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Mete-ore Bracers

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Component: cosmic iron

Found only in the cores of crashed meteorites, cosmic iron is an exceedingly rare metal which magiscientists posit acquires its unusual properties from exposure to arcane radiation in the depths of space. Once forged into suitable equipment, it grants its wearer control over the forces of attraction and repulsion.

These bracers have 4 charges and regain 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Gravity Manipulation. As an action while wearing the bracers, you can expend 1 charge and touch a creature to produce one of the following effects:

  • Zero Gravity. You cast the levitate spell (save DC 15) on that creature.
  • Augmented Gravity. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be overwhelmed by immense gravitational pressure, becoming restrained for 1 minute or until you lose concentration on this effect, as if concentrating on a spell. A creature restrained by this effect takes 2d6 force damage from the pressure at the start of each of its turns.


Uncommon variant: Reduce the DCs to 13, the charges to 2, and the recharge to 1d2.

Very rare variant: Increase the DCs to 16. The item gains the Sudden Release property.

Sudden Release. When the effect of the Gravitation Manipulation property ends on a creature, you can choose to end it with a burst of gravitational force in the opposite direction. If the creature was affected by Zero Gravity, it’s slammed to the ground instead of floating down gently, and takes falling damage as normal. If the creature was affected by Augmented Gravity, it’s thrown 20 feet into the air, after which it falls unless it has a way of holding itself aloft.


Harvesting - Cosmic Iron

Also known as ‘mete-ore’, cosmic iron is found in exceedingly small quantities, usually just enough to enchant a single item or forge an alloy with gravitational powers. It has a component DC of 20 and has no time limit in which it needs to be harvested. However, it is extremely brittle in its raw form and can disintegrate into dust if improperly treated.





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