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Nearly there!!! Phew it's been a busy month! Swordtember has been a lot of fun, and a huge challenge for us to create one of these every day. We really hope you've all enjoyed the extra items this month!

King’s Regret

Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)

Component: dragon heart

Legend tells of an avaricious king who wished that everything he touched be turned to gold. Upon realising the true nature of this curse, he repented, and from then on sought to smite the covetous and sacrifice his own riches, for the betterment of his people. Though the king may be gone, his purpose lives on in the swords he forged to achieve his mission.

Surrender Self. As an action while holding this sword, you can speak a command word to encase yourself in gold until the start of your next turn as the sword liquefies and flows over your body. While you are encased in this way, you are petrified, but are immune to all damage, and remain aware of your surroundings. In addition, when a hostile creature starts its turn within 15 feet of you, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to spend its turn moving toward you and attacking you. Once this property of the weapon has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Forfeit Fortune. As an action while holding this sword, you can use it to spend 25 gp, melt the coins, and fire a stream of liquid gold at a target within 30 feet of you, making a ranged spell attack against it (+7 to hit). On a hit, the target takes 6d6 fire damage and is covered in molten gold for 1 minute or until it or another creature within 5 feet of it takes an action to clean off the gold. A target covered in gold takes 3d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. Once this property of the weapon has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Uncommon variant: Reduce the save DC to 13. The weapon doesn’t have the Forfeit Fortune property.

Very rare variant: Increase the save DC to 16 and the to hit bonus to +8. At the start of your next turn after using the Surrender Self property, you can choose to remain encased in gold for an additional round.






the Epiphany sword is missing from the patreon :/