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This item is inspired by the brilliant Moonlight Maps!

Mapifying Glass

Wondrous item, rare

Components: fey eye

The inquisitive people of the Moonlit Lands have a proverb: “Shed some light on the world, and it will reveal itself to you.” It turns out it’s a little more literal than it first seems.

This item has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Moonlight Map. As an action while holding this item in dim or bright light, you can expend 1 charge and point it at a flat surface within 10 feet of you, causing light to shine through the magnifying glass and form the image of a map on that surface for 10 minutes or until you speak a command word to make it disappear. This map represents the area in a 200-foot square centred on you, at your elevation. When it forms, choose one or more of the additional effects below. For each effect chosen beyond the first, you must expend 1 additional charge.

  • The size of the map is increased to a 300-foot square.
  • The map shows traps and other hazards in the area marked in red.
  • The map shows secret doors and passages in the area marked in yellow.
  • The map shows creatures in the area at the time it formed as small white dots.

If a creature, object, or area is warded against divination magic, it doesn’t show on the map.


Common variant: Reduce the size of the map to a 100-foot square. Remove the charges and the additional effects. You can use the Moonlight Map property without expending charges, but once it has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Uncommon variant: Remove the charges. You can use the Moonlight Map property without expending charges, selecting only one of its additional effects, but once it has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.






You know how divination magic can’t penetrate lead boxes? But it doesn’t protect lead boxes, so you can divine for lead boxes. I imagine the same is with this glass. An obvious empty blob on a map to show that there’s something secret there.


I suppose it would depend on how the DM handled the appearance of the map. Based on the illustration, I'm imagining it's similar to when I draw a dungeon on graph paper. I can choose to include details like traps or secret passages, but if I leave them out there's no "empty blob" on the map where they should be, it's just not visually indicated (like any other missing detail; I might not include the location of wild mushrooms growing on the cave floor, or spills on the floor of a tavern—they're not on the map, but they still exist in those places)