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Iron Kasa

Prosthesis (advanced), uncommon

Component: Construct metal plating

It is the duty of a valiant hero to impede evildoers, support one’s allies, and most importantly, protect the defenseless. But nowhere does it say that you can’t do all this from a safe distance.

This prosthesis has the Integrated (shield) property, and attacks made with its Launch property deal bludgeoning damage.

Improved Hookshot. This prosthesis uses a shield instead of a hook for its Hookshot property. As an action while the shield is attached to a target, you can reel yourself in. When you do, you move a number of feet up to the item’s Hookshot range in a straight line towards the shield. In addition, the DC of the ability check required to forcefully detach the shield increases to 13.

Saving Throw. As a reaction when a creature you can see within the prosthesis’ Hookshot range is hit by an attack, you can launch the shield in front of it, granting it a +2 bonus to AC against the attack and potentially causing it to miss. In order to use this reaction, the shield must not be attached to a target as part of the Hookshot property.


Common variant: The Improved Hookshot property doesn’t increase the DC to detach the shield. Remove the Saving Throw property.

Rare variant: Increase the DC to 15 and the range of the Hookshot property to 30 feet. The prosthesis has the Into the Fray property.

  • Into the Fray. When you cause the Saving Throw property’s triggering attack to miss, you can have the shield attach itself to a surface within 5 feet of the attacked creature and reel yourself in as per the Improved Hookshot property as part of the same reaction. When you do, you can make a melee attack against the attacking creature, if it’s within your reach. Once this property of the prosthesis has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Very rare variant: Increase the DC to 15 and the range of the Hookshot property to 40 feet. The prosthesis has the Into the Fray property. You can use the Into the Fray property twice, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn.





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