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Why can't they sound as good as Pods taste??


After Show: PODS iPod Speakers



It's dank time


He’s back


ain’t nothing like sexy speaker tho… she does things to me


Best 1 dollarydoo a month I've ever spent


8 poonds a month I spend for this QUALITY CONTENT


Even these get better sound than my 5.1 from my phone atm. Some reason the volume is really quiet to them 🙄

Joshua Chap

I had a knockoff version of these. They listed me about 8 months before they literally started to fall apart.


8 dollarydoos a month couldn't spend it any better if you ask me


Oh man. I do miss Pods, snickers were the best!


I had some of those box speakers a long time ago, I can’t remember what brand they were though. All I can remember is they sucked and I’m pretty sure I destroyed em

Panzer IV

Only OGs will remember the mojo


This reminds me of the DML speakers such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdkyGDqU7xA did. Any chance you will do a video on that?


Just cheap crap for your estimated customers


Nothing screams Quality like cardboard with some speakers glued in them.


Worth every penny


Where is the mojo? Still dead?


I remember getting a bacardi version of these speakers when I was like 12 or so


That reminds me, are you still planning on upgrading that clear plastic speaker dock from your Straya Day special?


I remember my dad had something like this, but it was a cheap mono speaker designed to be inserted into an empty Pringles can. The sound quality was awful.




This takes the term "box speakers" to a whole new level


technically, the iphone 3.5mm jack is a different standard to what some android phones use. The mic and the ground are swapped. On some phones, if an iPhone headphone is used, audio will not work. You have to get a small TRS extension (3 pin) so the mic and ground will be shorted and you can use them. My first android smartphone had this issue (Moto e2 LTE). So yes, the 3.5 mm jack is somewhat proprietary. Cheap modern Motorola phones are still having this issue.


Was I the only one that would colour in the top part of the "d" on Pods packaging, just so I could have a giggle about eating Poos?


Can't believe pods got discontinued in NZ

Kim Gaetjens

I giggled my arse off when the speakers fell over! P.S - S’mores PODS for the win!


My motorola 5g ace does not have this issue but I havent tried iphone/ipod proprietary headphones


I think I've found my new desktop speakers.


Dude, maybe the speakers were made of pods, like actually made of hard chocolate (•o•)


if you tape these together with duct tape, you can get a nice pair of cans.




I recently bought some JVC ear buds and I used scarlet fire as a bass test to see if they where gonna be good. They where! Thanks for showing us the magic that is "Scarlet Fire"

Paul Douglas

I got some of these for free from like Coca-Cola back in the day. Never bothered using them, but they made for an amusing novelty to have on a shelf. I don’t recall mine being so unbalanced though, I think they might have given you a little weight to drop in the bottom with the Coke ones or something?


EEEEUUUGH IT STINKS! *proceeds to sniff fingers*


I've seen a similar flatpack speaker pair in the UK without branding before, and genuinely, the instructions asked you to put something heavy into the box so they didn't tip forwards.


Never heard of or seen pods. American issues..

Dave Chin

I have no idea what this candy is BUT this strikes me as less some sort of giveaway or promotional item, and more like one of those gift sets you can buy around the holiday season, with a candy and an unrelated novelty thing with the candy's branding on it. Which would explain the nice presentation with no barcode, since it's not meant to be sold outside of the gift set.


vanillia or chocolate?


Hey comment section, I need advice on a good dac for around or under $300 dollarydoos. going to be paired with a schiit Magni and my dt990 pro cans. any advice helps :)


I think it's an Australian (and maybe NZ) thing. I've never heard of Pods because I'm from the US, but they look kinda good ngl


Welcome to cardboard waste heaven or hell it depends


I've watched a bunch of your videos and love them! Still curious why you don't buy a cheap 100W Bluetooth amp (Meant to drive speakers) and graft a 3.5mm socket onto it. Super simple and guaranteed to literally ignite any set of headphones, much less make them smell funny.


i got a set of skittles cardboard speakers like these as a prize from a church thing


“Ingeniously Crunchy”


I need to find some pods now 😫


Thanks for always throwing the "orh my pkcell" it makes my week


why did this make me hungry?


Time to bust out the blue tack


I love how the cardboard around the actual speakers was exactly the same as the box is game in


oh my pkcell!


yoooo i had one of these when i was younger


thanks now i cant get that out of my head


would love to see you make something like these and review them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGzNkUmPdXc


When I was in middle school (like...12 years ago) I had some Hollister (or maybe Aripostal not Aristotle) [US "hip" clothing companies] branded speakers that were basically identical to that except they weren't cube shaped. I'll have a look to see if I can find them, if you're interested in exploding them. I remember then being garbage. Edit: apparently my sister kept them and has them somewhere in her room. She says you can have them if you want them. Would you be interested in having them in your collection of garbage audio tat? (Or to just light them on fire with the big stinky amp)


Engineer1: "So, what material do we use for caustics?" Engineer2: "How about literal garbage."


who.. who thought “yeah giveaway these cheap speakers in a crappy cardboard shell” like just… WHO


I had a pair of these years ago but they weren't this brand and I got them prebuilt at a car boot sale for 20p.


Good one


They look like the scraps from tearaway


I had the same speakers in school when we build our own speakers out of wood, ah the garbage sounding memorys are coming back.


yup, looks like crap to me


I have a similar set, but they're triangular and they have the branding of Drumstick ice creams


I've seen those before and out of a ipod touch, well you rather just use the ipod touches speaker


0/5 doesn't even bounce a PKCell


I think you just need an amp with even more power. Like wire up a proper 1500w loudspeaker amp to a headphone jack. Or if you really want to pop em, plug them straight into the wall. 240v @60hz will vaporize most anything.


Holy shit didn't Ashens find a very similar pair of folding cardboard speakers on one of his really old Poundland special videos? He just destroyed them though and never showed them actually play music for copyright reasons, as that video was really old and I don't even know if royalty-free music was a thing at the time.


I have a similar pair from Bethesda. It was a Skyrim promo stuff for journalists, they are absolute crap, but looks cool, and they "got the job done" in my dorm room when i was living off of pennys. :D


Oh lord! I remember these type of "speakers". Got them as a gift from my mobile service provider to "rock the beach in the summer"... The disappointment when I received them, they shouldn't have bothered


Hey man, you cant blow speakers without driving them directly with something that can supply some real power to the driver because you are bottlenecked by the internal crap-amp (not in this case of extra crap speakers without electronics) I'd recommend a smashed powered subwoofer with the internal output on some aligator clips (cheap shrekpod vibe device) or a dedicated amp :D it would definitely smoke up many many headphones that survive the diablo and maybe even some tiny sparks :D Ask me how I know xD anyways thanks for the content to watch :3


If I was in your shoes I totally would have filled the speakers with Pods and see how they handled the Diablo. That would have been priceless!


Why does that thumbnail remind me of the crappy promo KFC NZ did a few years back? (ive got two sets sitting around somewhere because excess stock and i worked there during the promo)


Damn, this just reminded me that Pods are being discontinued here in NZ :'(


Have you seen pkcell's website? It has a great company photo on there.


Yuck I can see why no one wanted them.


I thought that was going to damage my ear before those speakers blew.


I remember like 10 year old me watching ashens pondland videos on my 2gen ipod touch and really wanting one of these. Oh the good old day's how i don't miss them


Ive got a set of these somewhere but with KFC branding


I had those. They're the worst "speakers" I've ever had, the one I got at the dollar store was better.


Love the vids! I was just wondering if you ever considered joining floatplane, as I think you'd be a good fit. Cheers!


Wonder what happens to the Mojo....


I actually have a pair of these with Capcom promotional crap on them!


i got something similar from an E3 years ago, they may be the same! (dont know tho, i threw them away a while ago too)


not even kidding we made speakers just like this for an electronics project in school!


Pringles did the same campaign, took 6 months for mine to arrive. Exact same speaker as well


A quick questoion... IF you ever have a Garbage Time patreon, will you upload them here, or will you post them here?


Almost every company now has at least made a promotion featuring this type of speaker.


Hey DankPods, in one of your videos you mentioned doing a video on interchangeable iPod parts between generation, did anything ever come of that?

Armando Gonzales

Oh my god my aunt gave me one of those when I was in middle school..I thought that was a fever dream because I never saw anything like them again but nope it really happened


My mom bought a pair of these for me growing up not pods but they were the same product in blue I think they were sold at Five Below here in the states


Am I really considering doordashing pods because I'm too cut to drive to the supermarket...


portable ipod speakers... sooo its the crunchy pis pods?


I wouldn’t even call it a that bad idea to make technology like speaker’s shells out of paper since it’s probably way more enviromentally friendly than plastic or metal, but this is just geniuenly horribly engineered


This reminds me of speakers I've seen for sale in the UK at Poundland, a la Ashens channel. I also had a set of speakers from some promotion Kool cigarettes did years ago to get you smoking lol. Those were plastic and battery powered but they still SUCKED.


Had a similar one as part of a newspaper promotion, except you put the speaker in an empty cleaned Pringles can.


buttwipe speakers when it will help with it blowing away in the wind by holding a speaker


I got CommBank ones of these at a university o-week


the speaker unit looks like the exact same as the speaker unit in a Bluetooth speaker from wish.com i once ordered


Oh my GOD, I had these! They came in all white and with some paint to customize them... This is taking me back.


tried to eat them. Safe to say they taste just as good as pods!


Is it just me, or do those speakers sound much better for a second until he stops the music?


"dangerously crunchy"


I had a pair of such speakers, they were the worst shit ever but i kept them as i maybe will use them on a beach one day, never did tho.


Hail corporate


*Plays for 5 seconds.* "MURDER TIME!"


They managed to make cubes in a stable position that fall over, this might just be a miracle of science