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Spoiler Free: This episode has been mentioned a lot on Youtube and here. I have been looking forward to watching this episode for a while. So far I have reacted to 4 of the top five most mentioned. I could only remember 4 when I was recording this so I went with the top 4. The Speech, Work Outing, Sea Parks, Final Count Down, and The Dinner Party. I forgot the dinner party when I was recording. I enjoyed this episode Overall,

Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!    Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!

Watching episodes of Count Down didn't make much of a difference in my opinion. Mainly because I think some of the jokes may have been catered to long-term fans of the show. Watching a couple of episodes didn't help me understand who the guy was in the photo, why they made such a big deal when Roy wanted a beer or if the people in the bar were actual past contestants. I thought maybe the drinking thing was just frowned upon because they were all intellectuals and need to be focused at all times, in case they are ever challenged maybe  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. My favorite moments were Roy laughing at how serious Moss and -1 were about Count Down lol. The work out the scene with Douglas.Roy taking a long awkward trip down from the rooftop after insulting his ride and Moss being a badass. I enjoyed this episode but I would still put The Speech and Work Outing as my top 2. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!  

As always I would love to read your comments below


The IT Crowd_ Season 4, Episode 2 The Final Countdown.mp4


Samuel Coghlan-White

tbh I'm always a little bit worried about americans watching this one

Tony Smyth

Wait until we get to the one with the suspect-device. That's going to be hilarious.

Tony Smyth

And can I just say that Moss is the best-named character in TV history?

Michael Harrop

Blows my mind every time but Prime is played by Benadict Wong. He is best knows as Wong in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Stranges friend. He looks so different here!

Manly Stump

The guy on the wall in the club was the original host of Countdown, Richard Whiteley. He passed away in 2005 and they've had a few different hosts since then. Funnily enough the first replacement was Des Lynam who was mentioned in the last episode of Bottom you watched, the blackmail photo taped to the bottom of the fridge!

Manly Stump

Also I'm curious if you recognised "Prime"; he plays Wong in Doctor Strange/Avengers!

Louis Hessey-Antell

Oh no! I'm so sorry we all forgot to tell you it was on for about a million years with Richard Whitely and Carol Vorderman. They made it iconic, and these new guys really haven't been around very long.


I never thought this was one of the best episodes. It's sweet natured but not as funny as others.

Tony Smyth

There's Countdown, then there's 8 of of 10 Cats, then there's 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown ... I get confused meself.


Also, I'm not sure why Sea Parks keeps coming up as an all-time great episode either. The IT Crowd is always wonderful, and all the episodes have great moments, but Sea Parks has Jen's arc with the band guy which doesn't really go anywhere and I'm struggling to think of anything in it that lifts really it above other eps.

Tony Smyth

And yeah Josh... I think that that was Limmy too. It's a testament to his understated acting-skills. I don't work for him. I work for Joe Wilkinson. He doesn't pay me, but so what? He doesn't know I work for him.


Count Down is for the elderly and jobless, no one enjoys it lol.


I couldn't believe Limmy was in this. I have been watching him live stream.

Steve King

I think the problem for Josh not seeing it as a great as us UK viewers (albeit not all) is the difference between simply knowing what the show is and how it works, and knowing its place in British culture. To The IT Crowds demographic, Countdown represents a really boring show they that's been on since they've been alive, 5 days a week, most of the year, that their parents or grandparents liked watching. Anyone under 60 who likes it and all of contestants are very square, nerdy and socially awkward. If I told he looked like a Countdown contestant he'd take that as a massive diss. Hence, I think the adsurdity of the winners becoming cool and them having a private club comes a bit more natural to a Brit and that heightens the jokes that follow


Countdown isnt that popular, its just been on tv for years and become a national institution. Work outing is the best episode in my opinion.

Tony Smyth

That's what I was just about to say. (Please congratulate your friend for being a Countdown contestant on my behalf.)

Tony Smyth

How dare you! The only 'work-outing' I want is in my underwear, thank you very much! Countdown is VERY popular amongst the student/unemployed/pensioner demographic. Rachael is our Princess, Carol was our Queen.


To be fair, Josh did so much research on Countdown weeks ago when a patron told him to (because he misread s4e02 as s2e04). In fact, he knew enough about Countdown that when it was referenced in Father Ted episode "The Old Grey Whistle Theft" (with Ted saying "Dougal, I am not Richard Whiteley!" while Dougal was dreaming about asking for consonants from Carol), Josh knew exactly what the reference was. He's also supremely adept at recognising British actors that have been in more than one show - he recognised Sarah Hadland in Peep Show after he'd seen her in IT Crowd, for instance. Few people would even know who she is apart from the Miranda-watchers! Josh, dude, you're doing an awesome job. Certain little things may still pass you by but it's to be expected. Tbh you're clocking more than the average idiot Brit anyway, and certainly more than 99% of Americans. Even to understand all the accents so well puts you ahead of almost all non-Brits!

Manly Stump

Carol was on it for 26 years and Rachel has been for nearly 12. It's less than half but still a fair time in itself.

Tony Smyth

@ slashdisco: You hit the nail on the head there. I was just about to say what you said in your last paragraph, but with less words. Not because I can't think of anything to add... because I'm lazy. (but yeah...)

Tony Smyth

This site is always the highlight of my day. I love the content, I love the reactions, I love the community and most of all I love the respect and tolerance displayed in the comments/polls. It feels nice to be here. Yes I have been drinking.


Yes that's Limmy!!


I never recognized Gemma Chan until now. love this ep.


Holy shit I forgot benedict wong was Prime, imagine telling him then he'd be making that marvel money,


what the fuck???! havent watched IT crowd since I was 14, FUCKING LIMMY! IS THE WINDOW CLEANER HAHAAHAHAHA RIP Benny Harvey by the way we miss you big man