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Another good episode folks I really enjoyed it. I hope everyone is having a great day!

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


The Royle Family 1

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1



perfect timing


I was listening to the sopranos podcast and randomly Michael Imperioli recommended The Royal Family to his listeners. He said he watched a couple of episodes while in the UK and thought it was fantastic. He was impressed with the idea and writing of the show. Said he loved it!


Loving today's t-shirt 👌 The joke at the end was that he wanted to call Dyno-Rod (an emergency plumbers) to unblock the toilet after she'd been;)

Kieran B

One of my absolute favourite episodes, Sunday dinner at my grandma’s was pretty much exactly like this, so accurate


one of the best episodes


So much like normal British Sunday’s with the family

James Brown

I’m not sure Nanna was hinting at a makeover, I think she just thought it was an interesting point of conversation because it happened 10 minutes from her house, but it’s like a nothing thing, and no one is interested. It’s the kind of Britishism that’s hard to explain. My nan was the same, just talking a bunch of forgettable nonsense, maybe just for something to talk about, or she really did think it was interesting lol


Nah, Nana was definitely hinting that she wanted the family to arrange her own "surprise" makeover. She was proper angling for it.


Jim’s joke at the end he says he wants to phone Dyno Rod after Norma’s toilet visit….they’re an emergency plumbing company who specialise in unblocking drains 😂.

Robert Donohoe

There's a joke in the next episode or the one after that is a reference to a TV show that's on your list but never made it called "Some Mother Do 've 'em" The character in the show has a catchphrase of "Oooohhhh Betty" and played by a man called Michael Crawford. The joke is still funny based on how it's told, but it's so much better if you get the reference. It's one of my favorite jokes so didn't want thinking you didn't understand it because you didn't get the reference.


This episode has always hit quite close to home for me. Nana's prattling on about people's funerals, her various maladies, and death reminds me of my own grandmother, who is forever convinced that she's terminally ill when she isn't, and talking about people she knows who are now dead or in hospital or whatever. The Eastenders omnibus on the background the whole time just makes it even more familiar. Interestingly, as well as the character playing football, Ralf Little (Anthony) once played football at semi-professional level.

Robert Donohoe

"You don't need to know someone to celebrate their death" - Nana


I’ll give a few little explanations for you lovely. The joke at the end, he said he’d call Dyno-rod when she was finished, which is a drain company here, so joking that she will cause a blockage basically 💩 The makeover story, she said it was on Richard and Judy, a television-presenter couple here, so the lady that lived near Nana had the makeover on their tv show. I’ve always taken her repeating it as saying someone that lives near her was on tv, so bragging about it a bit I think. Plus hinting all the while to them of course. And in the same way, she mentions things like living on her own, being lonely, the story about someone whose son-in-law does this and pays for that, etc. I’ve got to say, I’ve seen these hundreds of times, but I spat out my drink when Jim replied to Nana’s question of ‘where do you want me?’ And he said ‘next door!’ 🤣 Anthony is called the laziest but does more than Jim, Denise, Dave and Nana all put together! Another great reaction! I look forward to getting my emails telling me you’ve posted a new. Hope you’re well. Lots of love to you all, as always 💛


Also……I HIGHLY recommend you watching a super short clip of Richard and Judy accepting a tv award. Let’s just say you see more of Judy than you’d expect! 🤣


Mine too! When people had a roast every Sunday, the boys probably in the pub or legion from lunchtime and come home to eat and the snore loudly in the armchair until Antiques Roadshow started, then back down the pub again! Do you remember Sunday tv was The Waltons, The Smurfs, Eastenders omnibus, Super Gran, Bullseye, Antiques Roadshow, then bedtime. Such great times!


I apologise profusely for any assumption, and will remove that word immediately Mr Smyth 😊

Tony Smyth

OFITG was always my Mother's favourite TV show. That's why I never watched it. I thought it was for 'OLD' people. I'm 60yrs old now meself and looking forward to seeing it for the first time


Woah, what? You have never seen it? You’ll love it! Seriously! It’s a go-to of mine when my mental health isn’t doing so good, and it’s nostalgic but so so funny. Your Mum had great taste!


Watch sex education

Tony Smyth

I've had sex with a Grandfather Clock, twice a day, on the stroke of 12, but I never had sex with a watch... unless you're alluding towards Digital... I've done that millions of times. Everybody has. I'm doing it now.


just realised her yorkshire puddings are burnt AF lol


I always thought my life growing up was unique lol but this show captures it perfectly... The grandma comes out with so many sayings that I heard as a kid from my elders and the dad is literally a doppelganger of my late father in what he says and the way he acts and also dresses. Even the buying of cheap fake champagne in Asti Martini that we used to buy for special occasions back in the day. If my kids ever ask me what my life was like as a teenager, I'll just show them this TV show lol.


I've seen this show dozens of times and it never gets old. This episode is nothing but dialogue around a table, but every minute is hilarious and the time flies. Brilliant show. Captures life in working-class Britain very well.


I have no problem with old characters, I don't think that's why people are not excited by the show. I think the reason is that One Foot In The Grave is widely regarded as MOR bollocks, to be counted alongside Last of the Summer Wine and formulaic stuff like that. Having said all that harsh stuff...I admit I never really watched it, and am relying on a kind of background consensus of people I respect for that judgement. And I've been proven wrong about a few shows on this channel so I will give it a go.


It was a real groundbreaking sitcom in its simplicity, not using a studio audience. Tv execs from another channel were sceptical and said it shouldn’t be made without a tv audience so Aherne went elsewhere. The use of repetition is prevalent throughout the series, so nana saying someone on the tele happened to live 10 minutes from her, is somehow seen as an achievement. I can vouch for this being an authentic reaction cos the area she mentions ‘Droylsden’ is 10 minutes from my house, and my mum was so excited jt got mentioned in Royle family. If you ever see Early Doors (Craig Cash) you’ll see repetition as a comedic tool there too.

Tony Smyth

I love this show so much. It has 'rewatchability' written into it. It gets funnier every time you look at it, but the jokes are too subtle the first time, and I love it for that. (Better praise could never

Tony Smyth

I'll never understand how characters in comedy shows get away with not having proper jobs. Twiggy is the only one who's grafting.


Barbarra works at a bakery and Dave works as a removal man. I assume that both Jim and Denise are on benefits.

Tony Smyth

No he's not... He's in the kitchen as we speak, stirring up a brew, the lazy sod. Nothing gets past me.