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This was a really goofy, fun, and funny episode. Rodney is out of control with the Damion stuff lol. I love when they played music when he stared at the baby. I could be wrong but I think this episode, the Raquel episode, and when granddad passed away were the only episodes they didn't end things with a joke. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Only Fools and Horses



Rodney: What is it Del? [boy or girl] Del: It’s a baby Rodney 😂😂😂


Hey Josh, just a heads up, next week’s episode “Miami Twice” is a 2-parter. Some streaming services list it as 2 separate episodes (50 minutes & 95 minutes) whereas others list them together as a “movie” (140 minutes long). When the episodes were originally broadcast, the first episode (“Miami Twice, the American Dream”) was screened on Christmas Eve 1991 and the second episode (“Miami Twice, Oh to be in England”) the following day on Christmas Day. But on subsequent DVD releases, the episode is titled “Miami Twice: The Movie” with both parts shown together. Also, Sir David Jason (Del Boy) chose the second part of the episode as his favourite episode of Only Fools and Horses in 2015.


Hopefully this has no edits regarding music in the Damien omen music scene as the replacement music just doesn't work. Great episode though,looking forward to it later.

Daniel Davies

The final scene was filmed in a closed off ward at the hospital, but because Tessa Peake-Jones didn’t know how to act giving birth, a midwife showed the cast a birthing video, which made everyone feel sick, especially since it was shown to them just after breakfast. Also, being in a hospital, it was easy to find a new born baby, they just went down to the ward downstairs and asked if any mother was happy for their child to be Del’s child, which many were.


When time and situations allow it’d be great if you could visit the UK. I’m sure there’s a bunch of people who’d love to meet you and thank you for your laughter and positivity.


The ending of this one never fails to make me tear up, such a sweet monologue from Del. Loved this reaction as always Josh!


I remember being taken on a work away day to Hampton Court, and it's pretty much as boring as Rodney says at the beginning. Getting lost in the maze is pretty much a required activity during a visit there. I've commented before about what a good and impeccably chosen soundtrack OFAH has, and the nice thing about rewatching them all with these reactions is having a chance to notice things like that. The incidental music in the pub when Rodney is talking about Cassandra, and later in Rodney and Cassandra's flat is very good.


This was originally meant to be the final episode that's why it ends the way it does. Thankfully John Sullivan saw sense and wrote some more,the next episode is awesome can't wait to see your reaction to it 😊


Great episode. Shame the music when Rodney learns it's a boy is not the original O Fortuna as it's much funnier.


Have I missed something? Why is Rodney being a knob with the whole baby Damien thing?


Just don't read my comments, freedom of speech, not freedom of oppression.


As someone has previously pointed out next weeks episode can be either be watched on its own or as a very extended version that will include the subsequent episode edited on to the end of It making a double bill of sorts. Personally I’d advise watching both episodes separately so as not to miss any of the minor scenes that were omitted in the “double length” version for pacing reasons if you can help it. Just so you are aware the second part of the Miami Twice “double bill” Oh To Be In England has been horrendously edited down from 95minutes to 85 on Netflix, hope you manage to find full versions no matter how you choose to watch both episodes. You will be pleased to know that to my knowledge Miami Twice and Oh To Be In England will be the last time you need to worry about ending up with any edited down episodes of Fools & Horse going forward- Lovely Jubbly!!

Jonathan Giles

yeah the full unedited versions are always the best. Hopefully he reacts to both episodes in one viewing. I agree king. Cant remember anymore edited versons after this. Thanks


One of my favourite 'Loyal Trigger' moments is when the Driscoll Brothers catch Del hiding in the Pub's spare room, and they tell Trigger to leave. He refuses to until Del tells him to go. It's only a brief moment but I think it speaks volumes.


What streaming service did you find the full 95 minute version of Oh To Be In England on? I’ve been searching for about an hour now trying to find a full uncut version of the episode to link on here and the best I could find was a Daily Motion upload split into three parts.


Just had a sobering thought... this was the last episode in the actual series of Fools And Horses- from here on out its nothing but the annual feature length Christmas specials left to go.


"They're naming him Rodney, after Dave" - has to be one of my favourite Trigger lines!


When the first 3 special came out John Sullivan was on des O'Connor he said the baby being born was his original ending

David Lyons

Hearing 'Nothing Compares 2 U' makes me think Cassandra put that song on deliberately and was planning to try and sway Rodney back to her from the start!


I hope when you watch miami twice next week it's the version that has the laughter track on part two, it really makes the whole experience better

Andy Farmer

yeah i sent him the links


Personally I think editing the 2 seperate episodes together and putting a terrible laughter track over the entire film is awful. Like the 60 minute A Royal Flush episode, why do they have to change these things years later? It's originally a 2 parter and should be treated as such.

Jehan Ariyaratnam

The funniest line was when the Scottish midwife walks in and Dels like “easy pal there’s a woman aboit to give birth in here” And the guy says “I know that’s why I’m here…” Del Boy interprets it as a pervo just tagging along and then just openly admitting he came t perve - “that’s why I’m here…” lol


That is hilarious man. I can imagine seeing that right after you eat would be terrible lol. Thanks for sharing bud.


That's not a spoiler grow up


We also don't need sad little men who jump on everything people say trying to correct them get a life


You've been waiting for people to comment so u can correct them these pages are full of people like u who think they know everything IL say it again get a life

Josip Buretic

That was hilarious episode!! I enjoyed it so much that was amazing

Joe S

Just so you know when he called the wigs ‘syrups’ that’s Cockney rhyming slang. Syrup of fig = wig


Josh will provide his own laughter track as he does on all his videos.


They were correcting your comment, try not to take it so personally. Also not really much need to act so abrasive and toxic on a page like this, it isn't a youtube comment section. Try to keep your temper under control a bit better