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Wondrous item, uncommon

Then came the vampire spawn. With the help of L’Arsène Upin, who had found himself trapped in the kitchen after hearing of the countless treasures in the Inn, Heliana created this bloodsucker-shucker. A multi-barreled, automated, repeating crossbow, this 4-foot-long device has a handy coffin full of spare stakes attached to its flank and a crucifix for a crosshair. Its name comes from the time taken to get it up to speed; there is a small pause before this arcanomechanical device unleashes its devastating deluge of douglas-fir darts.

High stakes has 9 charges and regains 1d6 + 3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Splinter Spray. As a bonus action while you hold a loaded high stakes in both hands, you can hold down the trigger, causing the internal arcanomechanical clockwork to begin churning and creating a noise that can be heard for 100 feet. At the start of your next turn the device spins up to full speed and you can use your action to expend 1 charge, continuing the spinning and firing splinters in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d4 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Alternatively, you can use your bonus action to continue to hold the trigger halfway and maintain the spinning until the start of your next turn, without consuming a charge.

If the device ever stops spinning, such as if you don’t use a bonus action or action to make it spin, stop holding it in two hands, or are incapacitated or disarmed on the item, the mechanism stops and requires a bonus action to begin spinning again. Once this device has fired three times (using three separate actions), you must spend an action to load a new stake into it before it can be fired again.


Rare variant: Increase the DC to 15, the cone to 40 feet, and the damage to 6d4.

Very rare variant: Increase the DC to 16, the cone to 50 feet, and the damage to 8d4.

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Dan Gragert

This is so f*****g metal. xD I love it. Epic loot in a Grim Hollow campaign. This will see the light of dawn, some day, in one of my campaigns.


hahaa, glad you like ! combine this with the grave shredder and you have yourself a perfect loadout to deal with the dead

Dan Gragert

And a perfect excuse why I'm using AC/DC as combat music >_> \,,/.