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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Come Fly With Me

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1



Can’t wait!

Teddy Alison

Another fantastic episode Josh! Glad you are enjoying the series. Will you update the patreon banner?


I had that when my Mum bought me a Gameboy in Cyprus. The guy goes "you get a game with it" and I picked one out, then my mum said "we get it for free with it?"..... "No"..... lol.


This is gonna be a SICKKKK reaction! You get me?


21:02 what do I remember her being in?


Why would tranny porn be illegal?


I've not watched the reaction yet, so im just taking your question totally out of context, but i'd imagine that it could be illegal in places that aren't very accepting of trans people. Like very right wing places like countries in the middle east.


Great show! Taj is my favourite character. It's impossible not to have a soft spot for him. Precious is great too!


As well as Judith and Peter😂, my faves are the two baggage handlers..they're are a hoot! Hopefully they'll be on next weeks episode ...


I really enjoyed that. …. The people probably don’t like this show are probably in their 50s.


I'm actually listening to Matt lucas' audio book at the moment, sadly he's a bit woke and although he's stated he isn't that concerned about portraying different races in this he did think in today's world if it was brought back he would probably have actors of the same race of the persons portrayed. Woke nonsense and only the charecter ting tong in little Britain went to far and was wrong, I thought the japanese fan girls in last weeks episode was a bit much, but only because they looked so ugly, the aggressive Japanese talking was hilarious 😂. He was regularly stoned on this series and going through drama in reality, the suicide of his ex. Friends actor David aka Ross was the director of Little Britain USA hence his cameo here.

Ryan Lynch

Out of curiosity what makes Ting Tong the worst portryal? Im trying to remember but was she the only racial stereotype in the show?


Matt thought ting tong was a bit to much of a stereotype of the Thai bribe that it could be considered racially prejudice. Funnily enough both matt and David and there female producer were worried most about Lou and Andy during production due to thinking people may think they are just making fun of a disabled person, which really wasn't what sketches were about , they had zero complaints about those sketches and they wer the most liked.


i wonder when it starts to get "offensive" , god dam cupcakes lmao , people need to watch Ricky Gervais's skit on " jokes to offend" he really does a awesome job of explaining nothing is safe in comedy. cupcakes and censoring is cancer! hope you are well josh mate :)


I liked it wen it was first aired and I like it just as much now I'm in my 50s.


I always got the impression a lot of offense taken is on behalf of others, which is ironically quite bigoted in its own right, and/or a cover for actually just not liking the actors or writers.


Nice reaction Josh, and interesting views on the whole offense culture. With regards to your last comments on the hate for Come Fly with Me and Gavin and Stacey, I agree that there's always an aggressive type of reaction to certain comedies that are deemed unfunny because of their broad appeal and popularity. I think it's a certain type of elitist snobbery that most people have with regards to taste and subjectivity over what is deemed funny. Personally my dislike for Mrs Brown's Boys really fuels my snobbery, but I don't feel my opinion is important enough to dismiss the millions of people that do find it funny. I don't think anyone has the right to dictate what is funny or not. especially when recommending comedy to others. With Gavin and Stacey, I think a lot of the negative response is from people who have a dislike for James Corden, who is the co-writer and performer on the show. It was generally well received and well loved (and still is) until it was deemed uncool to like Corden. So I think that association with Corden has given the show a bad rep, despite it being commonly accepted as brilliantly written and observed comedy. So I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised by how entertaining it is, when it does come round in the polls. I don't mean to dismiss anyone's opinion, but I think it's a shame that people want to deny others comedy, based on their own tastes. There's enough negativity in the world at the moment, that anything designed to make people happy is a good thing in my book.


@TheHigh Don't attack cupcakes, they're great. I find your attack on cupcakes regressive and offensive!

Matgo Styles

I think that's letting the writers get away scot free. For instance, as a gay person at school I was relentlessly bullied by people using lines from the "Only Gay In The Village" sketches from Little Britain and I know several trans people that struggled deeply with the "I'm A Laydee" characters. So it's not just a case of choosing to take offense. For me, and others Lucas and Walliams' characters had a genuine lasting impact.


Spot on there josh, I don’t really underhand the comments against come fly with me and gavin and Stacey I think there both very funny shows, everyone has different opinions I guess I love come fly with me so great to see you finally reacting to it 👍

Kieran B

The drunk pilot is Den Perry from Phoenix Nights, Ted Robbins is known as the king of warm up, he does pretty much every comedy and panel show - he’s also Paul McCartney’s cousin

Kieran B

I think you’re right there on Corden, I remember it being well-liked and critically acclaimed in the past and I like it. And agree with your general points, I’m not the biggest fan on CFWM as I think once you’ve seen one episode you’ve pretty much seen them all but there’s still stuff in them I think is funny.

Podey Williams

There's a great quote from Penn Jillette that I think is relevant as far as "finding offense" in comedy goes, which I'm going to paraphrase: "People aren't so interested in transgressive comedy anymore but I'm not going to say it's because of political correctness, rather that we're thinking differently about kindness these days and that can only be a good thing".


When it comes to claims of racism, sexism and any other 'ism I think you can only judge it by intent - i.e. did they say it with hate in their heart? Many words that we don't use these days were never used in a racist way by the majority, but the minority of racists hijacked those words and forced the language to change. Of course a lot of that is for the better because we are more likely these days to refer to people as people rather than their gender, religion, race, etc. We're all a work in progress.


I've never seen this before but decided to check it out with you and I'm enjoying it so far. I get why the comedy might feel a bit 'dated' but I don't mind personally.