, Jones and Jenkins are very common Welsh surnames. Smith is perhaps still the most common surname in England....and Brown would surely still be in the top 5 or 10 surnames in the UK. The Shanessa bit is ridiculous and purely there for the silliness of the joke I imagine! I did like that Nessa and Smithy both got their wish over the baby being called Neil. It's potentially a stretch but actually, no.... it's perfectly plausible that he is called Neil and Nessa's dad was also called Neil. Were they both called Archibald or something then maybe it would be more of a stretch, but.... :p Sheridan Smith is a cracking actress and has been in so many excellent things over the years. She's actually playing a very unusual character for her here, and it's quite an odd thing but whilst I've never really thought of her looks, she's oddly attractive in Gavin & Stacey... I don't know why! Haha!


This programme is growing on me. Sounds like the next episode is going to be a good one so looking forward to that :) Jenkins is a common Welsh/British surname:) I've met a couple of Vanessas, they were all white. If I heard of a 'Vanessa Jenkins' I wouldn't presume her skin colour, it doesn't sound particularly 'black' or 'white' to me TBH. 'Shanessa' would make me assume it's a black lady but I think they just put it in because it rhymes with Vanessa :D I think those surnames you mentioned are just common British surnames (which made their way over to the US obviously)


The Shanessa middle name is unique, and so funny because naming a baby with rhyming names like that isn’t common, and in this case is very funny. Jenkins is a common surname here. Some of my favourite G&S bits are in this episode, but also some of the most ridiculous. Stacey is being so accommodated to and then some, by Gavin and Pam and Mick. If only everybody had people that love them like that! So…Vanessa panting TIDY is a impression I have done for years 🤣 Gavin & Smithy both slipping on the WET FLOOR is genius! And the toll booth….I wouldn’t be surprised if people were actually refused entry over 10p! Now it’s all done online so that wouldn’t happen now. The word JOBSWORTH might apply to this lady, just a tad 😂 Rudy arguing with her mates is bloody brilliant. Bryn checking Nessa’s cervix and her having her legs spread in the background 😂 And when Nessa’s is told being on ‘all fours’ might be preferable, and not only does she say that’s a preference of hers (meaning sex of course), but Stacey and the midwife chime in by saying ‘me too’! 😂 Your loving nature really comes across in your videos Josh. The fact that you were listing all things that they would try rather than hastily break up, Taylor is so very lucky, and of course you are too. Roll on the Christmas Special!! As others have also said, it’s something I watch every Christmas! The 2019 Christmas Special was the most watched sit-com episode of all time over here…I think! The Royle Family Specials are also class!!!! See you soon! Going to watch the latest movie reaction a bit later. Hi to Taylor and the babies, and hi to my fellow Josh fans on here! 👋


It is good I am enjoying it as well. Thanks for the info much appreciated. I do think Vanessa is pretty common here amongst the Hispanic/black community but I have known others with it as well.


I agree…..DEFINITELY not 🤣🤣🤣 I love it though! Such genius writing by Corden and Jones!

Matgo Styles

There's actually no tolls on the bridge anymore, they've scrapped them!


It's funny how you mention Jones, Jenkins and Williams being common black surnames in the US as they are the most popular Welsh Surnames along with Davies. I wonder if theres a connection there, i never thought about it before.

Scott sage

Stacey is such a child , smithy looks like a mature adult compared to her lol


Yeah by this point in the show she's outright ridiculous. No wonder she had so many failed engagements lol. Actually annoyed me, I do feel for Gavin, he's just trying his best.


As for Sheridan Smith, I always found her very attractive in Two Pints. But I agree here she looks very cute xD. Got the Chav cute goin for her


I don't think it's fair to just see Stacey as being unreasonable when since Stacey moved into Pam and Mick's her whole world changed. She gave up her job, her family, friends, hometown and what did Gavin give up? Nothing, only to have him dismiss her over it, call her childish for being upset and homesick and never acknowledging that she was making a sacrifice. It was unbalanced, and things were rocky for a while, not just this episode. I can see where she's coming from tbh.


I mean put 2 and 2 together. A lot of black people in the US having the same surname as white Brits? It's because of slavery. Also there was a very large Welsh presence in Philadelphia in the early days of colonial America, and those areas thrived economically, meaning Welsh heritage families likely owning a lot of land and people. But it would also have been to non-Welsh slave owners who had the surname Jones and Williams too, as it has been a common surname outside of Wales too for centuries.


Can't wait til this rubbish is finished so you can move on to something decent.


You don't like it, that's fine, but others do, including Josh. There's no need for you to bother coming here and wasting your time commenting if you don't like it, let alone the people who liked your comment who are in the same boat. Maybe when a show you like comes on that I don't like I can comment the same thing you just did and call that rubbish too and hope for something decent...(for no reason at all...) But I wouldn't do that, that would be VERY sad. ...Speaking of sad 🠗 (and wtf, lol and huh?...) 🠗

Jon Johnson

I was skeptical when this won the poll, only saw bits of it originally but it's better than I thought - still don't think it's quite worth the hype though fam, sorry! **awaits season 3**