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Callous Embrace

Armour (any medium or heavy), rare (requires attunement)

Component: fiend (chain devil) heart

Heroes intent on earning this suit of armour must prove their bravery by delving into the Devil’s Passage, a long, winding tunnel in the caverns of Fob-Ya that magically shrinks so that any creature just barely fits inside. The crawl takes hours, and the tunnel becomes so narrow at certain points that one needs to expel all air from their lungs in order to keep moving.

The armour has 6 charges and regains 1d4 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn.

Hug of Death. When you grapple a creature while wearing this armour, you can expend 1 charge, causing its chains to wrap around the grappled creature. The creature becomes restrained until the grapple ends.

Curse. This armour is cursed, and attuning to it extends the curse to you. While you are cursed, you can’t remove the armour. In addition, each time you expend a charge from the armour, you feel as if it’s getting tighter, the chains wrapping around you and the cage closing in on your head. If the armour has less than half its charges after you expend a charge, roll two d10s. For each even result on a die, you take that amount of psychic damage.


Uncommon variant: Reduce the charges to 2. The armour regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Very rare variant: The armour has the Spiked Chains property.

Spiked Chains. A creature takes 1d6 piercing damage when it’s first restrained by the Hug of Death property, and again at the end of each of its turns while it’s restrained.





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