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Rousing Refrain

Weapon (any sword), rare

Component: pouch of monstrosity (harpy) feathers

Let the swords clash and the shields rattle / With the sonorous thunder of the field of battle. /

For the din of war cannot possibly silence / My rousing refrain ringing clear ‘midst the violence. / And when you make a stand and confront your fears / You won’t be alone, with a song in your ears.

Dramatic Score. When you roll a 1 or a 20 on an attack roll made with this magic weapon against a creature of CR 1 or above, it produces a powerful song appropriate for the moment, depending on what you rolled:

  • Natural 1. The tense, suspenseful song makes you brace against the strength of your enemies. You and another creature of your choice that can hear the song within 30 feet of you gain 4d4 temporary hit points that last for 1 minute.
  • Natural 20. The epic, victorious song replenishes your energy and helps you press your advantage. You and another creature of your choice that can hear the song within 30 feet of you regain 2d4 hit points, and the attack deals an extra 2d4 damage.


Uncommon variant: Reduce the temporary hit points to 2d4, the hit points regained to 1d4, and the damage to 1d4.

Very rare variant: Increase the hit points regained to 3d4, and the damage to 3d4. When you roll a 1, you and the other creature you choose also gain advantage on the next saving throw you make within the next minute.





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