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After Show: My Polaroid SX70









OI BUD I GOT THE SAME ONE! I shot a project where I did a Polaroid EVERYDAY FOR A YEAR last year! It’s great fun!


The after show's up before the main show, today! So technically it's the before show, right?


Hella nice camera, Dankie!


New aftershow but no normal show on YouTube? WHAT THE FRANK?


Also, the battery is in the film cartridge so never needs replacing in the actual camera


You should look at Timex IMac alarm clock, and other mini macs.

Evan Hartmann

I’ll give you an American $2 bill for that photo


I've been thinking about grabbing a Polaroid. Kind of expensive (in the US) but I don't take many photos. But when I do, they're of memories or things that really mean something to me. It would be cool to build a physical collection, tangible. Something to share, to pass along to show the later generation that today, yesterday, and tomorrow happened. And what that looked like that very moment. I just joined, and I'm so happy im here. Thanks for the awesome videos Mr. Dank!


From the sitting it down into the table and people asking to the whole autofocus stuff it’s honestly my favorite camera in my collection. I got mine for $10 at a garage sale it’s in really good condition with all its original parts and stickers I love this vid.


I feel like having Dank Polaroids would be an incredible prize for a giveaway.


the HP in the main show uses RPN, HP did (does) a bunch of RPN calculators. it lets you not use parentheses by doing operations after you've put in the numbers (2, enter, 2, + is the same as 2+2=). I was a big fan back in the day, but mostly so other kids couldn't steal my calculator.


oy mate you gotta SHAKE IT


Never specified after what show, maybe its just after show of after the show that was show before show show?


I recommend checking out garage sales I found one of these for $10 and places like facebook marketplace is great too some spectra systems go for about $15-$20.


Take the colorless frank photos and convince future historians that DankPods was a 50s TV show with Frank as the mascot


We need those pictures to be FloatPlane emojis.


Dank should introduce a $100/month Patreon tier where the reward is a Polaroid of Frank, 1 Grit or the duck.


I have a new Polaroid and then a vintage one, my vintage one is from the mid 80’s and when you where talking about how you wasted a pack a film I laughed because out of a pack of 8 photos I only got one or two good ones with my vintage Polaroid.


Wade, the battery is _in_ the film pack


The Batts for the Polaroid are in the Film if I remember correctly


Haha the SX-70 Sonar is such a pain in the butt to use, if you ever get your hands on a Polaroid SLR 680 it’s so so so much nicer since it has built in flash and uses 600 film that doesn’t require a bright day to expose right. (Though it’s a long boi just like frank when flattened)

Mattis. Probably.

I'm a photographer so I got very excited when I saw this pop up in my feed just now :D


I KNEW I recognized that OneStep in the last Aftershow! Some great shots you got! Couple of things: first, Google “Polaroid frog tongue”. You’ll save a lot of film. In a nutshell, it only really needs to be shielded from light for the first few seconds, especially the seconds where it’s being ejected. Also, it can take a bit to take a photo. So if you hit the button then move the camera to grab the film as it’s ejecting, you’re gonna have a blurry time. Also, battery’s in the film pack. Neat-o. Lastly, they bought the Polaroid name, but they’re not the Polaroid of the 90s and earlier. They started in 2009 as the Impossible Project after Polaroid went bankrupt, then became Polaroid Originals a few years ago, and even more recently just became Polaroid. The Sonar OneStep is a work of art. If you want a stinky Polanugget, look up Keystone SX-70. Horrible and delightful. I have 3 of them. ❤️ Kisses for Frank!


Looks like your camera doesn’t have a film shield? That should help immensely with the quality of your photos.


What a cool and at the same time hard thing to use.

Joshua Garza

The bag picture would make for a great album cover


So the regular HP 12C only supports entering calculations in Reverse Polish Notation. for 2+2=4 you'd have to enter 2 [enter] 2 [+] which would give four. On paper, this looks like 2 2 +. This video explains the basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oZCVrGcisY&t=324s


Whats cool is RPN preserves order of operations without parenthesis.


i have that rug


I don't know how the settings on those work, but hopefully this helps. in film ISO is usually tied to the film itself the higher the number the faster the exposure, but also less light gets captured so low iso means fast stuff wont be blurry, but you can only really get bright scenes (or use a flash) 500 for daylight scenes is great, 1200 for night time is a rough estimation. though this all comes down to the camera. F stop this one is really important and is tied to the camera it controls the aperture on the lens. thats how you can control the amount of light coming into the camera. you can also use it in some pretty creative ways. on some cheaper or simpler cameras its sometimes referred to as exposure. I'd really recommend getting a "pro" camera app on your phone that lets you adjust those settings. it can really help with understanding that stuff in a more hands on way. It might not be accurate but it will garner some knowledge.


You’re supposed to shake them to develop them. Source: I turn 40 in May. Also that one song


Question for Mr. Pods: have you let frank try your crushers yet?

Brad Sparks

Literally every bit of Polaroid literature told you not to do this.


Oh man, my CIT teacher has one of those Polaroid cameras as a display piece in her classroom


Polaroid film (especially SX-70 film) is SUPER light hungry. If you get an ND filter (polaroid sells them on their website) you can use 600 film which can handle darker environments. Either way you'll probably need a flash indoors if it isn't well lit. With or without flash you'll probably want a tripod in low light environments like indoors. Absolutely love seeing people get excited about shooting polaroid! I regularly shoot polaroid and absolutely love it, takes a lot of practice though. Best of luck! 🐍♥️


Doesn't the long develop time mean the film is past it's outdate? Also, I think the battery is built into each film pack.


I still have my 600. I've only used it a few times in the last 5-6 years cause the impossible/new polaroid 600 film wasn't as impressive as the original 600 film. I'm still salty that you only get 8 shots to a cartridge instead of 10... I'm very happy with my Fuji mini 90 neo though.


No that's not the case. Modern polaroid color film takes up to 30 minutes to develop. About 24 hours until it's completely done (the shadows get a bit darker until then). Black and white film takes half the time to develop.


I'm no photography expert either, but I believe the battery is in the film cartridge itself. There's something magical about old film cameras, I do sometimes miss them.


I don't own an SX-70 but I don't a bit about it. 1. I know it's an SLR which means what you see through the lens is what goes on the film. 2. I know that the battery is actually in the film pack which is one reason why it's soo expensive. 3. I know that Polaroid technically doesn't make the film anymore, it's made by Impossible and has 2 less photos per pack than they used to. 4. That thing didn't have support for a good 15 years. 5. It's really light hungry, basically outdoor sunny days or indoors with bright flash. 6. Less light = slower shutter speeds = motion blur. Don't know if you have a camera with manual settings (digital or film) to learn on cause that would help a lot. It's basically a manual camera but less intuitive because they didn't number anything and the symbols they use don't make any sense. It's kinda eh but it's still one of the most professional instant cameras I've found, which makes me sad.


You probably already know this because you emphasised the Sonar part, but it's always handy to keep in mind that because it is sonar it won't focus through a window, the sonar just bounces off the glass


If i'm not wrong the actual battery for a polaroid is in the photos cartridge you load up


I'm pretty sure you're right with this. I remember reading about people hacking them open and changing the batteries.


Fun fact the cover for Peter Gabriel's third solo album was made by manipulating & applying pressure to different points on a polaroid photo as it developed. The cover of Akira S & As Garotas Que Erraram's self-titled record uses the same technique on a pic of some urinals. V cool effect to experiment with


i shoot a lot of film but all 35mm and 120, i’ve never actually shot with a polaroid. i picked up a land camera 360 from the ‘60s from a thrift shop a while back but it would cost over $100 freedom bucks to get batteries and film for it and i don’t really want to spend that much on something that i can’t verify actually works. it’s a cool lil display thingy tho and i have my fair share of other vintage cameras!


Also got my 50s sx-70 service by those guys, they’re awesome


Integral Film when it first came out in the 70s was revolutionary, and to this day its a huge business. Fuji and Polaroid are cranking.


On photographs these days - but we're not getting them developed, so how much will be lost when the internet goes down? Or servers crash? That's the other side of it.

Luke Herron

I got my first polaroid when I was about 10 and I used it up until I was about 14, great memories of that camera. Far more angaging than a screen with a button.


This thing is all i stare at when its freakish ears on a stand time. I wish the new polariods were like this.


oh nice i’ve been collecting polaroids for a while now and have a few respectable lads, my main one i use to take pics with is a refurbished 600 land. also i’m a dingus: if it’s bright out, do you move the darkness/brightness level to the bright side?


There was a version of the film that rolled the developer emulsion on the exposed paper as it came out. You'd set a timer for, like, 3 minutes then peel off the emulsion. A bit messy, but the photos were excellent.


I love laughing with you 🤣 even though I'm laughing at you 😁😁


The film pack contains the battery. Polaroid film is not what it once was, it’s just a shell company.


My guy the SX-70 came out in 1972, you’re about 22 years too early to have one from the 50’s.


That’s pretty cool. It was a big thing to modify polaroid 600 cameras to take SX-70 film because of the fact you could manipulate them. 600 film was unable to achieve this as it differed chemically, so if you added a dark shade to a 600 camera and broke a guide inside, SX-70 film slipped right in, and you could manipulate to your hearts content while having it done on a more modern 600 cam.


Mostly correct. Impossible now owns polaroid. So polaroid does technically make the film, same chemicals same machines. The reason why it takes two less photos is they found out the packs had a higher success rate and less jamming if they took two out. I mean if you put 8 in a pack it’s jammed tight as it is. The batteries aren’t what makes the packs so expensive either, it’s the fact the film is instant in the way it is. Each photo has to self develop in a specific way, perfectly. Imagine just how hard that is. it’s it’s own dark room and developer process in a single photograph.


The tongue? SX-70s don’t have those. It’s not as instantly light sensitive as 600 film is, though you can install one? it’s not really necessary.


Any 600 camera is easy to use, but it ruins the fun. No exploding flash bulbs and no leather.


That’s a terrible idea brought up by a song lol. The only thing shaking a polaroid photo does is shattering the fragile material that makes it up and causing it to not develop. Many people from the early 2000’s learned that the hard way when they bought a polaroid to play with after hey ya came out, and shook a photo to have it destroy itself lol. DO NOT SHAKE IT.


Dear god how much money do you have? That’s like, 30 bucks a week!


never thought I'd enjoy hearing an Australian talk about a camera.

Asaf Sagi

I got a few flash bars I'd be happy to send your way if you'd like! DM me if you're interested

Asaf Sagi

Also, great nod to Italian Spiderman in the main vid :) Aussie pride


Im fairly certain the batt is in the film cartridge


OMG my grandpa had one of these, and a ton of memories of using it in the early 90s as a kid just came flooding back.


I collect vintage cameras, even though I'm not exactly the best photographer. They did a great job with the restoration, it's absolutely beautiful!


can’t wait to see the floats


I'm having nightmare flashbacks to photography class in high school and watching the price of that photo paper climb ever higher


holy macarroni the zeny is still alive


I remember back in 2007 when Polaroid stopped making film, and this was before the Impossible Project took over, there were so many redic workarounds in groups on Flickr on how to use the 600 series film on an sx-70. So many head standing moments.


I bought a AE-1P last year and i've been using it much more then my actual dslr.


Maybe you need to invest in an olde fashion light meter….


With the polaroid cameras we had the batteries were some kind of foil pillow battery inside the film cartridge, it was a bit of a waste because the batteries still have juice left when you use the film up.


This is the 100th after show episode!


One of my friends collects Polaroids and older cameras; he converted one of his SX-70s to take 600 film. Its actually really cool Also for my SX-70 pictures they only came out good if I used the flash, otherwise they were blurry and terrible


I have been WAITING for the SX70 to show up! I've been shooting Polaroid (SX70 and 600) for about 5 1/2 years. I think the best mod you can get done on a sonar SX70 is convert it to 600 speed film as it's not as picky. 70 is really meant for bright sunlight on your subject. The batteries are in the film which is why the cameras survive so long. no corrosion to ruin them. Some more videos on the wild world of polaroids could be, SX70 Accessories, Accessories by MiNT, and the Big orthodontist Spectra camera, which takes macro photos originally used for teeth. Loved to see you having a good time either way with your camera :)


Twisted actually used Scarlet Fire as background music for their video! https://www.instagram.com/tv/CZodnPiDXgB/?utm_medium=copy_link


This was such a cool episode, Dank!


I also like the odds of analogue photography, because the cameras are very sturdy. I'm from the Baikal region, but moved to Germany when i was 18 to work. Every few years i do visit my old home again and the weather conditions alone managed to destroy three digital SLR's, because it had -32°C. My analogue camera, which is a very old hand cranked, never disappointed me, it even fell into mud and water several times.


Film Rocks, that's it, that's my comment..... why are you still reading this?


Big stinker




i want one of those cameras


Makes me miss my really basic vintage polaroid (currently hibernating in my parent's house).


I would totally want that blury rig photo to hang up. SELL IT TO ME


thanks to you i've now bought myself one of these and its awesome!

Casidhe Farrell

I was wondering when you were going to do a video on the SX-70 as I noticed it on a few of your previous episodes. I just got an SLR 680 this week and I love how cool these folding Polaroids are. I would love to see more of the photos that you take with your SX-70. Wanna trade random polaroids of everyday items?


I love my SX-70!! Just got it working too!


That was a mighty fine pic of your bag! 🤣


You should take the photos that didn’t work out very well, and sell them as merch. I’d absolutely be down for that.


That picture of the bag looks like a Liminal Space

jan Melantu

Polaroid actually stopped making cameras and film, and it only has full support because of a ton of enthusiasts. The current Polaroid company was actually a couple of guys bought the Netherlands Polaroid factory when the original Polaroid went bankrupt


You’ve got some good album cover material in those photos you took!




the fact that the usb extension cable was twice as more exciting as the whole thing


I got a Polaroid camera recently, a OneStep CloseUp. It's been fantastic so far


Floats video when?


You've probably figured this out, but the battery for the SX70 is in the film cartridge. New batt with each new film cartridge!


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Got a Polaroid Go recently. A fun time but the experience is often painful like this