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Mainly a backend & support update this week based on the feedback we got from last prototype update. As you can see, no preview image this time 😲. Details in the changelog below!


Full Changelog (0.2.4P):

Target Smash

  • Target Smash highscores are now associated with anonymous accounts instead of usernames
  • Only one score from each user appears on the global leaderboard
  • Top local highscore is added to the global leaderboard to preserve previous scores.


  • Add native Oculus XR support (the previous patch only supported Oculus via OpenXR). Using Oculus will resolve the issue where the PC screen would not render when the headset is plugged in.
  • Add option to settings menu to toggle XR providers between Oculus, OpenXR, Auto or None. When Auto is chosen, Davigo will by default load Oculus for Rift and Quest devices, and OpenXR for SteamVR devices.
  • Add information text to the settings menu displaying your current running XR system (and OpenXR runtime, if applicable).
  • Add option to settings menu to set your OpenXR runtime specifically for Davigo.
  • Add button to settings menu to open the Unity log file directory. This is useful to find the log files in the event of an error or crash.
  • Add button to settings menu to reset your settings to default and delete your config file.
  • Fix issue where skybox was not correctly rendering on Oculus devices when using OpenXR.

Online Multiplayer

  • Fix issue where Davigo would crash on client disconnect.
  • Fix issue where lightmapping was not correctly loading.
  • Add rocket prepping and firing audio.
  • Add bomb prepping audio.
  • Current room code now displays in the XR pause menu.


Kyndrayvious Clayton

How come I didn't get a link to this game yet. I get $25 taken out my account every month and I get nothing in return?


You have to join the discord, and there is a link to play the game.


Hey, follow these steps to get access to the Alpha and the latest prototypes: 1. Link your Discord account to Patreon: support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role. You may have to wait a bit before the bot gives you the role. 2. Join the Discord server: discord.gg/VTvjpMt 3. Download from the 'Download Alpha' channel (You have to be using the desktop app or webapp to see this channel) As for the full game, we'll send out keys to access it once the game is launched.


what theres no link and i'm a mamber


how can i play im a patreon and cant play