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Hell Bound

Spectral forces threaten to send Spike to hell, loosening his weak grip on reality and causing encounters with ghostly apparitions. Meanwhile, Fred tries to find a way to restore Spike to his corporeal self.

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Syed Hasnain

I love all the Fred and Spike scenes. Definitely makes sense that she's the first Angel gang character he would bond with like this. I want to give them a name but "Frike" is lame and "Spred" is...


The scene where the background music is all intense and Fred says in a serious tone “He’s slipping into hell” and then Wesley and Gunn’s reactions “kinda figured” and “of course!” cracks me up so hard. I’m glad you liked it too. It’s classic Whedonesque humor. And when Fred tells Spike “that you’re worth saving” MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT 🥺