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This origin has the MC meeting Seir through needing to escape the looming prospect of an arranged marriage to someone they cannot fathom sharing the rest of their life with. But it's so much different if you're a noble marrying another one, or if this is your family's only chance to regain connections. So... Who is your MC? 

Are you a Sharpe?

The parents of the MC died a couple of years back and you were sent to live with your aunt and uncle, Bartholomew and Winifred. The Sharpe family was once quite wealthy, but ever since the death of your parents, the entire family has struggled financially. They have never told you the exact reasons. Instead, your uncle and aunt have decided to bank on the family's good name, and have set up a marriage to a lesser noble. Do you even want to marry someone who only wants you for your last name? Some greedy person ready to wield you for business?

Or... Are you a Fox-Vincent?

You don’t know who your parents are. You know your mother only through foggy memories, of you clinging to her leg and a soft hand against your cheek. Until the day Amos came to get you. All you were told is that for a favor for your father, Amos Fox-Vincent would take you in. You had wished your actual father came for you, but Amos became everything you ever needed. For years, not a word from either of your parents, just him raising you single-handedly. Then word from your father. To marry you off. You're not someone that your father can just suddenly decide to wield when he needs something done. You'll prove it. 



I really like what you’re doing with the origins! It’s really refreshing and Having a good variety of different starting points makes games like these even more interesting! Especially with the different social standings. I’m really looking forward to how you’re gonna handle them in the future! So far I’m the most interested in the arranged marriage origin, which I did not expect since that’s not really my jam normally. I’m also intrigued by the prison origin. Although I’d probably dip my toes into all of the origins, to get a taste before I decide on one haha