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While hanging out in Hikari's home, Mikai comes across Izanami doing her villainess thing. She asks if she could try it out for once, and Izanami makes the mistake of agreeing...

Patron commission for Hato, featuring their OC Mikai; this is far from the first Mikai story I've done and probably won't be the last.


Mikai hummed cheerfully as she walked into the Himura home. It was bigger than her house back home - it looked like the home of some upper class family that had been there for generations, and she’d have assumed it was if it wasn’t for the fact Matsushita was apparently an artificial island. It even had a dojo! Space was at a premium in Matsushita, but apparently Hikari’s mom had a friend who pulled some strings for them.

She’d gone out to get some groceries. She was happy to help around the home, in exchange for their great hospitality. Daichi and Yoko were just so nice, she couldn’t help but want to do what she could to pay them back. Although at this particular time, they were out of town on vacation, so it was really just picking up groceries for herself and Hikari.

The house seemed deserted to begin with, which was a bit odd. She kept on humming as she put away the groceries, before eventually hearing some laughing from the dojo. “Oh, I guess that’s where she is,” she said, mostly to herself, and headed on over.

When she opened the door to the dojo, she was greeted by a strange sight. A young woman with stark white hair and gleaming red eyes laughing arrogantly while a brown-haired girl in a kimono and a featureless red mask saluted for her. A villainess at work, taking over the mind of Hikari’s friend Natsuki.

Mikai smiled brightly. “Oh, Izanami! I didn’t know it was your turn already!” she said, rushing over to hug her.

Izanami was taken by surprise and unable to prevent the hug. “U-Unhand me! I am a great villainess, and I shall not be humiliated in such a manner!” she stammered.

The blonde giggled and withdrew. “Hi, Natsuki!” she said with a cheerful wave, to no response.

“Don’t bother. Natsuki’s not home right now - she’s too busy drowning in blissful submission to her Mistress.” Izanami laughed. “Servant, greet her.”

“Hello, Mikai~ Serving Mistress is so wonderful~” the masked drone giggled.

“Ah… It’s nice to get the respect I deserve again…” Izanami sighed with a smile.

“What’s so fun about this? You always do stuff like this whenever you have a turn.” Mikai asked, head tilted in a questioning way.

“Hah! I shouldn’t expect one such as you to understand. The joy of being in control, the feeling of having another completely bent to your will, existing only to serve your every whim-”

“Do you like restaurants then? That sounds kinda like how waiters act.” Mikai asked.

“...As a matter of fact, yes, but that’s beside the point.” Izanami snapped. “In any case! There is nothing quite like the feeling of completely dominating another’s will! Any villainess worth their title knows this; I suspect it’s why this world has such a proportion of mind-controlling and corrupting villains.”

Mikai nodded, but didn’t really get it. “Well… if you say so!” she said cheerfully. “Natsuki likes it, so it can’t be that bad.”

Izanami rolled her eyes - oh, the girl was so naive sometimes, seeing a villainess like her as a friend! “She is an exceptionally good minion. She doesn’t even need hypnosis to obey, she just enjoys it.”

Mikai nodded again. “Hm, if it’s so fun, can I try?”

“What, you wish to become my minion?” Izanami asked.

“No, I want to try the other side of it, the ‘villainess’ part.” Mikai said, “I’m curious why you think it’s so much fun. So why not try it? I like trying new things.”

“Well, you may attempt it, although I haven’t the slightest clue how you’ll figure out how to properly act like a villainess.” Izanami said.

“Oh, that’s easy enough, I’ve been with you for a while!” Mikai said. “Hold on, I made something that I can use for this! It was supposed to be for halloween but this is good too!”

Izanami stifled a laugh as Mikai ran off into the house proper. Oh, but it would be good fun seeing her attempt to play villain. She was too nice of a person to pull it off - not dissimilar to Hikari (who was presently taking the opportunity given by not being in control to take a nap, and maybe see if she could poke at her own memories of reading things to study).

Eventually, Mikai came back, and Izanami wasn’t sure if she should be offended, flattered, or laughing her butt off. She had arrived in what seemed to be a replica of Izanami’s own clothes - not the simple hoodie and skirt combo that Hikari favored and thus Izanami was usually wearing these days, but Izanami’s own “villain” outfit - a black kimono laced with white runes, over a dark bodysuit with glowing red lines, and a crown. Although in this case, the lines were stitched in, and the crown was plastic. Overall, it was clearly a recreation of Izanami’s preferred clothing kludged together from a mix of store-bought and hand-made pieces.

Izanami decided to be amused rather than anything else. It was funny. “I must say, that’s adorable.” she said, smiling.

“No, it’s pretty!” Mikai said, fuming. “Anyway! If I’m going to try out being a villain, I should go with what I know, and I know you. So I’m going to put on my best Izanami impression!”

Izanami couldn’t help but laugh. “Then do it! It’ll be amusing. I’ll even let you use me as your ‘victim’, if you’re so confident! Do as you wish!” she said.

Mikai, unexpectedly, laughed - “Ohohoho~ Then I will~” she said, a smug demeanor settling over her all of a sudden.

Izanami didn’t have the time to wonder what it was she might be up to, because suddenly Mikai was pushing her down. She wasn’t a big girl, and Izanami’s current body was bigger than her, but she took Izanami by surprise, so Izanami tumbled. Usually, she’d have expected a profuse apology at that point, but instead, Mikai continued to laugh. “What do you think you’re doing?” Izanami demanded.

“Silence! Are you so weak willed a villain you won’t abide by your own pact? How pathetic.” Mikai sneered, her attitude completely different than normal. “I am taking advantage of the opportunity you offered, that’s all~”

Izanami flushed bright red. She wasn’t sure if it was anger, or embarrassment at how Mikai straddled her after the fall, or at being so easily downed, but whatever the case was, she wasn’t happy! “Now listen here, I am a great villainess, and even in this circumstance, I will be respected-”

“No, you won’t, because you agreed to be my victim~” Mikai laughed, “And I’m taking you up on that offer!”

Izanami fumed, but was too busy trying to extricate herself to notice what Mikai was doing. Natsuki had found her way over while she wasn’t paying attention, and Mikai pulled the mask from the minion’s face. While Natsuki was blinking in confusion, Mikai shifted her posture to aim better. “Now, I get to see what it feels like to make a minion~”

The villainess-turned-victim hardly had the time to realize what Mikai meant as the mask came down on her face. Izanami tried to pull it off, but it was stuck tight - it shouldn’t have worked without it’s creator’s will, but it seemed Mikai’s own powers were substituting for it well enough to make it work. The spiral inside started up, the red and pink and white swirling in Izanami’s vision and gluing her gaze to it.

Izanami felt a pressure in her mind as the mask did it’s work, pressing against her will. A voice in her head - Mikai’s voice? Although she wasn’t talking. “Such a good girl~ You’re a very good girl, aren’t you Izanami~?”

The villainess rolled her eyes, but found she couldn’t just dismiss the words. The words stuck in her mind, immovable as stone. Good girl. “N-No… I’m not a good girl…” Izanami groaned. She was too trapped in her own head to feel how the black bodysuit spread out from the mask to cover up her neck, trailing down.

“Hm, is that right? Don’t you want to be a good girl~?” Mikai’s voice teased. “Don’t you want to be praised by your Mistress? To be rewarded by your Mistress? Good girls get rewards.” It was annoyingly tempting. It shouldn’t have been tempting at all, of course, but right then Izanami’s mind wouldn’t accept that.

“I-I won’t be a good girl…” Izanami muttered.

“Hmmm, that’s too bad~ But I can have a bad girl too. I guess you are a bad girl - but not for me. Why don’t you be a bad girl for other people, but in exchange, be the very best girl for me~?”

The circular logic was dumb enough that Izanami would have laughed if it didn’t sound like such a good deal. She could recognize the control of the mask, she was it’s creator after all, but that didn’t give her any special ability to fight it. The dark latex bodysuit covered up her chest and started down her arms and her hips, the clothes on top shifting and changing.

Izanami tried to shake her head. “Y-Yeah- wait, no!” she gasped. But it was too late, she’d given ground. “Good girl” reverberated in her head, along with an annoyingly attractive and sweet laugh.

Mikai’s own abilities adjusted the mask, it seemed - it wasn’t content with the usual brainwashing, and a pair of fuzzy things began to prick out of her head. The voice of Mikai continued on, an amused and sensual purr to her tone now. “That’s just right~ You love being Mistress’ good girl. You love how she plays with you, and love making her happy~”

“N-No, I don’t… I like-” Izanami stammered. The influence was snowballing. She’d let it take an inch and it would take another, and another. It seemed so right, what the voice was saying, that she should be a good girl. A good girl for Mistress.

“Oh, why so hesitant? You know you love it. Why don’t you say it for me. You love being Mistress’ favorite. You love being a good kitty for Mistress. Say it out loud now, ‘I’m a good kitty’~ You’ll enjoy it!” Mikai’s voice said. And each word added to the assault on Izanami’s mind. She couldn’t bear it, the mask, the spirals, the words, too much…

“I’m a good kitty…” Izanami said, and in doing so conceded defeat. The transformation kicked into high gear. The fuzzy nubs that had begun to form sprouted into white lion’s ears, to match Mikai’s armored hero form. The bodysuit spread down her body, orange lines glowing across it to mix in Mikai’s colors, and her clothes shifted into the black and red kimono that Izanami’s minions usually wore. Izanami’s mind broke - she was a good girl, the best girl, she wanted to be a good kitty for her Mistress!

The process had taken maybe a minute from the outside perspective, and Mikai had watched with fascination as the mask did it’s work and made a minion out of Izanami. Part of her wondered if she should feel bad about it, but she had agreed to let her try it out on her. “Well, how’re you feeling?” she asked, a little hesitantly.

“Wonderful, Mistress~!” Izanami laughed, suddenly reversing their positions and nuzzling her masked face against Mikai’s. “I’m a good kitty for Mistress! It feels great!”

Mikai’s worries faded - Izanami was just too cute like this! How could it be bad? She stroked Izanami behind her new feline ears, and the minion purred like a cat. Oh, but this was too good, she was completely hers now! Maybe Izanami had a point about how fun it was. Or maybe it was just because it was Izanami. She’d have to check.

“Izanami, do you have any more of those masks?” Mikai asked.

“Of course I do, Mistress!” Izanami giggled. “All the better to make you more friends~”

“Perfect~” She scratched under the minion’s chin as a reward, before turning to Natsuki. “Hey, Natsuki, come here for a second…”

“Huh? What?” Natsuki said, confused. Her Mistress was all over another girl now… and soon, she would be too.


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