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One Foot in the Grave 42 Episodes 224-Votes 



Richard M

Yay! You will really like this show Josh, it is close to OFAH in terms of quality, and a notch above most other sitcoms.


YAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I don’t believe it!!!!!!! I’m already singing ‘da da da da’! Josh, you’re in for a treat my friend!x


Fantastic !!! You'll love it!!


I've never seen it before but excited to check it out with you :-)


Don't really remember a lot of OFITG aside from a few repeats as a kid but will look forward to watching along with you anyway :)


I'm surprised. It's not like you to complain.


Excellent, such a funny show and quite dark in places too. Just ignore Miffy, the most whiny negative person posting here.

Jack Nicholas

I'm so happy my favourite show of all time has won!! Really hope you enjoy it.


Yay, haven't seen this since i was a little kid...I only remember one episode, but really vividly, because of my family. We were all doubled up crying with laughter. For some reason it just got us and we couldn't stop, even after it finished. One person would snort or giggle remembering it, and then everyone would lose it again. It was actually to the point it was like torture, i still remember how much my stomach and face hurt.


One of the best choices left and a great show, so glad it won. Some really aged stuff I don't feel holds up to modern audiences without the benefit of nostalgia on the list but this isn't one of them! will be looking forward to it!

Sam Reeves

A great show let down by perhaps the worst sitcom ending of all time. But a very funny show all the same, and the film 'One Foot in the Algarve' is hilarious!


I don't believe it that nobody has said I don't believe it yet in the comment section!!

Ash Jeffries

Completely disagree. Loved the ending and it's one of my favourite episodes.


I wanted to say it, but I was afraid that Richard Wilson would beat me up.

Ash Jeffries

I could not be happier with this result. OFAH was 64 weeks of British sitcom royalty and it would always have been a tough act to follow. It's probably my second favourite British sitcom of all time. My favourite British sitcom of all time is One Foot in the Grave. As with OFAH, you might find the first few episodes don't absolutely floor you. It's so rich and extremely well drawn though that it won't be long before you fall in love with all the characters and the plots get cleverer and clevererer with every episode. OFAH peaked with series 6 and I would say OFITG peaks in series 4 where every episode is a winner. But there are no bad episodes. I look forward to this new journey with you, rewatching a show I hold in such high regard. 🙏


Recently rewatched this series. I hadn't since I was a child. I was amazed at how DARK it was, all this stuff that went over my head when I last watched it. It's a good choice.


ECSTATIC. Was really tired of all the moaners (Victor Meldrews!) who've been saying OFITG is "tame" or "old-fashioned".... because they're absolutely wrong. OFITG is ridiculously dark, surreal, tragicomic, absurd and emotional. Just because it's about older people doesn't make it old-fashioned. It was, and still is, one of the most avant-garde, well-written sitcoms in British history. Sick of comedy snobs who've either assumed wrongly about OFITG or misremembered it. I love Curb Your Enthusiasm and It's Always Sunny, and this show is honestly as cynical and as darkly comic as those.


Brilliant, then we get two first-time reactions for the price of one! My prediction: you'll love it.


You make such a good point: there are tons of people on here who've seen OFITG as a kid and completely misremembered not only how dark it is, but how witty and well-written it is, and how well-crafted the plots are. AND how bloody rude it can be! Kids don't generally clock that stuff, only the obvious slapstick... which is why some people here are moaning about it being 'broad' when it's not.


I've been hoping you'd watch this show for so long!!! Can't wait


Just wanna give an acknowledgement to you Ash, as you and I have been fighting the OFITG fight for months now. I was starting to think it wouldn't happen. We finally did it hahaha.


Excellent. Will this be on tonight? Or are there OFAH specials/docs to get through?


This is a double win. Not only is it a brilliant comedy, it's also annoyed our resident moaner Miffy. Happy days!


poor Miffy Lol


So so looking forward to this........roll on


He won’t believe it




I think I was a bit too young when this first aired and held a perception (no doubt wrongly) that it was a show just for old people. Haven't watched since the 90's so looking forward to a revisit now I'm older and a bit more world weary!


"I think I was a bit too young when this first aired and held a perception (no doubt wrongly) that it was a show just for old people." The show continues to be unfairly dismissed as a sitcom along the lines of Last of the Summer Wine by those who's never seen it. The two shows couldn't be any more different from one another, outside of the superficial aspect of them both featuring a cast of older people. Last of the Summer Wine is a sitcom to die to, as you watch it in an old people's home. It's bland mulch. Whereas One Foot in the Grave is hilarious, dark and full of genuine pathos and relatability.


Yeah it was my bad call. I actually do blame Last of the Summer Wine as my Grandad loved that show and made me watch it with him, after which my pathological aversion to comedy starring older people started. My god it was awful (LOSW that is, not OFING).