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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Component: elemental core of air

The humanoid body is remarkably resilient. Even falls from great heights are unlikely to instantly kill you. It is far more probable that your ribs will break like twigs, puncturing your lungs and leaving you to slowly and agonisingly drown in your own blood. So when you’re using these boots… it’s best if you just don’t look down.

Platform Boots. Once on each of your turns while wearing these boots, you can choose to manifest small clouds under your feet when you jump. The clouds feel solid to you and are capable of supporting your weight, allowing you to land on them at any point during the jump, but other creatures fall through them as normal. You can jump from these bouncy clouds as if you had a running start. At the start of your next turn, the clouds dissipate unless you choose to immediately manifest more to replace them, expending your use of this property for the turn. The clouds also dissipate if you move off of them or become prone.

Curse. These boots are cursed, and attuning to them extends the curse to you. While you are cursed, you can’t remove the boots. Additionally, you suffer from debilitating vertigo whenever you are at least 30 feet above the ground, granting you disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls, and when you take damage from falling, you take an additional 1d6 psychic damage.


Rare variant: The boots have the Cloudsurfing property.

Cloudsurfing. While standing on clouds created by the boots, you can use a bonus action to move up to 15 feet in any direction, gliding on the clouds, after which they dissipate.

Very rare variant: The boots have the Cloudsurfing property. There is no limit to how many times on a turn you can use the Platform Boots property. You can choose to manifest clouds underneath your feet at any time, allowing you to prevent a fall or simply walk on air. The clouds don’t dissipate at the start of your next turn.





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