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A darker, if not the darkest origin. The MC faces a rough upbringing by someone that should have been taking care of them. Seir comes along when they're younger and gives them the power to break free. But there's a difference between facing abuse from parents who are surrounded by connections allowing them to do anything they wanted to, and guardians who grapple with a lack of power by taking it out on an innocent child. So... What are you?

Are you a Quatermain?

Solomon and Magdalena were older than most when they had their first and only child, the MC. Solomon was gone most of the time with work, and Magdalena struggled with raising you without the extra help. It went from negligence to maintaining a threatening presence around the house. All it could take is one too many bad nights for something explosive to happen.

Or are you a Dantes?

Tabitha and Alden Dantes had two children, MC and your younger brother Edwin. They are wealthy new money nobles, and your parents had a very poor upbringing, that they’ve let carried into the house. Alden has a monstrous temper that no one can contain, becoming frantic over imperfections only he can see apparently. But maybe you aren't the problem. And you're ready to show him who is. 


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