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Ol' Mate Dick. 


After Show: Dick Smith Tour







That name somehow lacks already missing self-awareness I love it I stand corrected. The name is EXTREMELY self-aware.


Oh dickhead


Miss the ol dickheads, were cheaper than the redheads 😂


Your dog looks broken


Absolutely legend ❤️

Gavin Latham

Can you do a video on the Beoplay H95 headphones?


Based and Aussiepilled


Doggo is tired of ya shit!


Dank I would love to hear your thoughts on campfire audios “budget” line of satsuma and honeydew


I'm sure you've already seen but Austrian Audio released 2 cheaper sets of headphones. One of them being wireless headphones




Do they still make dickheads matches?


We should buy all the dickheads off the market and overly inflate its price


Seeing those Dickhead matches reminds me of the old match brand "Impregnated Goblin"


Congrats on reaching 900k!!


Can you review the Bose qc32 please! Thanks!


I like how you smelled, gawked, smelled again, gawked again, smelled to fill 5 pairs worth of lungs and still gawked like you weren't expecting it to smell bad


dick smith, the ol' mate you can take with ya around the hotness of aussie land

Panzer IV

I love how it took 3 sniffs to figure out what smell it was


And here I was thinking Australian rules football was the weirdest this to come out that place. Then I saw those matches


Finally, we aren't left empty-handed when a mic fails to work. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! I chortled in my joy.

Kim Gaetjens

Omg - I totally forgot about Dickhead matches!!! They were hilarious.


What a nice dick vid


Way to leave 'em hanging there Franklin.


"Good joysticks have microswitches" *laughs in TAC-2*


crack open the video enhancer and poke around, you can do some wild stuff with those things.


IIRC they were often used for video piracy back in the day. Onya Dick; keeping the ol' Aussie criminal traditions alive. 👍


Guessing the mic won't work with the Eeeeeeeepc?


The joystick isn't rubber dome. it's analog, like basically a giant thumbstick


Oh man the dickheads bring back childhood memories, pretty sure my dad still has a few packets just for the laugh


A very long time ago when you were only a nipper nugget Madonna did the Blonde Ambition Tour and she talked of Dick in very much the same way. My sides still hurt for laughing. Now that memory has Dick Smith in its place.


Isn’t/was’t there an issue with older (?) Macs not working with ordinary PC style Mics ? I remember having to get a dongle that plugged in between the Mic and the Mac and did something to get Macs to work with PC style Mics ??


Heya dank, I just wanted to say thank you so much for doing a video on the crushers. I bought some and these are now my new favorite headphones


Exactly.. IBM joystick ports were all analog, it will have potentiometers on each axis. That’s what the trim knobs are for, so you can adjust the centre point. You also had to calibrate each corner and the centre in every game before you used the joystick - because they were analog and every device would


congrats on 900k


With a name like that this is the only way to market stuff. Make penis jokes


I love how he pointed out Pentiums because their old, buts their actually the most modern supported systems


Wow I had that exact desktop microphone. That’s amazing.


Oh yeah cassette nuggets have been mentioned! Or at least cassettes


Is it me, or - and maybe it's just because the brand has the word "dick" in it - but does that joystick look especially phallic? Like, yeah "joystick = penis haha" but no, it literally looks like a big gray plastic cock.


I still have a whole big box of them


The time before Dick Smith's went broke and a became a garbage part of Kogan.


With that sort of joystick you probably wouldn't expect it to have microswitches in it, since PC joysticks of that era were analogue, since we were all using them for like microsoft flight simulator or whatever. That being said, I'm sure it's extremely cheap and nasty feeling still


2:04 Not sure if you have been told, but the purpose of those is to make composite (or RF TV) signals stronger, which help against noise. Distribution amplifiers help the device connect multiple composite signals (for example, one VCR to many TVs) since otherwise, the signal may get too weak


There is so much lore behind the man who does all the microphone testing recordings. Like you just know he’s seen things and life just ain’t easy on him… I wish someone could put together all his stuff to get the full picture - movie material right there.


Frank's having an existential crisis.


Is it me and my phone or the whole video has glitches?


It's ironic how Dick Smith is the poster child of consumer nationalism now, he pioneered flipping rebranded, mostly Chinese gadgets in Aus, Right from the start Dick Smith stores were just bricks & mortar version of Banggood, but even lower quality(quite a few things on Banggood are actually pretty decent) given that it was over 50 years ago.


I'm from Canada, but we had a microphone identical to that one, which we used on our Windows 95 PC. And then on the next three computers we got as a family, up until, I kid you not, 2009. It worked with about 10% of the programs we tried. Total garbage.


That joy stick is an analogue stick. its ment for flight sim games where you want analogue control. I doubt it would be a contact digital joystick with that much travel in the stick. Still a POS though, just for different reasons.


yea, depending on your aplications its actually way way nicer than micro switches


i’m so young i did not know you need to clean cadettes and vhs’s lmao


While I appreciate the boot to the dick. Not seeing a bad nugget get the one grit triggers my acoustic enuf to want to buy an cello


I still have my dickheads lol knew they would be valuable one day!

Dave Chin

I suspect at least part of the reason he couldn't get the microphone to work is because it was made back when computers had separate, dedicated microphone and headphone jacks and nowadays, everything has a combo port which may not support a dedicated 3.5mm microphone, esp not one with a "two-ring" plug.


Nice RM's you got there


It's hard to see in the clips but the jack has red rings, meaning that it's meant for a dedicated port.


“Mmmmmm DICK”


Have you ever thought of doing a podcast? Would love hearing about your favorite music and albums.


Well most motherboards nowadays still have 1-6 different audio inputs/outputs. Haven't seen any other than a 3.5mm jack on laptops though


Yeah mate, like a couple people have said, you need a Podcast chief.


Literally the most popular brand for JOYsticks ios called "ThrustMaster"........... At this point I'm almost fully sure it was intentional, they do make good joysticks though.


A distro amp splits a single input to multiple outputs


This is gonna sound weird but I can *smell* these. I remember going to Dick Smith with my dad so it smells like his leather jacket, cigarettes, cheap plastic and old carpet. All that weird grey plastic.


I used to have that exact same microphone but black when I was in middle school. A quick google shows that they’re still selling it in Brazil, for the equivalent of AU$ 26 (US$ 19). This country’s a joke.


Ibm pc joysticks won't have micro switches because they aren't digital like other consoles. The pc used an analog stick. The buttons could have been.


We need to hear that microphone story now. That should be an aftershow just a 6 minute microphone ramble.


Hey I heard you like Dick and Balls


i want some dickheads now...


dick joystick ... oh boy, the fun we'll have tonight mate.


That booting reminds me of that cringy aussie simpsons episode where Bart gets a booting.


Caught a glimpse of the new Grados there my boy. Are you gonna do a review?


That microphone has a 3-pole connector and needs to be plugged into a dedicated microphone input (most desktop PCs have one). It won't work in a combo port which expects a 4-pole connector to use a microphone.


That's a weird lookin knob ya got there mate


I suspect the actual use case for the video processor is stripping the macrovision out of the signal so you could duplicate macrovision protected tapes


Quite hilarious that this video links/suggests a bunch of Taiwan videos when it is finished.


Dickheads..🤣 you could gift the mic to frank.


quick question... Are the "Kove" headphones the new Raycon? I've seen a bunch of youtubers being sponsored by them


I wonder if the mic would have worked on the Eee Pee Cee.


Review the Phillips SHP9500


I used to have that Mic but rebranded as the popular Mexican radioshack-esque-brand "Steren", it was horrible.


How about a "please" and maybe a reason why you'd like to see them reviewed? Don't be a demanding dick (smith).


I met Dick Smith once. Was a pretty good bloke. Now that Dick Smith Electronics has gone to the corporate overlords we have to rely on Jaycar for all our obscure electronics needs, like those kits that make you sound like a darlek.


The microphone that started my youtube channel lol


I imagine an alternate world in which Craig and Dick are the best of friends.


I've binged your videos and still want more, keep up the great work Wade/Dank


I don't know how I feel about you yelling "Dick"


Sad ol' mate dick went under both here and aussie


When you cut to the studio and the sound was good I told to myself "Wow Dicksmith made awesome Desk Mics to sound like that after such a long time" then the boot hit it


One dollayroo well spent!💯🔥


So, I was watching Aging Wheels yesterday and who'da thunk it there you are. Figures you'd watch him tho, he's a nugget collector like you. Just with cars instead of mp3 players


You should know dankpods also collects cars (he mentions his car and bike collection in the second warehouse tour)


Its just alcohol don't drink it


The weird video box isn't a switcher, rather the opposite... it runs a signal amplifier so you can plug a single signal in and run the signals out to multiple TVs. Or, more realistically, multiple other VCRs, so you can make multiple copies of a tape at once. Here's an ad for it that explicitly says it is intended for copying tapes, and even that it can be used to bypass some of the common copyright protection: https://archive.org/details/EA1984/EA%201984-03%20March/page/n32/mode/1up Which is pretty brazen, tbh...


When you smashed the mic at 4:45 the chain leg thing takes the brunt of it leaving some marks ;'( I hope he it okay...


dude we used to have a dick smith mic on our computer desk


Honestly that's exactly what Australia would do. Fuckin' name matches "Dickheads" and have stories about dickheads on the back. Stay classy guys, I love how blunt y'all are about shit


Re: the joystick. You were assuming it was meant to be an arcade style clicky 8 direction joystick, basically a glorified D-pad. It's actually an analogue stick for flight sims and such, so it's not meant to be clicky. Insude it has 2 potentiometers (one for each axis) and those little sliders are the trim for those pots. I had this exact joystick when I was a kid. Yeah it was a bit floppy but it worked pretty decent, especially for what I paid. Used to use it for IL-2 Sturmovik and star wars pod racer.


Aussie man beats disfunctional dick with boot


I’m positive I’ve seen a dick smith in a Walmart in Colorado


That old 'ol mate Dick logo is friggin' cool


My local pawnbrokers had a dick Smith console once and before I could get enough money to buy it, it was gone... was only a couple of years ago too, had like 5 games


I guess people!


Ive played with dick and this does give a dick vibes, not gonna lie,


I collect matches and really want a pack of mini redhead matches books can anyone get me some and send them to me?

Andrew Behm

He attacked the mic with the Blundstones, that's how you know it's Aussie!


Wade, if you're reading this, please don't use that VCR cleaner 😭 they're actually really bad for your heads. What you wanna do is take the lid off and get a sheet of printer paper. Tear off a piece and get some alcohol on there. Hold the paper up to the head drum and slowly rotate it. Repeat this until you're not getting any more residue on the paper. Additionally, get a cotton swab and put some alcohol on there and clean anything that the tape makes contact with. Much better way to clean your VCR that preserves its life for a lot longer.


I know smellavision isn’t real. But I somehow could actually smell seafood comming off of that mic. Before you even mentioned it.