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I've been helping out my parents with some renovations this week, along with running various errands and paying taxes. I was offered a couple of commissions for artwork from people I know IRL that I've been grinding away at. And I've also been various degrees of stressed and depressed, which isn't an excuse but it is the truth.

Technically I have no new art to post this week. The only never-before-seen drawing I got to share was the work-in-progress sketch of my piece for the Phantom Breaker Omnia in-game unlockable art gallery. The rest are a compilation of old art, yet again.

I feel pretty terrible about not getting new art done as quickly as I normally have, even though I realize wallowing in guilt is not going to get the creative juices flowing. I wake up tired. I want to throw up thinking about how "far behind" I've gotten, compared to the times when I'm super productive. Anyway, I'm sorry.

As always, I understand if anyone's tired of waiting for new art and wants to cut and run. I deserve nothing but I appreciate anything. Thanks so much for whatever support you're still willing to give, and I'll keep doing my best to make cool stuff in the future.

And now for commentary!

YELLOW SERIES (compilation of old artwork, all original characters)

1. Summer Kelda: I did this originally as a print design to sell at Smash N' Splash, the Smash Bros. tournament at Wisconsin Dells. I thought it was really cute, and a nice alternate take on Kelda -- but at the tournament, I had people complain to the TOs that my displayed artwork was inappropriate and I had to take some of it down. Luckily I'd already sold out of Summer Kelda. :)

2. Bloodwing Devil: I've done a few drawings of this character, but I don't have any particular lore for her. She's entirely an aesthetic design -- meant to be appreciated visually and that's it. The contrast of the red-pink blood on her wings and the blue-green sky really appeals to me.

3. Death Maid: The part of this design I'm still most proud of is the skull-shaped cutaway on her chest. I'm sure the negative space would need to be something more like fishnets or lace to work IRL, but I think it'd be cool to see as a cosplay or something.

4. Suspicion: This was a drawing for Color-vember, a challenge I made for myself in November 2019 where I did a full-color drawing (with as little black or white as possible) every day for a month. My prompt was "suspicion", and this sort of low-angle shot of a woman glancing back at an unreadable figure came to mind. If I was remaking it today, I'd push the fish-eye look more and steepen the angle, but I still think the concept is strong.


5. Itsuki: I was invited to create a piece for the in-game art gallery of Phantom Breaker Omnia, an anime fighting game coming out this year. After the artists were announced, I was allowed to show off a WIP, but the finished piece will be available to see in the released game. I chose to draw Itsuki, the blue-haired maid character (for obvious reasons).

Anyway, that's all I've got. Sorry again for not living up what I've been capable of in the past. Thank you again and best wishes.




As far as I'm concerned, knowing that you're trying to make your life and art situation a better one is enough for me. I don't think you need to apologize for any delays or breaks, it happens to everyone dude! Take care of yourself, brother. Proud of you!


Speaking for myself atleast, I'm not here to demand or impatiently wait for new art. I'm here to support you however long it takes, because I enjoy the end result and don't have any qualms waiting however long, and if it's gotta backburner due to life, that's how it goes and I'll still be here.