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The right to make toast has been revoked. Bakers' lives are being ruined. The Wizards of the Toast and their evil, corporate overlord, Hasbrodeus, have reneged on a decades-old promise to not revoke the very license that made toast so fantastic. Wrongly believing the success of toast is theirs alone, WotT aim to force the draconian requirements of their new license on bakers the world over using tricky legal documentation and bread-based golems. The ability to produce water will be very useful in helping make bread soggy in this adventure.


Wizards of the Toast is a satirical (but entirely deadly) 5th edition hunt for four characters with an average party level of 3, 7, or 12. Characters who complete this hunt should earn enough experience to progress one-half, one-third, and one-half of the way to 4th, 7th, and 13th level, respectively. Adventurers must investigate a corporate entity of draconic greed and end its tyrannical claim to the world’s favourite food: toast.

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Степан Куликов

This is hilarious. Can we translate this adventure and distribute it with all references to the original?


Y'all missed a golden opportunity to use auto-croutons (automatons) instead of bread golems.