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Prosthesis (steelslinger), uncommon

Component: Fiend bone

Upon finishing yet another new design, Bombuku proudly submitted it to the Rakin Association of Craftsmen and Inventors for grading. The 10/10 scores in Function, Durability, and Ingenuity stand as a testament to his mastery of the craft. The 11/10 score in Coolness, however, is what he’s proudest of by far.

Attacks made with this prosthesis’ Launch property deal slashing damage.

Improved Hookshot. This prosthesis uses an oversized throwing star instead of a hook for its Hookshot property. As an action while the throwing star is attached to a target, you can reel yourself in. When you do, you move a number of feet up to the item’s Hookshot range in a straight line towards the throwing star. In addition, the DC of the ability check required to forcefully detach the throwing star increases to 13.

Shadow Trick. When you make an attack using the Launch property of the prosthesis, you can unsheathe and throw another weapon, concealing it in the throwing star’s shadow. As part of the same action, make another attack against the same target, using a weapon you’re carrying that has both the Light and Thrown properties. You have advantage on the attack roll. Once this property of the prosthesis has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Common variant: The Improved Hookshot property doesn’t increase the DC to detach the shuriken. Remove the Shadow Trick property.

Rare variant: Increase the DC to 15. When you use the Shadow Trick property, you can throw two weapons with the Light and Thrown properties, making an attack roll against the same target with advantage for each one. You can use this property of the prosthesis twice, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn. The prosthesis has the Instant Transmission property.

  • Instant Transmission. When you hit a creature with an attack using the prosthesis’ Launch property, you can immediately teleport to an unoccupied space of your choice within 5 feet of the target (no action required). Once this property of the prosthesis has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Very rare variant: Increase the DC to 16. When you use the Shadow Trick property, you can throw two weapons with the Light and Thrown properties, making an attack roll against the same target with advantage for each one. You can use this property of the prosthesis twice, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn. The prosthesis has the Instant Transmission property, and it can be used twice, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn.





Bruno Marcon

Dear, where can I found the transparent images of these items ? I do not see, unlike others sets, a link to download them ? Regards, Bruno.