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See No Evil Hear No Evil R 1989 Comedy/Thriller 1h 43m

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Can't believe you haven't seen this movie lol I can't speak for the whole of the UK but where I'm from it's one of the classics and everyone has seen it.

Craig Burns

Got to add stir crazy back to the movie list after this one


My favourite comedy movie of all time.

Mick Mills

I signed back up coz I heard Death of Stalin was coming up but I will take this tonight. Great movie.

Mick Mills

Ahh, shit. Just looking at Richard Pryor makes me cry now. Fuckin Legend.


It seemed to be an unwritten rule for Joan Severance to get her tits out in films. It looks like this version was cut to in one scene. As originally you see a full view of her tits when she drops the towel. I have the old VHS which shows that and any time I've seen this on tv they don't show it.


Legendary film


Agreed. Stir Crazy and Silver Streak are their best movies together.

(Just) Steve

Love this movie so much, my personal fave of the Pryor + Wilder movies, laughs from the start right up until the end. Joan Severance was another early crush of mine too which is always a bonus. (this is the cropped version with less tittage on display)


Not sure where you recognised the blind bad guy from. He does sound like Michael Gambon though, Dumbledore in the latter Harry Potters. He is in the movie Star Trek Insurrection though to. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/0/01/Dougherty.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/360?cb=20101118155129&path-prefix=en


They have such great natural chemistry together. Shame they didn't do more. They only did 4 films together with the last one being a bit meh as Richard Pryor's illness was setting in and he had retire. They would have done more together such as "Blazing Saddles" and the excellent "Trading Places" but Richard Pryor was a massive drug addict and lost them several roles because of it


I've never seen that version. I might have to check it out... For research purposes of course!

Rob Walters

He was also in the Stephen King film 'The Dead Zone' (1983) with Christopher Walken.

David Lyons

First time I saw this it freaked me out, as Gene Wilder's character has my name! Anyway, never realised Stewart Copeland did the music. He's known for being in the band The Police, but did you know he also composed the music for the Spyro the Dragon trilogy on PS1?


Here is something weird. Years ago my partner was having a dispute with management at work and as a result we consulted with a solicitor. He was discussing the ins and outs of a possible court case and said we would have to prove that their was criminal intent behind a member of managements action to which I said “oh mens rea”. The solicitor was a bit stumped/impressed that I knew the term and asked if I had been studying law. I hadn’t the hear to tell him the only reason I knew the term was from the scene in this very movie when gene wilder starts screaming “mens rea!! We were so careful”. Still makes me chuckle.

Carl-Fredrik L

oh yes!! Brewsters millions next i hope :)


Back when I started collecting VHS, this was on that first shelf and had many many many plays. I'm disappointed in myself that it's been a long while since I last watched it. Still as hilarious as the very first time I pushed it in the VCR. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Love Brewsters Millions. I never understood why it gets such a bad rep.


I'm so glad you did this one, absolutely love the script. that's my night sorted. top man


Great film.

Sam Reeves

You might recongnise the bad guy from one of the Star Trek movies. Can't remember which one.


Man ive loved this movie for years, great that you reacted to it..i love it...