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Prosthesis, uncommon (requires attunement)

Component: Undead ethereal ichor

After witnessing the self-proclaimed “King of the Ghost Pirates” stretch his phantasmal limbs to board a ship, Bombuku just knew he had to recreate that power. The undead pirates weren’t too keen to part with their ectoplasm, but Bombuku is quite persuasive… and failing that, a good thief and a fast swimmer.

This prosthesis consists of a ghostly limb, solid to the touch. It has the Melee (2d6 necrotic, 10 ft.) and Hookshot (20 ft.) properties. Instead of firing a hook, the arm stretches and the hand grabs on to the target, but otherwise functions in the same way. While wearing the prosthesis, you can use a bonus action to cause it to dissolve into thin air or to make it reform.

Ghostly Reach. The reach of weapons you hold using only the prosthesis increases by 5 feet.

Improved Hookshot. As an action while the hand is attached to a target, you can reel yourself in. When you do, you move a number of feet up to the item’s Hookshot range in a straight line towards the hand. In addition, the DC of the ability check required to forcefully detach the hook increases to 13.

Hundred Claws. While wearing the prosthesis, you can use an action to summon a barrage of ghostly hands that assault a creature within 10 feet of you. Make a melee spell attack against it (+5 to hit). On a hit, the creature takes 2d6 necrotic damage and you can immediately attack it in this way again as part of the same action. You can make a maximum of three attacks with each use of this property. Once the property has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Rare variant: Increase the DC to 15. Increase the Hundred Claws property’s attack bonus to +7, damage to 3d6, and maximum number of attacks to four. The Hundred Claws property can be used three times, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn.

Very rare variant: Increase the DC to 16. Increase the Hundred Claws property’s attack bonus to +8, damage to 4d6, and maximum number of attacks to four. The Hundred Claws property can be used four times, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn.





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