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Bloodsatin Ring

Ring, rare

Component: phial of undead (vampire) congealed blood

Originally devised by a cripplingly haemophobic vampire, this ring was meant to help its wearer become accustomed to the scent and sensation of blood. It is said that it never truly accomplished its purpose, and tales abound of an emaciated, deathly pale figure skulking through darkened streets in the dead of night, starved for millennia but unable to eat…

Draining Touch. When you reduce a creature of CR 1 or higher that has blood to 0 hit points with a melee attack while wearing this ring, you can syphon some of its blood to create a skin-tight glove around your hand (no action required), which lasts for 1 minute. While this glove lasts, you have resistance to necrotic damage and are under the effects of the vampiric touch spell (+7 to hit, no concentration required). You can make the attack granted by the spell as an action or bonus action, but only once on each of your turns. Once this property of the ring has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Uncommon variant: Reduce the attack modifier to +5 and the damage of attacks made using the vampiric touch spell to 2d6. Remove the resistance to necrotic damage.

Very rare variant: Increase the attack modifier to +8 and the damage of attacks made using the vampiric touch spell to 4d6. When you use the Draining Touch property to form the glove, you regain 2d6 hit points.





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