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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

There’s nothing worse than having to fight off a ravenous owlbear while your boeuf bourguignon slowly becomes carbonised to the bottom of your pot. Enter: the caul drone. This magical cooking pot can be a little helper; its talons can be used to ferry ingredients around the kitchen and it can lift itself off of the fire to prevent burning. Furthermore, being able to perceive through its senses gives you a real sense of how far along the cooking process is, without lifting the lid. In fact, you can even taste the food directly through the caul drone’s taste receptors on its inner surface. L’Arsène was very pleased with this find in the bowels of the Hallow’s Inn kitchen, and has since tried to patent its design.

This scaly vessel acts as a magical cauldron, and can’t be damaged by acid or fire.

Find Familiar. While holding the caul drone, you can use an action to speak its command word, causing it to sprout membranous wings and scaly talons, becoming your familiar as per the find familiar spell for the next 8 hours. The caul drone has the statistics of a giant wasp with the construct type instead of beast, AC 18, and immunity to acid and fire damage. At the end of the 8 hours, or if the caul drone is reduced to 0 hit points, the wings and talons disappear, leaving behind a scaly cauldron, and the caul drone can’t be activated as a familiar again until the next dawn.

Brewing Buddy. While the caul drone is active as your familiar, you have advantage on ability checks to create food, potions, or poisons if you use the caul drone as part of your cooking apparatus. The caul drone can be used in conjunction with any alchemist’s tools, brewer’s supplies, cook’s utensils or poisoner’s kit, granting you advantage on ability checks you make with those tools.

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