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The first origin is one where the MC finds themselves in prison, realizing that they're going to spend half of their life trapped away. But there is a difference in being someone of note, with money, to being someone who barely has a a name. So... Who is your MC? 

Are you a Buchanan

Thaddeus and Bridget Buchanan took in their grandchild, the MC, after their youngest child passed away and showered them with nothing but love and adoration. Thaddeus was involved in many different businesses and what’s to say he wouldn’t try to involve his favorite grandchild in it? Wuh oh. Maybe you make a friend that he introduces you to. Maybe they get the MC into something they shouldn't have. Maybe. But you're here, in a nicer cell than most people get, with letters and packages from your grandparents at the side. But you won't be wasting your life away here.

Or... Are you a Mortmain?

Selah Mortmain never talked about the MC’s father. You just got to watch your mother try to get job after job in various wealthy houses before being forced to work in the labor house. Selah wasn’t able to be around that much, so her child got into trouble which led to you… Well. It seems crystal clear to you and your mother that it was a frame job, but for what? She had already been blacklisted from job after job after your birth, but now you've been shut away from the world, as if a poor bastard was the biggest slight against society. But you aren't. You're getting out. 


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