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What I recently did:

Released on Android

A critical bug was discovered, I managed to put in a last minute problem in 1.3.2, that caused the app to crash if you haven't already given the file access permission and also started the app in VR mode.

Releasing 1.3.3 (today)

Another critical bug was found that caused the inbuilt sessions to end prematurely. Imported sessions and mind massages are not affected by the bug. I am in the process of uploading the new version to all the stores / platforms.

(Trying to) overhaul VR code to no longer use deprecated stuff and fix VR problems on Android and iOS

I will have to be brief and be careful not to turn this into a rant. Long story short, updating the VR system in Unity worked like a breeze until it came to Cardboard. I spend day after day trying to make it run on Android. Doesn't work. I'm seriously thinking about finally phasing out VR support for iOS and Android (except GearVR). Does anyone use VR on these platforms? Will they be crushed if I go down that road?

What I hope to accomplish next (this week):

New Spirals (actually not spirals)

I want to create a few more visuals that aren't spirals. Not everyone loves spirals and there are other things one can look at. Also, I want to do a Ganzfeld visual, maybe to be used with closed eyes.


There are a few bugs I still haven't gotten around to fix. I want to fix that. :)

Test version for Patrons (Alphas & Betas)

I didn't make it last month, due to those VR overhaul problems mentioned above. But when I got those bugfixes and at least one new visual effect in, you'll get a version to test!

That's the status for today. Please get in touch with any questions or problems!

Oh, and thoughts on the possible phaseout of VR on phones are welcome!



Personally I prefer having the option to use my android phone for the VR, as not everyone has $500+ to drop on a proper VR setup.


+1 here for keeping phone support! I've always used MMM on my Android phone or my partner's iPhone, and I'd basically be stuck on old versions forever if support for those went away.