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Commission for Baox, featuring his OC Deltas stumbling into the Arcane Sanctuary and taking a liking to it's keepers. NSFW warning.


Something was definitely wrong with the teleporter. The young, well dressed man didn’t have a lot of time to process that information - the effect of the device was nearly instant. But he’d used the interdimensional travel device often enough to know how it should feel, and know that something had gone wrong. It had misfired, or maybe had just not been calibrated in too long, and it was going to throw him somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be.

One moment, he’d been in one of his offices among assorted dimensions; the next, he found himself staring at a wall of books. He blinked a few times, reorienting himself and looking around to make sure he wasn’t in immediate danger. The last time they’d had a teleporter misfire, it had been a bit of a sticky situation - and not the fun kind!

The shelves seemed to go on, and on, and on, some of them not even holding books but instead knick knacks and curios. Whatever the case, short of someone on the other side knocking a shelf onto him, he didn’t seem to be in any danger. He sighed, and fixed his tie.

Deltas Danforth, the CEO of an inter-dimensional conglomerate, tech genius and amateur mage, was not in a mood for this sort of interruption. He was mildly curious what kind of world he’d ended up in, but he didn’t have time to look around and see. He’d been just about to head over to visit one of his assorted spouses for a night of fun before getting back to business the next day, and he wasn’t one to keep his lovers waiting.

He drew out his device again, and tried to hit the button to continue to his original destination. The screen spat back a series of blinking red letters. ERROR: Start Position Not Found. He tried it again, and got the error again.

“That’s unusual…” he muttered to himself. This wasn’t the first time he’d gotten an error - but usually when he had errors where it refused to start, it was because his end destination was either put in wrong and was trying to get him to a nonexistent dimension, or would be trying to teleport into a wall. This was the first time he’d ever seen the issue be that his device couldn’t find his start position.

“Well, I suppose that means I’ll investigate after all.” He said, pocketing the teleporter and looking around. Maybe there would be someone or something he could use to figure out what was up with the teleporter. He randomly picked a direction - one looked much like the other - and started walking.

He might be a bit of a newbie when it came to magic, but even he could feel something was up with the place. It wasn’t just a dusty library, there was some kind of magic permeating the entire thing from floorboards to… ceiling which was also a floor, and filled with it’s own shelves, apparently. He looked away before he could give himself vertigo. Maybe that was interfering with his teleporter.

The man paused in his track as he heard something up ahead - a voice, humming to some unknown tune. Deltas turned at the next intersection and started walking towards the sound, eager to find someone in this empty archive.

A few turns later, and a bit of backtracking, he found the source of the humming. He turned a corner and saw what looked to be a young woman with a notepad and pen taking stock of the shelves. “Hmmm hm hmm…” she hummed, not apparently noticing his presence. She was wearing a maid’s outfit in green, and her hair was tied in a side ponytail. She also wasn’t quite human, it seemed - she had canine ears and a tail, which glinted with a metallic shine along with her bronze-colored hair.

“Cute…” Deltas said, unable to help himself. The girl looked up, noticing him with big green eyes.

“Oh, hello!” she called, waving - her tail wagged a bit as she did so, and she jogged up to him with a smile. “So sorry I didn’t notice you, I didn’t realize we had a visitor!”

Oh, but she was adorable, Deltas couldn’t help but think. He cleared his throat and straightened his tie again, and tried to settle his blonde hair. “Oh, it’s quite alright, my dear.” He said. “I’m not so sure I’d be called a visitor as a lost traveler, as a matter of fact. You see, my teleporter seems to have misfired and sent me here. Now, it won’t seem to send me home either.”

The girl nodded in understanding. “I see, I see… yeah, this isn’t the first time that happened. If you see my sister Luna, try not to annoy her, I don’t want a repeat of the ‘Luka’ incident…”

Deltas raised an eyebrow. “I’ll keep that in mind. My name is Deltas Danforth. And you, my dear?”

The wolf-girl blinked, and then gasped. “Oh! I haven’t introduced myself, I’m so sorry!” she curtsied low, and then stood straight and spoke in a formal voice. “I am Lupa, one of the caretakers of the Arcane Sanctuary. It is my duty to help guide visitors! Please, alert me if you need any assistance.” she said with a smile.

She was so earnest, it was so cute… Deltas nodded. “Well, mostly, I just need to find a way to get this working so I can be on my way.” he said. “I don’t suppose you could assist with that?”

“Well, maybe! I don’t really mess with technology that much but I’m sure I can figure something out! I hope I can help!”

It really was too much cuteness for him to bear. Deltas found himself automatically reaching out a hand.

“Huh? What are you- ooooh…”

Lupa had a moment of confusion, but then that vanished along with most coherent thought as the man began to pet her. Her tail began to wag rapidly on it’s own accord, and Lupa found herself pushing into the pets more. “Hhhn… stop…” she moaned, but her words and her physical actions were worlds apart - the twins, as it turned out, had a major weakness.

“Oh? Are you sure you want me to stop~?” Deltas teased, petting her even more, rubbing her ears between thumb and forefinger, “You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself, even if you say that. Are you sure you don’t want me to keep going~?” Man, he simply couldn’t help himself with cute girls like this. Lupa seemed made to slam on his buttons, and she’d done that well - she was positively adorable as she needily nuzzled against his hand, tail wagging up a storm and with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She might look like a wolf, but all it took to have her acting like a dog was a bit of physical affection it seemed.

Lupa’s mind felt fuzzy. She wasn’t able to think cohesively, as her thoughts were rubbed away. She probably should be doing something, but the only thing that was occurring to her was to acquire more petting.

“Hey!” A new voice called out from down the aisle. Deltas looked around, and spotted another girl approaching. “What are you doing with Lupa? Only I’m allowed to mess with her like that! I know we’re supposed to be nice to visitors, but that’s not ok!” The new arrival snapped. She looked a lot like Lupa, as it turned out - a rather short, extraordinarily cute wolfgirl. She was nearly identical to the one Deltas was presently petting, but with silver hair, purple eyes and uniform, and her side-ponytail on the other side.

Deltas couldn’t help but smile. Not only was Lupa just about the cutest dog he’d seen, she had a twin sister who was just as cute. Nothing could have made him happier at that moment than that knowledge, and there it was. “Are you jealous?” he asked. “I have two hands, you know. Come over here, and I can pet you too~”

Luna’s face reddened a bit. “O-Of course I don’t want to be pet! I’m a wolf-girl, not a dog! I’m going to go over there and make you stop!” she declared, pulling a book out of thin air in one hand and a pen in another, and starting to scribble.

Deltas knew a magical spell was incoming when he saw one. Maneuvering his hand to instead scratch under Lupa’s chin, which drew a pleased mewl from the girl, he decided he didn’t much want to see what it would be. “Cutie, why don’t you help me out? If you stop her and make her feel like you do, I’ll give you all the pets you could want, and maybe a bit more~”

The words struggled through the fog in Lupa’s head, but she got them. She didn’t think about it all that much. She wanted to be pet more so she would do whatever got that result. She drew out her own book, and quickly scribbled a sentence.

The magical disturbance knocked the shelf around a bit - while it was shaking, a certain item fell off and into the approaching mage’s mouth… she’d be feeling really good soon…

Luna was about to make more demands, but as she opened her mouth, something fell from the shelf and into her open mouth. Deltas caught a flash of pink before it vanished into Luna’s mouth. The wolfgirl halted her advance in confusion, and unfortunately for her, bit down instinctively.

She dropped to her knees as a wall of sensation hit her. “Oooooh….” she moaned loudly, although muffled by the pink treat that still filled her mouth. She blushed, this time with a distinctly different feeling than anger. Maybe she should spit it out- she found that, on autopilot, she’d bitten it again.

Suddenly, it was hard to think. Luna felt like a pink fog was enveloping her mind. “Ehehehe… what was that?” she asked, although even those words were difficult to get out. Wait, what was she doing - she absentmindedly chewed on the treat in her mouth a bit more.

Deltas watched with a raised eyebrow as Luna’s body began to shift. As he watched, she rapidly got curvier, her hips widening and waist getting thinner. Her thighs suddenly gained a solid plumpness to them, good to grab, and her bottom expanded to accommodate her new proportions. Her breasts were already pretty big, but seemed eager not to be left behind, swelling and straining the wolf-maid’s dress.

Luna suddenly felt really… sensitive, all of a sudden. She absentmindedly rubbed at her engorged breasts, and moaned loudly. It felt good. It felt really good, and so did rubbing her thighs. Her tail began to wag, slowly at first and picking up speed. Why was she so hot all of a sudden? She chewed the treat a bit more, and she found the fog in her mind deepening - but it was hard to care, as her rapidly rising libido took her attention and she started to slip her hand down from her thigh towards a distinctly more sensitive spot.

The wolf-girl was horny. She was so, so horny, mind-blowingly horny. She moaned again as she slipped her panties aside and started rubbing at her dripping slit, even as she swallowed the thoroughly chewed treat. Doing that blew what was left of her mind away. She couldn’t remember why she’d been angry, or worried. Really, she couldn’t remember that she had been at all - right then all that mattered was carnal relief.

Knowledge of magic dripped down from her mind and out between her legs, and so did quite a few skills. She wouldn’t need those. The only skills she needed were built in with primal instincts. Her face shifted slightly, lips growing plump and pouty and ready to use, and her eyes seemed unfocused. Her tail wagged rapidly as she pushed herself deeper and deeper into a horny haze. “Hnnn~ Too much…~” she moaned, and let out a sharp bark as she rubbed a particularly sensitive spot.

The young man couldn’t help himself - he was aroused, as he watched Luna become a bimbo right in front of him. She was still quite cute, but now she was also distinctly fuckable. In fact, she seemed desperately horny and in need of a good dicking, and a gentleman could hardly refuse that. As if her own magic acknowledged her transformation, her outfit shifted - suddenly, her nipples were poking out of her much more revealing top, and her skirt hardly covered her panties, leaving the slit easily visible.

“Oh, I just have to give her some attention.” Deltas said. He turned to Lupa. “Sit.” He said. Lupa obeyed automatically, crouching down in a distinctly dog-like position, and he rewards her with some more pets. “Good girl.”

He approached the bimbofied wolf-girl, who was presently hastily shoving her panties out of the way so she could finger herself, eyes staring blankly into the air as she kneeled without a thought in her mind but her need. She was certainly in no position, physical or mental, to resist when Deltas gave her a smooch on her lips. “Hehehe…” she giggled, not really understanding why he’d done it but enjoying it all the same.

“Looks like this cute little pup needs some help~” Deltas said, running his hand down her curves and towards her needy slit, “Do you want me to help you out~?”

“Hah… need it…” Luna moaned. She needed release, and her own fingers just weren’t enough. She needed someone else to get her off.

Well, he saw no reason to leave her in distress. One hand found her head and started to gently pet her, which seemed to do more for her than her own rubbing had done - juices began to drip onto the floor as her arousal grew. The other hand plunged into her pussy, and got to work.  Luna’s moans grew louder and louder as she was finally given the attention she desperately craved, and as she was brazenly fingered.

Her hips automatically bucked against his hand, trying to pull it deeper, and her hand seemed to find it’s way to his crotch without any conscious effort. Even as she was finger-fucked, the wolf girl began to rub at Deltas’ stiff manhood still contained in his pants, as if eager to return the favor. Deltas briefly considered just dropping his pants and fucking her right then and there, but he wanted to let her finish first~

Unlike in Luna’s. No plans were forming there, or indeed, no coherent thoughts at all. Her head was empty of anything besides a desire for carnal pleasure. Her body began to shake and shudder, as she came on Deltas’ fingers, falling limp against his arm and panting heavily as she basked in the afterglow.

Meanwhile, Lupa had been left to recover from her own petting. She was beginning to be able to think again. “Ugh… what was that…?” she groaned, blinking the fog away and standing again. Why had she been sitting like that?

Deltas had been just about to drop his pants and fuck the silver-haired wolfgirl. But looking back at Lupa now, an idea began to form. “There’s a good girl~” he whispered in her ear as he continued to pet her. “You wanna have more fuckies? You wanna be a good girl?”

The phrase ‘good girl’ bounced around Luna’s empty mind. So did the word ‘fuck’. She did want more. She needed more. “Mmmhm~ Fuckies~” she giggled brainlessly.

“Then be a good dog, and go help your sister feel as good as you do~” Deltas said. “Two bimbos are better than one, after all~ If you do, I’ll make sure to fuck you both real good, and then you can be my cute little pets~”

The idea of refusal simply didn’t enter her mind. Luna bolted upright, recovering surprisingly fast from her orgasmic high, grinning like an idiot. “Okaaay~” she giggled, before walking over towards Lupa.

“Huh? Luna? What happened to you?” Lupa asked. “Do you need some he- mmph!”

Lupa’s concern was interrupted as another pink treat was shoved into her mouth. “I feel good~ I just wanna make you feel good too~” Luna giggled, following the treat by leaning in to give her a kiss.

The bronze-haired maid moaned back into her sister’s mouth as the treat began to effect her, instantly bringing back the fog that had filled her mind earlier, but even stronger. She was hit by a sudden wave of arousal, only kept on her feet by her sister’s presence, as all the worries and concerns she’d been starting to form were blasted away again.

She moaned as her clothes began to strain themselves. She was already beginning to transform, her modest chest swelling in size and beginning to properly rub against Luna’s. At the same time, she gained matching curves, and her butt got just a bit bigger and her thighs a bit thicker. And, of course, her libido was rising rapidly.

In Luna’s deeply horny mind, she only wanted to help her sister out. She knew how unbearably horny she had been after the treat (and still was), so she would help her. She dropped to her knees and pulled aside Lupa’s panties, and without so much as a word plunged into her womanhood with an expert tongue and the knowledge that her identical twin would have just the same sensitive spots as she did.

Deltas was more than pleased with that response as Lupa shrieked with pleasure, one hand finding it’s way to her own breasts to grope, while the other rested on Luna’s head and pulled her deeper. Her thoughts drained out of her head as Luna worked, the sisters unknowingly reinforcing each other’s bimbofication, reinforcing the instinct that they had no need for any thoughts more complicated than eat, fuck, and sleep.

As Lupa’s eyes grew cloudy and unfocused in her pleasured haze, the finishing touches came for her as well - plump cock-sucking lips, and increasingly slutty clothes that did nothing to hide her ample figure. Once again, Luna and Lupa were identical twins - in fact they were even more similar than before, now both horny, airheaded bimbos.

Deltas approached as Lupa reached her climax, and as he did Luna withdrew. She giggled at the sight of his tented pants, and licked off some of her sister’s juices as she made a mock salute. “Lupa’s all silly and slutty now~ Do I get my treats~?” she giggled.

Lupa managed to mostly recover from her orgasm as Deltas came towards them. “Huh? Treats? I want treats!”

Deltas grinned broadly. He just couldn’t leave those two alone here now. He’d planned to just get their help and go, but then, he realized he could have some bimbo twins of his own. He simply had to have them. Besides, they were just too cute! He pulled a pair of objects from his pockets - he always kept a few spares with him.

“Of course, of course. I can do one better.” he said, spinning the collars on his fingers. “Why don’t you take my collars and be mine? I’ll give you two a good home, and lots of love, like good puppies should have~”

“Oooh… but we’re wolves though-” Lupa started.

Deltas gave her some pets, and she shut up, tail wagging wildly and tongue lolling out of her mouth. “No, I don’t think you are. Wolves wouldn’t react like that. You two are clearly adorable dogs. And a dog should have a nice home, and a loving owner.”

“I’ll be your dog! I need more treats!” Luna said.

Lupa, unable to really think cohesively while being pet again, simply offered a bark in response.

“Well, that’s good enough for me~” he said. He pushed the collars onto the pair, and they clicked closed and adjusted to their necks. Name tags sketched themselves into the logo, along with a bit of information on just who owned them.

Both of the girls seemed to get even hornier as the collars settled. Good girls made their Owner happy, and Deltas was clearly their Owner - it said so on their collars. And the pair were most definitely good girls. “Owneeer~ You promised me treatssss~” Luna whined, although she wasn’t all that forceful as she pressed herself against Deltas and started rubbing his dick through his pants.

“I want treats too!” Lupa begged, falling to her knees and nuzzling her face against his erection.

He was already late to that meeting, Deltas noted as he gently pushed them off him. There wouldn’t be much difference between an hour late and three or four hours late, surely. “Sure~ You have a better place for this?”

The newly minted dogs nodded fervently, and led their new owner down the hall. It looked much like the others to Deltas, but after several turns they found a more comfortable looking spot - this area being carpeted rather than with wooden floors, with a comfortable lounge chair and a desk. “This is one of our study rooms!” Lupa explained.

“Works for me.” Deltas said. “Alright~ You’ll get your treats for being such good dogs~” he continued, and dropped his pants to finally reveal his cock to the girls. They both stared, completely transfixed as their bimbo brains slowly processed the intense desire they felt at the sight.

Deltas grinned, snapping his finger to get their attention. “Luna? On your hands and knees, please~ A rough girl like you needs appropriately rough attention~”

Luna eagerly complied, dropping to all fours and presenting her rear towards Deltas. “Come onnnn~ I can’t wait any longer, I feel like I’m going to burst!” she pleaded. Her wet vagina was soaking her panties through. Lupa assisted by pulling aside her twin’s panties and tail, clearing the path for their owner.

“Thanks, love~” he said, giving Lupa a pat on the head, “Wait your turn patiently, like a good girl~” He positioned himself, wrapping his arms around Luna’s waist for support and lining up, before slamming himself home.

Luna’s pleasured shout filled the room as her lips parted for him, her womanhood greedily taking in his cock as deep as it would fit. Deltas groaned a bit himself, feeling the tightness that resisted his pulling out as it clenched down. Oh, this was most definitely a good idea. “Hhhhn~ Owneeer~” Luna moaned, bucking against his cock in an effort to pull it deeper.

Deltas saw no reason to take it slow now - he pulled out, causing his pet to whimper pitifully, but that was only temporary as he slammed in again. He began to settle into a rhythm as he thrust forwards, pulled out, thrust again, on repeat. Each time was just a bit faster, just a bit deeper, as her pussy adjusted to his manhood.

The bronze-haired bimbo wasn’t about to be left out. She’d been told to wait her turn, so she would, like a good girl, but she didn’t have to do nothing while she waited! She knelt beside her sister, and while she was busy moaning like a slut, she pulled her into a kiss, while one hand reached down the young woman’s shirt and started to play with her breasts.

Luna came quickly. She had been rapidly gaining arousal since her transformation, and finally being dicked down gave her the release she’d been craving, not to mention her sister’s additional attention. But Deltas had more stamina than that - he held the shuddering and climaxing girl tight as she came, and once her pussy’s vice grip on his cock slackened, picked up the pace again.

He pounded her raw - the girl wanted to be fucked silly like a slut, so he would oblige. She came again, moaning in arousal into Lupa’s mouth, and this time, Deltas felt his own climax approaching. Adjusting his grip on Luna’s hips, he pulled himself down to the hilt inside of her as he felt his manhood begin to throb.

Luna screamed in pleasure as he came inside her, painting her inner walls white and flooding her cunt with cum. She loved this, loved being used like a toy, loved having what was left of her brains fucked out. Deltas withdrew, his dick trailing a bit of semen as it left a thoroughly stuffed dog behind.

The first sister slumped over with a brainless but undeniably satisfied grin on her face. Lupa looked down at her, and then back to Deltas, and grinned, before shifting over to meet him. She was on her hands and knees too - but she took the opportunity to take some initiative. Her Owner’s cock had slackened a bit after shooting it’s load, and that wouldn’t do.

Deltas gave Lupa an encouraging pet as she took his dick into her mouth, and started to clean it with her tongue. Her lips seemed built for the purpose of sucking cock, and most certainly looked good in fulfilling their task as she bobbed up and down on his dick. Lupa was clearly new at the task, but what she lacked in experience she more than made up for in enthusiasm - she took nearly all of it into her mouth on the first go, and made sure to get every spot with her tongue.

It wasn’t long before he began to stiffen again, and he gave Lupa some pets to thank her. “That’s enough~ I think I’ll get hard enough just looking at you~”

Lupa pulled back with a grin, although she was a bit disappointed he didn’t finish inside her mouth. But there was something better coming. Deltas repositioned himself to the lounge chair, sitting down in it. “Well, come on now. You’ve been such a good girl, helping your sister like that, I’ll let you take it slow~”

“Oooh~ Thank you, Owner!” Lupa giggled, going up to the chair and straddling Deltas. She pulled her panties out of the way, and raised her skirt so her owner could better see his prize.

Deltas grabbed her by the hips, and slowly lowered her onto his cock, inch by inch. She moaned loudly as he did, and her pussy slowly spread to accept it’s new occupant. He was a bit more gentle with Lupa; she seemed a gentler type than her sister, so he wanted to be appropriately gentle with her. Not that he wouldn’t fuck her until she walked funny, he’d just take his time doing it.

Each inch seemed better than the last, until finally he’d hilted in her pussy. Deltas took a moment to suck on one of her nipples, teasing her breasts and drawing more pleased squeals from his pet, before lifting her again to repeat the process.

Lupa was a good fuck, if in a different way than her sister; Luna’s cunt was positively divine, but Lupa engaged the rest of her body in the act. She pressed her breasts against Deltas’ chest, letting him feel them up; she leaned in and gave him a kiss as he brought her down again, moaning into his mouth and making her pleasure clear. Her hands reached around to grab at his bottom and knead it, clearly enjoying the sensation.

Lupa came a bit more discreetly than Luna did, as if trying not to interrupt Deltas’ rhythm - although, her pussy clamping down made it quite clear she’d cum. It all culminated in a girl he couldn’t not creampie; he simply had to fill her to the brim with his seed.

Holding Lupa tight, Deltas let himself climax. She moaned as she was filled up, clearly enjoying the sensation and going into yet another kiss with Deltas as she did so. But she was tired from all the sex, and slumped against Deltas, snoozing on his shoulder even as he gently withdrew his dick from her well used womanhood.

He could probably wait a bit longer before heading home - he didn’t want to wake them up.


One moment, there was nobody in the office. The next, Deltas was there, with a pair of bimbos on his arms. He grinned at them. “Welcome to your new home~” he said. “You can go back to the… Arcane Sanctuary, you called it? Whenever you want, of course. But you’ll live here now~”

“Mmmh~ Thanks, Owner~” Luna giggled, nuzzling against his arm.

“There you are.” A new voice said. A woman had walked through the office door after noticing the arrival. “You’re late. By about eight hours.” she said.

“I’m sorry, there was a bit of an accident with the teleporter.” Deltas said, walking over to the woman and giving her a kiss. “Got stuck somewhere for a bit. But these cuties helped me out.”

“After you ‘convinced’ them, I see.” The woman said dryly. “You can’t collect cute things from every universe you visit. I hope they’re housebroken.”

As they spoke, it seemed like the bimbofication was fading. The bimbo-treats, it seemed, had been a temporary effect - the twins’ proportions were returning to normal. Lupa blushed deeply as she began to remember what she’d done - and more specifically, how much she’d enjoyed it. Luna, on the other hand, laughed about it.

“Of course they are.” Deltas said, “And the collars would make sure that they were anyway it if they weren’t to begin with. They’re good dogs, aren’t you girls?”

“I can be a bad one if I want to be~” Luna giggled.

“I-I’m a good girl!” Lupa nodded vigorously, still blushing.

Deltas raised an eyebrow at Luna, but turned back to the woman - one of his numerous spouses. “Well, I’m sorry I was late,” he repeated. “I’ll make it up to you tonight. Vigorously. For now, I want to help my cute little pets get settled.”

The woman rolled her eyes and let her lover convince her to drop the anger. She couldn’t really stay mad at him, and the girls were cute. They’d be a good addition. “Hope you have more of whatever made them like that. Sounds like they had fun.”

Deltas chuckled softly, and gestured for Luna and Lupa to follow him - he would have to set up a room for them, and get them introduced to the others later...