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10/03/2021-Bottom Live - "The Stage Show" (Live 1993) Comedy/Stage 1h 59m 162 Votes

10/10/2021 - See No Evil, Hear No Evil R 1989 ‧ Comedy/Thriller ‧ 1h 43m 103 Votes

10/17/2021 - The Death of Stalin R 2017 ‧ Comedy/Satire ‧ 1h 47m 90 Votes

10/24/2021 - Hot Shots! 1991 ‧ Comedy/Action‧ 1h 24m 81 Vote


Jade Nepia

huh? I think you have your movies mixed up


Nice, it's been a while since we had some Sunday Bottom :D Will you put the second live show on the poll for next month please Josh?

Jack Nicholas

The Death of Stalin AND OFITG on the schedules now? All my Christmases have come at once


not a bad line up...will be tuning in for sundays the next few weeks for sure


These are all good looking forward to seeing josh's reaction to these


Know nothing about The Death of Stalin but sure looking forward to the others


Nice collection of movies. Not seen Death Of Stalin but will definitely watch as I've heard good things on here.


Great to see Hot Shots made it, I hope the sequel will make it to the vote next time round!


Can you add stir crazy and big trouble in little china back on the next poll please


Josh does everything have to be comedy? I know that’s how you started, but it was also exclusively British stuff, now a lot more American films a creeping in. My point being you are missing out on a lot of other great films and tv shows by making it 99% comedy based


It's not all comedy, he has reacted to dead mans shoes and this is England.


Need a new poll for tomorrow!