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Hey all,

Just wanted to gauge opinion on which direction we should go next. 

By the end of this month we will see all the members of the Royal Court revealed (hopefully!) Which means starting next month, voting for which Royal Court members get their progression will begin. Very interested to see which Royal Court member will be the fan favourite!

In the mean time however, there are two avenues we can go down for prioritising artwork. We can either continue the progression with established minor NPCs, the Innkeeper, Noble Kitsune, Orc Captain of the Guard, Nun etc. Or we can start getting through the monster girls (starting with most popular first). 

Obviously most of these minor NPCs have yet to get their progression in game, but they will be coming over the next couple months. 

What would you guys like on going artwork to be? New (monster girl) characters? Or continue with pre-established minor NPC characters?


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