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Hey everyone! 

Everything is awesome atm, genuinely! So awesome that I want to change the structure of how I get paid for the mess that I make. 

I'm loving leaving mid roll ads out and I love not having to do sponsored segments where my vids can just be about whatever I want to yell at but I only ever wanted to have one paid service. I've been the struggling student and I know how lame it is to be paywalled out of stuff so I wanted DankPods, GarbageTime, Dankmus (👀) and the Twitch Garbage Streams all to be free with the After Show being the only paid guy. I might hate ads but I know folks don't mind them if it means it's free to watch, mid rolls stink tho... 

But then Twitch (Amazon) showed their true colours and left me out to dry, which was an awful experience so I moved the drum stream to Floatplane which is going amazing. I even had the devs tune into my streams and fix stuff WHILE STREAMING! You can't beat that service! Only issue is Floatplane doesn't have a free option and having so much of my content behind paywalls hasn't been sitting well with me, even if I price it all as low as I possibly can. 

Time flies and I can't believe that this is now my 3rd year doing this and after this long I have a big back catalogue of vids and a big pile of folks watching and I have to say, even just the single advert at the beginning of my YT vids brings in an income a scrubby musician like me has never seen before. 

So here's my insane idea...

I want to make the After Show's free for everyone. Put them into a folder on YouTube and set them to public. The After Shows will still keep on coming but it means everyone will get two videos a week. The little advert at the beginning does a lot with a channel this size and it would free up folks to catch the Drum Stream if they're missing out on it. The drum stream has been the work of over a year of prep and my whole life of practicing and I'd love more folks to be free to check it out! There's lots of yelling and Frank 👌

It means I will be depending on Google more but hey if they shaft me it means I can complain loudly and publicly! Twitch didn't do anything until you guys all stepped in your thousands to yell with me so with you guys behind me I'm sure everything will work out! 

Lots of folks have reached out to me asking to combine the After Show with Floatplane and I don't blame them as we all need to be subbed to 100+ subscription services now days to watch most content. But unfortunately it's too expensive with 4K video so the next best thing would be to just make them free! 

I will still keep the Patreon going absolutely, now that I've hired family and friends (Spoilers: I've officially hired Ol Mate James for 2 days a week to help make Garbage Time videos!!). Plus warehouse rent/insurance and wages is super expensive so I need as many income streams as I can but I only want folks who are free and able to donate to pitch in. Not because I've held folks ransom with blocked extra content!

Maybe instead of this being a DankPods exclusive Patreon it could be renamed "The Garbage Network" or something where it supports both DankPods AND GarbageTime/Stream. But I'd absolutely encourage folks to ditch Patreon and jump into Floatplane if you've wanted to sub to the drum stream but had to only pick one! 

But as a small token for anyone that stays here on Patreon (thank you if you do!!), every week I will upload a worthless image of Frank. Guaranteed to devalue any home it is displayed in, pictured above is an example. Truly worthless. 

This channel is built thanks to you guys and I can't do stuff like this without your permission, lemme know your thoughts and if this sits okay with you all! It wouldn't happen immediately as there's a lot to do behind the scenes to make it happen along with a video announcing it. 

Thank you all for changing my life, my families life and now my friends lives. I've been using the money to build a dream studio to make every kind of video under the sun from drums to cars to games and electronic nuggos and to drag in as many of my loved ones as possible. Hopefully it's completed this year! It's what I've been heavily working on for the last 12 months behind the scenes! 

Thanks once more and here's to making videos forever 🍻. 

Frank says nothing. 




Go for it!


Sounds good to me.


Go for it man. One Love


I accept this offer What a jolly idea


Do it!


Go for it man


Dew it!


do it, but put em in a playlist at first. keep the videos unlisted and see who the observant ones are


More dank AND more frank for everyone! Great idea!


Go for it!


Go for it! Sounds like a great idea


YES DO IT, and don't worry I'll still be supporting you😌😌😌


Do it, also more lego content please XD


Go for it


You should totally do it!


go head


Totally fine!


Sounds like a good idea


I honestly love everything you do, so I'll remain a Patron just to support you, no matter what you do, Wade :)


Do it. Just do it.


anything you do ill support, so go for it man!


Go for it, Weekly Frank is good enough for me to stay lol


Dew it.


Go for it


Go for it you Legend


Sounds awesome


Go for it!! I'll stay subbed to both forever! 👍


Hey bud, I'm not giving you money for videos, I'm doing it to support the channel. Free the vids! Lots of love from Canada!


I've subbed here to support you. The stuff is a nice bonus but I'm happy for you to share it. Plus I love Frank.


Great idea!


Awesome. Go for it!


the day i buy this for the videos lmao


Go for it! I’m a Patreon to support this fantastic content in whichever way I can.


I’ll stay on the “garbage network” patreon! Love ur stuff and I’ll support u all the way


Do it!


Go for it boss man


Do what's best for you, we are here to support you, and don't let anything say otherwise


Go for it and did anyone else read it in his voice 🤔


Go ahead, that is crazy


The Garbage Network is a go from me!


I'm gonna support you whatever decision you make man.


Yeah, don't worry. We will still support you! <3


Sounds good!


Go for it mate!


Sounds good, mate!


Sounds like a great plan!


You better do it


Solid idea


do it dude!


Sounds good to me m8


Totally fine the with idea, looking forward to it!


Your content is so amazing everyone needs to see as much as possible. Free the After Shows


Do It! Give Frank my love!


Go for it lad. Sounds like a good plan


This sounds good!


Maybe have a buffer zone of 2 weeks so patrons can see it first?


This Garbage Heap gives his stinky blessing

Kim Gaetjens

Here for the long haul, whatever you want to call it. 👍🏻💪🏼


Do it!


Honestly I only did the Patreon sub just to help support your channel, so I think it'll still be worth it


you're the boss, as long as I get to see that glorious green ipad on my screen every Thursday I'm happy


I’m still in.




Do what is best for you and your future mate! We subscribed to help you, the extra videos were just a bonus.

Aaron King

you got this broski


Do it! Full support on whatever suits you best.


Go for it, we’re all behind you


Idea for the name: garbage chute Little more catchy :)

The Ferret

You've got my vote for this plan!


Do it!! I'd be supporting you whether I got exclusive content or not. It's all good and everyone should get to see it 😊


You could make it free for all and I'd still give you my hard earned pennies, your content is worth it regardless


Go ahead man, I'm down for anything


Solid idea. Sounds great to me. I’ll follow and support you wherever man. Good luck.


I can get behind that! Its a win win win situation. I get to support you AND floatplane plus more people get to enjoy the extra vids!


Do it!


You gotta go with whatever makes you the most money man, none of this is promised tomorrow and no one is owed any sort of exclusivity


Go on Cold Ones


I only sub to help support my favorite content creator the extra videos are a bonus I sometimes forget I have


I say go for it. More Dank for everyone


do it!


absolutely do what you think is right


This sounds like a great idea. Do it Dankist Garbage man!


Literally not a problem in my mind! More free content is always cool!


It’s a dollar a month from me I’m happy to give you for nothing special in return. You make some of my favorite content out there.


If we can see the after show first one day before !!

Gavin Chillson

Go for it! Exclusively is a thing of the past let everyone enjoy the After Shows!


Go for it! Of course 👍


Makes sense, my suggestion would be to just for patrons to get the after show when it comes out, and non-patrons get it a week later? Just my two cents


I mean I support Garbage Network and weekly Frank, but the occasional bonus content would be nice. An unedited vlog of some kind every few weeks?

Joshua Chap

I say go for it. Do what you feel is best and if people are cool with it then I'm all for it.




ah sure g'wan why not


👍👍👍solid plan


Go for it mate! May the Cashies be with you and the nuggets be prosperous!




absolute solid idea, I will keep Patreon and Floatplane running anyway! Free After Shows for everyone!


I’d support this on Patreon even if there was no reward. I’ve been watching since you dragged an iPod behind you to see the scratches. Keep it up, we love what you’re doing!


Yeah cool. I'll be honest I don't pay my dollarydoo for the after show but more as a tip


Definitely do it, it’s a win win!

Max Power

Sounds good! I'll get some clothes pegs and string so I can start hanging the frank pics in my room


I like your idea, however I think some people might leave Patreon because they can get the after show for free…


You'll always have my support, do it.


Hey man, I’ve been here since the first few months of the channel, and I say go for it!


I’d say go for it Dank. Let everyone enjoy the aftershow


I'm subbed to patreon to support you, not for extra content. Whatever is best for you is what I support mate


Cool with me. Support you all the way


Sounds like a good idea!


Sounds great, many cheers!


Do whatever you feel is best, but keep up the patron so I can keep giving you my measly dollar


Do it!


Go for it and did any one read it in his voice


Do it !!


Yeah I'm all for it really! Go for it son, and the herd will follow. Plus it will help to also consolidate things a bit better without spreading yourself too thin


Floatplane is a great platform, I've been following it's progress for awhile. I say go for it!


I don’t have any negative ideas about, well, this idea!


I mean I only pay a pound so eh can’t complain


Don’t disappoint me JAAAAMEES!


Do it man! Sounds great 👍


After show for everyone! I would love to be able to share some of those videos with friends!


I’ll still stay on patreon even if you make these episodes free


I'm all for making content available to more people, this sounds like a good plan to me!


Go for it!


whatever makes you feel happy!


I'm gonna pay you a dollary do every month no matter what. Love your content. I listen to a modded ipod mini thanks to you!


I say go for it maybe if people are getting more content it might persuade them to sub to the stream or the Patreon


Go ahead brother, we will still be supporting the work you do, the way you genuinely thank us and appreciate us is more than enough, and plus, these videos are a gem, and I think all of us would be willing to let all the non-patreon folks enjoy :)


My dude, Its 1 dollar a month. For the genuine and funny content you produce its def worth it. Dont stress, giving you money is our choice and I'll keep doing it!


Have as many ads as you need, I have YouTube premium lol


I like this plan! I’m still keeping my dollar a month bc I love what you do Dank! Keep up the great work


We love you man. Let the people watch after shows! They must be able to endure these beautiful videos! Stay true man!


I'd stay subbed to Patreon anyway, it would be neat to have all the content freely available though ☺️


Do it you crazy ding dang son of a bitch. Dance while the world is watching 🕶


Man, you do whatever you need to do. You’ve always had your fans in the foreground, and I trust you to make the right decision.


Yup, you do you. I'm here to support your ongoing madness. Anything you do, to better things for fans and yourself is peachy. Seen it mentioned, a little 1 or 2 week buffer for after shows would be cool, so patrons get to see it first. But I get that's extra work. You go for it


Sounds good to me man, always happy to see your career evolve and mature.

Your B

Go for it, gives me reason to jump into floatplane.


Perhaps have Patreon vids come out a week late to the public? But do whatever you feel best man, thanks for the update! Glad you're doing well.


Go for it you crazy nugget


Do what you gotta do ! Personally I have YouTube Premium so I won't see the ads to begin with, but I wouldn't mind seeing them at all to support the Dankpods channel!


I am more than willing to back you on floatplane! I’ll even keep my paltry $5 (US) coming every month here just for franks stupid face.


I'll keep supporting you even if you make the After Shows free 👍


I'd be perfectly happy with it and I'd still be your patron. There's a lot of good aftershow videos people who can't pay are missing out on


I'm all for it! Keep up the good content! I cant wait to see that weird dog every once and a while

Big Mike

Sounds good, if Floatplane is a better way to support you, I'd absolutely move over, and it's never a bad thing to have more people watching your content imo. So go for it if that's what you want to do!


Do it. I will continue to throw money to get my stinky name up on the vids.


Do it!!!


Sounds like a good idea but really hope you can keep your finatal stability


I'm happy to let everyone see the after show and I'll keep throwing my dollars at you. Honestly, just do what makes you happiest and keeps things the most stable so you can make your content in a way that keeps you happy and avoids burnout.


Hey man, you do what you think is best. This channel was built from a hairbrain scheme, if you think another one would do us and yourself better, you should do it, Wade.


100% behind this. I'd never want to deprive anyone of extra Dank vids.


Wade, no matter what you do I'm still going to support you and I feel like that's what most people here will say. Do what's best for you and what you think will help with the community. All I know is that between the floatplane and the patron I'm going to continue supporting you for less than it cost for me to get gas. Do I have permission to make a Frank fancam?


Go for it


I see this as an absolute win, mate! More content for everyone and you still get paid. But yeah, I'm still going to pay you my monthly freedom coin because I really like your content. Keep up the good work, pal! Greetings from Hungary. Cheers!


No matter what happens, I don't think Dank could ever disappoint me


I say go for it. I won't ever see the ads on YouTube, blockers take care of that. I cannot stand ads, but I love your channel a nd will continue to support it on Patreon as long as possible.


All your financial problems will be solved if you just start minting pictures of Frank as NFTs *jk*


Hell yes! Go for it, id much prefer everyone to get to enjoy more dank content and fully support you on floatplane!


You can do whatever you want, you’re a great guy

Harry Robinson

id say go for it and put ads in the youtube vids. no matter what we will always support you.


I have no problem with giving people more free content!


No objections whatsoever, let the After Show be free and the Frank pics snek-tastic.


If we're here, it means we support you. Your success is important to us, and we care about you and want you to accomplish whatever your heart desires. If this helps you be more successful, then I say go for it. We'll love you none the less. Thanks for being an endless source of entertainment, and please keep being amazing <3


Idm staying here, I don't watch all your after shows but I like supporting you, do what you want to


No matter what your choice is we’re going to follow. Do what you think is the right choice we’re all going to support you regardless


I’m so proud of you my guy, you’ve come such a long way!


I like the idea but honestly do what suits you the most and what would bring you more revenue, so we can get dankpods for longer


Go for it man sounds great to me


Sounds good to me

A cooking sloth

All here for it! And you can keep my smelly dollar every month too


I'm fine with this


I don't really need paywalled content as a hook to stay subbed. I'm not going to watch any drum streams and I won't go on floatplane but if you keep posting youtube videos I'll stay subbed, doesn't matter whether it's 1 or 2 per vids week.


Go for it m8


Even if the after show is free I still want to give you my 1 stinky dollar, you deserve it. It's a cool idea.


Do it buddy.


You're a legend Wade, follow your heart and my dollar will be along for the ride ❤️


Go on!! All fun and joy!


Personally it wouldn't bother me any and if it'd make you happy I'd see no reason to not to, I'll just probably shove my $1 into floatplane for the streams being I haven't gotten that yet


“$1 a month you get extra videos every week” too bad that twitch stinks, but do what you think is best for you ❤️ I wasn’t into these drum streams all that much so I will stay here on patreon


How much of a proce difference will there be between floatplane and patreon?


I'll still be here man, just keep up the great work

DaCoda Hunter

Do what you feels right dank. We all will support you regardless, especially those of us who were here from the original 1tb vids 😂 lots has changed since you started, and I can confidently say you're my favorite content creator.


Do it. Also keep kicking ass


I would support you no matter what you do, the aftershow has always been just an extension of what you already do, I mainly got on here to help you and “pay you” for making me laugh. I would switch over to whatever you were on so it would benefit you the most.


Do your thing boss!


Do whatever you feel is right, Wade. I don't think anybody here would be against you making more of your delicious content accessible to your general audience. I'm personally for it!


go for it dude, your content has been nothing but great, and seeing you use floatplane has been great, the more creators on there the better, I wish you the best in what you do and can't wait to see what's next


I just want to make sure that you’ll still be financially stable by cutting Patreon loose. If it makes financial sense to you then I say go for it. We just don’t want you to lose money to convenience us!


I love the idea, but I do think having patrons getting to see these first would be rad, IMO. It stills gives incentive to tag along here aside from supporting your work


This sounds like a great idea - just don't expect me to stop giving you here as well as giving you some love on floatplane ;) I gotta have those Frank pictures!


You have my worthless permission DankMan 🗿👍

Heavenly Derp Fowl

I am fine with it and plan to keep paying the patreon


I’m 100% behind this and I’ll stick to Patreon subs for frank👍


Been here since 9k when I found your ipod videos and subbed to the patreon from the start, the drum streams seem cool as i’m a drummer but i haven’t checked em out yet, really enjoy the drum gear videos and would love to see more, i have a similar love for gear!


I am too afraid to cancel my membership, since apparently there’s a fee to cancel memberships?? It’s $32 to cancel, and $1 a month to continue. Thing is, I don’t have the dollarydoo anymore since I spent it on GFuel..


I think this is a really good idea, 100% support you. It may be the push I needed to download floatplane lol


I’m totally on board, as most people have said, I more do the Patreon dollar as a help because I love your content so much


Go for it!

Ryan Geiser

Do it you dirty bud killer


I'm sold


Follow your dreams. I know that sounds like a cat poster, but it’s true. Or heck a frank poster


This is a great idea, I’m all in! Honestly I didn’t know that you were streaming on Floatplane. I think I might check it out then!


I was a little iffy on it but then you said that we'd be getting exclusive Frank pics and now I'm fully on-board. (In all seriousness, this sounds great! It also would make the After Shows a lot easier to access and rewatch on stuff like the mobile app so I'm all for it. Also I really like your content so supporting you (as much as just one dollarydoo a month helps) is a no-brainer, even if there's not a lot of exclusive content. Keep up the good work, Dank! 💚)


More content from you is only a plus, I donate because the comedy and info are delivered just how I like


Go for it, I honestly didn't like it when I wanted to watch an after show, but had to scroll way back to find it, and I belive the playlist would make it easier anyway.

Eben Sullivan

Go for it, mate. Spread your dank love and get that cheddar.


Yeah go ahead.


Either way, do what you’d like to do!


Sure man! I will keep subscribed to you patreon. As a music guy too i love your content


Go for it!


I don't mind and I like the name The Garbage Network


My fear is that is that you’d lose a steady income from this by people leaving, and not getting enough from floatplane, but I don’t know your financial situation so maybe floatplane is enough


Awesome! Let's do it!


Seconded Garbage Chute. Would like to keep the videos behind patreon but don't want the rest to miss out on discovering the nuggets. Maybe early release on patreon by hours if not days. Looking forward to more quality Garbage, streams nuggets and otherwise much love <3


Do it!


Go for it none of us are entitled to anything you made


I’ll stay, I’ll never leave you or Frank, you’re in my least favourite country but my most favourite now trio with ol mate James oh Board, see you’ll next time :D


Whatever floats your goat.


Considering the fact that I'm a high school student on a high school salary, a dollar is all I've got. But I think this is a great direction to take things and if that's what you feel necessary then I'm happy to keep giving my dollar here (especially for those pictures of frank) Keep up the good stuff mate.


Idk…. I kinda wanna hear Frank’s opinion first lol


I do like float plane and I have been looking for a reason to get on it.


I like the idea, and you should make the playlist public, but keep the videos themselves unlisted, like @Platitudinous said. That way you could keep your your channel clean and unflooded with all the AfterShows.


Go ahead man! I'm subbed to your patreon to support you, extra content or not.


Yeah I'll move over to Floatplane for the streams if that's what you want.


I grant you my permission. Carry on.


Do it brother, my freedom eagle is all yours no matter what!


Do it, I'll keep subbing. Share the wealth is my motto and you have a treasure-trove of excellent content to share.

Samuel Chavez

I say put the ads up. I mean I won't see them, because I have YouTube premium, so it won't really affect me. but it will still give you money.


Free After Show seems great, share those laughs with as many people as possible. I’ll stick around on patreon tho, because I just love your stuff.

Luna Dalton

Yeah for sure that's a good idea, the after shows are great and there are heaps of fans missing out on the great content (I think with a massive block of videos made public, you may end up making more money with preroll ads than us patrons


Honestly I wouldn’t mind moving over to floatplane as my sole subscription. I’d rather support you AND the great folks over there than you and Patreon. I would have to end my Patreon subscription but I’d definitely go over to floatplane in a heartbeat.


Do it!


Ah yes the non frankible token, truly cromulent garbage. Stay dank mister streamer man, I will follow you to the ends of the world (Australia)


Add adverts to them, so you make some extra money off of the content. It may help compensate for the ppl that leave the Patreon group thing


Mate, as long as I get to give you money, I'm fine with whichever revenue stream. Do what helps you stay afloat.


Go for it, I pay regardless of exclusive vids or not


I'm down with it, I'll stay subbed, but I'd love to see some more behind the scenes content on here, maybe like a snap-style spam feed kinda thing where you just post pictures of crap you've been working on, even if it won't come for a while (or not at all.) Either way, love your stuff, and I'll continue to support you regardless. I'm glad everything is going well!


Absolutely man! I’ll stick around too I love seeing Frank! Been thinking about heading over to floatplane to check out the streams some time! Keep up the amazing content!


Makes total sense, do whatever feels best to you and us fans will follow you on your journey. The fact that you are so concerned about those of us who can't afford a million different services is genuinely so sweet, I'm so sick of certain creators just expecting that everyone can afford to sub to them on tons of platforms do this is super refreshing.


Go for it mate, everyone wins in this situation. Also props to you for talking with your audience and getting reactions to certain ideas, most youtubers would just do it and not care what their audience thought. Keep up the good work you’re an amazing creator


Sure. I bought your patreon because I hated stinky Suzan and didn't want to give her ad rev, so I pay you directly mate

Scott Vogel

I have no problem with the After show going free. (Will make binge watching them easier cause they will actually be searchable/there will be a playlist). Just as long as you don't get a Roy Joy sponsor I cool with what your doing.


I say go for it, man! It's your dream to chase, and I'll be THRILLED to keep supporting you here and seeing that good good Frank content. Best of luck on all your crazy future plans!!


I'm here for it! You're always working hard, I think you can configure your whole money making set up however you want as long as you're not screwing the fans, and I don't feel that the arrangements you're proposing here screw us at all. Excited to be part of the Garbage Network!


Maybe you could make the After Show episodes exlusive to Patreon for a week or two then make it public after. That way Floatplane people don't miss out but those who want to use Patreon sill get an early peek at some content? I know Rooster Teeth releases some episodes on their First service a week before they hit YouTube like that, but it's just a thought


You do you! Whatever you want to do, I will still watch.

Mat Gadd

So long as I can keep watching the main- and after-show of Pods, and Garbage Time, and throw some money at you each month, I'm happy. If I can gain access to the drum stuff as well, awesome.


Totally go for it! And I think you underestimate how much I want to devalue my home with photos of Frank


Sounds good to me! You could load your vids with ads and I still wouldn't complain, I enjoy your content and understand a guys gotta make mulah.


I only pay a quid but I probably would just watch the free stuff if it wasn't exclusive to patreon - I came to watch you yell at MP3 players and all the weird semi nostalgic 2000s tech, not drums or cars or anything like that


More garbage truck juice shooting down the garbage chute straight onto the huddled masses, I love it.


Sounds great, I'll stay here (frank photos) lol


Ok I don't care


We approve.


Me personally, I couldn’t get my Floatplane account to verify for some reason, but for everyone else that can get that to work I think it’s a good idea to at least try it out. I’m fine with the dollar a month no matter what, so go for what you think is best! Once I get this verification mess sorted I’ll definitely check out your streams!


Do it. It helps those who can't afford it, and those who can will stay


Hell yeah! Your channel(s) your choice. I'm happy to support it any way you do it!


It’s not a bad idea but I would like if there were a few more goodies in the Patreon, part of why I started to support it was the feeling of being kinda in on something that 98% of the community doesn’t see, that’s usually the draw of Patreons in general. Maybe upload weekly vlogs/updates about what’s going on around the warehouse, minimal to no editing so the workflow stays low. We get sneak peeks about what’s coming and we get to see what we’re donating money to


IMO you’re going to lose on both parteon and floatplane fronts, as not enough people will care for floatplane content, and they will not stay here without the after shows. I know I’ll stay here to support the content I love but I’m rather pessimistic about the others.


Do it you got my backing with what ever you want to do


Honestly, have as many ads as you want on YouTube. I have YouTube premium anyways lol. But I'd rather you choose a paid platform and stick with it. Why not move the aftershow on float plane as well?


I see ads as a form of payment, like with Spotify you can use the service for free or pay to have it ad free. I say put the aftershows on YT monetized but free on Patreon, so people can choose between free but advertised or paid but ad free. I’ll stay subscribed. I mean it’s one dollar a month, you do extra videos! :) Btw you brought me to Patreon with that slogan!


While I really enjoy getting the little bonus video in my notifications, I'd be cool with going along with whatever keeps you the most financially stable. Maybe upload the after show on a different day so you kind of have two uploads a week without any more work than you're doing now? Up to you man, love ya, keep it up ❤️


I'm a bit disappointed - but it may free up an extra dollarydoo. I'll go with the crowd, but still not really happy with the move from Twitch to Floatplane. I'd be more willing to pay extra on here and get access to both, no ad-roll, AND access to Floatplane. Maybe a $5 a month option?


I'm just a $1 a month peasant. Your content is so good I'd give you 12 dollars a year anyway.


Do it been waiting to see this post come since I heard you talking on drum stream about it. You can keep my dollar here too since with both this and drum stream still cheaper than subbing to a single twitch streamer and far more content!


Totally on board with this. You do you good luck with the expansion.


I can totally picture a few awkward conversations happening with significant others asking why their shared bank account has 1 AUD per month being paid to The Garbage Network... please rename it this! At the end of the day we're all on Patreon to support you and we like you (and Frank) enough to contribute financially for it- the extra vids and names at the end of the videos is just a bonus. I'm assuming the $1 tier would become like the $4 tier (aka, nothing extra), with the $8 tier still getting people their names at the end of videos? If so, I'd like to suggest the name-at-end-of-video tier to be priced higher (say, $15/month) and then a middle tier that takes its place (that provides access to BTS footage?). Do be careful how you publicly release the extra vid though... I've heard the YouTube algorithm doesn't like favouring channels that drop more than one video at the same time. Perhaps stick the extra vid up on a different day, like Sunday- it'll space the videos out evenly, people would get their DankPods fix twice a week on different days, and the YouTube algorithm would favour it.


Go for it mate! I’m with you to the end


Sounds like something that you want, and I'm in support of your plans for the future of the channel. I do think, however, that making the aftershow available on thursday for patrons and available on saturday or sunday for nonpatrons could be fun.


Literally everything you do is amazing, so go about it as you wish. I plan on continuing to support my favourite creator on Patreon and Floatplane, and I'll never turn down extra Frank!


I don't totally understand if you are saying you want to make your floatplane streams free or what but personally I haven't really watched any of the drum streams and don't have much interest in them. If the after show becomes free I'll keep supporting you on here but I don't know how many more people will do that. Just my 2 cents.


I shall vote with my wallet And my wallet says it's missing a buck!!!


Do it! Anyway to support


Doesn't matter to me, go for it! Thanks for all the laughs!


That sounds like a great idea!!!


How about like post like a photo a month on behind the scenes stuff? I love what your doing and will continue to support in any way I can! You have made me appreciate music for the last 3 years. Hear to more videos mate!


I'm more than happy enough to keep supporting here, even if the After Show is free and this becomes a Garbage Network Patreon.


Do it! V happy to support this change. More garbage!


I would love to sub to Floatplane, but I can't really afford to do $2.80 a month atm. Maybe you could make the aftershows free, and upload VOD copies of your drum streams for Patreons? That seems like it would be kind of annoying to have to do, so maybe not I guess.


Bro I support ya here because you make the best content on YouTube. I think releasing the after shows is a great idea and you should do it!


Maybe you could make aftershow free to fatch for everyone on youtube,but with ads and also upload them on patreon to watch without ads. I would mind in any case because I have youtube Premium, but a lot of people dont have that so the 1$ patreon might je a good alternative. I'll Support you on here anyway


I don’t know man, I’ve been watching you for a year , and I already saw some after show pirated playlist floating around, do whatever you want I think I’ll keep supporting you.


I would be more than happy to keep supporting you on patreon even if it just means keeping the lights on. You do so much for us I feel like it's the least I can do in return. Dankpods is one of the few things that kept me hanging on during lockdown in Melbourne. Without the weekly dose of you and Frank I don't want to think about where I'd be. Keep doing what you're doing you absolute champion. You've got my support forever. ❤️


I think this would be a great idea! Although i do agree with some of the others in here that i think it would be cool if there was a way that we could get the after-show earlier than the folks over on the youtubes do.


Honestly mate, go for it. I want to see you thrive chief and knowing that I had a small part to play in that makes me happy. Go for the ads and making aftershow free! I have YouTube premium anyway so I won't see the ads but honestly you deserve the ad revenue. How does floatplane work exactly?


For me personally, I don’t really watch live streams often, at least not when they are live. However I would think a clip show of the drum stream exclusively for patreon would be a neat idea


I mean i would've probably supported even without an aftershow, it'd even better if more people got to watch them so it sounds perfect


I would 100% stay on patreon, so go for it. I will enjoy the photos of Frank just as much as I've enjoyed the aftershow stuff, so I definitely support your decision.


It sounds like an idea, but I would definitely pay $1 a month rather than having ads.


Imma keep supporting on float and patreon because you’re awesome, the after shows deserve the credit they’ll get when everyone can see them! Go for it!


Early access to vids would make a pretty swell patreon benefit in lieu of the exclusive aftershow.


Hey This is going to be a long and winding reply so I apologise for that now. First off, thank you 😊 I discovered your videos in the dark days of early 2020 as the world went to shit and the irrelevant smashing of MP3 nuggets was a welcome distraction. I thrive on routine and having your weekly vide has given me real stability and a welcome relief on a Thursday evening. As long as you keep the content coming, continue smashing up 00s and do quarterly visits to Cash Converters. I'm in!

Xander G.

I'm a bit upset saying how I just started supporting you on Patreon this month, but overall, I'm down for it. More people get to see more of your amazing videos, and we get a picture of Frank every week, so I'm happy about it


You could never post anything on Patron and my support isn't going anywhere.


love your content, will be sticking around regardless of what you decide to do.


Patreon has always been a route to support the Dankpods channel for me. Tbh I don’t catch all the after shows, so I’ll stay here as long as it’s the easiest way to support what you make


I say do what you would like. If you're ready to do it, and its gonna work out then jump to it. Some people might complain but many more would be down to any dankpod fan to see the after shows.


Mate, you do whatever makes you happy, It's not going to change the fact that I'm still going to be supporting you on Patreon for many years to come. Plus an extra little pic of that beautifully useless Frank certainly doesn't hurt.


Sure thing mate, as a true Aussie once told me, just send it and hope for the best. 🙏🙏🙏🐍🐍🐍🦘🦘🦘🐨🐨🐨

Huey Pancakes

You do what you think is best, but definitely 100% on board with including everyone on the aftershow. And will never turn down more frankky

Captain Kat Beard

I'm more than happy to stay on here and support you even if the after shows are made free. Im behind you 100% .plus who doesn't love look at such a cute Lil pup like frank


do it, why not?


Whatever works for you!


It's a good idea, but I don't think it will go well for those who become patrons just wanting to pledge that one dollar for content. Instead maybe make an unlisted YouTube playlist with all the previous after shows on Floatplane but keep the patreon going so nobody's missing out. How about it? The $2 pledge will be for streams as well as the patreon vids so I'd say it would work better financially as well.


You know what, if you do it, I'll still give you a buck a month! You deserve it more than my lazyass.


Been here since the really bloody early days of the Patreon and I'm pretty happy with it as it is to be honest. I'll stay subbed here though cos I do want to support you. Do what you think is best I suppose.


I don't support you for the extra video, I support you because you make some great stuff, happy to support all of it with no bonus vids


I wouldn't be mad at the after show stuff going free, so long as you're making your living it's all good.


^^Yeah, this is a good solution! Maybe just publicize the aftershow a week later or something? Everyone wins that way


I think whatever setup works best for you is no worries! My dollaridoo will carry on here regardless! Keep doing what you love Mr. Dank Man!


Do it ol mate Wade! I love yer work mate. I'll continue to support you here on patreon mate. Long live The Garbage Network


go for it mate, I love the floatplane crew along with lmg so it would make a great excuse for me to hop over to floatplane, probably sub to other creators on there too. we're all here because of you and I'm sure no one minds switching platforms to continue supporting you! much love :)


Actually it would make watching the After Show on my TV easier, since I wouldn't have to first open the video on my phone through Patreon and then watch it in my history on YouTube on the TV 👍 tbh if Floatplane is better it might be cool to have a little exclusive thing on that too, for the die hards 🙂 even something stupid like 5 mins of day in the life videos or something. Keep the core content free but sprinkle in some niceties for the supporters 😉 super cool of you to ask Wade most creates just Yolo it and dgaf but the DankArmy is different and I like that. Tell Frank she Smells as bad as the Niki's engine bay for me will ya thanks mate 😎 p.s I work in IT so if ya needs help fixing the Eeeeeeee PC or whatevs hit me up 😎


You do what you need to Wade. We will support you through it all. I’m a bit sad as I’m not sure if I can afford floatplane, but if you feel that there needs to be a change then that’s ok with me. I’ll stand with you to the end of time. Just keep being the great guy you are!

Noel Wiedmer

Definitely a risk weighing more on youtube but i'd say do it..i think the ppl on the channel will be chuffed when they get two vids a week and also the cunts that put the after shows in public playlists can finally go away. Imma still support you here with my dollarydoo going forward as well as on floatplane cus you deserve it my man.


This is the first and only YT channel I joined a patreon for. I think that’s because, as a musician myself, I’ve seen you as someone that hesitate to do what they love doing, and its refreshing and intoxicating to see. The fact that you are always worried about the end result for us watching at home is the icing on the cake that makes your content special. Do what you want, you’ll always have my dollar.


People could already find the After Show for free with just a YouTube search. That flaw devalued this Patreon when it comes to exclusive content. Might as well put them out for everyone at this point!


I kinda glossed this over...I may not contribute much, but I think I speak for everyone when I got your back!


Do it! If it means getting bigger and better content in the long run because you’re better funded this should have been done a long time ago


Go nuts Boi! You could even rename the patreon DankPics/FrankPics, and voila! No confusion as to what the patreon contains 👍


I love the idea but if you could uploaded the vids on YouTube and hear just hear without and YouTube with ads that will be grate


It’s a dollar worth tossing your way, do whatever with it!


Dude, I'm gonna support you either way, you are living the dream that a lot of us wish we could and I for one want to support that far into the future. You could up and stop uploading and i would still support you. Do whatever it is that you feel is right and we will follow. We are here because of you and we support whatever you do.


All I ask if you do the change please make a vid describing the changes


man you got me into both cars and music if this works for you then go ahead dude love your content i will be sure to print out every picture of frank we get!


Yay, Frank photos!


sounds like a good idea to me, after show for all!


I’m here to support you! keep doing what your doing, bringing a laugh to so many people worldwide each week man. Your videos are the highlight of my week no matter how stressful or annoying it has been. Go for it bro!


I’m just here for the vibes, I’ll support no matter what you decide to do


Build the dream king 👑 it looks like we're all behind you


This sounds perfect in my opinion


You've inspired me to create things about the things I'm passionate about. Until I'm unable to pay, you'll get my dollarydoo.


Go for it! No matter what you'll always have my support, financial or otherwise.


I think you should keep it as it is. Creators should be rewarded for their content, and you're already asking for the bare minimum. Just by virtue of being on Floatplane your discovery is already limited so making it "paid" doesn't change much IMO. I appreciate your desire to make it as low cost as possible though.


You do you man! I will keep supporting you even if there is no exclusive content. And Frank of course. Chears!


Go ahead. I'm Totally on board with whatever you do


idk about the other 36.8k patrons but I'm OK with Patreon being a tip jar/credits thing. It'll make it easier to watch the after shows on Apple TV. Might wanna spread it out by a day or so though so feeds don't get spammed


For me, you are good to go with this idea, I am a patron for support, not for the exclusive content.


just do whatever you want, my money it’s yours.


this gives me full license to jump over to floatplane so I am 100% down. Having joined the patreon somewhat recently, one thing I've hated is having to scroll endlessly to reach the older videos, having them all up on YouTube will make that way easier.


I'm for it


Honestly I don't mind the after shows going public with ads as YouTube usually favors monetized content. I'm still gonna support ya either way because you're my favorite creator


Do what you think os best for you. You'll still have support from me 💙


You doing an ad in your video wouldn’t bother me. However I’m not sure if I’ll stay a supporter on patron because I like Your videos a lot, so to see an extra one I was willing to part with 1 dollar. But it both will be on YouTube I prob won’t continue paying on patron.


I feel the same. I'm not all that into the drum streams and it feels good to be part of something special. No offense to Wade but I honestly don't think $1/mo is worth it for a couple occasional pics of Frank like the extra vids are.


The exclusive content would become the drum streams on Floatplane, and I agree with this idea!


Streams and prerecorded content are different stuff. Many of us can't tune into your streams sometimes, maybe because of lack of time, maybe because of time zones. So you won't get as much money as with patreon. The patron system is perfect, I don't think you need to change anything. And yeah, I'm absolutely okay with making videos public.


I love your content and if doing this means more people can get more of it I would say go for it.


hell yeah, do it ☺️ I‘ll switch to your Floatplane than


I'm staying. I enjoy your content too much to stop supporting you, even if I "only" get Frank pictures now. In fact, I'll up my pledge right now. P.S. You better not turn out to be an asshole and get cancelled. I would be supremely miffed


If you did this would deffo move over to floatplane for the drum stream


hmm, i pay for the extra content, i don't know how i feel about paying to see streams that i'll never be able to catch live you really are the only person i support on patreon, because you actually give something in return i would suggest a patreon only discord, but you already have a really big discord open to everyone well, in the end, you will do what you feel is the best, and i hope you have success with this new decision with that said, i'll cancel my support and just watch the after show on youtube then


I think the move to more free content takes a lot of courage, but it’s also a smart move to encourage more viewers to enjoy your stuff. I believe the people that subscribe monthly will almost all still be here. Your transparency with the business side of your channel assures me that my dollar (that I don’t even notice disappear from my account every month, lol) is well spent.


Man just keep doing u that what brought us all together in the first place so if u keep going the way u are we have back no matter what so I will stay here for the long run and I will not stop my patron for nothing keep up the good work cheers mate


Never going to be able to catch the streams due to time zones and being busy but its a dollarydoo and im here for the dankpods/garbagetime content. I'm glad you're not cutting patreon because I wouldn't be going over to floatplane


Yeah dank go for it


I’ll be honest I’m little confused. I do support making everything free. However, what incentive will there be for the Patreon members? Should I get the floatplane situation also?


Just do it!


Yeah it sounds like a good idea you have my support!


Your content, do what you want of course. But maybe I'm too old for the internet now at a ripe age of 32, I don't understand what you're talking about. What even is a Floatplane. I went to the website and don't really get it. Is it like Twitch? I'm worried that I'm not the only one whose stupid and you wont get a good migration from Patreon to Floatplane because of idiots like me. I don't really care about the drums or streams in general. I just wanna pay a buck a month for extra Dankpod youtube videos. Easy and simple.


I'm fine with them being free but I probably won't switch over to Floatplane. I love the platform and supported it when it was a part of the ltt forum, but I just don't have much interest in drums and live streams. But I think I'm going to keep supporting on here for now. 1$ doesn't hurt anyone.


Go for it


Like everyone I've seen comment so far go for it. I'm here because I enjoy all the work you do and this is just an easy way to support your work where ever it's posted.


Subbing on floatplane and watching mostly the VODs has been terrific


With you all the way! We're going to the moon with this idea!


I think this is fine. Happy with all the content work!


Do it! Honestly, I don’t give money on Patreon and Floatplane just for extra videos. I do it to support the whole Garbage project. If it gets more people in to support the channel and you then do it.


You clearly have thought this through, and should go with whatever makes the most sense to you. People might be a little salty, but they’ll get over themselves once they realize this is the best option for you.


Man, do whatever makes the money 💰 you’ve got to look out for you and yours. We’re all here though our own choice anyways and could literally stop payment at literally anytime if we didn’t want to do it anymore. Make that bag, upside down man 👨 🇦🇺


I mean yeah it would be possibly more income towards you and less subscriptions that we have to pay for while still supporting you.


Dank you have been one of the most open and welcoming creators I can remember. Your commitment to putting vids out to the people it phenomenal, and what you describe here makes 1000% sense for that. For its faults (I am very much not a fan of Google / Alphabet) I've been a YT Premium member since day 1 because I spend a lot of time there and can't stand ads. I'm also happy to splash a couple dollars towards creators who are doing great work, so have been eyeing off Floatplane for a while. If you go ahead I'll be dropping the Patreon sub and jumping on to Floatplane. TBH the drum streams aren't my usual bag but if I can jump in every once in a while, keep supporting the channel(s) AND still see all of the content I'll be chuffed. I accept your terms!


Go for it. I'll keep my patreon up. You have absolutely earned the money for what you do. You are probably the best creator on YouTube imo.


Bro, I subbed just because there was the option. $1 a month, I can't complain about anything. Do whatever!


I fully support this! You're a good dude.


I like the idea but my only worry is that Patreon gets stuck in the middle, seeing Frank a week is nice (and after all I’m giving a dollar) but there is not a lot of incentive to stay as a patreon. I guess it really depends on how you feel, perhaps use Patreon for behind the scenes and extras that don’t fit anywhere? I think that would be a wiser choice instead of just stinky Frank. 🤔


Go for it my man. This has been said before but my dollarydoo is out there to support you, with or without extra content. Also, I scrolled up to the top to see the general thoughts of the patrons. It was heartwarming to see overwhelming support for you and whatever you cook up next.


Tbh I prefer having Patreon as a paid after show. And il stand by that. But it might be worth keeping it like that & making the after shows public after around 2 weeks? Just a quick idea but I respect any decision you make.


Do it, I'd be happy do go sub to you on floatplane


Yeah let everyone see the awesome extra vids. I don't mind and I'll still throw a dollarydoo every month your way. You just gotta switch to saying something like "for one dollar a month you get a smelly picture of Frank." or just push your streams. I'm cool with that too.


Good stuff. I feel like I’m a member of a startup that’s about to become huge!


It’s cool either way. If you wanted something to incentivise patreon support you could put the aftershow up there exclusive for a limited time (1 month?) before being free on youtube? It doesn’t stop people from getting all of your content but it still makes the patreon feel special. Like I said I don’t have any issue with the after shows being free on youtube, so do what ever you think is good.


Patreon will be for people who don't want floatplane and still want to support. Making the after show free allows people to support on floatplane for the stream and not have to pay twice.


Dude, whatever you do I'm all in, l loved the way you make videos since the first time I met you, I was looking reviews for Skullcandy crushers and your video popped up and mate, since then I've seen every video of yours, whatever and wherever you do I'm all in, say hi to Frank for me.


I’d go for it. I understand some people leak it anyway. I sub because I want to not because of the extra video. Do what you feel is right for you and that’s all. I’m Happy to stay as. Snacked if the content is given out free or not.


Whatever makes you more money dawg. We just love to watch!


if you're most income would be from YouTube, then absolutely love to YouTube. this is your livelihood and I think you should do whatever you can


I think the YouTube algorithm looks favorably on people who have ad on. If you feel bad about it put an ad at the end of the video only.


As someone who hates paywalls, I fully support that decision. I personally don't watch the drum steams because it just isn't really my Forte. But with that being said I like to contribute to channels that I love, and will definitely continue to support you via Patreon. You have my full support and Permission. Keep making great content!! Ps. If you're allowed to make me read long paragraphs then you must suffer too. Hello frank....rude as always...


Gonna print the worthless Frank pictures and include them in my weekly journal spreads.


I'd be fine with an ad or 2. As long as they don't interrupt the flow of a video. So like an ad at the beginning and end. As for the After Show, I don't mind if you make it public. Most people already have playlists, so it's no biggie.


Do what makes you happy. I want my ol' mates Danky to be the best garbage he can be ♥️


Its only a dollar but that dollar has been giving me ad free viewing also part of the fun of the aftershow was it was only for us, but if youtube pays more per video with ads than patreon after show pays, go for it. I love supporting you but that was because you were doing exclusive for that dollar. I'll still stay if you keep the aftershows ad free on patreon


I sub to the Patreon so you have the freedom to do what you want to. Extra content is nice but, to me it’s more about supporting the channel. I’d much rather have more ads than sponsored videos. I have YT Premium so it makes no difference to me. But having sponsored content always feels like one big ad. Would much prefer independent content supported by ads.


Do what you need to do, but I might not subscribe to the Patreon anymore, or Floatplane. I love you and your content, but I'm not super into the drum stuff. So I'd either be staying on the Patreon with no uploads besides Frank pics, or switching to Floatplane for more money per month (likely less of it going to you) purely for content that I'm personally less interested in.


You must do as you see fit for your needs.


all good with me mr wade, you have my support. ill stick around on both, i think you might lose a couple patreons and probably wont get any new ones but hey im here with ya. i would like to see the patreon videos on floatplane even if 1080p but thats just me and its cool if you dont want that. THANKS


I enjoy the current setup. But I understand you need income.


Get your money baby.


I‘ve subbed to your patreon because you actually were the first (and still only) creator I liked enough to pay them for extra content, but more importantly (seeing as I‘ve subbed as soon as I heard the announcement) to support your channel at the beginning with my dollarydoo. Give the people their extra dose of Dankpods! If you put ads on the Aftershow it‘ll make you more money, and I believe at least 90% of us patrons, me included, will continue to pledge towards you. :)


We are with you, regardless of how you want to do this.


That sound great dude, go for it. One suggestion, if its even possible, I dont know the creator side of floatplane, and it'd be extra work for you, but you could upload all of your videos on floatplane as like an aio solution to get all your content and support you at the same time.


I have YouTube premium so this decision doesn't affect me whatsoever.


I know it’s gonna sound bad, but I can only really afford a dollar a month, so floatplane is out for me no matter what route you go. But I’ll keep putting in my dollar even without extra content. I’ve always thought you had a great business model, I mean 1$ and I get 4 extra vids a month is sweet, and it never really makes me think “I need to cancel that” because it’s a buck. But I have no issue at all with people freeloading for the same thing I pay for. You’ve even mentioned in the past that your vids can be found on YouTube, but I haven’t been bothered to do it. Maybe set them to private and then link them in your vid descriptions to make the free loaders “work a bit” for them, and then the value add for Patreon is they are all collected in one spot. I’m sure you’ll do great whatever route you go. Dankpods forever.


I’m here no matter what, the smelly Frank pictures are a bonus for which I’m willing to continue contributing a freedom eagle or dollarydoo. I do hope to pivot to the Floatplane at some point to support you (and, by proxy, the LTT crew working on a site that isn’t Twitch!), but I’ll be happy to keep the Patron dollar going for all the amazing content you produce. Cheers for all the fun!


If you want to make the After Show's public, go for it. But honestly, the getting access to the After Shows is pretty cheap as it is. Even with Floatplane, I'm only putting out $3.80 a month for tons of content. I consider that a crazy good dollars to entertainment value. So I don't really think you need to drop the paywall. But you do what you think is best for the channel, mate. I'm gonna be here either way.


You do you. :)


I'm not sure if it defeats the purpose, but even if you just recorded the live streams and posted them on YouTube for people to watch whenever/wherever is convenient for them might be a nice middle ground.


The issue for me with streaming isn’t the cost— it’s that streaming is an inherently social medium, and so is tuning in. I’m disabled in a way that means I have extremely limited social bandwidth. The two aren’t 1:1. I *love* the Garbage Network idea and if the Patreon keeps having exclusive content (even if different!) I’m happy to stay subbed and pay for it! (Patreon-only drum concerts perhaps????) Even highlight reels from the drum streams would be good! You’ve always been super generous with us. Another issue I can see cropping up is that you tell us, every single week, how relieving the stability from Patreon is. With as hard as you work, before you make a change like this (knowing you’re gonna lose some folks if the Patreon doesn’t have the same amount of exclusive content), I’d think long and hard how much extra stress you want to put on your own head. Ultimately though, I think all most of us want is our favorite funny nugget man to be happy. It’s not so much holding content hostage as a bonus thank-you to people who want to help you do what you do. You don’t come across greedy or double-dipping having two paid services. It feels to me like you’re offering us different options like a pay-by-weight salad bar of awesome content.


Should work just fine mate, should draw a good chunk of the audience to your channel. Keep my dollarydoo for all the weekends you've kept interesting throughout. Also, when are we getting our custom Toohey's speaker mod vid? 'Straya day's just around the corner.


What about uploading your streams to YouTube as well? I know a lot of people that watch even old live streams. Would give everyone a chance to watch them who can't afford even the smallest amount on Floatplane. 💙


Do what fits you but yes that would be cool


I'd personally prefer to just watch the aftershow content on floatplane at 1080p. I subbed to that the moment I found out about you on there. I find it would be more beneficial to add value to floatplane with those videos as well as the streams. Just my two cents! I'll watch wherever though


I think the current setup is great, but you do whatever makes you happy. Anyone that truly enjoys you and your content will be happy and support you no matter what. If you think the change is a good idea then try it out. If it doesn’t work come back to this setup, if it works then that’s great.




I don't mind if the after show stuff becomes free but I donno could have the patrons get it early? Like a day early


I love the idea! It means less stress for you because you will be running a slightly smaller patron and everyone get extra dank, I'm my eyes everyone wins!


I’m subscribing to the patreon not because I get an extra video. It’s because I love what you do and want you to be able to keep doing it. You’re the only person I’ve ever supported on patreon because you’re just that cool. Release the videos to the public and I will stay on the patreon regardless.


I am fine with this, but I think you should also ask your YouTube as well. I am sure you have one of the most supportive community on Youtube, but it would be strange one day to see all the after shows and sudden ads on your video and not know what's going on and why they are not told about this.


Support you all the way my guy, your vids are super entertaining. It’d be nice if you still kept the After Show ad free here on Patreon as well as public with ads for those who don’t sub on here, but either way you keep doing you 👍🏻


I like the idea of having the After Show released on Patreon for a few days. Or even if there were occasional bonus episodes of Garbage time or DankPods that were exclusive for a few days. Just to keep the pot sweetened


He addressed that in the post, he said he can't do that because he has to pay extra for 4K support. I suppose he could re-encode his videos to 1080p and then upload, but that'll take a lot of time that can be used elsewhere.


Hell yeah do it! I'm subbed for support first my man


I'm cool with it, I joined because I wanted to support the awesome content. And if we get Frank content that is fine even if Frank says nothing.


I think that sounds like a great idea!


I'll stay here no matter what happens, big companies screwed you enough, and yet you still pump out supreme content at the bare minimum and you need some support too. If you are sure you can take it, then I really enjoyed the time spent here and i think i will enjoy frank even more. Never change mate!


Twitch can suck yes, but I think patreon is a much more stable and secure pay stream, why don't you keep doing the free drum streams? I can barely catch streams so I can only really rely on free streams, either way I won't drop my patreon, just kinda sucks that the streams if ever I catch them are now really stuck behind a paywall :/


Hey man, do what you feel! I was always paying because I wanted to support what you were doing.


I have to be honest - I probably wouldn't follow you over to floatplane. Not because I don't want to, but because watching streams isn't a thing I do a lot of to begin with. That being said, if you need/want to include ads in your stuff, or make these videos public, I don't mind. I didn't start on Patreon to get extras from you, but as a way to support you and your content which I love so much. I tend to go off and on with Patreon, supporting people when I can. and I will undoubtedly support you when I can. Also, it would be really interesting to see you do something sponsored (brands that you actually love and use), or more takes on items that are often sold as sponsors for other people (games, tech, etc.). I would also absolutely buy some Dank/Garbage/Frank Merch as a means of further supporting! Do what's best for the DankFam - we will follow! You (and your team) really make good stuff!


Go for it man. Your vids have brightened up my thursdays and its the first thing I watch after work. You do what you think is best for you. Im still supportin ya either way


to be fair, you're making 400k a year from Patreon. there's gotta be a way you can repurpose this to continue receiving that income. behind the scenes maybe?


Do what you want to do, but I'll just speak for myself that I wouldn't be subscribing on floatplane even if after show was free. I enjoy the dankpods content and love the stuff you make, but I don't really have much interest in drumming. I apologize if that is not what you want to hear but I don't want to be dishonest.


Go for it m8, this mindset shows just how amazing you are as a content creator. If anyone here complains, you can still release the After Show vids one or two weeks late and that way you can release the videos to everyone and justify a pay-speed bump. Either way, I’ll gladly continue to support your work. Keep rocking m8


I’ll keep giving you $1 a month, because I enjoy your content and waste way more money on way stupider stuff every month. Glad to see how far your channel has come.


rip my dollar i spent like 2 days ago for aftershows, prolly got spent on Frank poo anyway, do whatever you want big man


Subscribed on floatplane. Go for it!


I’ll be perfectly frank (no pun intended), I liked the 1 dollarydoo exclusive video thing. And I don’t watch streams and such. It’s nothing personal, I’m just not a Twitch/streams kind of a guy in general. I like to come home from work, knowing there are some YouTubers I like (that includes you, of course) that have uploaded videos in the meantime, and I go watch them. So here’s what I was thinking while reading your post; Maybe I’d be nice to do as some other creators have, to just have the extra video as an exclusive for a day and then they just flip it to public, with ads and all? That way Patreon still has a reward and only thing that basically changes for you is that switch flip (but you do get everything else you’ve talked about in your post). And non-Patreon people then get two days in a row of with a video each. Which is sweet. Or if that doesn’t work for some reason, just go the way you wanted. Heck, I’ll still support ya.


I cant catch streams often enough to make floatplane worth it for me and i have seen a few others saying the same thing. Would it be possible to have stream highlights or something like that on the patreon for folks who cant catch the streams?


That sounds like a good idea, especially if you want just 1 viewer supported revenue stream. Only thing I will warn on is that making those videos public all at once will likely clog everyone's sub boxes with all the notifications all at once. I know that at least happened a while back with crankgameplays, so I'm not sure if it's been fixed or remedied yet. Otherwise though, I like the idea.


Sure mate


Do what you gotta do man! I'm happy to support you.


When I signed up to Patreon I decided to give it at least 12 months before reviewing. That's not changed. I get that it's a hit special paying for extra content, which I love, but in reality I'm supporting you. One round British pound a month is not going to break the bank (vat is charged at 20% on top lol) but that's £1.20 a moth which adds up to one curry takeaway a year and yes you're worth it lol.


I'm with you whatever you decide to do.


I did this because i knew I could afford a dollar a month to support my favourite guy and getting the opportunity to even interact with you. The after show is just a couple minutes bonus clips of great entertainment. I wouldn't mind if the after show stayed around but rather old videos got listed publicly. But if you choose to go fully public, like you said, that leaves me the option to hop over on Floatplane. Even though I'm not that invested in streaming otherwise.


Just to sumerize I'd pay 10$ a month for all videos ad free here rather than sit though youtube ads that they're just going to make worse and worse, it may be tolerable now but who knows what they'll do next


I'm not much for the streaming content, just doesn't interest me. I do like what floatplane have done for content creators like yourself. I have YT Premium so I don't see adds anyway. Id be ok to see everything on YT and ditch patreon as your already getting my YT PREMIUM $$ so that works for me


Do whatever is best for you!! I'll support it

Cup Of Earl Grey Tea

And thus begins the GARBAGE EMPIRE!!!! You've got my go ahead Dank!!! Green Light! Go forth and let your madness spread to nuggetless corners of the internet!!!!


You do you man! You will continue getting that monthly dollar from me, even if there are no videos to go with it!


You mean I'd be able to share your Aftershows with my friends? How is this *not* great news?! I have no plans to unsubscribe, your videos are consistently the highlight of my Thursday evenings so a dollar a month is a huge bargain.


I'm fine with ads, but I'd prefer if the patron stuff was exclusive for some period of time. However your content always makes me smile, so you have my viewership and financial support no matter what.


I'm definitely gonna check out the stream on floatplane if I ever get the time!


Absolutely go for it, I'll stay for the frank pics though.


Fine with me, it’s your gig, I’ll keep watching. I’ll switch my dollarydoo to Jim Browning.


Yes this, I never have time for steams so replacing aftershow with highlights would be perfect


I'm just here to help out the little I can, the vids were just icing on the cake. That said, I think you'd be better off making the AfterShow vids Patreon exclusive for a couple weeks, then let them loose on YouTube. That way people still have an incentive to sub to Patreon, and it keeps this community more actively engaged.


I think it's best for you to do what you believe in, first and foremost! I think most, if not all of us, are on board with the after shows being public. We're more here to support you than anything else.


I'm not a huge livestream person (don't even know what Floatplane is) because they often happen when I'm at work and they're not as fun for a re-watch when the live social aspect isn't there. Personally, I enjoy having the AfterShows because they let me support and get bonus content that I can watch whenever versus something live. Maybe let Patreons get the videos early or something?


Do whatever you gotta do man


Not going to lie, I'm kind of sad that Patron is going to change. I don't watch many streams so I won't subscribe to Floatplane. But I'll keep my Patreon subscription going, because you made me laugh when I was sad, you make me fall in love with music again and, although I might not like the change and despite being a random dude in a sea of (Awsome) random dudes, I do want to see you achieving your goals, your dreams and, most important off all, I want you to be happy. I know I might not be in a position to say this, you don't know me and if I'm out of line I truly apologize. Just, thanks for everything and I'll keep supporting you by staying subscribe


Personally, I always thought your "1 dollar a month, I do extra vidz" pitch was brilliant. Lots of people giving a little is far greater than a few whales. For myself, I don't sub to patreons for extra vidz, I do it to support channels I love. Aside from your after shows, I don't look at my Patreon feed that often. I've been subbed to you both here and Floatplane, but if you are happier over there, I might just move all of my dollarydoos over to that platform and keep supporting the garbage 😀 and Frank's thirst for quail. 🐦🐍


I trust you!


Honestly $3.80 a month is still heaps cheap for the drum streams alone, not to mention comparing it to twitch. I say go for it if that's what you want to do :)


nah mate, bad idea


Do what you think is right. We'll all be here no matter what choice you make. I only worry that depending on Google for income will mean you leave yourself liable for other demonetization issues like you ran into in the past. And no one wants that. Cause then you're not being compensated fairly and more importantly don't have reliable income. Like I said, we'll be here for you regardless. Don't feel pressured to make a decision because of guilt or anything like that. Do what's best for you and your channel(s) and your community will keep growing.


Send it, brother!


I mean in I personally would rather the after show be exclusive but it's your gig man you do you


Go for it, I might have to look into subscribing to the float plane stuff (despite the troubles I’ve heard the iOS app has)


Do what you have to do Wade. I really like the setup now but everyone seeing the after show could be nice. Whatever you decide to do I will enjoy and still look forward to my Thursday afternoons (in the USA)


I'm not going anywhere Dank. I'll be subbing to the Floatplane this week as well.


honestly you could make a system of *video get released early for patreon to see* so then the patreon people could comment a few days early and that way every after show would be special and unique for the people that wanna stay on patreon but allows the none patreon people to enjoy them as well


You go for it, Wade! Personally I'm totally okay with that. So, so sorry about the flaming dumpster fire that is Twitch has happened. We all love you and will support you no matter what you do, we trust you and know that you want to be fair with everyone; and especially all of us who support you via Patreon and/or Floatplane. Go for it Bro. 👍👍


I am risking to sound like an asshole, but after show is the only reason I subscribed to Patreon and I don't really care about the drum streams (I don't like Livestreams in general).


I think what you could do is release the after show videos early for patreon members while also releasing them later for free for non patreon members. But, I'll support ya no matter what


Go for it. I didn't sign up because I wanted bonus videos (they're nice though), I signed up because I like your work and I wanted to support it. If you can use the bonus videos as an extra revenue stream, go for it. Just a thought though - rather than making the whole playlist public at once, you might want to release a couple bonus videos a week? That'll probably result in more people watching them which will please the algorithm gods so you can grow the channel even more.


What if the after show became free with ads and Patreon subscribers got general behind the scenes style content? That way the Patreon subs will have a reason to stay and maintain their dollar a month payments ;)


Mate we love you, u are such a genuine guy and just watching you talk about nuggets and freak out is insanely entertaining. You also have this crazy infectious giddiness that lifts my mood instantly and your passion for music and what you do is fascinating. I will keep chipping in with 1 buck because im broke but you deserve that money, because i believe that you spread so much joy that you make the world a little less shitty ^^ for real man thank you... For all the times you made me laugh ❤️


I like having the After Shows on Patreon, really. However, I'll support whatever you think is best for the business. I wouldn't be able to subscribe to Floatplane though, because my internet isn't good enough to watch streams most of the time.


I've never tuned in to the drum stream but it looks like a good bit of fun. I think no matter what you decide to do I would love to support in what way I can. Basically what I'm saying is I would gladly move my freedom eagles over to floatplane if this is what you choose to do. Whatever that ends up being, thanks for making my week a bit more cheerful!


Go for it, i will stop the patreon and may jump onto float plane if this happens but i think it could work well. The only thing is i think a few of the after shows have copyrighted music, watch out for that if you make it public.


You got the go ahead from me Chief


I think that would be a great idea


Just fyi, I probably wouldn't have started out supporting you if it weren't for the killer combo of cheap price and extra vids. That magic 1$ mark just did it for me somehow. I'd say at least try to get the floatplane peeps to add the feature to link to the unlisted vids, and keep the model that has brought you here going in some capacity.


Sounds good to me. I'll see how much the Floatplane sub is before making a decision, but I'm fine with making the Afershows free.


How about you fly all of your remaining Patreon supporters out to be on one of your garbage time shows? Yes even the lowly $1/month chumps. Not sure if it’ll make sense financially, run it by your advisor first.


Personally, if the Patreon exclusive content was going away I would not stay subscribed. I have no interest in watching long streams. The after show is a nice little exclusive and that’s the main reason I became a Patreon.


I'm here to support the content, nothing more, nothing less! You have my permission to do whatever you want with my dollar.


Bud, I’m a supporter of you no matter what. But I think perhaps you should stagger the releases on the After Shows. Release here on Patreon for a week or so, then open it for YouTube. A lot of channels I sub to do this. It gives an incentive to get the extra content early. It’s kinda nice being in this exclusive club you know? Love ya mate.


Don't really mind After Show being free for everyone but not sure if it's that good of an idea financially. I am no youtuber but everyone always says that the longer the video the more it makes and there is this big change of revenue at 10-12 minutes mark. After Shows are usually significantly shorter so will they really make more than Patreons that will probably leave? Streams aren't really for everyone either because of time zones or just preferences.


In reference to the name, it's on the statement as "Patreon" not the title of who you're supporting.


Sounds like a fine idea. I'm sure a lot of us aren't going anywhere even if you put the after show up for free. Let others enjoy the nuggets as well!


This might sound like a lot of work I understand. But how about an after after show? You can make the current after show public and then give us a third short video here on patreon maybe like a bloopers video or something simple where doesn't really need much editing, just get the camera recording and do your magic and minimal editing and upload here. I just feel you will be losing a lot of patreons because of the stream only nature on Floatplane we can't really catch you live because of work or time zone etc.


Idk how you feel about Google streams, but you could stream to Youtube as well and then do aftershow on floatplane. I doubt any of us would care too much if you dont have 4k after show. That would make the streams public again and keep the after show the after show. That said, do what you think would be best, I'll keep supporting you as best as I can so you can keep doing what you enjoy.


I think you have to do what you feel is right for yourself, and indeed a system that works for you to make more income. Money makes the world turn and absolutely you deserve every penny for your work. My only little issue (it's different for each viewer I understand), I personally don't have alot of free time and catching live streams just isnt possible. Watching a YouTube vid and an aftershow once a week on a Friday is perfect for me and I feel that it's worth paying for the extra content if it's pre recorded videos. However I can see that alot of your viewer base is able to catch your great live streams and you have to work the majority (that isn't a jab it's just the best thing to do). I'll still you support via this platform and will keep it on rolling because you deserve it. Just if there is the possibility of having a bit of extra content, that would be great. However I know your proper busy like. I do hope what ever you choose to do works out great and I promise there ain't no hard feelings if this platform does stop having new content 👍


I feel like you’ll be doing your patrons a disservice by putting it out for free. Yeah people love you and will support you either way ,but it’s always nice knowing we’re getting something extra out it. Obviously this is my opinion and I don’t speak for everyone here. Also, It’s only 1 dollar a month which is ridiculously generous it self. I think if people wanna see some extra content from you they can send one stinking dollar your way. I don’t see the point of playing with your income like this. Like you said you have people on your payroll and even if you don’t lose a lot of patrons, I don’t think it’s worth the risk of potentially losing a stable income.


So what you're saying is, you're going to give us more Frank? I'm okay with this turn of events personally, though it might be better to do something like timed exclusivity and unleash the after show after a month. I'm not sure how easy that would be to do, but it would encourage patreon subscribers still, AND give the content to everyone


To be honest, I'll be unsubscribing from Patreon if that's the case. I'm much more of a tech nerd rather than a music nerd, combine that with other streamers I already watch, the streams just really aren't for me. I'll definitely still be watching the vids tho!


I agree with "early after show " type folks. You still need to make Patreon special for some folks to make it seem worth it, however, I will say another kind of incentive will work. Even if it is incorporating more of your side projects into Patreon only videos. Idk, keep if kind of exclusive in some way.


I say go for it. I don't pay one dollar a month to get four extra videos. I pay because you make my day better every time I watch your videos.


In fact, I’d be more likely to stop my patreon subscription if you started doing sponsored stuff. That stuff always feels so icky and tacked on. Unless it was a Cashies sponsored video, I would love that.


In my honest (objective) opinion, I think that it’d take the exclusivity away. The difference between paying for extra videos and paying for streams is that the videos are exclusive no matter what, I can go and watch them whenever. Streams though, they’re only fun if you catch them live, which for most people, is really only half of them. After that, it’s just vods to scroll through. In the end, it’s your content to do what you feel like doing with it, but the exclusivity of Patreon is something that will be missed. The extra ‘exclusive’ Frank photos would be fun though :)


As long as you're making videos in a way that works for you, it's good in my book 👍


Honestly I don't watch the live streams (not you, I just don't have the time) but the only thing changing for me would be I get the same content AND it's all on YouTube, making it easier for me to watch. I'm all for it, and happy to keep chipping a buck a month!


Yeah dude, I don't care if I'm only getting Frank pictures for my money. You need to structure your business in the way that works best for you, and if that means getting that sweet preroll money on the aftershow, go for it!


I really dig your work, man, but I gotta say that I paid for the after show, and as a full time student I don’t really have the free time to sit down and watch a drum stream. I get where you’re coming from, 100% would rather pay you more money to not have to put ads on your video because that’s part of what I liked about you in the first place. Why not, instead of releasing all the after shows at once, make it so patrons get to see the after show maybe a month or two early? That way you’re still getting the extra revenue, but we get that sweet bit of exclusivity to see episodes first. It also doubles as a way to get people to loop back to an older video to get the context, that might even mean double the views! I trust Patreon, I’m not going over to Floatplane because I don’t need another company with my credit card info and all that, so while I’m behind you pursuing your drum streams, I gotta say I do feel like some of us got left out to dry, ya know? You get to keep my dollar either way, but while I’m sure the people at Floatplane are great, it’s not a name I know or trust with taking money from me monthly. Great content, hope you keep it up, man!


You have my blessings ^^ Would be cool to have the Aftershow like a week delayed for public access but even if not I'm fine with that.


I’m fine with whatever you need to do, I support because I want to help a fellow poor boy find financial freedom. Plus you make me laugh, what more does there really need to be.


i have mixed opinions about this I might kinda sound like an asshole but I really like having the extra vids only for patrons as it feels special knowing that whenever you release a new vid I get another awesome one to watch strait after, but of course this is your call and I will continue to watch and laugh at the nuggets whatever your chose!


I'd probably pull out of patreon and I wouldn't follow you to floatplane. sorry, the drum streams aren't my thing!


I say go for it man! The thing I think most of us like about you is that you are simply doing what you love and are passionate about. We support whatever you feel like doing as long as it’s truly what you want to do. Also you tell that frank that I also say nothing.


I don't mind the aftershow becoming free at all, still gonna support you. Also not that interested in floatplane, the streaming format just isn't for me on any site. But extra Frank? Now that is worth the extra money!


I would highly recommend some sort of way of allowing patreon viewers to still get something extra. Perhaps in conjunction with those awesome Frank pictures, we could receive the videos early?


Interesting idea and you can do what you want, nobody wants to take you that. From my POV, it won't be that smooth and good of a transition. Because of the time shift, I'm not really able to watch any streams, because I go to bed or wake up right before or after the stream. Floatplane is a quite cool platform, but I do have my problems with it. I don't have a nice user experience on the webservice, the interface, the loading times... Maybe I'm to far away from the servers (which definitely could be) or the resources are just not enough and well thought through. I would totally switch to Floatplane, but removing the After Shows from patreon, would kill for many many people the reason, to pay a buck or two per month. I definitely will continue to leave the buck for Frank's nothingness, but I don't know, if some of these ideas really are good, or just not thought until the end. I'm just worried, that this decision might break a creators neck and bringing them into problems. I'm already happy, that the Patreon will be up, because I haven't been able to pay on Floatplane with PayPal, because of local bank issues I have sometimes with non EU payments (Thanks, Germany 😡) But I need to say, for the community, it might be cool to set the After Show free to watch for them. Well... After all the kerfuffle... Do what you think is right and love. The community will hold your back as good as possible. Huge greetings from Germany! 😊


Maybe keeping the aftershows exclusive for a week would be best. I love Frank but Frank isn't a 3-6 minute video every week that I chip in to make happen. It just loses the spice if it's just yeeted out at the same time


You do you man. It's $1 a month. As an early viewer but new patron those old videos are damn impossible to find.


I'm down with that, mate.


Looks like a good idea, but I'm pretty sure the YouTube algorithm makes your videos reach less new people if a channel uploads more than one video at the same exact time, so maybe uploading the aftershow on Saturdays for example might be a better idea


wait so in short... that means moving the after show to floatplane and making it a live stream? cause if thats the case fuck no(not being mad), i wanna watch stuff when i feel like it. also i dont want to explain to my mom the whole "this guy i told you to give a dollar to every month is moving to another platform" thing(or talk to her in general :( )


You are our dank captain. We shall man this ship wherever your eye wanders. Do what you need to do to make the online world a more silly and interesting place.


I wouldn't be switching to floatplane because I only ever caught 1 drum stream back when you were on twitch because of the time difference but I support you and trust that you'll not only do what's best for you but also us fans of you and Frank!


Do what you need to do, man! I’m just here for the silly videos. How/when you want to provide them is nobody’s business but the Turks.


Sounds like a good business move, and especially if you're expanding then you gotta do what you gotta do. Honestly I think I'd likely be one of the minority to ditch the Patreon and keep the dollarydoo to myself, but if that means I have an extra couple quid to go to Floatplane, then you might just see me there. Patreon is a nice exclusive, but I love that you want to free it up for everyone else too. You're just proving yourself to really be the nice bloke we all think we know you as. 😅


Whatever works for you! Although having it free is a great idea for those who cannot afford it and having extra Frank is just yes.


I'll be honest, I have no other creator on patreon because the vast majority are just like "patreon gang gimme your money for nothing but useless blog posts and occasional bts shitposts" but your patreon genually had regular and entertaining content which I believe is the main attribute to its success. If that content is removed and as much as I think Frank is great( I have your Instagram for Frank content), I will most likely cancel and consider floatplane but with my work schedule streams are hard for me to catch, so that does not have the value add your patreon has for me now. I get you need to grow and need income streams but ultimately this is your business and your decision and by the way you have laid out the plan, the decision is already made. It is very well thought out and from a money stream point of view fantastic. You do what you need to do, to run your business and keep employees paid. As much time that I've spent writing this my opinion on the matter doesn't matter if it comes down to people getting paid a fair wage, do right by your people. My opinion I wouldn't mind paying more for the aftershow on floatplane with the added bonus of maybe catching a stream from time to time, I like the little bubble we have here hate to see it die.


Silly Frank


Being honest i dont really mind it, i only use patreon so i can support the one i look to when i need a good laugh at some nuggets. I dont really pay for the vids so either way its fine by me! :)


You'll have my support and Patreon sub so long as it helps keep the ads away! Actually I won't be unsubscribing regardless as long as the channel is there and I'm able to I'll contribute to my favorite creators. I'll show my support in whatever way helps those creators do what they do extra content or not.


I'm not against the move (I sub to support creators, not for the bonuses so I'd be here with or without the videos), but if you do go through with it I'd expect you'd probably loose money. As much as I enjoy your content I've never been into livestreams and I imagine I'm not alone on that. There are probably a lot of people subbed here who would drop instantly once the videos stopped coming and have no interest in paying for livestreams because they don't watch livestreams. (those same people are also probably more likely to not spend time commenting because they're just here to watch content, so the content being free only benefits them anyways) I'm not your financial advisor though, if you think you can make this change and have it help (or not significantly change) your finances rather then hurt them then by all means, do whatever you feel is best. I'll still be throwing a dollar into your wallet every month anyways.


I’m paying just 1 Freedom Eagle a month to support you. I don’t care what you choose to post to Patreon or YouTube, and it doesn’t matter to me if stuff is exclusive here or not. I love your videos and I am perfectly happy to keep my Patreon subscription no matter what you choose to do with your content :)


I want you to do what you want to do, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Trusting in other companies to hold up their end of the bargain almost killed College Humor (which was a media juggernaut back in the day). I'd not change much, if anything, that could hurt your potential revenue streams, especially since other folks are now counting on the stability of your income, there's a reason companies hardly ever change products or pricing plans. Either way, im gonna increase my monthly pledge, I've never before seen any content creator with the character and honorable intentions you show to us. ❤ Cheers mate! 🍻

The Ferret

Worth noting that I only have a dumbphone (I'm online too much as it is) so I don't have app access. Maybe worth mentioning to the devs that us luddites exist and enjoy content too.


It seems cool, but won't it make your earnings lower? I suppose many people pay the dollaridoo for the aftershow, so they would cancel the subscription if you stopped. I mean, I for one, am not really into streams, so I won't resub on floatplane anyways, because I can't find time for that kinda stuff :(( Also, wouldn't using the Youtube channel memberships thingy be a better idea now that patreon is gonna be just a tip jar?


You should probs ask some people with inside algorithm knowledge about this. I doubt the after show vids will do as well performance wise as the main vids, and it would suck if there were any negative effects from making those public. I love the after show, but I joined Patreon for them specifically. Not everybody who subs to your yt channel will want to see them and that might mess with numbers long term.


I wouldn’t mind, I’d probably keep the Patreon stuck on anyways for extra support, I don’t really have much time to watch streams so Floatplane isn’t my thing, I think maybe an extra video now and again (like maybe a behind the scenes or something) just for the patrons would be nice though.


I honestly really like the exclusive content with supporting you, even just for $1/month, which is awesome that you've set that price. That's what got me to become a patron, after seeing teasers for the after shows. I look forward to the main video and the after show every week. I do like the idea that others have said of us seeing the after show early before it goes public or some other exclusive content.


Hey, that sounds like an amazing idea. I joined the patreon to give you my hard earned dollarey doos, and dammit i wan you to have them, videos or not. But hey, more stinky frank, worth it.


I think you're better off keeping the After Shows on Patreon for $1 a month. Personally the drum streams aren't my thing and it's a lot easier to sit down for 10 extra minutes a week to watch an After Show than to watch the stream for even just an hour. That said, regardless of what you choose I'll still support you on Patreon, but I imagine a lot of other people will dip out if the After Shows are made public. Plus Floatplane is new and not as widespread as Patreon, so even if your supporters there pay more to see the Drum Stream, you'll lose out on volume alone.


Just do whatever you want. I'll still be subscribed on patreon as its only 1 quid a month and floatplane to follow your streams. I've finally landed a decent job that makes use of my qualifications so these 5-ish quid a month don't mean a lot to me. And before I finally got my job upgrade you've brightened up my life a lot. Whatever you feel is best, I'll support you and continue to watch the garbage you put out, free or not. It would still be nice to get some exclusive or at least early content as a paying supporter, but I wouldn't be angry if monetary support becomes entirely voluntary... Just do whatever you think is best for you and your core fan base will follow...


It's a good idea. I will admit that I'll miss the sort of "community" that the patreon created. Y'know, the in-jokes and channel updates, that kind of thing. I'll gladly join the floatplane though. I'm happy to support you and enjoy the streams, even if the small extra cost will definitely hurt my wallet a bit. I'm just a lowly highschool student so I don't have a ton of money. I will say that I think the option to pay for the year is awesome, as I hate the subscription model. Just be careful with Google. They're very good at shafting creators, especially those who don't deserve it.


Put all the ads you want, and if you get a good sponsor then great for you! You gotta make that dough to make your amazing content.


I haven't been watching the drum streams (but the ones I've watch have been nice) so I probably wouldn't pay for floatplane to watch them. At the same time, while I love supporting you, I wouldn't keep paying for the patreon if the after shows weren't necessary. I love you content though, and I hope any decision made here only ends up benefiting everyone :)


So I like the idea. I'd still stay subbed here on patreon as I want to support. That being said, I'm a college student. I'd like to check out the streams and once I get an internship I'll sub over on float plane, I don't have a ton of time to catch and watch a live stream. I like the idea of this being a more behind the scenes thing of all the channels.


IMHO if you want the aftershows to be free, make them free. Personally though, I dont watch any streams, so im not planning on joining floatplane (though they sound like amazing developers). I'll just keep sending my dollary doo here!


Im Down for the aftershow being free, been wanting to share it with my friends for ages without feeling super sketchy about it because sometimes the aftershows are pretty amazing. I just subbed on floatplane, if you ever do a nighttime stream while I'm at work in the UK I'll be there ^^


You have a much more successful Patreon than many larger content creators, mainly because your pitch is so good. "One dollar a month, I do extra vids." Sure, you're technically holding extra content 'ransom', but it's such a good deal that for many people it's worth it. Lots of Pateons are way more expensive for nothing in return.


Do whatever you feel is best for you. I'll support your wherever Although I fear you would lose a lot of your current income because the YouTube/patreon fanbase isn't exactly the same as the drum streams. Many people are here to see your shorter content, and it reaches a much wider audience. The drum streams are already a bit niche, and requires more free time for viewers to catch. I really don't see an issue with having both up. The patreon is already super generous with the $1price tag. And people who want to see your drum streams will find it.


I'll continue to support as much as I can. I can live with ads because you have built the trust with me that you're trying to do what's best. I'd prefer a prerole ad only and not midrole if possible. I also struggle to find time for streams so I only support one that has them posted later. Would you be able to give Patreon VODs?


I mean I would be fine with the paid aspect being a private discord with you. Let everyone get the aftershow and doesn't force you to make a ton more content per week


As a person already subscribed on floatplane I think it makes the floatplane price easier to justify if the aftershow becomes free. I would still like to see some floatplane exclusive videos along with the drum stream though but thats just my preference. Maybe more bts stuff, just a thought.


Sorry did not mean to comment on ur post I hit the wrong button on mobile.


Sounds good to me. Go for it


To be honest I just wanted to show my support for the channel so I’m happy giving a dollar a month. Not much on it’s own but it adds up. I don’t know what the figures are like but I would imagine Patreon revenue will go down of all the content is free on YouTube. At the end of the day many people are here paying for content and if you go fully free some people will leave. Personally I don’t mind I’m happy to keep paying but you may need to be wary of that. And if people get a taste for free it would be very hard to convince them to pay for it after they’ve gotten that taste of free. Maybe release the patreon videos a week or two late for the main channel that way people still feel like they are getting something foe their donation. The drum streams are cool and clearly you’re passionate about but your audience is wide in scope. I’m here for audio talk and iPods but couldn’t really care less about the drum streams it’s just not my thing. While other people are here just for drums and maybe do t care about headphones. It’s a mixed bag so just be carful you’re not going too overboard as to lose a chunk of your revenue


I'm confused So do we need to switch to the YouTube public for the after shows? I like the worthless frank photos. Will definitely use them to devalue my phone 🤳


Hey, only paying 1dollary-do, so honestly I think its okay! I don't have much time during the day to catch drum strims, so I rather support ya over here on patreon! Sucks that Twitch did ya dirty tho :/


Frank NFT? But in all seriousness I don't have time to watch the drum stream as amazing as it is. I'm just here for dankpods and garbage time goodness. I'll keep my patreon subscription just because I want to support you in the little way I can. Whatever you choose to do moving forward I support.


Honestly, I’d say keep the aftershows for Patreon. It’s 1 dollar per month, and not everyone is into streams as much as videos. I personally am an engineering student and like to come back to the videos but never have time to spend in streams. And I’d say 99% of people who can afford floatplane, can afford 1$ more


Anyone who complains about giving $1 a month isn't worth listening to.


Bruh over 30,000 people support on Patreon, you think he would be able to afford that? If you do the math at $500 per patron, that's $15,000,000.


I think you would be shooting yourself in the foot. Google/Amazon/Twitch etc CAN NOT be trusted to take care of their creators and unfortunately that includes you as well. I love the closer connection patrons have with their favourite creators via a subscription. As an example, there is a very good chance that you actually read this comment as opposed to the main channel where comments get lost in the crowd. You would be giving up a large part - to me at least - of what makes Dankpods so special.


Do what you gotta do bro. You're still getting my freedom eagle


Honestly. I’d rather keep it exclusive. The main reason I subbed was for the aftershows, and making them public is kinda gonna ruin it. I don’t really sub for the streams, so yeah. I’d keep the Aftershows paywalled.


I hate to be a dingus, but for people like me who only subscribe here to see the aftershow, wouldn't that cut pretty bad into your revenue? Cause your the only person im on patreon for, and its that sweet exyta content that makes me happy. Idk. Do whatcha want. Whatever majes you happy :)


I'm sure you give this a lot of thought and whatever happens, if the content is still quality, I'll stay! ALTHOUGH, I do like the weekly vid for 1 dollarydoo. And while I would like to sub on Floatplane (I already want to support LMG) I won't have the budget for it soon. While there are Patreons were you give money just as a token of support, I appreciated the fair trade of dollars to video you are currently making. This way you're not asking, you're giving (well selling!). I dont feel the short videos are a big ''urh paywall'' thing; They're a lil treat on top and I like it as is.


I totally support releasing the aftershow to the public, cuz man some of my favorite vids of you are aftershow episodes!! So I can only imagine the surprise and joy the rest of your subscribers will have while watching all this amazing content and tho I've never watched any of your streams I'm really looking forward to do it now specially if there's more Frank to enjoy!


I've no issue with the aftershow going free. I'll keep throwing my dollar over here for Frank's stinky pics!! I'll probably sub over on Floatplane too tbh as I do enjoy catching the streams occasionally. You could also post behind the scenes stuff on the Patreon as well, I think that would be cool


Good idea if you want to grow subs on YouTube and get more people on Floatplane, but just remember you’ve got about 36k subs paying AT LEAST £1.20/$1 per month with some paying the top tier nug price. Personally I don’t have much time for watching streams so watching your vids on a Thursday night/Friday morning is a highlight for my week.


Understand the change in structure, with that, tho, I'd probably drop back down a level, still want to support the madness but that Friday vid is a real shot in the arm and was defo worth every penny so on the one hand I love that way more people will see it, just changes the value is all. The middle option would to be to keep patreon vids locked for a couple weeks, then release. This means more people enjoy that Friday shot of good times, and we still get a bit of value in return. Anyway, it's your stuff bro, you do you. The garbage time streams look hella fun but finding an hour or so to hang out with old m8 versus the current couple vids a week is a bit more of an ask. Things change, change is good. Hope it all works out.


Do what ol' mate Pukcell would do and just keep on working with whatever black magic it is that keeps you going. Just tell me where to move my money to follow you or whatever and I'm game. But you COULD also add more tiers if you want in between the $1 and $5 to get more people who want to supporting you with a higher tier. One other option, you could also release the After Show a day or a week early here and then make it free to all. Just a thought.


Maybe Patreon gets the aftershow the week it releases and then the next week YouTube gets it public?


Hey I'll keep paying the $1 a month regardless of whether the extra vids are for a large or small audience. I can't really do the floatplane subscription, and I don't think I'd really watch the drum streams that much anyways, so I'll just support you on here :)


One creator I think does a good job with their patreon is Techmoan. He puts the videos out a day or so early, which has two benefits: 1. It is still some exclusivity. 2. It lets people look over the edit and catch mistakes. He also does a monthly podcast talking about the state of channel and goes over videos he released that month. Also maybe answers questions and comments. A DankPod Podcast could be a good idea.


Mate, we're all proud of you and everything you've done so far. Whataver makes you happy, there'll be some of us that will follow you <3

Brandon Robinson

I've tried to catch some of your live-streams over on Floatplane (i'm a new subscriber) but I haven't been able to due to time differences. This wasn't too much of an issue with Twitch (because it was all free) but I'm trying hard to find the value in the subscription aside from the warm and fuzzies of knowing I'm supporting two of my favorite creators (LTT and you). Admittedly, I did appreciate the extra video on Patreon each week but it was a little bit of an inconvenience to have to login then check the most recent post. If it was just listed on your youtube channel it would definitely be more convenient. I'll most likely stay supporting on Patreon but might drop the FloatPlane sub depending on if I'm ever able to catch a live show. I say go for it though, especially if you see the backlog being able to generate even more income!


I'd say keep patreon exclusive videos. But I'll accept patreon being just for Frank pictures AND exclusive Frank videos.


YES! the frank invasion has finally begun I love that stupid noodle.


My only recommendation is that you might want the after show go up on a different day. YouTube doesn't do a good job of pushing additional uploads on the same day, and even if someone has notifications turned on, it will usually only notify people of one upload per channel per day.

Erin Kyan

I'll be honest, I probably won't stay on patreon if there's no patreon exclusives. All in favour of you doing what feels right to you, but that's just where I'm at. <3


That's fine by me but I don't have enough for floatplane unfortunately but please turn on the comments for the after shows

Jasonian Michael

Make it happen! Your channel is growing, your community is growing, you deserve it!

Peter Shillito

I've been subbed on floatplane since day one, and although I don't get to most of the live streams, the VODs make great background stuff when playing games. As for Dankpods, I'm leaning towards the idea mentioned a few times above where you have content early on here and then public later, if you do make the after show free. Same could be extended to a consolidated "Garbage Network", as I enjoy Garbage Time videos too, and seeing them early would also be fine. However, if you wanted to have a single place to get all content, can't you have subscriber only posts on Floatplane so you could have unlisted youtube video links as you do now but put them on floatplane instead of Patreon? It does mean barrier of entry becomes $2.80 rather than $1 though.


Not only that, but the public for the drum streams will be different from the aftershow public. There’s a pretty high risk of losing a ton of Patrons. I’d continue sending my dollarydoo but I understand that not everyone will


I'd pay the floatplane fee for videos a week early


Go for it!


I'm ok with it, but people will leave. What I suggest make them public with ads, but post them again privately like you do now without ads.


Dank, I feel like I stand with everyone when I say that I absolutely support your choice to release the After Show as public. Regardless of what you choose, myself, and I guarantee many others will always support your choices. I'll always be subbed on YT, Patreon, and Floatplane.


he said he'd be making the after show public on YouTube so paying on here will just get you pics of Frank so if you wanted to pay and get something out of it use floatplane :-)


Go for it.


Personally I can't catch streams often enough to make Floatplane worth it, and archived VODS of the streams really aren't that fun without the live social aspect. I'll prob keep my dollaroo here but I think a lot of people feel this way. Maybe there could be highlight videos of the streams or something more condensed like that?


I agree with the one comment, use patron to post videos a little early! That way there is some exclusivity but everyone gets the same content!


Pretty sure most of us would be fine with the after shows becoming free and you not even doing anything with patreon cause there are people who would just support a creator even if they get no benefit cause they enjoy them enough


Sorry dude but if the after show is free, theres no incentive to support you here.


I don't know if asking YouTube would be such a good idea since they would only benefit from it by getting more vids for free, while us patrons would be losing out on the exclusive content that we pay for, whether that's why we pledge it or not. Some of us may not care, but I fear that wade would lose a big chunk of his supporters here if he stops the exclusive content. And many people like me are not into the drum streams and wouldn't move over to floatplane.


As long as we could get the videos early on "The Garbage Network". I'm fine with this change.


I like the idea of making them free for all to watch, but maybe have videos early for Patreon so that we still get a little something before releasing them publicly on YouTube? Either way, I’m happy to keep supporting you, no matter your ultimate decision


Idk if that's in notification settings but I always get an email about the new Patreon Dankpods vid! it's actually very convenient ;)


I like it how it is, but I would not be opposed to paying $2/month or whatever for getting the after show on Floatplane.


I honestly wouldn't mind ads at all in your videos, it's great content that you provide free to your community, and it would be greedy of us to expect you to not make any money off something you've worked to create, build, and provide to us, and ads would be perfect for that, we still get great content for free, and you get rewarded for your hard work, and in turn it gives you more money that you then turn around to use and create better content for this community, it's a win win for everybody


"Maybe instead of this being a DankPods exclusive Patreon it could be renamed "The Garbage Network" or something where it supports both DankPods AND GarbageTime/Stream." Yeah i was thinking about this as soon as i started reading. I was under the impression you were keeping the things at least somewhat separate, and I personally see them as separate things. I watch and like your Garbage Time vids when they pop up, but personally I'm not really into watching streams most of the time so I can't see myself ever looking at Floatplane. That being said, a buck a month is so little that since its already active here, id probably just let it ride since you are your vids are good stuff. While I would usually assume that no benefits means many patreons would leave, I feel like the majority of people are on here mainly to support you, so maybe not much would change. You do you really.


From a business perspective, I think uploading the after shows up on YouTube could cause some problems. It could damage the viewership on your other videos. From a personal standpoint, your Patreon is perfect in terms of value. It works out because it's not expensive for us, but still helps you fund the channel. If you were to move to Floatplane, I probably wouldn't sign up if it were that much more expensive. And that would be purely due to money, not because I don't appreciate your content, floatplane, or the LMG crew.


I like the idea of using the patreon as a place for early access or "backstage" access for unfinished or behind the scenes clips and bits. SHOW US HOW THE SAUSAGE IS MADE


I reckon many people only sub for the aftershow as well. Drum streams are a smaller niche


When you released that Batman scammed you after show it was the moment that made me sign up for your Patreon And I’m all-in for making the aftershow public. I’ll still support you here and when I decide to sign up for Floatplane. Plus, the garbage network has a great ring to it because I sure love garbage.


I'm sure you can see from the comments that you've got our support for whatever system works better. With the quality and number of videos you put out, you could probably double dip with patreon and ads and we would be behind you. Cheers and good luck Dank!


Not to be a stinky bean (Hopefully not as stinky as Frank, but if that is how it is, so be it) but I do like having the exclusive video once a week. I also sub to floatplane, but honestly the time difference sucks a lot of juice out of it for me because I end up having to watch the vod. I like being able to throw an Americana dollery doo at you every month to get that little extra flavor from youtube. I wouldn't hate for more people to get the content though, and I would honestly keep my sub here for at least a little bit, but it just does feel nice to be able to contribute even a tiny bit and get something special in return. Ultimately though, I want you to do what you feel is right, after all, this is your content and I want your finances to be healthy so we can keep seeing the stink no matter what! So, you do you and I will just add my two cents to the patreon pile!


Will the images of Frank stink? I will only agree to this if the images stink, so we get the full Frank experience! Real talk though, go for it! I'm sure the general public will benefit from a bit of extra Dank content! Could we possibly also get exclusive pictures of just random items without context on occasion? Ie: picture of some cymbal without an caption, picture of random chewed up cable, picture of ice cream on the ground, picture of your prized possessions in pieces for some reason, the list of possibilities goes on!


100% do it Dank! The more content for people to watch from you, the better. I will keep up with the Patreon and I'm sure a ton will or will move to floatplane


I'm happy with a picture of Frank each week in exchange for the £1 per month sent your way. In my head when reading the post, I thought that maybe making all the After Shows public, except the most recent month, could mean that those who just go by watching on YouTube without being Patreon supporters still get more videos, but even if the after show just gets uploaded publicly each week, it won't matter to me. I'll still get to enjoy your content and you still get to enjoy making it.


Do what you think is best, no matter what you do I'll still be giving you a dollar every month lol


I understand, but i don't like the idea of the vids becoming free, because i could see a lot of people abandoning patreon because of no more after show, but not subbing to floatplane. Im worried you'd be left out to dry. I'd still stay subbed, cause i still want to support you, but I'm not sure if anyone else would.


i think i'd be fine with it, but i know the majority of people would unsub if they didn't get their "secret extra patreon video for being a patron weaow"


I gave Netflix money for years, I'd argue I've gotten more enjoyment from Dankpods.

Eggicus Roundplumpius

You’ve got my support, I’m already at the floatplane! I will say, though, that I already wanted to support what floatplane stands for and had been subscribed to LTT on there before. I think it might be more difficult to draw your usual viewerbase to floatplane. Nevertheless, you’ve got me on here and on floatplane!


I worry that the dank empire is more fragile then you know and that removing Patreon incentives will be a net loss.


Sadly if the aftershow was public there would be no incentive for me to stay on patreon, and I couldn't make most of the streams so there would be no point in paying for floatplane for me (I really don't like vods haha) I am supporting you here but I barley have it in the budget (it is very tight atm) and the only reason I'm still here is the exclusives. It wouldn't work for me sadly :(


DO IT! I will remain a patron because I love what you do, not because I get extra videos. :)


I don't need much of an incentive to keep my Patreon subscription going, in usually busy and can't always catch the drum streams even before they moved to floatplane and I'll be honest, the extra videos weren't much of the reason i subbed on Patreon anyway. i know how fucked it can be to make it as an artist and musician and the (very) small contribution i could make to your art is the least i can do. all i can say is go for it! take everything in whatever direction you think is fair or makes sense or just whatever you want to do. I'll personally keep my small contribution here and enjoy that I'm supporting you able to keep making more content in general.


Go for it. Frank is worth a loony and a half


I'll continue paying a dollar just so Frank gets Premium Quail


Do not make aftershow public, its like the bonus features and extras in a bought album. We only get to know it if we truly support you. Plus i cant make it to streams so i wont be moving over to the othet stream stuff.


So your turning Patreon into onlyfans but for Frank because I'm totally down ngl...


Hell yeah! Was awesome hearing Luke talk about the drum stream on WAN show too. If possible though can the frank pic be at the same time as the new episodes go up? Makes for a nice reminder that the next is posted


As a YouTube premium member the ads do not particularly bother me too much and I would love to see all of your content in one place. However I don't think I would be able to support you in either the patreon if there weren't any shorter form videos and I don't really have the capacity to watch the drum streams. Though I will still continue to enjoy your content on YouTube regardless!


Yeah it's all good man


Wish Floatplane didn't have a paywall there. Turning this Patreon into The Garbage Network ™ would be awesome, and I kinda like the After Show the way it is. I wonder if you can multistream the drum streams, through YouTube, Floatplane and maybe even stinky Twitch all at once. But idk im not your dad. Keep being you Dankman!


Whatever makes the most sense for you, man. I'll miss the feeling of exclusivity with the After Show, though. It has a feel of hanging out backstage after a show. But, hey, I'm a patron because I enjoy your content and want to help support you financially.


Dank, you've gotten me through some dark times with that beautiful aussie voice of yours, I'll stay here no matter what, cuz if my one dollar helps you pay your rent then I'm happy to contribute it. You do you ya beautiful bastard.


I would just end up leaving here for floatplane and would love to support them and you at the same te because I love Linus as well


Absolutely. You are the goat of YouTube. You will keep getting my 1 dollar if I get that shmexy photo of Frank in its absolute glory.


Personally I would stay subbed to the Patreon regardless. But what if this After Show Patreon was just early access to the aftershow maybe? Like the After Show goes up on YouTube a week or two later? Idk just an idea as a compromise for thr people that aren't on board with the after show being free


Do what you want to do. I'm not a live stream kind of guy, but I'd still like to support you. Stream highlights would be cool but I know that's a lot of extra editing.


if i could move more to floatplane i would but my days are so busy i hardly watch any livestreams at all. i would love for the youtube regulars to see the after show but i think there should be more than just frank for the patrons every week imo. as much as i love her stinky face i can only stare at it for so long


I'd be fine with it but it has a fair chance of backfiring and honestly would rather keep a good creator around.

The Thunder Ghost

I'm absolutely ok with this! You do what makes you happy! Hope you're having a good day!


Just do what it takes to pay the bills man. My only request is to see really cringey edits of Frank tho


To be completely transparent, the only reason I’m on the Patreon in the first place was to watch your after shows. It seemed like a great deal for just a buck. If after shows become free to watch I don’t personally have much incentive to stay. Then again it’s only a buck a month, gotta love that. Your channel your choice!


I'll happily stand thru 10 ads in a row to watch incoherent Australian men yelling at plastic.


Maybe if you release the after show videos a month later. Idk. Like maybe then we still get exclusive content, for the release week. But then after a month it goes public. That way it feels exclusive for us but then the non subs will get a little extra albeit a month old extra.

Panzer IV

I think it better if the after shows were timed exclusive (like 2 weeks), so that there is still a reason to donate.


I’m gonna be a patron either which way (appreciate ya mate!), but I do think early access here on patreon would keep some more pragmatic patrons from jumping ship


I am behind you bro, go for it. You do what you think will be best for you, your family, and the channel. Love from Texas!


You'll always get my dollarydoo mate, we Aussies gotta stick together


Im absolutely okay with ads especially if frank and the after show is involved! You better believe that you're getting my dollarydoo


I am happy to keep supporting you, either way mate, do what makes the most sense for you. I will probably stick with Patreon, because I don't reallyl ike livestream content. Helping support someone who finally got me into hi fi listening is the reason I support you here, (cute snake stuff is second) the after show is a bonus, and I am happy with snake pictures as well.


Dude, if it helps you continue to produce content then do what's needed. I'll be continuing to contribute via Patron just for the saucy Frank pictures 😍


I particularly would like that idea. I can't sub to floatplane because then it would get too expensive for me with both patreon and floatplane sub. In the end though, you do what it ends feeling right to you as a content creator. I'll support you in whatever decision you end up making.


i like tacos can we have taco time


Hey man it's your channel, you can do what ever the heck you want with it, but my main issue is floatplane thing, I cant really ever catch streams, cause I'm working and timezones and all that, plus I do like the slight exclusive bubble we've got, but if you feel it's right to move in that direction then take it


That's already a thing...


Honestly, with work and timezones, I don't think I'll ever really have time to come along to the streams. That, and I'm not as interested in drums than I am in funny looking nuggets. I'll probably unsubscribe from the Patreon if The Aftershow is made free. Ads aren't an issue for me as I use YouTube Premium. With that being said, it's your channel, mate, you do with it as you see fit. I'll be watching either way.


I’ll follow ya over there dank!


Agree with aftershows being a timed exclusive sort of thing. But to be honest I am only subbed on Patreon cus like I respect your vids. 😊


One major downside to floatplane is the iOS app kinda getting screwed where you can’t sign up/subscribe/manage payments. I’m not against it and I enjoy the idea of switching over, I just know there’s going to be a large chunk of people who probably won’t want to deal with the hassle of needing to make a new account for something and having to do it through a computer or the browser.


Hate to stop paying for patreon videos but you rake in 40,000 a month just from patreon. That's almost half a million annually. And that number has only gone up in the past months. The average income in Australia for 2019 $54,401(USD). I get you are doing alot behind the scenes, you have employees, rent, taxes, other over head costs. But you're asking people to give you money just to be nice. To be in the top 1% in Australia you "only" need to make 246,000 a year. You make almost double. Give it a few more months and more people will find you channel and find your patreon. But the path you want to take, in my eyes anyways, is not the right path.


As an idea though, for patreon: maybe add random videos of Frank here (that do not make to instagram or exclusive videos from her), or perhaps do early access for the After Show.


Why? Whether it's justified or not, many people WILL leave when the exclusive content stops. That's just a fact. And that will really hurt his income and ability to make content in general. I only see Wade getting hurt financially with this decision.


I'm totally cool still paying. Even if you make them free, I will keep giving you my dollarydoo because I think it's worth it. I also think early access to videos/After Show is totally fair, as others suggested.


Weekly DankPods Story Time


I don’t mind an ad before a YouTube video, but the back to back 15 or even 30 second ads before some videos is getting out of hand. Many times I’ll just pick a different video because that’s insane. Whatever you feel is best you should do. Although the current system works for me. I don’t have time to catch streams much anyway.


holy shit frank NFT


I've just recently subscribed to this patreon, mostly because I'm a big fan of your content, and I was craving even more of your trash videos. No matter your decision you'll have my dollar monthly either way.


Epic! I will say, I'd be perfectly happy with floatplane and 1080p if that's a viable option, but YouTube is good too.


why not have a 1080 tier and a 4k tier? LTT does it on their floatplane


If you've ever seen the WAN show, they talk about how those limitations are because of Apple being really really bad at things


is that the hit new Frank NFT?


Will happy keep paying for this, whether or not the content is free :D


Interesting idea and it is pretty cool ngl so id say go for it but i cant be botherd ending this subscription here so im just gonna keep my subscription here lul


I’ve seen a few people say this, I think the After Shows should be a timed exclusive. So release them on YouTube a few weeks to a month after Patreon? So that it still feels exclusive but the YouTube folks get something too.

Michael Sunseri

I’m with a few of the other posters here. Put the after show up here a day or so early. Then everyone wins.

Nonbinary gamer

I prefer patron to be honest. I've watched a few of the shows on floatplane and it's just not my thing, especially as I can't watch them live and chat is not saved in the vods. But that being said I don't mind what happens with patron, if you want to release the aftershows publicly that's fine I would keep supporting you on here anyway. Early access to the videos or "behind the scenes" short and unedited extras would be nice though if you still want to have something exclusive.


I'll pay for pic of frank, fuck it 😆


Do what you need to do mate, I never have time to watch the streams sadly but I will continue to support you here!


It sucks that you are going to lose a lot of patrons, but I think a lot of people are going to enjoy after show vids for free, and I hope a lot of us will stay around (I will for sure), and the floatplane thing does kinda suck, but even if the streams don't become free, I might pay a few bucks for them. I hope that you still keep a lot of people, because you do put effort into the content, and the money from patreon will still hopefully stay around where it's at. (except you might not be one of the top people on patreon after this)


I would love more pics of Frank . I will continue to support no matter what you choose to do


No don't make it public. Just put in a mid-roll me as a youtube premium subscriber do not care about that. Or just place a squarespace ad just tap 6x on the right arrow key and the ad is gone. I also will not make the switch to Floatplane as I don't like and have time for livestreams. I won't just watch a stream highlights. Maybe that's a idea a garbage time highlight channel.


As much as I respect your passion for the drums and imagine how sweet the streams must be I don't really watch streams period. I enjoy the fact that I'm able to support you directly with patreon and get more vids outta it. But I personally feel like I would be losing content that I want and not really gaining any outta it. I'd understand your reasoning for switching but I wouldn't keep my subscription if you do. I'd watch ads tho if you put a decent amount of effort into making them entertaining.


Also yeah, timed release like some people said could be worthwhile. Only issue is, since they're often relevant to the Dankpods episode they're linked to, you couldn't make it a LONG timed release. But - it could still work really well, and even "pad" the upload schedule. Upload your weekly Dankpods, and then half a week later publically release the after show - Patrons get a few day benefit, Viewers get the video in a relevant timeframe, and you get to spread more videos out - which is probably good for the algorithm. (I'd assume a consistent schedule is more valued than 2 uploads in one day once a week? idk)


I will keep funding this operation. One way or another. The Garbage network sounds like a great idea tho


I've read through a few comments and a few people have already voiced what I was thinking! I think ads (non-midroll) make perfect sense and if it's a big, un-tapped revenue source, then by all means! People who really hate them are already using some sort of ad block anyways. And people like myself who pay for YouTube Premium just never see them anymore (and from what I understand, YT Premium viewers contribute more to YouTubers than free viewers who watch ads). As for Patreon, like many others, you'll get my dollarydoo till I die <3 BUT, a suggestion... Like many others have noted, early-access would be a seriously sweet treat for early subscribers. I only support 2 YouTubers on Patreon, you and LGR, and LGR does early access videos and it's always a treat to see the emails notifying me when they are available. So maybe give that a shot! Or don't either way i'll watch your stuff however I can - much love to you and Frank 🐍


I think abandoning Patreon and moving almost exclusively to a live stream platform is risky. Personally, I don't always have to time to watch Live Streams so I almost never catch your drum streams which is why I love that Patreon can keep you afloat and you don't need ads on YouTube because if there's one thing we've learned, the biggest companies make the worst junk and Google will eventually screw you over. Patreon is so successfully because of how YouTube is to make money anymore. That being said, you've got my dollar regardless. Small price for the hours of entertainment you've provided and I'm sure will continue to provide. Go with your gut, it's what got you this far.


Honestly, I'll support you here either way. I'm fine with either doing the after show free to everyone at the same time or at some sort of time delay. Also totally gonna pay for the frank pic and frame one.


You may lose some Patreons. I’m 100% for the idea but it may be wise to think of something else extra for Patreons. If not an extra video, maybe more shorts, like unedited (or barely edited) 1-2 minute clips throughout the week. Behind the scenes, frank, in front of the scenes, whatever.


I think this sounds pretty neat! I just want to see you keep making awesome content (I seriously think you're on of the best creators on YouTube at the moment). As long as you're happy, and I get my weekly dose of Dank, Frank, and Garbage, I'm happy!


Tbh I don't support this for the extra content. I throw a little money at you every month because you entertain me way more than that $1.50 is worth. If anything id love for more review type content on audio gear, it's really hard to find reviewers who I feel I can trust and are not just after the free review samples or bribes to say nice things about the product. I don't know if that's something you would be interested in, but I'd really like to see an audio focused Gamers Nexus type place I could go for honest information about audio gear without having to wade through loads of clearly bought and paid for reviews. I also use YouTube premium so won't see the ad anyway.


I honestly would love to see uncut behind the scenes content a lot more, maybe you could put them here on patreon instead. I'll consider subbing on floatplane too but my only concern with that is I'm not always available to watch those streams live. The decision is still up to you though and I will try supporting, love your content! (and frank :P)


Whatever sounds good to you, I'll keep paying no matter what

robert young

float plane is amazing and Luke is awesome as hell I was so excited when i heard you were joining float plane. I understand your feelings on the paywall issue, but honestly its so cheap that I don't think its a problem. it would be different if it was $5 or more a month but its not. a idea i have is to make the after show public but release it public one week after patreon release two birds one stone. at the end of the day its your choice and will respect whatever decision you make.


That sounds like a great idea, I'd love to support you on floatplane but I can't really afford to do so over there and here at the same time so this is a good compromise :)


I have to admit I'm impressed that you are actually asking our opinion. Here is my 2 cents, Make the after show free, you will still get my singular freedom buck every month as long I continue to enjoy your content, add ads if you want, I use an ad blocker so I won't see them :) , I figure the dollar a month you likely far exceeds the ad revenue you would get from me watching anyway. plus I'm still getting that Premium snek pic 4 times a month so that's a plus Hell, I may even hop on the float plane once I figure out how to decode your weird Aussie time zones, what is this half hour nonsense?


Personally, I'll stay here regardless since garbage time isn't quite my speed and I'll gladly take more frank pics


I agree with some if the others, behind the scenes stuff, that you have shown has always interested me. I'd love to see more of that, but I'm staying on Patron anyways. You are the sole person I support and it's because I love your stuff no matter where it is.


Yeah I'm not paying 1 dolla a month for an extra weekly video, I'm do it to support the Chanel. Keep killing it.


Personally, I think it would be better to take a "break" for a week or two, so patreon subscribers can watch the videos you put out a week earlier. That would help with timed releases.


I’ll support you whatever


Oi mate, just do what you feel like it! Though, I really like the After Show model you currently use and I think most people donate because they wanna watch the exclusive extra vid so I think the move might hurt you earnings on Patreon. Your drums streams are really awesome by the snippets you've shown on your vids, but I was never into livestreams because of a general lack of time, time zone differences and Floatplane being paid is really not an option for where I live (though I'm really looking forward to your next drums video on Garbage Time or any time you ramble about drums on the After Show or you regular vids). I'm fine with making the after show public after a few days on YouTube to grab that extra ad revenue or release it a week later or even as a monthly compilation. Also, if you go through with the move, give us some vlog updates besides frank pics of how life's going and behind the scenes on future projects on your different channels. I really enjoyed when you showed those like your vinyl collection and the home speakers.


Agree with some of the other sentiments. I like the idea of making the after show public and basically an ad for other content. As a replacement, for both floatplane and patreon you could have some behind the scenes stuff as a replacement, I suppose.


i love your content but i'ma be honest i'm not somebody who ever has time to catch livestreams since i work shifts. i'm just not super into nonedited forms of content fr that reason but that's just me personally tbh i know a lot of ppl love them! i mostly sub to this to support the channel and see the after shows, i think maybe transitioning them to a timed release (here first, youtube a week later) along w the exclusive frank pics would still justify to me, staying pledged :) excited to see what u do next!


Frank has her own Insta already. What, will that make this her OnlyFans then?? ...Alright, I'm here for it.


Drum stream highlights on Patreon?


Personally I don't like frank or your drum streams I love your jokes and nuggets man you will still get your 1$ from me I'd leave after show here create a new YouTube channel drums stream archive and upload all of the week old drum streams


I'll support you either way.


Do what zeos does. Give us the content a little earlier than the rest. I'd be down for that.


Whatever you do , my Patreon contribution won't be going anywhere. Happy to support a genuine content creator.


Really, though. Do what you want. I'm only paying a dollar every month to be here. If that dollar means four more videos or four more pics of Frank every month, then so be it. Keep my dollar.


No problem, gonna support you eather way. Although if I could request something, I would love to hear your plans with your Reteo gaming vids. Are you planing on making them on a sepperate channel or Garbage Time, like you have already done, and how often will you mix up content on Garbage Time? Also another request, could you archive your drum streams on youtube? It would be a shame if they are lost to time! In any case, cheers mate, have a good one ^^


There is no fee to cancel. You just cancel and you keep access for the rest of the month, then you won't be auto charged for the next month.


If it means more content, or just that you can stress less about financing the GarbageNetwork™ go for it! Even with the after show public, you'll still have my dollar!


I wouldn't mind the after show going public, (in many ways, thanks to those playlists you talk about it kinda already has) posting after a week delay would probably be for the best. As for streaming, I'll be honest, I'm not a big consumer of live content in general even for people I'm a fan of, so it's not like I've got much of an opinion on that. That said, I feel I've more than gotten more than enough for my dollar so you do you.


I was gonna cancel Patreon up until the frank pics, I'll stay here, but I don't like livestreams so I won't be subbing to the floatplane.


I feel like we should get the content a bit earlier than everyone else just like how zeos does


Floatplane is both a video and live steam platform. So you could start doing everything there. Id be willing to that. $3 for a good stream and extra videos is a good deal to me


I agree with some other comments here. Maybe putting them out here first for patrons for the first few weeks before releasing them to public would be a good compromise between current system and fully putting aftershow for free to youtube.


I agree what others have said, you should think about uploading videos early for patreons, it'll give people an incentive to subscribe even with the Frank pics


It does make sense and honestly I don't mind, having the adsense on the extra video (when made public, at the beginning) on top of patreon is a good business decision to have more of a passive inflow. I know of your livestreams and always forget to keep an eye or just don't have the time sadly. But regardless I love supporting your work whatever you do! I understand the slight sadness that some of us patreons miss out on the feeling of "exclusivity" here but that can be figured out down the road. Frank pictures is always welcomed! But BTS of stuff would be nice here or something but I know it's hard to include on top of the 3 channels and the streams. But like I said I appreciate the incentive! Keep at is and or possibly notify us here patreons for any input!


Okay so after some thought, I can't say I entirely support this matter. The "One dollar a month, I do extra videos" mentality is the main reason I came to the Patreon. Supporting you is fantastic and I loved getting a little extra video that was usually shorter and easier to process in a matter of speaking. I would argue that transitioning to Floatplane fully (Where the aftershow is hosted there and Patreon is completely abandoned) would be the best idea if something like this were to work, but I know that there are many people (myself included) who use the Patreon because we can support you for one dollar and still get some content from it means a lot. I'm a busy man, and attending livestreams has always been hard for me due to my schedule. I think it'd be hard to tune into a stream on Floatplane especially. But whatever you choose to do over this matter, if it makes you feel accomplished that's all that matters. I'll stick to my $1 a month for now with the extra aftershow videos if you keep up the great work with your channels.


Float plane it is then! Let’s go! Best of luck dank pods, love what u do and have enjoyed being a patron up to now :)


I’m a firm believer of artistical freedom. If we were to disapprove of any idea you might think will improve your product, be it because of the way things run behind the scenes, quality wise or content wise, it wouldn‘t be what you want to do, rather you catering to your fans wishes. If you can handle that or if you‘d slowly but surely burn out and fall out of love would remain to be seen, but I would rather not find that out. Do whatever you want to do and what you think is right. You’ll be happier and as a result your content will remain top quality. And if you feel like reversing your decision five weeks in, theres no shame in that! Everyone needs to experiment from time to time and you doing so in the public eye should never have an impact on that! If you end up losing fans because of your decision, you’ll find new ones who were looking or waiting for that exact change.


Another revenue source worth exploring would be merch? I'm sure lots of people would love a tshirt or a mug or something with one of your many catchphrases :) I'll keep subbing here just because I love to support my favorite creators


It sounds great! Would like maybe the aftershow becomes a timed exclusive where we get to see right away your mentioned bonus vid. While everyone has to wait until the end of the month for public viewing.


I'm not able to join streams with my busy schedule, so I wouldn't be able to pay for floatplane, sadly. Like other people have mentioned, a timed release schedule would be good!


I hope we can get you to 10mil subscribes and on, your such a good creator who genuinely loves there community and I'm proud to he a part of it


Also, if you feel guilty about charging people here and on Floatplane, just give people on Floatplane access to a playlist with the after shows as a bonus for paying more than one dollayroo, heck, you could even show the After Show vids as people wait the stream to begin or after they're finished.


I really think that the $1 a month mentality was the right way to go, it's certainly why I subbed, so I really don't think abandoning extra content for patrons is the right way to go. I think either: - Patrons get vids a week early, or - Everything moves onto Floatplane, or - After Show is Youtube Membership, so people can't repost them


The paid videos free to all, you still get the income stream, AND we get extra Frank shots? This seems like an absolute win!


Float plane has been good so far and if you upload there it will serve the same purpose as here but with less headache.


Hi Wade, I am here just to say "thank you" for the huge tons of content you are putting in right now. You should just do what you think is the best option for your channel. In my personal preference, I would be more than happy to just see all your "bonus" content on a floatplane and support you there tho a bit more pricey. Your YT content without ads is one of the most magical things these days!


I’m ok with that. I’m all about helping the little guy get a head and if twitch has some decent competition it might make them you know “try”


When it comes down to it, you're going to keep getting my stinky $1 a month whether that gets me exclusive content or not. After all, you're the first person to get me to pay money on Patreon, your videos are just that good. It would be unfortunate to lose the exclusivity though, so maybe to balance, Patreon gets the after show a week before non Patreon members do? I don't know if that actually works on the back end, but it seems reasonable. That way everyone gets to enjoy all your content, you get more revenue, and Patreon supporters get a little something extra


Friend, your content is amazing and I’m more than happy to support you both on here and on Floatplane. For me the dollar a month isn’t for the extra videos, it’s my small way of saying “thank you” for making the fantastic content that you love to make. You’ve got my vote, exclusive content or not I’m not going anywhere. I don’t even want this stinky dollar, give it to Frank or something!

Armored brass assault cat

Go for it. I'll keep sending my dollar a month cause I enjoy my value menu nuggets


Fantastic plan, please do it. It means everyone gets free vids and you get paid. I’ll def subscribe to your floatplane, I love Linus.


I agree with people above saying that I'd still support you (even though the Wednesday and Sunday streams would be at 1:30am for me), but I'd like it if you posted the 'bonus' content on Floatplane.


I don't see how devaluing Patreon is going to do good... Either way unless you do NFTs I'll support you


You’re nuts! Do it!


Dude, you have my complete support. To be honest, I did find it a bit of a pain to jump between patreon and youtube just to go back to youtube to watch the After Show vids, but honestly, it's only a dollar a month. I may be unemployed, but I've spent more on "cardboard rectangles" then I have on something that helps someone! I can't catch streams because of my time zone and internet, however, I have no doubts they are fantastic! Do as you wish man, I am simply a patreon!


I don't have alot of time to watch stream stuff (I didnt even know floatplane was a thing), so youtube is my go to. If the weekly vid and after show keep showing up in my feeds, I'm happy! My only ask is that if you decide to make one subscription place the "THIS IS WERE THE NOT FREE STUFF IS" you put it all in big caps and an announcement, so I know where to throw my money.


Mate, your content as-is is already is worth more than the 1 freedom buck I toss at ya each month. Do what makes ya happy and keeps the lights on. Plus more Frank is always good. I'll print out and display all the Frank pics in my home to keep my property value down.


I think for me, the areas of interest are a bit too niche. I love the dankpods videos as my husband (who lives in a different timezone from me right now) and I set them aside for a date night ever week plus the after show, but with the 3 different timezones, catching streams is nearly impossible with our schedules. So for us, we wouldn't be moving to float plane regardless. While I totally support sharing the after show with regular YouTube folks, it is why we start subbing here on patreon in the first place. Maybe you could keep some exclusivity here, like the main video a day early or the after shows are exclusive here until the end of the month. Something as a small token of thank you to us patrons without excluding the main folks and the ones who only tune in to one side of your content. Just my two cents but we'll likely stick around regardless! Do what's best for you.


Sounds terrific. As long as I still get my dank pods and my garbage time then absolutely. Just keep up the good work, and I'm happy to hear you're liking where it's going. (I am also incredibly excited about James joining garbage time)


Honestly I'd be more than happy to support you on Floatplane. As far as I'm concerned, go ahead. Oh yeah, that means even more people will get to enjoy the After Show stuff and some of the weird and legendary things that happen on it.


Do what you think is best. I will remain on patron and when I decide to go watch the stream I'll pay for that too.


Hell yeah. I can't catch streams due to timezones but as long as I can throw money at you while you keep putting out stuff, I'm happy.


You've got my full support on YouTube, Patreon and Floatplane.


Name Idea: “DankGarbage Time.” Also love everything. One of the big reasons I have been a paid supporter is the no ads. But I understand that not everyone can always afford to chip in. It’s a tough balance. I say do what’s best for you. This is your show, you deserve to get payed for it. If you feel guilty for some reason or uncomfortable with making paid content consider there are plenty of other ways to give back. Consider doing iPod giveaways or donating a portion of your profits to a good cause. Don’t change in your show unless you think it’s necessary. As my grandmother used to say, Don’t go trying to fix something that isn’t broken. Love you’re stuff man. Stay Dank.


tasteful weekly pics of Frank for only $1/mo? what a bargain XD


Can you stream on youtube as well? Double up on it, no need to be platform agnostic


That's a lot of words! So it sounds like you're saying you would like to shift peoples' subscriptions to floatplane? That's fine, Patreon and YouTube are all bastards, so I'd rather support floatplane anyway. I don't watch any streams, so that doesn't effect me. Side note: aren't we supporting garbage time/everything you do when we donate here? My $1 goes to all your endeavours, not just DankPods on YouTube!


I'm here to support you 100% of the way man. Anything to help you get where you need to be is beneficial for all. If it means you have to put a ad, then that ad is your lifeline to make better things. It's what has to be done to keep you going is all we need.


I totally support you dude! I only ever become a patreon because I love helping out my favorite creators! If I only got a picture of Frank I'd still be very happy with that. You are the reason I went through a little ipod phase and the reason I'm extremely into headphones and hifi. Do what you think is best :) ❤


I really like the current arrangement if I’m completely honest, and it’d be a real shame to see a highlight of my week partially taken away; but I’ll continue the support regardless. I just don’t have time to catch streams, essentially with the way the time zones pan out.


Frank's been keeping quiet but have you asked her yet?


Ngl but I’m subscribed for the nugget mic stories. I’ll happily keep forking over a monthly freedom buck for the madness. Hosting the Aftershow on YouTube would make watching them easier! I won’t need 2 apps for nuggety goodness. Do whatever works best for you, man. Just put streams on YouTube if you can. I’m always late for streams.


I only pay the dollar because I want to in some way contribute to more content being made, I really like watching your stuff so If my donating helps the content get made its worth it. Even if all the content was free I would still pay the $1 and besides I have YouTube premium so ads don't concern me. You videos entertain me more than most movies that I pay $12 at the theater to see so $1 is a steal anyway


For me Patreon is my way of "tipping" content creators that I vibe with. However you want to distribute that content is your decision. You get my cash because of who you are, not what you give me.


Hmm, I'd be happier if you kept the dollar!


$1 for a weekly picture of Frank? Sign me up!


i want to start off to say even if you cancel patreon i will follow you where ever you go. But I think the aftershow should stay. With time zones and being busy i would probably rarely make it to the drum streams. The videos can be done on my own time and i feel like a part of something when i see things on the desk only patrons know about. in my opinion the aftershow should stay the way it is. Even if you go full float plane i will follow. My patreon subscription is the best subscription i have and i wouldnt mind changing it to float plane. I am wondering, what if the after show stopped entirely. In the time you spend on the aftershow you could maybe stream more often. IDK just a thought. Thanks for reading


No one asked but personally I really enjoy the extra episode way more than the stream and it’s not because of the there’s a difference in quality but it’s the length and I watch your videos on my break at work one video per break and a stream is just such a time commitment and I also have to be there live otherwise is doesn’t give off the right atmosphere. Mate I will give u $5 a month on whichever service u want Man U are so so perfect


Yeah I'd totally support that as an idea!


My dollar per month isn't going anywhere, and I am also supporting on Floatplane, but personally I think the drum streams should be on top of the Patreon rather than the only paywall, and the after shows should still be on Patreon. Not everyone in your audience has time to watch the streams or wants to watch them in the first place, but the Patreon is so successful because it is extra content per week with the exact same style as regular Dankpods videos. I think you should keep the after shows under Patreon because if people really want to watch the streams, they'll be willing to pay extra on Floatplane. I love the current system you have now. That's my take as a long time supporter.


I don't have time to watch streaming ( I don't really understand it, across all boards), but as long as I don't have to switch how I'm paying, I'm all good with it! Do you, bro! Twitch can suck it!


I only joined Patreon recently, and I only joined because your content was fantastic, and my watching was generating almost no ad revenue, the after shows were a welcome bonus of that. I’m still deciding whether I’ll join the drum streams or not, but I’ll stick around here


I'll still be here, so... Permission Granted. You can make the videos free.


I would be thrilled to see you make your aftershows free for everyone. I would remain a Patreon despite this. Anything to stop using the video player within the Patreon mobile app. Thank you for all the work you put into your videos. This change is a net-positive for fans such as myself


You’re the best mate, we just wanna support you and the great content you’re making.


I never have time to catch the drum streams so I'll be sticking around here. I still want to support you so you do you bud.


I don't love the idea If I'm honest, I'm a person who is super unlikely to ever catch streams, and I've always liked the element of us having a little something "exclusive". I'd be okay with it if it was a workload thing (too much to do etc). Personally I'd prefer maybe it was more of a "premiere" on here a week early maybe.


Bro, so ur saying that we get Frank NFTs???!! Count me in


As a follower and supporter for something like 6 months, I'm 100% okay with you making whatever changes you need to make things better! I'll always watch your YouTube videos, aftershows, and often your streams on Floatplane! Whether it means stopping the aftershows or changing where they're released, what's paid for and what's not, etc- do whatever needs to be done, Dank! After all, we love your content and want you to be happy and not "this isn't sitting well with me", you know? XD We love your content, so keep up the great work! :D


I got two people I Patreon, and the other guy bases his whole empire around it so I’m here to stay, don’t mind aftershows being free, would love more garbage time stuff. Maybe some more, unedited “live stuff” like oh hey, I’m just doing nonsense and don’t need to edit the vid. Cheers Wade! I’m stuck on Patreon, would love to see it changed to the Garbage Network and more easy for you to publish content, editing videos is no fucking joke mate.


Thanks for running this past the patrons; it just goes to show how much of a first-class creator you are and whilst my comment probably won't add anything new or interesting, I appreciate the opportunity to pass it on. rn I'm unlikely subscribe to Floatplane. Nothing else over there appeals to me at all, and I'm probably not the target audience for your drum streams. That said, it's awesome seeing snippets as they're so wholesome, and Twitch are a bunch of smelly poopoo heads so I totally get why the drum streams are so important (and why Floatplane seems to be the best platform for them). I like having the After Show as extra patron content, but I understand your rationale as to why you'd like to make them public. Why not offer the After Show to patrons on an early release basis? That'd be a good compromise to keep your current patrons happy whilst allowing you to monetise the After Show videos once they go public. I'd be all for that. Say 24 hours early access to the After Show + 1 Frank picture a week and I'd be a very happy bunny.


Honestly, I'm still on the side of combining the after show & streams on Floatplane. I don't think anybody would mind at all if the after shows had to be in 1080p instead of 4k because of cost limitations, that's totally fair enough! Regardless, I'll continue you supporting your channels wherever you go, that's just my two cents.


I say go for it! My dollarydoo will still be yours and getting Frank pics is nothing to complain about!


Go for it bud! I'll happily spend 1 freedom per month for more frank pictures.


I still will be around here to support you! I kinda liked the smaller vids only on Patreon as a little add on but I can truly understand your ideas of making them available for everyone. Maybe you could upload the after show vids first only on Patreon and then after some time make them available for everyone :3 But whatever you choose.. it will be amazing <3


I'd personally rather pay for after shows, Regardless of what platform they are on


Do it! I will be putting one of the Frank pics on my wall for definite! How about a few pics of the sexy speaker too?


Do whatever feels right to you! My freedom eagle is going into your pocket regardless


Personally, I am putting in my dollarydoo for the extra vids, and that'll end if both vids are uploaded free. I'm also not a huge fan of signing up to yet another service like floatplane to access content, as much as it allows bigger companies to keep their monopoly it's just more convenient for me. Still a big fan through and through, and will happily watch adverts on your videos if it helps you succeed, but it does mean I will drop patreon support.


Do it man! I use youtube more than patreon anyway

Rusty Shackleford

I've already joined floatplane for a year in advance. I have YT premium bc as much as I hate YT I hate ads more. Don't worry, I am ashamed. I am also too lazy to cancel patreon (or any of them, actually) I forget which card I used but you have my monthly dollar til at least 2024. I'll renew if I remember 🤷‍♂️ I am on board with Frank NFTs. Bring on the Garbage Network!


Please keep releasing the aftershow on patreon as well that way i dont have to watch it with ads, as well as with ads on YouTube.


I've missed the drum streams since you left Twitch so I plan on subscribing to Floatplane as soon as I have the extra money to spare. You're still one of my most favorite content creators so I'm going to support you however I can. If you have to restructure to make things make sense that's totally fine by me!


Whatever solution means you get to grow the channel and get paid works perfectly for me, you'd still get my money ;)


100% agree. There's the risk that some patrons might drop off if the After Show is no longer a patron exclusive, but offering the After Show on early release could mitigate this. Whether or not a dropoff of patrons is offset by subscribers gained on Floatplane... that's a bit of an unknown.


I use ad blockers anyway so I see everything ad free, I'm cool with the aftershow being public as there have been some of them I'd like to share.

Mr. Kitty

That's alright by me. Unfortunately my two jobs have me working 10+ hours(each) and so I don't have time to catch the drum streams.


Quite honestly I don't really get it. Seems pretty risky but good luck. Not into streams so I'm not going to check out this Floatplane thing.


I am okay with it. While I can't adjust my time to catch your streams I will keep this $1 a month pledge. Plus more Frank is always a good thing! Glad you hired James, I love him and his machinery's wizardry


Dank wouldn't last 5 minutes on YT without being content matched into oblivion.


I've had it in the back of my mind to sign up for Floatplane, being a longtime viewer of LTT. I think I'll take the plunge and switch out Patreon for it, even if I'll miss the Frank images.


The more I think about it the more I hate it. Floatplane is definitely not a platform I'm ever likely to go to and whilst I enjoy occasional drum content it's not why I subbed to the channel. I'll likely still support regardless, but I get a vibe unfortunately, that like most Youtubers, once it becomes about making money rather than doing it for fun, it's about continuing to make as much money as possible. Like yes it's shitty twitch didn't pay you, but if it was supposed to be a fun thing to do in your spare time, in theory it shouldn't matter? I know I probably sound like an asshole and I'm sorry for that


The timezone differences make it hard for me to catch your live streaming, but I support you mate. My monthly dollarydoo is yours either way. Maybe you could do "timed" public aftershow releases? Patrons see them immediately on release, and they go public after a week or something. So everyone gets 2 new videos per week, but patrons can watch back to back and others can wait for it until the next week.


That dog photo on the top of the post mouth be worth a collective 10 cents at least. Just an idea, maybe you can push the after shows to patron Friday as normal and public a few days later like Monday or Tuesday that way everything is public soon enough and gives some slight patreon encurragement? I'll continue to patron with your proposed idea but I worry you may lose a few if you have patreon without reward. I have a few other people who do an occasional livestream I almost never attend and otherwise have everything free. Some others are early release. Maybe I can transfer over to garbage time on floatplane but I'm not mich of a live stream person and it is a whole other account. I will admit though, I subscribed to your patreon during a melb lockdown because I needed more to watch so I may never have become a patron without the pull of the aftershow but now I'm here, I wouldn't leave. Good luck with the future changes and hopefully you don't lose many patrons.


I'd CONSIDER subbing on floatplane, but this whole fragmenting video streaming landscape is getting painful. I already have YT premium (better value for money IMO) so the floatplane sub is a harder sell. I'll likely keep the patreon thing going as its only $1.something/ month CAD.


Go for it! Not to mention it will make those illegal reuploads and unauthorised playlists completely pointless now haha


Go right ahead I don’t mind if you do


Whatever you think is best, go for it :)


Honestly, I’ve started supporting you on Patreon because you were the first channel in years that made my partner and I laugh (and forget about What’s Going On Outside). The After Show videos were just a plus for both of us.


Two suggestions I would like to chip in with is: 1. Maybe do like what the Escapist does with Zero Punctuation and have Patreon supporters be one episode ahead of everyone else for the after show, just to retain a bit of "exclusivity" 2. Some miscellaneous behind the scenes photos (in addition to the Frank pics ofc) would be a great incentive. Just a cool photo every week of stuff going on at the warehouse or hints towards the next Dankpods video. I still need to check out Floatplane and whether that's worth contributing towards over Patreon, but I'm happy to stay here or support both.

Ben Perry

I didn't join your patreon just for the aftershow, i joined to support you and your work. So, let your free flag fly...


Ehhhh I don’t really love this idea but hey do whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'd be in full support of making it all public I mean, that's my own ideological stuff coming into it, but I think it'd only be good for everyone No-one "loses" anything by it, I only joined this month but I'm happy to stick around for it c:


I say go for it! It's very clear how passionate you are about your drum streams and how much you want to share that love and passion with as many people as possible, and I think you should be able to do that! As an aside I like that picture of your dog with every disease you included. I can feel the value of my home plummeting just looking at her. Excellent work.


Go for it, but I'm not sure I want to, or am ready to jump on floatplane. I like what's been happening here and I always wanted to support you, if this goes down, I'm afraid I may have to stop donating every month, until I see that floatplane is worth it. Its absolutely nothing against you, you losing a dollar to me doesn't mean anything at all in the grand scheme of things, this is just my few and Outlook. I want you to do what makes you happiest, so go on dude, I'm just not sure I can follow you from then on. You'll always have my support though on YouTube


Honestly, the reason I even subbed to you in the first place here on Patreon, was to support the amazing content you're producing, and anything extra that's been on here has just been a great bonus on top of it! So for me, you're more than welcome to make the after show public for free and keep this patreon for whatever else you want.


I don't mind After Shows being public. I see that some of people are not thrilled about that, but maybe as a sort of a middle ground you could give patreons access to new videos and/or after shows a few hours (or a day) before making them public?


Do what’s gonna be make more money without changing the formula. Mid roll ads aren’t going to kill the entertainment factor, at least for me. My only hope is that by putting the after show videos on YouTube that the Patreon videos aren’t going to feel as special for those who do pay to watch the content you post here. I love what you’re doing, keep up the amazing work. I know we all look forward to what you do next


This sounds like it could either be the best idea or the worst idea, do it


so i don't watch the drum streams, but i do want to support the channel, I would say that if you make this change, I would stay subbed here to support. I like the idea of patreon getting the after show a week early. Whatever you decide, I support you


I came for the after show but stayed for the you, if this will make life better for you GO FOR IT. Plus it will be slightly more convenient to watch all your stuff on YouTube rather than having to switch apps. No matter what you do, I’ll be keeping my Patreon subscription to you.


Go for it ya mad bastard! We're all here to support you man, no matter what!


Go for it! People share the direct links to the aftershow anyway, so you may as well get some reward for it! I personally don't support you through Patreon for any perks, I just like directly supporting a creator I really like and enjoy!


i came for the after show, but I settled in to just chuck a dollar at you every month for the sick and awesome content you make. go wild wade, you opened a whole new world for me to partake in and made me realize how much I have been missing out in audio as well as the wonders of the nugget realm


Go for it mate. I want to check out the stream sometime but that won't be for awhile.


I’ll add my name to the list of whomever said let Patreon supporters get the after shows early. I have a couple Patreon subs where that’s how it works, and it’s cool to get to be among the first to comment and engage before the horde of YouTube gets to be there. I’m not in it for the drum streams - I love what I see of it on Garbage Time, but I don’t typically catch anything live, so not a value for me to jump over to Floatplane.


I'll gladly continue contributing my dollar if it helps you yell at more nuggets and people


Do it you mad lad


I feel like this is basically burning money. because a lot of people are probably here for the patreon only videos. and probably a huge chunk would leave unless something more substantial is provided. something like you looking at one nugget a day would be fun I think.


I’m all for what ever helps you out. I have no issues with your plans GO FOR IT!


I don’t have much time to watch streams unfortunately and I love being part of an exclusive club to see exclusive videos. As much as I love seeing you play the drums, I think you should try to do two platforms for premium stuff. Patreon for After Show and Floatplane for drum live streams. Also, I love the idea of having this Patreon as a one stop all place for all things DankPods, Garbage Time, Dankmus, etc!


To be honest, I’ll probably never watch the streams, nothing against them in particular, it’s just not the type of content I consume. But I do get your strugle, my honest opinion is that I’d prefer you to upload the after shows on floatplane (to really avoid paying two services) making garbage time the stream + after shows since they already pay more than I do here. As an alternative I do not mind getting the aftershows as a premiere or something like that, and I likes the idea of you just telling us how you are, and a sneak peak on what you are planning. I love the content that you do and understand where the struggle comes from, but not everyone that got here by watching dankpods watches the streams, and the expensive option to help being the only option to directly help doesn’t sound that cool to me and my finances. I like that the love and heart that you put in the streams is paying off, but streams are really not my jam, I like videos and podcasts c: I wish you a lot of success on whatever you decide to do Wade, just keep the good content rolling and be happy.


Go ahead mate! You'll always have my support no matter what!


I like the idea of having the aftershow come on patreon early and then it made available on youtube later. That seems like the best of both worlds to me. No matter what you got my dollary doo a month


As a fellow creator myself (albeit on a much smaller scale of course) I can understand how hard it is to keep income flowing in, so I’m all for whatever you wanna do, my man :3


When I see the patron video teasers at the end of your videos, I think the way my broke 10 year old self would think, "one day I'll see those vids, I just have to wait". So I'm all for allowing the after shows to become free.


I'd reccomend doing what some other creators do, and make the after shows public after a couple weeks to a month.


Perhaps you could locally record the streams then put them up on the patreon later in the week, I like the idea of streaming but my favorite streamers don't jel with my schedule so I usually catch the VODs on YouTube after the fact.


I’m all for letting the after show streams become free. The public needs to see it


After-show staying as paid is something I support. I think having them go free would be a net negative. Either in clutter for the average viewer, or potentially lost revenue from people ending their patreon subscription.


You know what might be cool, giving Patreon people early access to videos that will become free the next day or something


I'm cool with you making the After Show vids public. Get that money!


If I can be honest, I don’t like the idea of Patreon not having at least some form of exclusive content on it, even if it’s just random videos of you telling us about your plans or giving updates on upcoming projects - the kind of engagement possible only with a crowd committed to your journey both financially and emotionally. The after shows were a brilliant way of doing just that and helped me justify chipping in when it’s not something I normally do with YouTube creators. I also don’t particularly like the idea of moving to Floatplane for any kind of content since I’m already committed to a few different video platforms. I’ve been subscribed to LTT on floatplane before and I simply do not have much faith in that project - the value proposition, especially with channels not focused on specific Floatplane exclusivity is hard to justify and the clunkiness of the app does not help either. I am open to the idea of continuing sending you a buck a month to help with your future ventures, but that’s where my support will have its limit. I wish you all the best Wade and I hope it all works out for you, even if at the moment I do not necessarily see this move as the best from my own perspective. I certainly hope you can prove me wrong and continue to deliver great content!


I’m sure there’s a thousand people that have all said the same I will, but 100% so you buddy. I’m here for the ride. I pay out because I love what you do. If changing things up is something you wanna do, do it. I’ll still get what I want out.


I like the idea of getting the after show early. I'm not a big fan of streams but I'd pay to get the after show earlier than YouTube


I like how right now patron gets an "inside scoop" of whatever youre working on. Whether it's channel plans or dankpods extras or something with your cars or warehouse, it makes it very worth the dollar a month


i'm all for supporting, i think the best of both worlds would be early access to after shows on patreon and recordings of your drum streams for those who can't make it due to timezone reasons! :-)


I think you should leave it as it is. Bigger channels than you have been shafted by YT. Increasing dependence on them so soon after being burned by Twitch seems strange. As a broke uni student, I can really only justify the cost if there are videos. As bad as it sounds, I'm not financially in a place to give away money for free. You do what you think is best, but I'm on team "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".


I just want to say that I don’t need anything exclusive to justify my $1. I decided awhile ago that I was going to give ppl on the internet who I liked a whole lot some of my money(even if it is only a dollary-do). You’re worth it, and I don’t need anything special in exchange.


I'm cool with anything, follow your heart mate.


I don't know if that will be the best idea for your channel, but I'll probably just changeover to Floatplane if you do.


I don't think it's a bad idea to make the after-show free, but I agree with some other people that it might be a good idea to give early access (like a day or two early) to the after-show and/or the main show for Patreon or Floatplane subs and then have the after-show be free on YouTube later. That way you can get the additional ad revenue from making them free while still giving some extra motivation for the people who can afford it to send a dollar or two your way. I don't watch too many livestreams so I'm not sure if I'd sub on Floatplane for that right now, but I might consider it in the future. Depends on if the schedules line up for me.


I vote for putting After Show up for, idk, a week or something where only Patreons can watch it, and then after the week, it's made public. I have no idea what the terms of service on Floatplane are for uploading streams on other services, but maybe you could put the streams on a private channel uploaded for just Patreons (a lot of people watch stream VoDs instead of full streams due to work schedules/timezones). Then it can be: sub to Floatplane for streams, sub to Patreon for early After Show and late Stream VoDs.


1 dollarydoo for frank? Count me in.


Im for people getting the after show, maybe on a week delay. Only reason im happy to give a nugget a month is because of the freebie we got with Batmans mp3


Yeah you good


I say do whatever sits the best for you. I have taken Frank as my new God and will stay a patron as long as I don't have to choose between this and my coffee.


I just enjoy the yelling at nuggets. Well... Ok I have one guilty pleasure... Frank. I actually work with a guy named Frank and I've been taking snippets of you shaming Frank to play back to my Frank when we're on conference calls. But that aside, I agree with several people on here so far. Give early access on Patreon to the after shows or the regular videos of both. I'll keep tossing a buck in the trash either way.


I have YouTube premium, so I do not see ads for anything. If you are talking about doing a sponsored ad inside your own video (like the ones Linus Sebastian has made an art of) where they are perfectly timed, or at least doesn't get in the way of content, I have no opposition. If you could kindly do something other than video game ads (especially the ones promoting violence) I would prefer none of those, as video games annoy me...(too many bad memories)


I’m all in with you putting the after show for free. I use this patreon thing as a tip jar, but I also understand what people say about giving their money away with no extra service. Maybe delay the after show for a week as people say?


Your show is one big ad anyway...because of you, the headphone companies have made my wallet much thinner. You even had the honor of being attacked by crincle lately...it is a badge of honor. (I am being sarcastic in this message). On a serious note, the guy from "The Headphones Show" said he respected you to me in one of his live Q&A sessions.

Caleb Mathre

I never sub to your Patreon for the extra vids I did it to support the channel so do what you need to do.


Honestly I couldn't care less about people watching it for free... It's just a dollar that I pitch in so that you make content I enjoy. I also subscribed on FP, I don't mind keeping this as well. People are already watching the after show for free anyways since people share the links.


no, Thank YOU for all of your amazing content. I am more than willing to still give you my money without incentive. As long as my dollerydoos go towards cashies treasures and paper towels for stinky frank 👀👀👀


I honestly subbed the dollar a month because of the YouTube videos, the Patreon vids were just a fun bonus. So make them free! They are great and sharing with the rest would be fun!

Matt Baker

Absolutely! I sub to support you, the vids are just a cool bonus


Well, I just started subscribing to you but it would be amazing if I didn’t need to pay. The thing is that I don’t really mind paying $1 a month but it would still be amazing if you made it free! I’m gonna have to thank frank for all of the instructions she gave me.


Dude, of course. The more videos, the more eyes. The more eyes, the more people. The more the merrier!


I'm totally down with it mate! I plan on keeping on patreon and subbing to floatplane to watch the vods since I'm never able to tune into the streams. We all believe in you and know you will do what's best for the channel and you!


I'm in for the idea, but I would like it if the aftershow was released either a day earlier or later when the main video releases. I feel something like that would be a good compromise for those who back on patreon and regular viewers who watch at YouTube.


Sure no problem


Do what ever you think is best for you, i will keep my sub on patreon for how ever long you have one.


I'm not huge on streams, honestly, I think a good compromise here would be to hire an editor, or edit yourself, and make drum stream highlight videos. Upload them to Patreon only, and the VODs can stay on floatplane, or they can be here too.


Go for it, still will support ya


Go for it my aussie drumming friend! Fist bump from the UK 👊


im gonna join in what some other people are saying and suggest that you publicly release after show vids a week or two after the patreon release. Either way, I'll fully support mate, you're literally my favorite person on youtube


Hey Dankmus, i think its fine that you move the aftershow to YT for free but i still think like many above have put , you can maybe put some live content or something crazy idk, which is just exclusive to patreon. Garbage network will be fantastic. Thanks a lot for everything


Honestly do whatever you want, my 12 euros a year are still gonna be here for you lmao


Yep. Totally get it. Delay the release so you can still tempt people into joining to see it “as it airs.”


If it’s possible to do so, maybe upload the vods of your drum streams to patreons, I know I’d enjoy that.

Haiku Oezu

I don’t care if the after show is no longer exclusive, I won’t be joining Floatplane because I have no use for it but I will keep supporting on here even if there’s no tangible benefit. Helping you make content I enjoy is its own reward


Naw, I like the exclusivity

Dave Chin

I don't know the feature set of Floatplane, BUT can you keep the After Show as a paid exclusive like you do here on Patreon? I know you said it's too expensive to HOST the After Show on Floatplane, but like, you don't host it here on Patreon anyway. You have it on YouTube and just embed it here. Like, on both Floatplane and Patreon for paying members, can you link to/embed the YouTube video of the After Show?


I like the idea but then again, I would hate to have to pay for something on yet another service.


I don't mind supporting you even if there is extra videos or any type of stuff❤️


I say do it. One ad to make things more inclusive and streamlined sounds like a good trade off to me.


Streams aren't something I usually watch because of the time difference between my country and upside down town so I don't know if floatplane will be something for me. I agree with people saying give patreon supporters the videos a week early, I don't think you have to do little blogs or behind the scenes things on here because you do enough as it is without adding to the work load. If you can keep a video or 2 ahead from any channel you have that's enough for me. You can keep my dollary doo though, Frank is my sleep paralysis demon


I just want to hear frank speak T-T


Yeah let all the lads see all your vids, no skin off my back


After show or not you still get my $1.50 CAD / month. I won't be tuning into the streams because it isn't my jam (pun intended). 1 week early access would be nice but only if you are able to do so. Thanks for all you do bro.


the exclusivity is why I give ya the extra dollar a month


TBH the drums streams were not my cup of tea, but I will absolutelly keep supporting the patreon (even though its just a dollary doo), tho I would love a patreon video revolving around the Garbage Network once in a while. Either way I know I'll like what you decide cause I trust you man!


I think what you've been doing has been working really well. You're a super good dude for wanting to consider whittling down to one pay stream, but as long as the barrier to patreon is only a single dollar a month, I think you can have multiple pay streams guilt free. That being said, I won't be hurt if you want to make the after show free. Your content makes me happy every week, and I plan on staying subscribed to support you. Watching streams isn't really my thing but I'm glad you've found a place to stream as well!


I’m totally fine with sharing with everyone, as few people said before, it would be great to have the after show here a few days earlier.


I think what would be great is we get access to the after show extra vids maybe a few days earlier and then when the videos come out once a week they go public, it’d be a great idea and a lot of others do it as well


Also if possible upload streams vids to Patreon


Man I say go buck wild, I'm gonna keep riding this dollar-a-month train till it drops, you're fucking hilarious and cool as hell, and it's well worth the ride.


Check the financials. Then double check them and have someone else check them for you as well. If you remove the Aftershow from Patreon, my guess is that more than 90% of your patrons will leave. Many of us will not tune into the drum streams for many reasons, so I assume not much changes in floatplane income. Assuming the Aftershows would get the same viewer count as the main videos, it's a really simple calculation, actually. Completely remove your Patreon income, and double your YouTube income. That's what you'll get when you make the Aftershows free. Now I know money isn't everything, and it shouldn't be, but consider that what you have right now is monetization system that works and that many people are happy with. The "1$ a month for twice the content" pitch is such an incredible deal for us viewers and it allows you so much financial and creative freedom. Also keep in mind that early access would not be a middle ground since one does not gain any amount of content from subscribing on Patreon, which is what everyone is here for. Please make a very careful decision.


I personally believe the exclusive videos work for the model you have. I do not think it should be changed


Just do what you feel is best! I love the content you do and if changing platforms is required, then so be it~


Am I you're only female Patreon geek? Or only Adelaide patron? Doesn't matter. I'll be keeping my Patreon sub no matter what you do - be happy and do what you enjoy. And that photo of Frank is top notch. I'd be happy to have it printed and in my gym to inspire me! Shout at things some more for me, mate!


My thing is I love the drum streams and stuff but i don't like having to catch them at a specific time maybe put drum stream vods here on Patreon? Unless floatplane has vods in which I'm just a total idiot huh.


You helped me get through lockdown in the UK. You’ve been a shining beacon of happiness in the midst of these past few years. I’ll be continuing to support you regardless of what you do on here.


Hey how do I join the discord if I need a computer I can't I've only got a phone


first off, congrats on your nugget success! i think this is a good idea, but i think the pitch of "just frank pics" is too little. i think maybe doing what ltt/others do and release main channel videos a day early on patreon? or like patron-only "editing streams"? idk how that would work since twitch is a dingus. i fully support whatever decision you make. i'll probably keep on patreon and not hop to floatplane personally. maybe uploading stream funny moments or full vods here maybe a few days after a stream? im just thinking on my feet right now


I agree I like the idea of making the after shows free but just frank photos is not enough. What you have suggested is great but maybe just like at some point maybe have a random live stream about stuff like frank or the niki or something


I’ll be here unless I am unable to pay $1 a month. I love your stuff and I’m happy to contribute to keep it going.


Man i'll be here for as long as I can and try to support you!


Go for it mate


Definitely go for it


You should be able to download Discord on your phone on the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android)


Yours is the only YT Channel I follow religiously. If I could afford more than $1 a month I would (lack of income prohibits me. Sorry). I am happy to pay just because your "free" content is worth the money.


I have discord I mean like is there a link to the server somewhere or something


I may not be Aussie, but you're definitely not the only female patreon geek.


click on the "my membership" tab on dankpods page and link your discord account with patreon, then it should automatically add you to the server


I’ll be real and honest with you, I was genuinely paying just to see the After Show videos. I like supporting you but that was a big incentive, this would mean there wouldn’t be a huge drive to stay subscribed if I’m honest. However you do you. I just think you are undervaluing the worth of the paid AfterShow and overvaluing the interest in the drum stuff.


i reckon go for it, were all here to support you and your desicions. i believe your content is worth more but we all appreciate that you think more about everyones access to your content then your own back pocket. no matter the decisions you make were all gunna support it because were all here for you, your content puts a smile on my face every friday without fail and i feel proud to be here. keep up the great work and dont stress too much about overpricing things, we appreciate that you asked in the first place, do what you do best and do what you think is correct :)


you’re a great person and deserve to be supported, your videos are amazing and have helped make my life more enjoyable, I will support you no matter what you do.

Josh Dick

I love this idea. I loved watching your drum streams and was very disappointed with the way Twitch treated you. I’m happy to have been supporting you via Patreon but was apprehensive about starting a second paid subscription on Floatplane. Making the aftershow free so I could effectively switch from Patreon to Floatplane would make me much more likely to do so!


Go for it! I support you in whatever you want to do! If that means aftershows are now public, I support that too!


Wade this is honestly a really good idea. Giving more people access to more dingus man is always a good thing.


I'm so glad that things are going great for you! I'm not that interested in the drum streams (I'm just not a big fan of drums, sorry!) so I won't be subbing there. But I'll gladly keep supporting you here, even if you make the After Show free for everyone. Funny screaming aussie man deserves to be seen by more people!


Personally I would make the stream a paid service that could be accessed EITHER by Patreon supporters or floatplane supporters (you can simultaneously stream and then just make the youtube stream a private link that gets shared here), which would mean paying subscribers don't have to choose between paid services. Personally, the drum stream is the result of so much ongoing work that it only makes sense to monetize it. As for the aftershow, you could make it so that it is released the following week? So Patreon supporters can see the aftershow a week early and Youtube subscribers still get an extra video, it's just last weeks aftershow.


The After Show is already free, you just need to look for it if you want it rly bad. Don't make it free. You made a unique Monetization Situation and it's working incredible for you. I would stop subscribing.


YT also has a membership program, which can also be linked to Discord access as one of the benefits. Make a 24/7 live stream of dankmus vids interspersed with other content (maybe live appearances, drum streams, or Frank cams from time to time) with access to YT members only. Stream can be monetised on YT and has a live chat component.


I'm staying subbed on Patreon either way. (Unless floatplane takes less money then Patreon, in which case reply to me)


I love the idea of the aftershow being free! I'm still going to stay sub since I 10000% support Frank's Gabage Network and want to see more Frank in my life.


It is already trivially easy to just "pirate" the aftershow videos, so I don't personally mind if they go public. Would be easier for me to browse and watch as well. However, I do think there should be atleast some form of "value" that you get from subbing, else you will see a lot of people leaving (and no, while Frank is adorbs I don't think Frank alone has the power to make people stay).


I’ve just never gotten into watching live streams, no matter the creator. But man, the worst feeling in the world is when I think it’s Thursday and I open up YouTube only to realize it’s just Wednesday. You’re videos are one of my favorite parts of my week and I’ll continue to support you here no matter if the videos are exclusive or not. I found you when you had 13k subs and instantly fell in love with your content. What you’ve accomplished is amazing and I’ll support you here regardless of what extra stuff it gets me, just because I find your content so valuable

Paul Douglas

As long as I can continue to see my stinky name in the DankPods videos by being a Patron, do what you gotta do.


Just reupload old After Shows to your channel, yt people get extra video which makes them happy, you get a bit more money and free patreon ad so you get happier and we continue to have our exclusive jokes and knowledge about various current miscellaneous desk items which keeps us happy. But at the end of the day frank pics are nice and if you're not fully into what you do quality will suffer so do whatever floats your boat.


It seems not a lot of people want to watch drum streams, and I sure know I don't have the time due to work, life, etc. and while I do want to upgrade my support tiers, I may as well go to Floatplane and just subscribe while keeping my kangaroo here. My idea would be to keep the After Show about 3 days to a week here on patreon before releasing to the public, which will appease us nugget hunters. We love you and all you do. Also, could you pretty please try the Asus ROG 5 as a music player? I had one for about 3 months now and it's been an amazing phone as well as a back up music player


I personally really like having the exclusive content. Even if it wasn't a video It would be worth while to at least have some sort of exclusive content, personally I would really just like song recommendations from you once a week or a update on what audiophile equipment your up with. I think your price entry is so low that it shouldn't really even be a concern. Unless it's a matter of "this is a much larger income that would greatly improve my content" i would prefer the aftershow to be exclusive. I'm still subbing though no matter what your a good dude


While the extra vids here where a nice touch, I am not subscribed for them. One buck a month to not have permanent advertisments of any sorts is still fine for me. I like the content you make and if you want to make these changes I'll still happily support on here.


I'm going to be subscribed no matter what. But maybe a good comprimise for peeps is to make the Aftershow public after a week (or whatever). I definitely think making them free is fine to me.


I say do whatever works best for you. I just subbed to floatplane and will stay here as well. Love your content!


Mr. Dank, I’ll support whatever you do. I really appreciate you wanting as much of you content to be free because I know it sure as hell brings a big ass smile to my face when I remember I’ve got two new videos of yours to watch after work every Thursday!


I have been with you since the beginning, and I have watched you grow. I'm proud to support something genuine and funny in this fucked up world of social media bulshittery, I told myself if you loose yourself in the fame and success you have gathered I'll unsubscribe, you haven't... And I think you never will, so I keep my part of the bargain and stay with you on the road no matter what.


I pay literally a dollar per month. You’re saying I get a frank pic as well for this dosh? This sounds like a great deal. If I managed to get the time to watch the stream I’d definitely pay for it (and likely will on a whim in a couple of weeks)


I agree with most people that just letting us have the Aftershow for a few days before YouTube would make this still worth a sub but then again I won't mind either way


Yay it would be cool to have something like early access to videos for subs. No pay wall but there is still that bonus for it.


yknow, a frank pic is totes worth my dollar dude! Love watching your content loads and im just happy to be here!


I like the exclusive content here for just us, lt makes it feel special. If you were to change the model would most likely stop supporting the extra paid sub.


I'm with other folks here, suggesting the after shows as timed exclusive, like after a few days or a week make them free


Honestly, it feels a bit odd to me to leave Patreon which treated you so well, considering you are like one of the biggest creators on this platform, but I trust your judgement and will keep watching because I love your content! Floatplane is definitely legit, relying on them shouldn't backfire.


Fine with me, I will be continue supporting you on Patreon!


I don't get the point of the change, honestly. As far as I can understand, you want Google to control your life both financially (pre-roll ads revenue) and mentally (the ability to go viral on YouTube to get those pre-roll ads revenue). Google can and will screw you over at some point, and our loud voices won't mean anything (just look how the Dislike controversy and spam are working out).


I'd like to agree with some of the peeps saying that an early access for the after show would be a good compromise for those that want more than a single dank video a week. There's also the matter of the aftershow kind of already being free (Aside from it being literally a dollar to binge all of them and then cancel the sub after.) I was initially paying my sub for the aftershow because I can't live with just one dankpods video a week, and then I switched my mindsight to "I'm supporting a creator I genuinely enjoy and the extra video is a bonus." The aftershow feels like a little club for just a dollar and it's one of the best ways to garner support, it's not asking for a lot, and you get extra content for those darned fiends that just can't get enough. Though, whatever you decide to do, I will still be keeping my subscription.


It would be cool if you make patreon videos exclusive for a month, or even 2-3 months. That way, people who are willing to pay would definitely do for early content.


I like the after show being a patreon exclusive as a nod to the supporters so if you want to make them public then a timed exclusive window could work. Maybe have them pay walled for a week then set them to public afterwards


Honestly, do what makes you more money or what is more comfortable. As long as i can i will support you! Although, the aftershows feel more special.( Unfortunatley i can't really give more than the 1$😥 Maybe in a year or two.)


First of all: I'm a bit mad ad Frank. She doesn't want to comment on that? Fine! But seriously. I follow you no matter in which direction you go. I will stay a patreon for sure as long as I can afford it. And if not, I go down to $1. I've seen in the comments some suggestions to give us early access to the after show. That's a good Idea as well. Whatever you do, stay yourself. That's why I, and probably most of us, are here. As long as I can hear an aussie yell at things everything is allright🤣 Thanks for all the great content so far.


I support you because I love your content and want to support you - so I don't mind if you stop providing exclusive content on here and provide it free for all. I do agree though with everyone above though, that moving almost all of your revenue stream to one platform (Google) doesn't sound like the best idea even if the motivation is good. Most creators seem to be actively trying to diversify their platforms while you are consolidating mostly on one. The one that brings so many creators monetization and copyright grief.


There would need to be something that only patrons get, like early videos for patrons IMO.


I'll be honest I did sub for the extra behind the scenes aftershow...I don't watch streams hardly due to my job. If you release this to YouTube I'd probably just unsub and go back to YouTube. Won't be mad but I won't sub again unless it's worthwhile. Idc about what kind of content the aftershow is but I support to see it. If it's public why do I pay the dollar if ads will do the same?


Yeah, I'm totally fine with that. Honestly your one of the most genuine YouTubers I've seen in a while and I happy to just be supporting you with no extra benefits.


I support you in whatever endeavour you decide to move towards. Although I would personally recommend you have multiple sources of income just in case one of your platforms do decide to screw you. I agree with what some said above regarding having the after show being early access through Patreon as I feel it would be a good compromise. Whatever you decide to do it won’t affect my $1 subscription here!


I know I'd personally still stay subbed, because I genuinely love your content. and I'm also personally happy with a frank pic every week. but I do also think allowing a week of supporters only on the videos would be a good incentive to keep people supporting you here, if they want to. they aren't forced to, since they could just watch the video a week later, but they could watch it a week earlier, if they really wanted to. then, there'd still be two videos every week for the people who don't want to/can't pay (after the first week of videos going free) but we still always get the newest stuff. also, another suggestion, maybe start by releasing one or two videos a week for the public, from your current backlog? before making it all free, I mean. I'm not sure how much extra work that would be, but it's give us a bit more time to have patron exclusives, and it may also incentivise even more people to want to sub here so they can see the rest earlier.


In my honest opinion Most of us here are supporting you for a change a day and honestly the videos you end up doing here are more then worthly of being shown with the rest of the world if anything. Us here will just get the less ad version of the Patreon vids and everyone else on youtube can get the ones with ads haha. Honestly im just here supporting ya while enjoying you and Frankie


Maybe you can release videos on YT from a certain point, like, for example, first release all that are at least 6 months old, then the next one or 2 every week. There'll still be motivation to sub to the patreon, and still new videos to burden people's eyes and souls with! :)


I’m all in, mate


Sounds good to me, albeit again I would agree with those suggesting the early access to the after shows- say delay a week so the Patreon peeps are a week ahead of the YouTube releases or something? Just a little something as an incentive for new supporters :)


Early access is the way to go for after show. Schedule them to appear in, say, Monday for non patrons and leave them to release here on schedule. Most people are fine with also using floatplane, it will be ok


I have Youtube Premium, so the ads dont concern me all that much tbh. but, i do think, that if you plan to make the switch, at least post content, earlier, or something like that, so the Patrons really do get something extra, as other people said, I'm not really into the streams in general, my attention span just isnt that long :D


I pretty much agree with everyone else. Maybe make patreons see the videos a bit earlier. You could also just limit this to purely behind the scenes stuff, like newest buys, teasers for new upcoming stuff, "bloopers". I think many 1$ will cancel once the videos are free. Everything above will probably either stay here or change to the stream. As I can't watch streams too often, I will probably stay with the Frank Pics.


What ever is takes to expand the Dank empire 😉 I'm all in!


Honestly Do what ever feels right I'm sure we will all still support you or at least i will


Well I just subscribed in the last few weeks specifically for the aftershows because I just wanted to support and as thanks for so many hours of entertainment over the last few years. I really want to still support on here because Patreon is familiar to me and I have other subs, I don't want to move to another platform. I don't know man if now all I get as an exclusive is a Frank pic [much as everyone loves Frank] I don't feel like the contribution means that much anymore. If the aftershows were early access on here that would be fine, would be happy to still sub then maybe. Whatever you do man good luck, you gotta do whatever is best for your life and future and you're great dude and a genuinely deserving star.


Sounds good, you should do it.


Totally behind this idea! will still keep supporting even afterwards because I enjoy the content and wanna see you make more.


You could just do it like Techmoan. Release the videos here first, and then on YouTube a day or two later. Whatever you do, however, we will always support you! :)


Go for it, the buck a month isn't going anywhere!


Go for it buddy, my buck a month will stay yours. We love your videos and I can say at least for myself, we will continue to show our support. Much love from Spain.


Yeah honestly I could just find this content other places but I wanted to support you. I think you'll still be getting the dollary doo.


I agree with some people say just transform the Patreon page an behind the scenes page or grant some early access. All in all continue to do what you do because it's awesome. My dollar it's with you.


Maybe to keep it somewhat exclusive to patreon set each aftershow to release a week after you do them for us. Im all for everyone getting to see this amazing content though.


Maybe the patreon could be for little tidbits like behind the scenes things, or pictures of frank


I’m not here for the exclusive content, but to support you. Do what makes you happy.


Go for it, you have my blessing.


I will say that whatever you do, my partner and I are still going to be subbed here and watching the aftershow every week! I do worry that some people will lose incentive to stay subbed here though. As a tech goblin, seeing how far you've come has been a blast so far and I'll be here for a long time lol. I've actually demystified the process of repairing things by linking people to your iPod videos, and your humor really has got my friends to stick around. The GTCU (Garbage Time Cinematic Universe) is always a treat to have on when I'm Shreking a broken PSP or two


Oi I think that would be fantastic, I keep forgetting about the after show because the Patreon app sucks so badly and I don’t get notification when you release them on YouTube (duh) , I basically signed in to Patreon just to support you because you’re so awesome, so if you do release them on YouTube I would be very happy (although I do agree about the exclusivevity thing other people mentioned)


Back to YouTube it is I guess


My dollar won't be going anywhere. You do what you need to continue doing what you love. Much love from the US.


As Emperor Palpatine would have said... ,,Do it." I'd happily transfer to floatplane to support you, but I'd have to cancel the subscription here on Patreon, but I guess that wouldn't make much difference considering the aftershow will be free from now on. I say go get it mate!


That's a great idea!


I'd say go for it, I support you to support you, the extra videos were just an extra treat.


(can't find my comment from yesterday to edit, thanks Patreon!) From I can see from these comments,, people are in two camps: the ones that subscribed to support you and that the extra content was just a bonus, and the ones that only subscribed for the extra vids. The problem is that a lot of people don't seem to get that Patreon is for supporting your favourite creators: any extra content that you receive as a result is a bonus. Kickstarter has the same issue, with a lot of people initiating chargebacks and claims when a project they backed falls through, when you weren't guaranteed anything back in the first place.

Theo Pickering

More pictures for the Frank shrine


You'll still get my $10 no matter what. Keep up the good work.


Do it! Though I’d love you too make a highlights channel for your drum streams though. I don’t like twitch but I also don’t want to be missing out on drumming content 😄


do whatever makes you happy, you are my favourite content creator and one of the most resilient people I've ever met


I don‘t mind getting more Frank




Sounds like a fine plan!


Do it! I love that everyone will get to enjoy more of your stuff! You'll still be getting my dollar through patreon tho!


Seems like a slap to the face for people who are subbing to you on patreon for the extra videos. But for me personally i do not really care for whatever happens from here on out. Love the channel.


Public content or not, my dollar stays here. :) (though I may move it to drum streams in this case. You’re all I subscribe to for financial reasons but I always hunger for more dank content.) If you want to keep the current system going, maybe Patreon can be early access for the aftershow? Make them public a week later?

Mr Red Fox

I think you do what you feel is best, mate. Perhaps you could as well, possibly change the upload schedule to have the public videos go out on a Saturday or something and have them appear a day or two earlier on Patreon for patrons? I don’t know just my silly suggestion


I'll still support your patreon if you go through with this. Your content is easily some of the most entertaining on YT. Keep up the good work mate


Whatever you think is best for the channel. I'll continue to support you no matter what you choose to do


Do as you see fit. Your content is the only content i actively look foreward to, what platform the content is on wont change that.


I give all my favourite youtubers something where I can whether it be via Patreon or the YouTube Membership and don't expect anything back from it apart from the continuation of quality content that they produce. These after show videos are an added bonus 👌. I would however say that your not blocking content behind a paywall. Your rewarding those who do contribute. It's not like you have to pay for all your vids or you only realise 2/3rds and charge for the rest as dlc 😋. Who doesn't enjoying the feeling of paying a little more and being rewarded, I.e. getting a "pro" version of a product or getting a "vip" pass for somewhere. Anyway like most people here I'll still be supporting you on here no matter what path you choose so long as you keep up with the Stinky Vids 😁


Yes yes yes this sounds like the best plan!! I love being able to help and the lack of sub gifting has saved me a small fortune 😜!! I’m 100% with you on this reasoning and as long as the content stays top drawer I’m in. Love your posts and streams keep up the awesome work Wade!!


Absolutely! More people getting to see the good stuff is great


Do what you what! You are a better man then most!


To be frank (pun intended), I use ad blocking on TY. I try to support my favorite channels outside of TY's ecosystem (love my meze 99 neo's). As some other comments said, I'm not here for the extra content as much as for supporting you. so, I'm gonna stay here and you do what you need to keep the great content going (and I consider watching you yelling for a minute at the idiot red nugget). also, I don't watch streams any more, as my life schedule doesn't allow me at the moment, so that's for other people to say. godspeed!


Honestly the Patreon is so cheap that i’ll probably keep pitching in even if the after shows are free-to-watch - I would like to see some behind the scenes stuff tho if possible :)


I don't really watch streams but I'll continue supporting even if you make the after show public.


As much as I appreciate your content, making your After Show free will likely have me no longer being a Patreon patron. I don't have any interest in Garbage Time or drum streams in general. I always appreciate your work, and whatever you decide is good by me, but yeah, I came for the DankPods channel and that's what I'm most interested in honestly.


I think what you currently have is unique and accessible, not many creators go for a cheap subscription that gets you extra content. I'm afraid you might lose a lot of revenue if you switched to non-exclusive content or exclusive content that is more expensive, like on floatplane. That said, maybe the ads will make up for it. Have a go, but don't overwork yourself!


Whatever you do you'll have my money and support, and my axe


You’re nothing without the snake 🥳


You could just do a delayed release, let patrons have early could go as early as a year, short as a week, and that way, everyone sees it eventually and you really wouldn't have to change much Also, you could do like stickers or something for the 5 to 10 dollar ranges, make your memes into merch


As much as I love Frank, I really do, I would have to ditch the Patreon. And you're a great drummer, but I don't have time to watch Twitch streams let alone Floatplane streams. You do what makes you happy. But I feel like you would lose a lot of Patrons who wouldn't swap to Floatplane because it's not worth it to them for one reason or another. Please do what makes you happy.


Hell yeah, do it lad! Putting the aftershows in a playlist will make them more bingeable which is a win for me.


I will have to agree with most people here. We love your content and will gladly support you whenever and however we can, but the Patreon should still have some kind of extra perk, if even it’s just having the videos released 1 or 2 days earlier, in an “early access” kind of thing. Still, you should do as you see fit, and we’ll all be here for you. Just keep in mind that many people who lurk here and come just for the After Show might go away. But hey, if the ad in the beginning makes it up for you, alright.


Will the aftershow “archive” be moved onto ytube ? If so I will ditch Patreon but if it’s only on here I’ll still pitch in


I've been here so long now that it's full blown Stockholm syndrome so I might as well pay for both


A potential issue you could have is that your YouTube channel is growing very fast. People who want to go watch your old videos could end up seeing "$1/month Patreon extra videos" advertised on your old videos but then when they get here they don't get extra videos because you've since changed your whole thing. Even if you advertise on Patreon that you've changed it, not everyone will read or realize you've changed your system. You'll have a lot of people confused even though it's their fault they didn't read, they will still blame you.


As wonderful as Frank is, I don't have the time or the internet to watch any livestreams at all. I would absolutely not be here if it wasn't for the After Shows and I don't think I'd continue to be if they were for everyone. I'm here for extra DankPods content.


Hey man, I don't mind supporting your interests or projects, I really love your content and I appreciate your videos and reviews, they are something that my GF and I look forward to every week. I don't think making the extra content public on youtube is a great idea, as it doesn't feel like an balanced trade off for those of us that don't have the time to watch streams, or only here for the short form content. I think that having it as exclusive content for your patreon is the better strategy. You do what is best for you man, that is just my opinion. You will still have my support thru your endeavors.


Honestly I don't think this is a good idea. This is your most stable source of income. Many people like me are not interested in Drum streams but very much are in your Videos. I personally am the "broke student" right now, so I probably wouldn't pay anymore. Yes I want to support you because you have amazing content but having so little money I can only justify this by getting something in return. So if it changes to this I will most likely leave Patreon, sorry. And considering I am most likely not the only one this is a risky move. I think 1€ is a great great system because it is so affordable. Don't try and undersell yourself because you feel like too much is behind a paywall. Your time and effort is worth the money or me and the others wouldn't be here.


I sure as heck won't keep content from others. Nothing changes for me and a Frank pic per week would actually up the quality of content around here! 😂 Don't lie to yourselves, people - Frank is the real star here! That aussie dude is just making the soundtrack! 🐍🎶 😉


Sadly, I have 0 time to watch streams, nor do I tend to enjoy them when I do. I subbed to patreon to support you and the additional content was a nice bonus, but trading it off for just pictures makes it not even close to worth it in my opinion. Whatever you decide to do, I'll keep watching the YouTube content


I support what you do, what what you wish to achieve. But unfortunately i do not have the time to watch any livesteams. Am here for extra dankpods content, if there isn't any here then there's no need to stay.


I'm gonna stay subbed regardless, because I really like what you do, but it kinda does sting a little bit to have that payment stripped of any purpose if you make the aftershow free. I think making both the main and aftershow videos available on Patreon a day early is a great compromise, so that Patrons still get a perk, more people can watch the after show and you can still make decent money off of the Twitch streams all the while, it has the potential to be a win-win-win situation for everybody. But regardless of what you do, I'll still stay subbed and following your goings-on as always, have a good one, man!


Being from Europe it's hard to catch your streams. I came here for the after show but I don't mind it being free. 1$ a month to support you is already in my budget and it'll stay that way for as long as it can


Don't have the time for streams. But will wait until everything has been put into action.


I also will have to agree with most people that dumping Patreon wholesale is a bad idea, as I support multiple creators on here, most of which wouldn't ever be able to move to floatplane or make content that isn't video based. The only way I'd move over is if you kept the aftershow over there or some other kind of content, as I don't have the ability to tune into livestreams, especially not Australian time zoned ones.


i would still support on patreon but manny people would leave, qnd i don't want you to get less income and losing motivation and then less video quality. i think no one here feels ransom, we like being exclusive for something like our little secret club


I like paying for your Patreon as I miss the streams a lot, but the garbage network seems cool too. Either way I'll still throw money at you.


You’re keeping my dollary-do regardless m8, I won’t be tuning in to drum streams as they aren’t my thing but I’ll happily continue to support if it means I get more James working on nuggetmobiles


Hi Wade. I love old tech, Hifi, pets, and music (and I play the drums). I don't have the time to tune into live streams however, and I think that's a common theme here. I'm not sponsoring you for the extra videos, but the content and you are a highly entertaining guy, so happy for you to open up your vids to all. No fan of mid roll ads tho, keeping that wolf from the door is part of your charm.


May be a new subscriber who joined for the aftershow, but I have alot of friends who I watch your content with I'd love to watch the after shows with them! I'll stay subbed here though, love the content. Might have to take a look at those drum streams So I support making it free to watch


I don't watch streams, mainly due to time difference but mostly because I don't watch streams. :) I joined the Patreon only recently and I feel I have some backpay yet to give so I'm not going anywhere. Also I like supporting you so I don't think I'd stop anyway :D


Maybe somewhere in the middle? Keep the After Shows Patreon only (though integrating with something like Vimeo instead would help with the piracy, could even move them to also be available on a DankPods Floatplane channel and see if people are interested in moving over) but switch the pre, mid and post roll ads on for the main channel. The properly exclusive and interesting content is a big draw to Patreon/a similar platform. It’s honestly such a good idea and works so well that it’s an idea I’ve brought up with the creators I work with and it’s something they’re looking to implement too. I’d be weary of jeopardising such an effective earner. While I’d stay a Patron, I don’t know whether that’d true for everyone. I’m also a big believer of keeping channels and their aims/target audiences clear and separate. Even large channels rarely survive a topic change.


I'm wholly in support of making the extra videos free! I know some people may be upset about losing the exclusive content, but I've only ever seen low-cost patreons like these as little tip jars. I expect nothing but more main channel vids from the paltry dollar I throw in the hat each month.


I will support you regardless, but my thought goes like this; With the AfterShow videos being pirated and shown elsewhere, it makes sense to release them anyway and get some revenue stream from them. That said, there's a kind of community forming around those that support you on Patreon. Maybe, release the AfterShow videos one week at a time, starting this week with your first one. That way, Patreon supporters have a reason to feel that they are getting an exclusive benefit, but those that aren't on it get to start seeing the content. Also, for the rest of us, we may start watching those videos a week at a time as well. I will continue to support you regardless, making the videos freely available is a good idea, but this might make for an acceptable compromise.


I will always continue to support you, “DankPods day” has got me and my girlfriend through the pandemic. But if the after show is moving to be a free service why not split up your days and upload on two days a week to spread the content out?


I've joined patreon to support you so I'd keep my sub even if I didn't get any extra content. Plus, I'm always in favour of making content as open to as many people as possible if the creator can afford to so I fully support this change


I'm here to support you, not for additional content. You do you and make the biggest, garbagest, media empire you can and I'll be happy to do my little bit to help it grow.


Mate, I don't mind paying for a frank picture. keep the quid and keep up what you do!


The after show gets leaked anyway, I'm honestly just here for the support. Go get that money Mr. Pods!


I'm here to genuinely support you. If you wanna make them public then please do so!


Hi, I am from INDIA, and it is really difficult for us to be able to subscribe to a new platform which will deduct money without 2 factor authentication. This is because of the new RBI laws which makes it such a pain. I was able to make it work for Patreon but not for FloarPlane. I was not even able to sub to LTT for that matter. I would love to join there but the banking policies regarding this is causing a real issue. I even tried to contact the FP support way back, to give a recommendations for the same as Netflix does not use cards for the monthly sub but an entirely different method to do it called UPI or Unified Payments Interface. It even has lesser processing fees in comparison to Visa/Master Card.


You've had me at "You keep me alive!", so not going anywhere.


An ad or two at the start of a video is honestly an extremely small price for the content you've been delivering, I put up with far more from creators I don't enjoy watching nearly as much as you. Do what you need to to keep the lights on, I say!


If I'm 100% honest I wouldn't have joined patron without the aftershow being exclusive. That said I won't cancel if you make the videos public at this point. I get enough entertainment out of your stuff and am happy to keep contributing.


Go ahead! I’ll tip a dollar for a frank picture. But seriously I’m happy that I can tip a small change to a content creator I enjoy and love. And I don’t need any bonuses for it.


For the man that has given me so much fun, told me to buy my sr850s, BTR5 and literally ignited my interest in becoming a drummer? Yeah, it'll be fine!


Sneaky YouTube sill managed to roll an add before your video once in a while, so I don't mind really.


I don’t like to be a negative Nelly but ads suck and I loved feeling like I got something special every week. I don’t feel like I have any reason to stick around after the change :/


I suppose Floatplane can't do a 1 dollar tier? I would prefer if you moved Aftershow there, or maybe include ad-free version of Aftershow/main videos in a Floatplane 3-5 dollar/month tier? Anything better than relying on Google and Patreon


Honestly, I'm only here to support you, so all of the changes are fine for me. But maybe releasing the patreon videos to the public with a delay, would sit better with some people, who likes that the patreon gave them something extra. So basically patreons get an early access, if that's manageable.


I'm just here to show some love and support. You do you, and I'll keep supporting here. Much love <3


Well, if that's what you want, then I'm with you. I'll probably cancel patreon though. I gave something extra to get something extra and without that there's just no point to it.


I'll still chuck a dollarydoo your way cause you're awesome and I literally can't give anything more than that currently, but yeah, after shows gave me this stupid feeling of exclusivity and I know other people feel the same but just don't wanna be dicks about it. I personally am a very lazy person when it comes to which platforms I consume my content on so I could barely move to twitch for your streams more often than not. Which is crazy cause you're one of my top 3 favourite creators. Anyway, that's a me problem, it doesn't matter. Making the aftershow public would be great for the people who mainly don't have working payment methods, but there are already playlists with the aftershows for them to find. This comes from a person who had to find sneaky ways to watch paid content even though I desperately wanted to support my fav youtubers till I got a working card at 17. Bottom line is - I like that you're trying to expand your business and brand, that's awesome, but I doubt enough people would go to floatplane for you to completely cancel out the aftershows on here, which are a big drive as to why some people sign up. Or maybe you get enough people and I'm an idiot. We all love supporting our creators but we also like being selfish and getting nice exclusive stuff to feel better than everyone else. Anyway, make the decision that best suits you, read some arguments for and against it and polish it up <3 Remember - you can't make everyone happy.


Whatever you wanna do I’m just here to support you but then hoo would get their dingus names at the end of the videos 🤔 🐍


Yep, I’m okay with changes! I love the stuff you make and I’ll still support your work ;)


this is a great idea. we get like early access. either way ill still support wade.


Im another one who has no interest in drum streams (or just streams in general) and is only here for the nuggeteering. It seems that the Communities of Dank Pods and Garbage Time dont have enough overlap for that. In one of your more personal videos you said that you wanted to keep the channels more independent from one another so the people that came looking for that kind of content found it by themselves. Maybe that worked well but now you also need to accommodate multiple communities and their viewing behaviors/monetizability etc


No time or interest for the streams and a pic of Frank is not enough of a perk. If you put ads I will have to ditch Patreon as I will be able to support you for “free” by watching the videos with the ad. Keep it as it is!


I'm here for Dankpods content and nothing else to be honest. I have to say, the drum streams are not my thing, but you do you man. I DO however love the car vids as a car guy myself, just wish they would get a bit longer / more involved. YouTube premium keeps the ads away for me, so I couldn't care less if there were ads.


I really don't think it's a good idea to rely even more on Google. We all know what happened to Dankmus. You have built up a massive following here on patreon, and without at least some perks (behind the scenes? early access?) tons of people would leave as evidenced by the comments, probably including me. Sadly as an European, I could barely catch the old twitch streams and even then I only really watched them to have something in the background, so I do not plan on joining floatplane


I’m in the same mindset as some others, I give money in Patreon for the extra videos, as soon soon as the extra videos stop being for patterns only I feel no need to stick around in patreon and would inordinate stop, not because I want to be mean, my fancisl situation is so unstable that even just saving one dollar a month would help, even the idea of having the after show be early access for Patreon subscribers still doesn’t sit well with me as I’m the type of person to just wait (I really want to see Spider-Man: No Way Home but I’m prepared to wait for a home release) for me I think keep things how they are now and remove ads from YouTube, that’s my thought, but if others all decide that the Patreon videos should be free then I’d be fine with that


Sadly I can't really care about the drum stream. I am totally cool with you having both as paid services, but if I had to pick one I'd pick Pateron as time zone wise (being in the EU) I doubt you will stream in the middle of the night for you and miss out on the American audiance and content wise while your drumming is amazing, I enjoy your videos that tiny bit more. Do what you need to do mate to keep things rolling as long as I can justify it I will support you here, but please keep in mind this and the drum stream might not share 100% of the same audiance.


My only problem with the after show is that it's so hard to find the exact after show for the exact video I just watched. If you're making them free, it would be phenomenal if you went back through the old videos and added them right to the descriptions. Probably a lot of work though and I know I'd be too lazy for it, but everybody would win if you did that! It sucks to watch an old video and hear you go, and here's this nugget I'll open it in the after show! And then I have to check the video's upload date and remember it and navigate to Patreon and wiggle through its weird interface until I finally find the right video... turns a 5 minute after show into a 10 minute ordeal and at that point I sometimes don't even bother.


You're one of the few last GENUINE YouTuber that i watch, Do as you wish, the dollaridoo a month stays for me :)


Like others have said before me, this would completely make the Patreon worthless to stay in. Maybe making the After Shows free, but in exchange make the drum streams available to watch after a few weeks of exclusivity on Floatplane (since frankly, I don't have time to catch them live because time zones are a bitch) would feel fair. Plus, if After Shows were to be made free, someone would have to retroactively add links to them in the description of their matching main videos, so that there's no wasted time and effort between main videos and After Shows. So in general, I'd suggest against doing it, unless something of equal value is given instead. PNGs of Frank aren't really an incentive, since we get the Instagram clips included at the end of every main video.


I agree with what most people say. You're the only person I support on patreon so that exclusive content makes me feel special too. Nonetheless, I don't think this a deal-breaker either way for me. Go for wherever you want to see your platform evolve, I'd guess enough people support you either way.


Honestly, I'm not interested in drum streams, but I understand that's your passion. I won't be joining Floatplane, but I am happy to stick around Patreon to chuck a buck in the Dank Pot - no perks required.


Like the others I don’t have much time for the stream (even if I want too) but I do like nuggets and car content so it’s still a bit iffy for me but if it helps you and your family I won’t mind so you do you just break it down in a video for me.


I wouldn't mind at all if you made the Aftershows public, I'll still stay subbed. But here's the thing - You have to make sure that YOU are okay with this, and are okay with the potential revenue drop it'll cause, because making these videos public is a bell you can't unring. There will be non-patreon guys that will be upset if you were to make these free then lock them off again, so you have to be COMPLETELY sure you want to pull the trigger on this.


Buddy, you can go in to a season long torpor with Frank and I'll still be here chucking in a buck or two!


Sounds good to me man, I'm happy to part with my 1 euro per month for such quality content. And I'll still probably give floatplane a looksy. Whatever you decide, good luck with it, and I'll be happy to support either way!


I say with the aftershows, release them to public slowly like a month worth at a time, so one Pateron gets the months aftershow, than when the new month rolls around, its released to public if that makes sense


Go for it


I just don’t like streams, idk why. But i still like the idea of making the after show free for everyone, but i don’t like the idea that i won’t support you directly anymore (i would stop supporting on Patreon just to save a few bucks)


I would say dont do it. Not because of any financial situation personally, but really i just dont think its a good idea to rely even more on Google, and many would certainly pull their pledges after a move like this at which point you could be put in the red. Put it like this: You have the Patreon now which is consistent, and a good incentive for people to shell out for. And you have your main channel which brings people in, it still pays, but youtube being what it is will not be as reliable. But you have people watching your channel, they'll hear about the patreon after show, and it will bring more people into that to get even more of that. Without substantial incentive to pay though, it won't bring in as many. All in all, I feel what you do is up to you in the end. All I say is consider whether or not this will really earn you more.


Personally, fine how things are i do like how the YT vids dont have ads. Im happy to support both FP and here tho


Do ads on the free YouTube folder and no ads on the patron one. One ad at the begining. Simple

Matei Radu

Go with whatever option is best for you, really. I'm not a Patreon for the After Show, but rather to support you for your general work. If this means moving to Floatplane I'll do it, even if I never have time for streams.


+1 for keeping it the way it is, I'd much rather give you donations directly and get extra content in return then watch some dingus's ad for something I don't care about


Doesn’t bother me either way. Here’s a terrible nougat of an idea though. Each month glue all that month’s dank vids together as one snakey long one, and plop it into Patreon.


Yeah I wouldn’t do it Dankman - google/youtube is shit when it comes to customer support and you’ve experienced that with DankMus in the past. Making the after show free will probably make many people leave the Patreon and not switch to Floatplane which could put you in the red…


I would stay but I don’t think it’s a good idea. There doesn’t seem to be an overlap between drum viewers and nugget viewers. Many of us don’t mind videos being leaked. But having nothing is a hard pill to swallow. Also I really wouldn’t trust YouTube in this day and age


Idk about everyone but I'm not interested in the drum streams and only Dankpods + Garbage time. If there's allot like me, than you'll lose allot of patrons and potentially not be able to do this anymore but maybe that's just me.


Sure man go ahead :)

Mark Elliott

I like that I contribute to your channel and get a little reward for doing so, and thus no ads. I'm not one for watching streams so although this suggested change doesn't really effect me me, it's not what I'd have gone for myself. But you do what you want to do, it's your livelihood afterall.

Mark Elliott

Yeah that's a good point, I'd say they are almost separate endeavours really.


I'm happy just just vibin for a dollary Doo! what ever you do it's fine by me brother


I don't really view being a patron as buying extra content, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. That sort of transactional mindset is kind of counter to the ideal of Patreon, IMO. A big part of the appeal of your content is that you seem to be genuinely enjoying yourself most of the time, and I think a model where we all contribute a tiny sliver of autonomy helps to encourage those good times far more than paying per unit for your creative output.


I don't mind that actually. do whatever you can to keep the content rolling


I dont mind either way


Gonna get buried by this point as I'm late to the party. At the end of the day you've got to do what is right for you and your business even if some people are going to feel that you are giving them the shaft. I'm yet to see a comment who is pissed off with this development as the general consensus is that people just want to support you and the content is secondary I'm much the same. I love you Wade, I really do. You've replied to private messages and just been awesome. Whatever you do, sometimes you just need to be ruthless and have a business head on. All this said IF they do go public then I'm gonna struggle to justify my name at the end of a video for 0.04 of a second and a pic of Frank for £8+vat month. I won't leave and I hate to sound that I'm holding my money ransom but that's the truth. Bloody hell. I've just realised us Patreons are pretty much the "shareholders of Dank".


I joined the Patreon because I wanted to support you and let you do whatever you wanted content wise. Regardless of what I was directly getting out of the support, I wanted to make sure I was helping you stay afloat and be financially secure. And I'm very happy to keep supporting you, even without significant rewards, since just getting to see your content is good enough for me. That said, 2 things. First, looking back I am sure that getting access to the after show incentivized my original decision to start supporting you, and I'm probably not alone. Second, I block ads on YouTube, so you would not be getting money from me there. I've told myself that that is ok as long as I do financially support you here, but it's maybe something for you to keep in mind. Anyways this is a bit rambling at this point. Basically do whatever you want, and I'll keep paying you to keep the content (exclusive or not) flowing.


im fine with this


You should be diversified in terms of income and not rely on one source. I'll be honest, I have no interest in drums. I thinks it's cool you are into it but it's not my thing. I'm here for the stanky buds and audio reviews, and I'd love to keep supporting the Patreon. $1 a month for me is nothing, I don't even notice the charge, but for you all the donations add up to a solid revenue stream. I can't really justify joining floatplane though, it's not that same low level of payment. I'm trying to cut down on my streaming subs not add to them. I'd also love to say I'll keep it up for a frank pic, but I have dozens of creators that I love and you are the only one I support on Patreon. It's totally the AfterShow that hooked me, and probably a majority of the people here. Even if they are willing to stay subbed, they came for the After Show.


don't really mind you uploading the older vids on YouTube


Patreon for Frank clips only, that's what we really care about


So my Opinion is that, I chime in with a Euro each month because I want to watch the extra content, I don't mind paying a buck extra just to watch some extra stuff, honestly I would prefer that things stay the way they are, if people want to watch the streams they can go to Floatplane, but I would just prefer Patreon, maybe I'm alone in this tho. I dunno, I would miss the Patreon vids with you yelling at random stuff. Also let's not forget the Nugget Lucky Dips! All in all, do as you like man, I'll try and support you anyway.


Frank for the Frank god! I approve of your offer.


I'll jump ship to the streaming platform and watch when I can. I'm here for the Lols (batman MP3 is the best)


I'm on both the Patreon and the garbage time stream and honestly prefer having both be a thing.


Even though I became a Patreon not to long ago, I love being here and supporting you! I found you vids when you did the 1TB iPod after watching a few vids on iPhone repairs. I thought you where absolutely hilarious and entertaining and still do! Now that I have a stable source of income and the generosity, I very much love supporting you thick and thin. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done!


Make ‘‘em free! You’ll still get my dollar!


Go for it my friend, you’ll still get my cash on both


Is it possible to also post aftershow stuff on Floatplane as well?


in my opinion if you did want to make after shows public is only do them for older ones. maybe have a system of making an after show public 1-2 months after they came out. that way patreons are still getting exclusive things, people can choose to either send $1 or wait for an after show to become public, and everyone who cant afford to be a patreon gets to see after shows. thats just my thought process though im not ur dad


Though I'm not subbed to Floatplane, this seems like a cool idea. For people who can't pay for both but still wanna support him.


You hit it right on the nail. We’re all here to support him for the aftershow and frank pics. I just can’t justify floatplane though, I’m gonna be honest.


Thank you for involving us! I enjoy the patron, and hate to see the drumstreams go on floatplane. But i understand it 100% I would prefer you, frank and ye ol mates having an awesome life and and being able to do all the fun you want, i really enjoy ol nuggets and cars. And WOULD LOVE to see you meetup with ol mate Moog and Marty! from MCM


100% in for the the garbage network! Share that after show. Loved getting it as a perk for supporting but have no problem with it being for everyone. Guess I’ll be moving my subscription over to floatplane if the at is the plan you go with.


I have been a Patreon for several months now and do really enjoy the after shows, I think it would be cool if more people could see them, I started the $1 a month because I wanted to support you, your also the only one I have ever done this for because I really enjoy the videos and because the $1 made doing so very easy to do. I don’t miss a $1 and it helps you simple maths. I also just paid for the year for the Floatplane, and that was for the same reason with the bonus that I wanted to support Floatplane as well as I think what they are doing is great. My support is fully behind independent creators that are genuine and want to create a community, and you're that. If you went down the route of making the after shows free either on day one or after a week or so that would be great, but I understand wanting to include as many as possible and not create a two tired system of those who can afford and those you can't. I think it would help though if we knew Franks position on this as well. :-)


Maybe make the after shows free after like a month? So patrons still get exclusive content, and everyone else gets the after shows. Win win on both fronts. Or host the after shows on Floatplane? I know you said hosting 4K content on there is expensive but is hosting it in 1080p any cheaper? Sacrificing a bit of quality but that's still only one subscription for us.


Just sharing my honest opinion. I love your content but my personal interest is as an audiophile when convenient ; the drum streams aren't something I'm personally interested in, both because of timing and content. If the afrershows are free I'll unsubscribe. I don't mind paying the extra few bucks a month to get access to them, but if that value leaves patreon then I'll spend it elsewhere. Love your work man, just felt I should be honest!


That’s fine by me mate


Sounds good, more frank is always great!


I agree with this honestly. I know what Dank wants to do but I feel like a Patreon isn't really worth having if there's no exclusive content. Early access to videos would be another great idea to keep the Patreon worth having


I think there still needs to be something exclusive on here (besides Frank pics of course) because otherwise there won't really be a reason for people to be a Patron. Early access to videos that go public after 24hrs or something like that would potentially be a good idea. Maybe giving us the After Show 24hrs before anyone else and letting everyone else see it after us. It gives us some exclusivity and something as a thank you, but doesn't really paywall the content which I think is the best of both worlds. I'm as interested in your drum streams as your videos so I wouldn't really want to transition to supporting you there, so I just feel like there needs to still be something here worth while, even if it's only for 24hrs before everyone else like I said


I like the idea but it would be nice to have something more like the Patreon’s being able to see the after show episode and the public youtube video 24 hrs before everyone else would be nice

Lyman Green

I’m new to backing you on patreon but I really enjoy your YouTube vids and want to keep supporting you so I’ll be hanging on here!


The Missus and I absolutely adore you and frank, mate! Yes, I speak for the two of us in saying go ahead and open 'er up! :)

Billy Buck

You can keep my dollary-doos from now until forever! I am here to support a kick ass creator (and smelly snake friend) and I want more people to see you! Get that content out there for everyone to see! :)


look man ima be honest with you i dont watch your drum streams so i would rather the patron vids just being on patron


I have loved the After Show videos. As well of course the main event. But I understand that things have to move on. I know nothing of Float Plane. Maybe it is the future. However for your Patreon supporters, unedited videos of what is shown on YouTube might be fun, and some more Frank inaction. But whatever keep up the good work. Your videos are a blast.


Sounds Good to me


I mean patreon like you alway say is your financial stability and im afraid that if you make everything public some of the poeple will unsubscribe cus they wont see any adventage to being sub.


I'll gladly jump off Patreon to Floatplane the moment you make After Show free (nah, imma gonna try to do both things earlier, probably). Not only I want to support mah favorite dingus creator, but also new dingus platform. Let's hope this eventually make Floatplane a big good alternative to shitty Twitch, mate.


On one side, this is epic because I always wanted to give Floatplane a try, but on the other, there are many people who will not see the point of subscribing anymore. But I am all in!


I'll give floatplane a shot, never been there so, no idea if it's any good, buuuuuut with a ringing endorsement like that I might flip over to there. Sides with a playlist of the old aftershows, I could just watch that to catch up on em since I subbed here pretty recently.


Hell, my old ass doesn't even know what Float plane is. With that being said, I guess I'll find out what its all about. Im with ya man.


On your side man keep it up :DD


Go for it, king! Patreon is for patronage


whatever gets your creative process going and helps you support this is fine by me.


- D O - I T -


I will speak personally: I just want to support you because I love your content. Having an "exclusive" content is just a bonus that I don't mind giving up if it will make you feel more comfortable. Also, loving the Maluch appearances on Garbage Time. Greetings from a Polish fan ♥


I would love to watch your stuff on floatplane if I was able to get it to work… for some reason my phone refuses to allow me to watch it. That said, even if I sub to the floatplane I’d probably still give ya the £1 a month on here.


I believe is a great idea i'm a huge fan of yours and if that's your decision well is up to you, but if this decision is in order to boost the income for the cannel you should consider making it on a period of time that it also doesn't affect the patreon. Consider this: three or four days after the main show was uploaded to youtube and the aftershow to patreon you upload the aftershow on youtube with the ad that way patreon doesn't get unatractive, it will become more like an early access, wich some people will love to pay for and the best part is that the youtube channel gets content uploaded more frequently, so people don't have to wait a whole week for it but instead they have it every half a week. Again, is your content and every decision you make will be greatly respected m8, but consider it. ✌️


Ads are the worst. Your current model feels so much better.


Imo we're not here for extra content, we're here because we love stuff you make. I bet people will keep supporting you, even if after show will become public and I personally would support that decision. That means more work for you of course, so it's up to you to decide :)


Love Frank!


I'm a little late here but I'd support your Patreon either way. You do what you think is best my dude


For sure

Giovanni Montaruli

genuinely, I often forget to watch the extra video. An email always alerts me that the monthly payment went through and I just keep it on because I love what you make