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“Yep! Just got done beating her,” Hikari said on the phone. “We’re on… 49th street and 10th avenue, yeah. Need a cleanup team!”

The other end of the line was quiet for a few minutes, before the operator responded. “...Ok, you’re sure you’re not brainwashed? I have to make sure.”

“Yes, yes I am. Hikari Himura, Magical Girl, college student, I know all my own information! This one seemed to be kinda a princess-y type? A bit of a brat, she kept trying to turn people into either maids to serve her or dolls to play with. A bad girl who needs a stern talking-to, you know how it is. Is that enough information?”

“Yes… sending a cleanup crew now, Miss Himura.” the woman said. There was something in her voice that Hikari noticed.

Hikari fumed a bit. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

“Usually when I hear about you, it’s that you got minionized.” The operator said.

“Can’t blame her.” Izanami chimed in. “Happens a lot.”

“...Ok, fair.” Hikari said. “But this time she’s down and I’m not a minion. Ok?”

“Got it, got it.” The operator said, backing off a bit in her tone. “Great job! You can head back here for the post-battle check and all.”

“I’ll come in, yeah…” Hikari sighed and hung up. Despite the mild irritation at the assumption she always got tricked or trapped and converted, she’d been having a good run of things lately. She had managed to finish a few critical assignments, beat a few villains, and overall not lose control of her mind for extended periods of time. She was in a good mood, and it would be hard to shake that!

This particular villainess hadn’t been too hard, she thought. She looked down at where the young lady in an elaborate pink gown sat, eyes unfocused and dizzy as she was stunned from the assorted magical blasts she’d taken. Hikari almost felt bad about it; the self proclaimed Princess Pink was only 12 at most. But on the other hand, she’d been using that magical crown she’d somehow bought with her parents’ money to make people listen to her orders, even if they involved no longer being human, and had overall acted like a spoiled brat. “I hope you become a good girl from now on.” she said, picking up the cracked crown from her head. The gem in it’s socket had stopped glowing when it was damaged in a magical blast, and that usually meant a magical item was safe.

The girl’s response was a dazed “Bwuh?” as the crown was plucked from her head. She’d be out of it for a while, which was just as well - she didn’t envy the recovery team for how they’d handle this particular ‘villain’, especially since she didn’t seem to realize she’d done anything wrong. The blame would probably end up on the parents for negligence, not the kid, in the end, but procedure with magic-using criminals meant she’d be locked up until they sorted out any potential lasting effects.

“That’s kinda sad, honestly.” Hikari muttered, more to herself than anyone. Of course, even when she talked to herself these days, she always had an audience.

Hikari blinked in confusion. “Huh?” she said.

“The deal.” Izanami prompted. “I know it’s been a while since we’ve been in control of ourselves for a switch, but don’t tell me that you forget our conversation not even an hour ago?”

Hikari took another minute to work it out but she did, eventually, manage to dredge up the memory. It was about time for them to switch control of Hikari’s body. It wasn’t something they actually got to do too often, given how often they got transformed, but that deal was still in place; Izanami didn’t constantly try and take over and get rid of Hikari, and Hikari let her have control for a set time. Izanami usually held her end of the bargain barring getting transformed herself, so Hikari could hardly wriggle out of her side even if she was the type to do so. Besides, she felt bad about the woman being cooped up in her head all the time.

They’d been planning to get on with it when the villainess ahd come onto the scene and forced Hikari to act, so the change had been delayed a bit, but now that the fight was over… “One second,” she said, pulling out her phone and shooting a text to the operator - [Something came up, have to leave early] she said simply, before pocketing her phone. “Alright then! Ready to go?”

Izanami grunted in affirmation. For her part, she didn’t much like the deal. She’d have much rather had sole ownership of the body. But Hikari was too damn stubborn to shove out, so she’d been forced to make a deal to have any control at all. And she kept to it. Sure, a villain didn’t have to be honest or keep their word. But as far as Izanami was concerned, a villain who went back on their word was a villain who didn’t have the capability to be more than a petty criminal with magic. And she was no petty criminal. “I’m always ready.” she said simply, gathering up her magic and preparing to seize control.

Hikari let it happen as promised, and felt the distinctly odd sensation of losing all control of her body but not losing any feeling at all. She could still feel her arms and legs, she just had no command of them.

There were several visual indicators of the change. The most blatantly obvious was Hikari’s hair color - the white streak in her hair seemed to leak it’s coloring into the locks around it, spreading around until it was almost pure white, except for where the streak originally was, which became black. The other visible change was eye color, where Hikari’s kind brown eyes became a vicious crimson red color. The shift was matched by the green gem in her magic staff, which became bloody red.

The rest of the transformation was less blatant, but significant enough that it would be hard to mistake Hikari for Izanami even if nothing else changed. Where Hikari was a fairly normal young woman, if as energetic and peppy as they come, Izanami’s body language was full of confidence and pride. She had an arrogant stride and an expression that looked down on the rest of the world as hers to play with; it seemed so out of place on Hikari’s features that if one knew her that combined with the other changes, few who saw one would connect them to the other.

“Can we at least leave the recovery team alone?” Hikari asked, settling into the odd feeling of existing only in someone else’s head. “I don’t want to mess with the girl any more than we have to.”

Izanami rolled her eyes. “Fine. I have better things to do anyway.” she said - her voice came out notably lower than Hikari’s did, despite having unchanged vocal cords. She’d go grab Natsuki, and then work out a new short-term evil scheme to work on while she was in control of the body this turn. The usual routine.

That was the plan, anyway. But as they had shifted, something had gone strange. The released magic had tried to fill the gem of the crown. And it did fill it - too much for the cracked surface to contain. Izanami felt a pulsing in her hand, and looked down to the crown just in time to see it burst.

The magical boom knocked Izanami flat on her back and knocked the wind out of her. She groaned softly, before getting to her feet with the help of her staff - she wasn’t injured, going off a quick check of her body, but that had been decidedly unpleasant.

Hikari mirrored the groan; she might not be in control, but she could feel what happened to her body. “What the heck was that?”

“The artifact got overloaded.” Izanami said. “I think it’s something to do with how it was supposed to work. It runs off the bearer’s magical energy, and it’s powers only work on those with less than it’s user; that’s why she couldn’t turn you into a doting maid. The villain clearly has a bit more magic than average, but nothing in comparison to either of us. I suspect that, with the damage, the crown simply wasn’t able to handle my power.”

Even as she spoke, though, she thought something about that was odd. The crown would have magic power of its own as well, otherwise it wouldn’t have such a specific effect; as it was, the one who held the crown provided the power source and the direction, not the power’s nature. Unless of course Izanami was wildly off base about what it did, but she was confident she wasn’t.

So running on the assumption she wasn’t wrong… the crown’s magic had to go somewhere. Just breaking the crown wouldn’t make it vanish into thin air.

The change began rapidly, without giving Izanami much time to even realize what was going on before it was well on its way. Already she’d gotten several inches shorter, and Hikari’s body wasn’t all that tall to begin with. “What’s going on?” Hikari asked, feeling the shrinking.

“Damnit, we must have been forced to absorb the crown’s magic!” Izanami snapped. She’d lost another inch in the process of speaking that sentence, and her hair was shifting from it’s normal wavy style into one Izanami couldn’t recognize just yet. And worse, her breasts were beginning to shrink. “I’m not sure what it’s doing to us now, but… I think we’re getting younger?”

Already, Izanami’s body had gone from that of a young college student to a high school girl - and it didn’t seem like it would stop anytime soon. Izanami felt herself going through puberty on rewind, her figure losing it’s development as she grew flatter and less curvy, and even as the extensive physical training Hikari’s mom put the magical girl through vanished. Her clothes hung loose on her body, like she’d been dressing up with whatever she found in Mother’s drawers. Izanami nearly lost her grip on her staff as the weight became too much to handle.

“Gah! This is so embarrassing!” Izanami grumbled, her voice just a few octaves higher than it normally was as she looked into a nearby store window to see her reflection. “I’m so… small! And cute! I am a great villainess, and ‘cute’ should not be a word to describe me!”

“Huh, is that how I looked when I was… twelve?” Hikari muttered. “Maybe we should let me have control again? Just for a bit. The recovery team has some healers, they can probably work it out…”

Izanami was still transforming as she glared at the mirror, and more specifically at Hikari. She kept getting shorter, and her hair began to bunch up, pulled up and out to the sides in girlish twintails and making the pre-teen look even younger. “No! No, I won’t! I don’t need anyone’s help!” she spat, sounding distinctly less composed than Hikari was used to. She got ready to storm off, but tripped in her too-big shoes.

“Calm down… you’re not helping either of us getting mad…” Hikari said. Was the de-aging affecting Izanami’s mind?

“I am not mad! A petulant child gets mad! A villainess gets ira- irk- annoyed!” Izanami shouted, face burning with embarrassment and, despite her words, anger. She was forgetting words now too, the more refined vocabulary of an adult leaking out of her head. She simply didn’t know how to express her frustrations anymore, as she finally settled at four feet even. There wasn’t anything left of an adult’s figure on her, and even her face had the rounded features of youth; if Hikari had to guess, her body had become about eight or nine years old.

Izanami tried to stand, but her overgrown clothes got in the way and she nearly stumbled again. She wanted to use the staff to support herself, but that was too heavy for her to get upright. “Darn it! Staff, stop being so heavy! I can’t lift you!” she yelled, as if that would do anything.

And normally, it wouldn’t. This time, though, the staff suddenly began to shrink in her hands. It became lighter as it shifted, becoming shorter and shorter until it was not so much a staff as a scepter with a little gem at the end. Izanami blinked in confusion for a few seconds. Could she order things to do what she wanted?

“Izanami, that’s the crown’s power! It must have gotten on us…” Hikari said. “Don’t use it too much, it might go to your head-”

“Clothes! Stop being so big! Be something that fits a beautiful villainess like myself!” Izanami demanded of her outfit, and it obeyed. The oversized hoodie, skirt, and more began to whirl around her, first resizing to fit her small body and shape and then shifting in texture and shade as it became a different sort of clothing. Her simple boots became fancy black shoes, while her socks darkened and rose up to her knees to become dark stockings.

Her top and jacket seemed to merge as they too darkened, settling back on Izanami’s body as a black dress with dark grey ruffles all along it’s length. Her skirt lengthened out as it became white, hitting her knees and continuing onward. As it approached her ankles, it began to raise again, up and out, becoming a poofy long skirt.

In the window, Izanami looked something like a dark princess; or at the very least, a small girl cosplaying as a dark princess. She smirked in the mirror image, and did a twirl to let her skirt float around. Suddenly, this didn’t seem so embarrassing, even if the old Izanami wouldn’t be caught dead in it. She looked appropriately royal for one of her stature. With her scepter, and that dark metal crown that had suddenly appeared on her head as she twirled, she could be a real princess! “Ohohohoho! Bow before your princess, commoners!” she laughed, sounding for all the world like a little girl playing a game.

Hikari winced. Yeah, it had gone right to her head. “Ok, now, Izanami… when the nice men and women come, they might want you to go with them…” she started. Maybe the recovery guys would see this and assume she’d been hit with some backlash or something. Which wouldn’t even be entirely wrong.

“You’re annoying!” Izanami snapped. “You’re in my head, so you should be more like me! That’s an order from your princess!”

“What? No, you can’t just do that…” Hikari winced internally, as she felt the change starting to hit her own mind. “I’m not like you, and that should be fine-”

“I don’t want someone who isn’t like me in my mind.” Izanami said. “So become like me, and then it’s ok.”

The childish logic nearly made Hikari laugh. Of course it was kiddy logic, Izanami had become a child, but all the same it was a bizarre thought to associate with the usually serious and mature villainess. But of course, it being a ridiculous notion didn’t soften the blow of the command. “But what if I don’t want to be like you?” she said, trying to turn it around before it was too late to change.

“Why wouldn’t you want to be like me?” Izanami asked, seeming genuinely confused. It was kind of adorable, really. “I’m super pretty and cute- er, beautiful! Right?” she said.

With an earnest tone like that, Hikari’s kid-loving self couldn’t find it in her to refuse her. “Well, yes, you are…” Hikari found herself admitting.

“The most beautiful! And I’m a powerful magician! In fact, I’m the most powerful too. That means people should listen to me.” Izanami continued, completely self assured in her objective correctness in the way only children can be.

“Well, I guess you are…” Hikari conceded, and found that she believed it now. It made sense that the most powerful had to be listened to. That was just how the world worked. She was having a hard time remembering what she was arguing about. Izanami was the best, so why wouldn’t she want to be like her? In fact, why wouldn’t she already be like her?

“I’m going to take over this city! Then the world! And then-” Izanami said excitedly.

“Everyone will listen to you like they should,” Hikari finished for her. “Because they’d have to-”

“Learn their place, and how they should all be focused on making me happy.” Izanami continued. Izanami grinned. “Now what was that about how you didn’t want to be like me~?”

“Huh?” Hikari asked. “Why would I want that? I’m already like you! I’m in your head after all.” The thoughts of being a boring adult, the idea that something might be wrong there, had simply vanished from Hikari’s mind. Izanami had commanded that she become like Izanami - so now she was.

“That’s right!” Izanami nodded in satisfaction. “We’re going to have some fun together… but I think that if you’re like me, that means you’re-”

“Perfect, of course.” Hikari finished. “So?”

“So obviously, it’s not right you’re stuck in my head. There needs to be more perfect people in the world! I demand you have your own body and be my real twin!”

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen - but then light started to flow out of Izanami’s head, and form into a humanoid shape in front of her. When the light faded away, what was left was a girl who was like a photo-negative of Izanami - besides the skin tone and eye color, everything else was inverted. She had black hair with a white streak in the same twintails, the same dress but in white, the same crown but in white, even a copy of the scepter. And of course, she too was a little girl, grinning like a maniac.

“Of course! We’re twins, obviously.” Hikari said. “Now, why don’t we begin our conquest~?”

“Yes!” Izanami agreed, nodding fervently. “I think I saw an ice cream shop not too far from here! We shall take that first.”

The twins wandered off towards their target, chatting about how flawless they were and all the subjects they would create - forgetting the girl who’d accidentally made them that way entirely, and making a new mess for the recovery team to clean up later...


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