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Thanks for the incredible amounts of input everyone! It's exactly why I wanted to talk to you guys first as everyone takes something different from my content and everyones opinion is important. You guys built this house after all!

There’s a lot of folks who don’t mind what happens but a bunch of folks who love the $1 exclusive vibe. It’s totes fun having stuff made just for you which was my plan! Or folks would love to see some behind the scenes or a vlog as extra instead but alas I can’t find anymore time to make content with Garbage Time/Stream maxing me out... Sorry about that! I loved people asking for bloopers, I leave most of those in! This channel is an improv mess. And some fellow YouTubers saying it's very risky especially after hiring folks and I can't argue with that, especially after the Twitch thing with Google having some history too. Thanks for the real talk 👍.  

But in the end everyone brings up the same thing… if people want to watch it they just find the playlist 😂. Seems to be a natural balance and I won't mess with it haha. 

But if you have a friend you want to show these After Shows to I don’t mind. I’m just stoked that folks are digging the vids and it's wild that people have bonded over these. If I wanted to lock it down I'd have gone with Vimeo but I know you guys like to be able to watch them on YouTube 👌. 

Maybe I need to finally make my own Patreon After Show YT playlist to share here, as yea Patreons video player is awful!

But most of all thanks for all the super positive messages, I’ve been a little wigged out with how huge this thing has gotten as it’s a big responsibility. I take all your generosity very seriously and never want to make a bad video so thanks for reminding me that’s it’s all fun after all. None of the money is being wasted, except for the money that's been wasted*. *cheddarmite scrolls 👀

But take another worthless Frank image. It’s worthless.




Hey franky


We love you Frank


Hello mr dankpods, my names Theo. just thought id introduce myself. 👋🏻


Thanks for the Frank NFT.


she’s beautiful

Julia Z.

Can we still get weekly worthless Frank pics anyway?


Gawd thats a sexy snek


My favourite periscope


Would definitely love a YouTube playlist of the after show videos. Patreon app/site crashes sometimes when watching them and it can be a pain to try and catch up on multiple missed shows. Keep up the good work mate.


Gonna get an a1 poster or Frank on my wall one of these days


No image of frank is worthless


Frank is not worthless…you delightful philistine


Not worthless. Makes my day seeing that sassy lass


Frank looks really cute in this one 10/10


I for one, always accept useless Frank pictures as repayment


We love you Frank (and wade too I guess) But seriously it’s great that you take our input so seriously. Try to spend specifically my dollar on cheddarmite scrolls


We do love our frank pictures


Love you man! Keep up what you're doing and try not to burn yourself out ;) Take your breaks when you need them and you'll be fine for a lot of years to come


Just do whatever you think is the right choice. I'm all here to support.


Can we still have the random Frank images?


Did Frank have anything to say?


I love the Frank pictures. Frankly, they're great! 😂


I like it this way, but would appreciate more worthless frank pics, tyvm


Not worthless, but priceless


Thank you for your content man! I actively look forward to your weekly videos and the after show!


What a splended noodle she is, boys! Bonk for Frank, everybody do their driest bonk for Frank.


Keep up the awesome work man. We all love what you are doing right now and I think it's very clear we wouldn't want to see things change too much. Definitely get floatplane working for you, I think that's a huge step, I agree with most everyone that said that timing the after show for regular viewers is a great idea. Give it to us early, then a few days later release it for them. It's a great idea and doesn't take much extra effort. Above all, you got this, I know I appreciate a content creator listening to their friends and fans.


That pic goes hard, can i screenshot this?


thanks for listening to our input!

Alex Holierhoek

This channel made me a friend at school. He was wearing kz earbuds, and I asked him "do you watch dankpods" which he answered with a yes. Sinds that moment we are friends 🤣 so thanks man




How can you be scared for snakes after seeing frank😀


Can we keep the worthless frank the snek photos but yeah but yours and your teams stability is probably the most important thing and your bringing in probably around ~25-30k a month after tax from patron which is more money for nugs i guess


More Frank is the best Frank!


Frank stinks.


Frank is a national treasure 🥰


And this is why I choose to support you and not other creators, you actually care enough to ask the opinions of your fans and have an open dialogue, thats why we love you, and thats why I upped my monthly pledge, you deserve it!


You are the only YouTuber I contribute to on Patreon. Every episode normally feels like Christmas to receive. So it's been nice getting double Christmas every week.


Glad the Patreon is staying also exited for garbage time vids


This arrangement is perfect the way it is. (More frank is more better tho). Don't worry too much, we got you


Frank is one in a million!


Also I definitely need that patron playlist just for my self frankly. I hate the patron one lol


I use my phone to watch the aftershow and it auto opens my YouTube app so I never have to use the patreon video player, is it only me that happens to?


Whatever you choose, my dollar stays here! Best channel on YouTube


Good choice, I've always thought your $1 club for extra videos was a genius business strategy, and have been surprised I haven't seen other YouTubers doing the same


You're my only Patreon contribution for reasons like this. You listen to us, and thanks for that!


Make the pic of frank an nft so it's less worthless and now just stupid


Honestly Wade, your transparency, care for your viewers and the fact that you consulted us first is something to truely be admired


Why don’t you try YouTube memberships as well as a Tier 2 patreon alternative? Maybe it brings some extra cashies cash that will be another net to save you?


Yeeee, finally all the folks can watch the aftershow! I'll keep my sub anyway cuz one dollar a month I get extra pic of Frank, that's a definition of a bargain in my dictionary!


Frank supremacy


Either way, I would've kept supporting you. Keep it up!


Still more value than an nft. There, I said it 🐍


I do the same, didn't really know about the Patreon video player.


Fank the legend.


But you will keep the frank images coming, right? :D ... R-right?


Another great dog pic. +1000 for a patreon play list. I have been trying to watch some of the back catalog. So painful on mobile.


the smile of a snake is priceless


But he's keeping the stuff as it was. He read the comments and concluded it would be too risky


Sounds good to me. Nice photo btw


Upping my contribution, this took guts to leave a decision like this up to your supporters and your respect for those who enjoy content exclusivity - even if I disagree - is an extremely mature and praiseworthy decision and is worth an extra couple of aussie bucks from me


all frank photos are worth a Picasso painting


I feel like sharing links to the aftershow on floatplane would be cool. Like you wouldn't be hosting the videos there, you'd just be telling your supporters where to find em. That way you can bundle in the drum streams and the aftershow for $2.80, without needing to host 4K video on floatplane. Seems fair to me imho?


This is easily one of the best channels on YouTube to support as you put everything in to give us the best content possible and really care about your viewers 😀 I still have a stack of bits to send over (including a broken 30gb apple nugget and some crazy accessories) and was wondering if you were going to start taking donations? Also would still like the useless weekly frank picks 😂


5 minutes ago I was oblivious to the existence of cheddarmite scrolls, now I desperately want one. I can get Cheddar easily enough but Marmite/Vegemite is an expensive import job and I just ran out.

Mattis. Probably.

Android 12 messed up YouTube for me when it comes to links. Go to settings, choose apps and then standard apps. You should have an option for links. Here you select YouTube and re-enable all the different URLs listed there. Then YouTube links should open the app again and not play in your browser.




I still want a Frank NFT. JUST SAYIN. Friday is my best day of the week because I get to either start or end it with dankpods videos


Sounds good! I was happy either way, but I do prefer things the way they are now.


You could make a DankFrank (Drank) channel, or set up a nonstop livestream of Frank and people would love it


My favorite part about this channel is that I pay $1, and I get loads of genuine, goofy as all hell content. It feels like myself or one of my buddies are making these videos because we share the same attitude with each other as you do with us. In a world of scripted and sold out YouTubers that are honestly just trying to make a living, it's totally awesome to be able to help one dude make a living on doing some fun and goofy vids. And in return, I get to see loads of videos on the same nuggets that haunted my early years in school 🤣


Based Frankposting


Frank be like "Whatcha doin' there bud?"


Yay more worthless frank


Didn't get around to reading the previous post till just now, which is good because I've got no problem with the decision you made =p Don't know if it got suggested in the previous post, but my only idea to make the after shows more accessible would be something like every month or two or so, patreons get to vote for one video to get released to public. (E.G. if the interval is two months, the poll would just list the eight after shows that happened since the previous poll)


We love you Dankpods and we also love that long idiot.


I'm glad you decided to keep it how it is. Don't fix what ain't broke right? Maybe avoid making a aftershow playlist since then we could save that link and not have to continue subscribing. These videos are extra and are def worth at least a dollar a month so don't cut yourself short by making it easy for pirates.


You don't actually have to watch the videos in the Patreon player. It's basically just an embedded YouTube player and on mobile, you usually get redirected to the YouTube app and if you're on Desktop, you can just click the YouTube logo and it takes you to the website. Just FYI That aside, I'm so happy to be part of what this has evolved into. Absolutely insane! I will definitely subscribe to Floatplane in the near future because I don't wanna miss those streams. Combined, that would still be only be less than 4 bucks. I'm totally fine with how it is right now, and if you're comfortable with your situation right now, I don't really see a reason to change things up. Let's see what the near future will bring upon us. Stay how you are Wade 🤙


I like the concept of the aftershow on patron and wouldn't change that. Another way to kinda get around the paywall issue would be to upload a stream highlight video of about 5-10 minutes every week or so. I personally wouldn't find the time to watch the whole stream and I think that goes for many people. That way you could also potentially attract some more people to pay for the stream, make people like me very happy and maybe even hire an extra friend to edit those clips together. Anyway, keep doing what you're doing and thanks for the great content!


Keeping the bonus videos a Patreon bonus is the right call. I feel your patron numbers would swan dive into an empty pool with the suggested change on the previous post. While us longer term members would stick around, I doubt you would grow or even sustain the numbers you have now. You're asking very little of individuals for an extra video each week. If you want to make some Ad revenue you could consider compiling all your videos a year into a single "Every Dankpods episode from 2021" video and so on. Zero Punctuation does this and I don't think people mind being able to watch a long form video with a few adverts in it. Probably still keep the patron videos patron only though.


Happy it’s staying the same (:


Releasing one patron voted freebie bi-monthly is a good idea. 👍


you're a great creator for listening to your fans before making a huge change like that. thanks for all the stuff you do


I mean it wasn't a bad idea, but I'm glad the Patreon stays the same, because I was worried about people cancelling their memberships if the vids were completely free. It's nice that you're transparent about these things and seem to genuinely be interested in your viewers' opinion. I hate to throw the word fan around, but I'm a fan of the stuff you make. It's obvious you're not just in it for the money and it's the reason I support you. Keep being you man, I love to see you succeed!


There she is. Frank in all it's Glory.. but still nothing to say.. sad Frank.. very sad.. But as for your content: as I said I'll stick arround, no matter what. And yes, it's always fun.

DaCoda Hunter

Personally for me dank Patreon redirects to YouTube automatically, so I've never witnessed the Patreon pattern. Glad to see you successful!


No Frank image is every worthless


Worthless Frank image? *turns it into an NFT*


dank frank images


Oh ok then, yes the one buck a month vibe is great, I chimed in with my opinion a bit too late for the party, but I'm glad to know that it stays the way it is, truly. Love what you are doing man and thanks for your great content you crazy nugget!


Frank looking stinky as ever in her poo palace


I look at it like this. I support you using patreon for random vids you wanna do and then the mp3 stuff as your mainline content. I love dankpods as it's a history of MP3 players being talked about by a dummer who is also an aussie and let's face it. Aussies know how to turn on the comedy factor. (( I know a girl in Adelaide and she's awsome....also funny at times. )) If you took the patreon videos and made them public it losses that exclusive videos. I subbed to see the more silly being the scenes stuff you do for patreon. I mentioned I'm not a streamer guy so if you kept your streams on floatplane that's fine with me. If you want to do more revenue you could do more merch which I'm not sure what you could sell. Maybe a Hoodia or a frank plushy and donate a % of the proceedings to a wildlife fund or some charity? Keep in mind i support the patreon content and will continue to as long as its that. Patreon content because it's just for here and not elsewhere. If you do vlogs keep them separate from dankpods as I tried to explain it to my mom like this. " if I sold ebikes and then sold hunting gear along side it in the same store under the same brand it would be bad brand rep." If I wanna see vlogs (( I'll check you out I did for Casey nistat)) then I'd rather see them on a different youtube channel. Also...if you do want ad Rev I'm fine watching the ads...I do for other channels. If I get annoyed I'll pay for youtube + (( not like I dont already let Google fuck my wallet. )) Anyways congratulations on what you have accomplished so far and I look forwards to 2022 content. ^_^


Maybe frank is the national treasure of one piece (( there is the one piece itself and then the national treasure of the world government))


Hey man it’s been awesome going on this journey with you and seeing your channel grow! You’ve officially ruined basic audio for me 😂 so I must do the same to others and introduce them to hifi audio now and it’s been epic 😂😂 I love how natural the videos tend to flow so that’s all I’m asking is for it stay as improv as possible lol. Anything extra is a bonus treat ❤️


As I suggested I feel if you just made the after show videos a day exclusive for patreon then throw them public on YouTube is a happy mid


This is an excellent idea!! I’m someone who would not want to watch the whole stream but I would LOVE a highlight video!


Not going to lie, I pay for the extra videos but I frequent that playlist to find them 😂 Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s been an interesting ride watching your channel grow! Your drum streams are something that I’ve started to watch regularly too!


Frank NFTs soon? ;)


Honestly m8, I'm down to get funky if that's what you wanna try, the worst that can happen that I can see is we yell at you. This works, but it's still possible something might work even better. Ive got your back 100% either way


Man, I am giving my cash because I love your content in YT, later I found it comes with extra vids (after content available here), which was something. Do as you wish. Go nuts. Be yourself and not something we desire. Don't mold your content based on inputs.


PS... Do bad videos too. We are ok with them.


You're the only YouTube I see as an actual person, I'm the way that you talk to us about any changes you might make and stuff. It's like your our very own old mate that lives in our phones!


Can confirm. I'd also love to see the dumpster fire of outtakes.


As someone just starting to get through the whole backlog, oh my goodness yes a playlist would be fantastic please if you can 🥺


Make it so. Doesn’t change my contribution.


Dank be praised


Roosterteeth does this (but a week) too. But then again for 1 dollar you can bingewatch a month then be done. And you could do this every few months.


No, no definitively mold your content after input, not doing that is what leads to twitch going downhill, YouTube going downhill, and most other big companies and creators going downhill. The second you stop listening and following inputs from users, you've pretty much thrown a brick on the gas pedal and blindfolded yourself while speeding towards a cliff


Frank nft???


woah I thought frank was a stick for a second


Personnally I wouldn't mind whatever you decide to do. I pay 1 $ and barely remember to go check exclusive stuff anyway lol


Sold this image of Frank for 10 Venezuelan Bolivar, so joke's on you it was worth somthin'! Ha! Gon' be rich!


This is why I love your channel man, you got the fame and yet you're still a humble guy which Is why I keep tossing the dollar your way. Keep on going man, still my favourite guy on youtube


Frank NFT!!!!! SOON????


Are we still getting the weekly Frank images?


I'm glad you're sticking with the current system!


Do what makes you happy man!


I absolutely agree with my dollar going towards as many cheddarmite scrolls as possible, no complaints here 👍


frank plushy sound cute af

Cup Of Earl Grey Tea

Cheddarmite scrolls aren't a waste of money! They're the best investment possible!


Thank you for getting our opinion (and for the funniest two posts I've ever read). A playlist would be great, but for anyone who hates the video viewer on this site, if you click the word YouTube at the bottom of the video, it opens up the vid in YouTube.


Dude if he did a make ship for frank, I would be on that so damn fast.


I didn't even know you could watch the After Show vids on Youtube by finding a random, public playlist. That kinda sucks. Come to think of it, maybe Vimeo would be the better choice..


Maybe an idea is to slowly release the old after shows. Like one a month. That way Patreon still gets their own catalog of stuff and the rest can have a taste?


Thanks for the worthless picture I will treasure it always


Keep on being D A N K


I love how you still keep the Patreon up and knowing that the playlists for the aftershow is around. Funny enough I subbed to Patreon cause of the low entry fee AND cause I got to get a sneak peek through the leaked playlists. It's an interesting combination, letting you know that all the patrons here are people who GENUINELY want to support you.


Can I get a Frank nft? I'm sure it'll be worth a lot


I'm glad you're staying with the current system. It's better for you (diversified cashies flow) and I don't think it's going to turn anyone off. It's so cool that you're able to support yourself and others by making dumb bullshit that brings people joy. I can't imagine the pressure of suddenly having this many eyes on you, but don't forget that we're here because what you do is funny, genuine, and sometimes (rarely) even informative. Try not to get too in your own head about it! All that was a lie, sorry, we're just here for Frank 🐍


I think your steady stream of income is important. But I'm kinda sad we couldn't open it up to the other people who love your content. I'm here with my dollarydoo regardless. And as far as I have seen, many many people have the same thoughts.


I kind of like having the exclusive content. It’s also nice to know that I’m helping to fund one of my favorite, if not my favorite creator. I don’t think I’d sub to floatplane as I’m not super interested in the stream (I’m really sorry, I just don’t have much time for any sort of long content), but it’s nice to know that I’m throwing money at you and getting some nice patreon content in return. In the end though it's your content and I will watch and enjoy it no matter what platform it's on.

Nonbinary gamer

Thanks for keeping us in the process. You can always release the occasional special like you did the Batman scamp3 (sorry I had to). Maybe a couple of times a year do a free After Show or upload a VOD of the stream.


The stability of having Patreon should help with the whole situation tbh, and it means you can do even crazier stuff for fun content! Big respect for wanting to do what you wanted though. I'd been watching for around a year, but only recently donated for the after show stuff, and I wanted to binge everything, but in order. Weaving nearly 100 patreon videos into ~130 youtube videos was going to be a massive pain though, so I ended up making a program to dump it into a playlist for me. Giving some easy way for new patrons to watch the back catalogue would definitely be a really nice thing, anything to bypass Patreon's feed tbh


I only joined a few days ago and didn't want to say anything. But I'm glad it's staying the same. Love your personality and channel. I have only joined your patreon and I had been considering for a few weeks to do that. I'm working backwards and am currently about march 2020. Late to the parrrty but downing them quick as I can to catch up. Keep up the good work and don't let it grind you down. It's all a laugh.... For us anyway. On a side note I just purchased some KZ ZSN Pro X (after getting some Samson's last year) and the first few reviews on Amazon UK were... "Dankpods recommend these ......" Oh yeah btw they are good 👍🫰 cheers dude!


wade you could pull up outside my gaffs in ya yute and throw peanuts at my window all day every day yelling CAM CROWSSSS for all i care brother and take my money every month i think alot of people on here dont even care all that much if they do get a free vid or not i love the aftershow and its fun beingin on some od the desk jokes but im honestly here cause i love what you do it makes me laugh when i need it and i wanna support a genuine donny who deserves all the success he gets big ups for the transparency tho


Can we still get weekly pictures of Frank?


Thank you for making us feel valid. Now take a day, doesnt have to be today or tomorrow but take a day off.


I would see how this goes and revisit in 3 months if you feel unsettled and want to try something different. And we appreciate you asking our opinions! I suspect you will know yourself what's best and I for one am happy to go with that. G


Good decision, thank you for listening and asking for feedback ✌🏻


That Frank image is far from worthless, Frank looking like a lovely lady as usual


now money is wasted on cheddarmite scrolls


i agree with daniel kyun we want weekly frank!!!


Patreon has a video player? I just get sent to YouTube 🤷


Take care of your mental health above all else. You have created a loyal fan base, so take breaks for yourself.


You are the only person I sub to on Patreon 😂


You're awesome!! You can take my money for just that reason alone. Keep on keeping on.


I wouldn't be at all opposed to the After Show being available both here AND on Floatplane for people who want to be able to catch the drum streams but not pay for two subscriptions.


You’ll always have my support Wade! You are by far my favorite content creator. You are the only content I get physically excited for seeing you post and I literally watch your content to go to sleep. We’ll always be here for ya!


I made my own private playlist, lol.


Too bad there are people making playlists of the after show episodes on YouTube, took me less than a minute to find a play list of all of them. Sharing with friends is one thing but to give them away to everyone kinda spoils the fun of having them exclusively.


Yo bro, you have our support mate. Just remember to have good rest, don't burn out. Tell Frank we said hi.


i do think an unlisted playlist of all after shows would be nice, i think patreon can pin posts to top?


Just a suggestion but one of the other content creators I support on here makes the videos patreon exclusive for a week before posting to YouTube that way there is still a perk for supporting the creator but all of the content is still made available to everyone to enjoy and help grow the Chanel.


A playlist would be amazing, because even though the Patreon app auto opens YT links in the YT app, it would be way easier to just use a playlist on YT


Might be out of the loop, but why not Livestream on YouTube via. Private link, and provide the link for your Patreons? Pretty solid streaming service, and only one payment service


Wade has had massive problems with YouTube in the past, it's why he doesn't enable ads in his videos and that his revenue stream is off YouTube. With his Dankmus channel they randomly demonetised it without saying why and he was only able to re-apply for monetisation two years later.

Michael Sunseri

To be honest Dankpods. You may be one of the most transparent YouTubers ever. That is really refreshing. As far as the exclusive content is concerned. Do what you feel. Especially since I just subscribed to floatplane anyway lol Oh look a drum stream….


I honestly don't think that would work for him as you already heard, he is super busy with everything going on so I don't even know if he has the time to get videos done a head of time to have a week cushion for us patrons.


At the end of the day I hope your comfortable with your content


Thanks for not just asking your patrons what they'd like, but taking it all on board too. Whilst I love the exclusive patron content, if it ends up being exclusive only for a limited time at some point (i.e. early access for patrons before going live to the public), then that'd be awesome too! (why should patrons have all the After Show fun?) Just keep doing what you're doing. You have no idea just how much some of us appreciate your work.


*priceless Frank image

Erin Kyan

cheddarmite scrolls are NEVER a waste


I pay to feed you, you pay to feed Frank, Frank sits in her box being a stinky freeloader, I get to see priceless pictures of Frank being a stinky freeloader, it's the circle of life.


Frank looking badass as per usual


Regardless of what happens with the patreon, I'll probably still keep my $1 membership going just since I know it's going to support one of the best content creators out there!


I love how whenever Dank posts a text only post, it always has Frank.


Way to go Wade! It's so nice to see a YouTuber that truly listens to their fan base! 🎉


Honestly don't mind what you do as long as I get to see Frank.


Sucks there's no patreon streaming thing.


Frank was just about to do a flip You interrupted it


I wanna see more Lego videos.


I appreciate this, so onward and upward to the $10 tier👌


I printed this photo of frank and hung it on my wall and now my landlord wants to evict me for devaluing his apartment


You’re the only patron I actually subscribe to. You’re one of a kind Dank. Maybe a Patreon teaser would get those non-patrons to dollar up since they want the coveted content. It’s only a dollar a month 🤔


I’m really disappointed that there won’t be any, (hopefully unedited) content, but I’m proud of your for saying you just don’t have the time. I’m having to do that in my own life and very much understand


Respect to the most humble youtuber out there, in dank we trust! Ok, and Frank too..


Long as you keep making content. i am content to give you my attention and my dollar :P


What ever you plan on doing, make sure you post a simplified ‘where to find me’ post. It took me ages before I realised you are on Spotify… PUT IT IN H!!! Like a list of; If you want to watch the drum streams hit this link…. If you want the ‘Extra video’ follow this link…Garbage time is at this link…. Etc etc. Love your content bro and I’m glad that you still treat every video as if someone is watching it for the first time!

Wild Doggo Jackie

I'm more than happy to support you because you're a genuinely awesome dude and i wanna see you succeed, but yeah, I'm cool with whatever it is ya wanna do. 🙂 I originally showed up for the budget audiophile recommendations, and you're actually the one who helped me pull the trigger on getting my first setup and becoming interested at all in all things audiophile. So yeah, you were a pretty big deal for me. Happy to be here. 🙂


Keep it up great channel been hooked since day one!


Love every little min. even rewatch alot of your videos just because i enjoyed them

Fox Lee

Just found you this week and you nearly gave me an asthma attack laughing, which I think means I owe you money. (Is that how that works?) Anyway I feel lightly betrayed to find that the One Dollarydoo tier is in fact one dollarydoo fifty, but still can't really fault that value so thanks! (My lungs do not say thanks.)


The frank pictures will never be worthless


Always love watching the exclusive videos after the free ones on youtube! Recommended your channel on youtube to my nephew, and he loves them!


I have just now learned its cheddarmite scrolls and not cheddarmite squirrels


you could honestly make the AfterShow literally anything and I’d still pay for it. It’s about time YouTube added some sort of Patreon account linking or something!


Hey! So it would actually be nice if you could possibly create a playlist of all the after shows. That's totally fine if it would be too risky because they would be more easily accessible to people who haven't paid, but it would make binging the episodes infinitely easier. Also, if you could put a link in the description of the after shows to the main video, that would be great as well!

Ricky C

Many of the the projects I support have a annual subscription. Any thought to adding that option?


Love the Frank


- F R A N K - I S - B E S T - D O G -

Evan Hartmann

Maybe make the after show public after a while like a month or something so people. Can still watch eventually

Jonathan Flock

Danky Doodle's Lanky Noodle


If we had let him make the after show public he’d have more money to do other projects which means more entertainment for us in the long run. People are so short sighted.


you could maybe do is put the after show on flowplane Ik that linus puts some of his video earlier on flowplane


I love the aftershows cuz I don't have much time in my day so instead of catching a stream I can watch an extra vid here and there. Maybe uploading vods of the streams to youtube with midrolls? I know long-form content does well on the platform so it would definitely get an audience.


I still think the "few days early" vibe for the extras would be good - You could pad out your weekly schedule by releasing your weekly video, then half-way through the week release the after show. Quick enough to be relevant, long enough to be worth 1$! That being said, this is acceptable too lol


Oh well ,🍕🐍


Currently watching an Aussie streamer speed Run Simpsons hit and run, and hear him put on Dankmus


Lol mentioning the playlist, I literally sat down and made a private one of my own xD

Evan Hartmann

maybe if anything make the videos public after a while like after 2 months old etc


With great power comes great responsibility or some shite.


i might start a folder on my computer full of only frank photos. (you should still upload frank photos)


With great patreons comes great cheddarmite scrolls