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What I recently did:

VR problems on Android and iOS (update)

I keep pondering about this and decided (for now) to wait a few weeks before tackling the problem again. This means that 1. Yes, I want to keep supporting VR on Android and iOS. But also 2. That problems on iOS and VR won't be fixed as soon as we all want it to. 😟

New Water

I hated the water shader for a while now, especially in VR. So when I found a new one that is supposed to work in VR and be performant I didn't wait long to put it in the hub scene.

New transition in hub scene

I put in a new additional transition to make the change to the bright hub scene more comfortable. Right now it is everytime when the hub scene is entered and also both in VR and 2D. I will probably tweak it in the future. For now this is a quickfix for a request to allow for darker hub scenes as the brightness can be rough right after an hypnosis session.

New visual

I only implemented one, "red space", which hopefully is nice for people. I'm not unhappy with it, but it also feels a bit "simple"? I don't know, I hope I get feedback from those who test out the next version.

What I hope to accomplish next (this week):

Bugfixes for SessionMaker

There are a few bugs I still haven't gotten around to fix. Also I need to add the new red space to the SessionMaker.

Working on multi-phase-sessions in SessionMaker

This work won't see the light of day anytime soon, but I gotta start if I want to have that kind of session before the end of the year.

Test version for Patrons (Alphas & Betas)

Nothing to say here, it happens today. :)

That's the status for today. Please get in touch with any questions or problems!


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