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Sounds of an elevator from the comforts of home. 


After Show: The Sony DR-11.



Understandable, have a nice day.


Thank you Frank


hooray nother patreon vid!


Love this ❤️❤️


It's a Sony 😳


Well good afternoon


my god is it Thursday already?


I have a pair of '70s DR-9's, I use them exclusively in my 80's Sony hifi amp for a period sound when I can't crank my speakers at home! They've also been modified for a replaceable cable! :D


This is kinda funny, the main channel video isn't up yet (denmark) :p


He-he-he-he-hey! It's the After Show! <3


I remember I used to have a Sony studio reference headphone my dad gifted me it’s a headphone that need a amp to drive it but my Idiot ass don’t know what ohm and amp is back then I just plug the headphones to a cheap waste land plastic mp3 player I was furious because it’s doesn’t sound “magical” or good. Looking back at that I feel horrible disrespecting the headphone and my dad. Sooo yeah thank you dankie, you are the reason I got my knowledge to the audio world.


Haha they sound awful but I want them 🤣


Where's the bass Dankman? Where's the bass!


I immediately thought about phase 1 Noodle’s headphones! Anyone else?


"advice for woman on the verge of DIVORCE" lmao


the skull crushers on the free vid are absolutely hilarious lmao i still can't get over them


Eeeuughhhh D: they make me feel motion sick hahaha


dank, since you enjoy making videos about old headphones, you should talk about etymotics and i know you have an AKG K1000 mate, DON'T HIDE IT


They sound awful to my ears. But I now remember the good ol' days when you just hear one side of the music when one headphone was broken🤣 BTW: Can you recommend some wireless earphones? I liked the sound of the apple Earpods but they are wired and my ears always hurt because they are to big. But I love that I just can take one out of the case. That's convienient. I have the beans they are OK, but the sound isn't that great and they fit terrible half of the time. But I like when they sitting on your ears.


Oooooh doctor elevens!


Patreon’s player blows.


Oh hey I have one of those polariods! Mine doesn't work though. :(


What's really funny is I just got some DR-15's from my uncle for free, the thing makes music sound like butter


They sound like a music played through a retro filter.


i got a pair of original 70s K240s myself, its currently my favorite-to-listen-to headphones


This is cool, can't wait for another history lesson!


lol dat bass, or lack there of


Fun fact, the only album that the Beatles actually recorded in stereo (and only released in stereo) was Abbey Road. The other albums were recorded in mono, and converted to stereo without the Beatles participation. But with Abbey Road, the Beatles specifically used the benefit of Stereo recording to their advantage, and made it sound great!

Jeremy Abel

Hey can you go thru that omnipresent Woman's Week magazine some time?


"Advice for women on the verge of DIVORCE" you wanna go over anything Mr. Pods?




like actually 0 base


Fun fact: Sony's first product was a rice cooker made in 1945-46. They didn't have the catchy names back then, so they just called it a "rice cooker."


I just audibly said: "Awe yeah, hi-fi!"


I recently listened through the discography of the Velvet Underground and the stereo mix on those first two LPs is super annoying

Marcel de Jong

My dad had a pair of these. Not sure what he did with them


Re the main video, if you want another tale of disappointment from Sony, look at the PCM D50, M10, and D100 recorders


Another FUIC aficionado I see. I used to drink that stuff like water until I also similarly realized it was coffee flavored sugar syrup.


we gotta see those 30s headphones u brought up, i want that depression era sound


You warned us, but i still wasn't prepared for the disappointment of the DR-11s... Actually the worst bass response holy


The K240s are reference headphones but they sound really fun and sparkly in comparison to a lot of the others you’ve smashed through the ears on a stand!!


For a 50 year old set of cans they're very pretty

Danny Sullivan

Those tinny Sony's were just awful to listen too 😂

Chris Horry

Wow they sound horrible, you sure they're not busted?


Atompunk vibes for sure! Honestly didn't expect them to actually be sooo old but they look great ngl


I see that there OneStep Sonar. And I like it, too.


Oh man, love vintage headphones. It amazes me how some of them sound so good for that time!


Advice for women on the verge of DIVORCE


I know that watching the After Show is like eating dessert before the main course, but I don't care.


I bought 'kuh zuh - zuh-suh-nuh pro xuh' thank you for recommending


Want to hear Shellac through these puppies


I want to hear shellac though the XB-1000's, cause why not.


I found a pair of these in a cashies for 20 bucks, so God damn crunchy


You should try listening to Bass Computer 2000 by Techmaster PEB on one of your nightmare bass headphones. Miami bass is so fun when it feels like it's about to cave your skull and then your house in.


I got a pair of K240 Monitors that were originally bought by Grandmother and they do sound very good!


I gotta say, I still really enjoy these old Stereo-Recordings. Especially Countrymusic from the 50s/60s. Nowadays I feel like some music might aswell be mixed in mono with that little separation. I will say though, the Lyrics better be dead center! Otherwise it drives me insane😅


The AKG K240 Monitor weren't made in the seventies. AKG started producing the K240 Sextett (in three slightly different versions as far as I know) in 1975, and the Monitors followed in 1984, and were produced until the (still Austrian-made) 55 Ohm K240 Studio replaced them at some point in the late 90s/early 2000s


Is there a way to watch all of the after shows in a playlist? Doing through the Patreon UI is kind of a bummer.


Actually having volume sliders on each cup is something i'd really like nowaday. I hear worse with my left ear and to be able to fine tune the balance of everything would be so nice


I only just remembered that when I was a kid most headphones seemed to have blue for left & red for right, when & why did that stop being a thing?


Old headphones generally sound better then modern ones


Farmers union addiction, we've all been there


I got AKG K240 Studios, which are 55 ohms. They're fine, but they don't have enough clamping pressure for me (and yes, made in Austria)


Damn FUIC why is it so tasty. Oh the suger... well yeah ...


i bet the driver membrane dries up and turns hard with age and becomes less able to move far enough to make bass tones... so saying those can't have ever been good


You could take them on flights so if anyone collapses and someone asks, “Is there a doctor on the plane?” you can get the dr-11s out and put them on the stricken passenger. People might die but it would be worth it.


the dr 11 feel like the 1 earphone with the 6m cable


Fun fact. Old mate of mine and I went to a cashies in Adelaide and picked up a pair of these exacted headphones and go them for 9 dollarydoos they were rattling but super glue and some disassembly fixed that


Those ear height adjustments look like you could pick up the radio on them


I took a bit to watch this and ended up watching it on a new to me pair of headphones, AKG K240 monitor 600 ohms. made in Austria. My uncle is a musician and studio host(?) who has a few pairs he got from someone else, I told him I've wanted a pair of AKG's and he gave me one. Thought it was kinda funny and cool that you're gonna use them for old reference pahones.


Hi Dank. Found some of your Patreon videos, watched one as a non-patron and felt bad so here I am with my single buck.


Since the Superlux HD681 are a clone of the AKG K240, I think a side-by-side comparison or general shoot-out can be interesting.


I LOVE how those 240s sound


how 'bout you buy new earpads for the good 'ol xb1k's

Jonathan Flock

Petition to put a sign on Frank's tank that says "Danky Doodle's Lanky Noodle" please sign below if you agree with this movement.


I'm sad to say, but genuine replacement pads are no longer available for the MDR-XB line, not as far as my searches have found. So just get the aftermarket, cheap ones, right? It ruins the entire feel. The original ones have a nice closed cell foam stuffing that is hard to describe but just right in feeling. Aftermarket ones have some cheap open cell foam stuffing that CRINKLES and CRUNCHES whenever they move against your head. Also, they are somehow a more intense thermal insulator, so the net result is a sad, noisy, hot pair of headphones and it ruins them for me. The solution I found was to take a little plastic bristle brush drill bit (not in a drill) and slowly scrape all the plastic off the soft fabric backing on the insides of the pads. (for anyone in a similar predicament)


I thought about this too, didn't think it'd affect sound much. I am waiting for the replacement pads for my current headphones and I'm wondering if it will change the quality much. I'll see - thanks for the "life hack".


I just notived he has "advice for women on the verge of DIVORCE" on his "recording table". Is the sexy speaker unhappy?


I'm liking the idea of upcoming vintage headphone videos. I'm very interested in a video about your stax. You've mentioned them in many videos, but never a video about them


omg i just noticed the polaroid camera on the recording table. Love the easter egg


I used to wonder why people call headphones "cans", but these guys really sound like you're listening to something through some tin cans


My guess is if they have capacitors inside of them for the slider, they probably failed. I had equipment from the late 80s and the caps were completely gone, replacement only, all that worked was the left channel very quietly for 30 seconds and the caps just leaked. So that's my guess, open them up replace caps (if present) and should be WAY better.

Tomoyuki Saito

Holy High End Batman, They trying to stop us with Elevator Music...and it's working!!


Sooo whats the advice for women on the verge of divorce Dank? 🤣


Just bought some bonez headphones.. It's.. weird how I can at least still tell the clear audio differences from the comparisons. I was actually worried about using these to watch your videos, but I'm fairly impressed because I can still hear everything else around me, and it truly feels super natural when they're turned up just close enough to 'loud'. If you still have your boney headphones, watch one of your own videos and see what I'm talking about lol


these antennas xD