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High Water and a Devil's Daughter

Freya places a protection spell on the compound after it's discovered that The Hollow's latest servant is on the loose; Vincent is reluctant to perform a dangerous ritual needed to strengthen their defense against The Hollow.

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I love the scenes between Hope and Marcel and Klaus and Marcel and Hope and Klaus this episode. I love Hope getting curious about Marcel and going to find him, and Marcel admitting that he doesn't hate Klaus and all that. And calling Hope family and getting her out of there without letting her see any violence. And Klaus getting Hope out of the attic, joking about Elijah sleeping up there upside down. Then telling her he's not angry at her and their hug and Hope telling him not to be angry with Marcel either because he's her friend! And then the scene with Klaus and Marcel at the end! I love that reveal that Klaus used to tell Marcel to close his eyes and sing like he told Hope. You can kinda see it on Klaus' face when Hayley tells him that's what Marcel told Hope. Like, before it's revealed that he used to say the same you can kinda believe it's just relief at Hope not seeing anything and being happy about Marcel protecting Hope and the two bonding and all that. But then when you know that Klaus used to say the same thing to Marcel, that look on his face says a lot. It's a moment of "He remembers" and "He still cares" and just remembering those times when Marcel was still a child and they were still close and things weren't complicated between them. And yes, Marcel saying to Klaus that he knew he was a monster since the moment he met him" The "And I loved you anyway" was so left unsaid and again, you can see it on Klaus' face! That moment he realises what Marcel is saying. And the fact that Marcel told him that was so important, I think. It was kinda an assurance, like "Hey, I knew you were a monster and I still loved you, Hope will too." And they both knew that was what he was saying. And then Klaus saying "And I won't let it take you." AGH! That was the moment it was reciprocated. The moment it stopped being Marcel saying he still loves Klaus, and became Klaus saying he still loved Marcel. Despite everything that's happened between them, they still love each other. And that scene was them letting each other know in their own ways without having to outright say it. And the scene between Klaus and Hayley where Klaus snaps and let's out that he can't be trapped in the Compound and Hayley realises what's going on and Klaus opens up about his time in the dungeon and what the worst parts of it were. I truly believe Hayley is the only person he would tell that to. He would not tell any of his siblings, no way. (He probably would've told Cami, but honestly, I have a feeling he wouldn't be quite as up front about it with her.) And then Hayley realising that he's worried about Marcel after he says that the first few weeks were the worst because Marcel is obviously in that stage right now. And Klaus instantly shutting off at that because while we all know she was completely right and that he was worried about Marcel and didn't want him down there, he was still angry and didn't wanna admit it. I'm so glad Freya is finally doing something for herself. She dedicates all her time to her family, I mean we really saw it this episode. She literally died and the first thing she did when she came back was realise that her death meant her family were in danger and so she ran off to help them. She's literally just come back from being DEAD, and her family were her first priority. Keelin is so good for her and she deserves some happiness for once. Elijah is really going the dark road rn though. I get why, he's trying to do all the dirty work that Klaus would usually do because he doesn't want Klaus doing anything that could tarnish his relationship with Hope. Or get in the way of his redemption. But wow, he really went too far with this. (I still love him! And I also find it horribly funny... In the sense that it's just so awful... Does that make sense?) Those poor girls and poor Vincent having that put on him. That shot of Hayley laying next to Hope and both of their birthmarks showing makes me so happy. And with the picture of her Mum on the bedside showing off the birthmark too! I just remember back in TVD when she and Klaus had their conception session and Klaus saw the birthmark, she had never seen it on anyone before, she thought it was JUST a birthmark, she didn't realise it was a Pack Mark. She didn't have any family. Now she has a picture of her Mum, and a daughter, and all three of them have the mark. It's just so great! I just love this episode.


I loved every scene between hope, and Marcel this episode definitely one of my favorite relationships in the show


Elijah has some wicked motivational skills lmao That man literally went ahead and sacrificed those girls and threw the bodies on Vincent like: 'There you go, figure it out now.' lol Then went ahead giving that crazy motivational lecture like 'You are powerful! you will succeed at this!" lol He's really terrifying this season and gives absolutely no fucks...This was also such a Klaus move and that's why I truly thing there is a part of Elijah that sees Klaus getting more 'soft' which he wants to encourage but also he feels like now he is the one that has to pick up the slack for a common benefit to make those hard decisions


Way off topic but just wanna say appreciate that you separate all your points based on the characters or scenes. Makes it very easy to find certain opinions😅 I usually mush it all together and can see this way is much more efficient to the reader 👍


Yeah. I can’t stand writing everything in one big paragraph. I’m fine reading comments that are, but for some reason writing them I have to separate things. I’m glad it’s appreciated. 🤣🙃

otaku AyMaNe

the reason Freya was still savable is that the witch didn't not instantly kill her but stopped her heart to be able to enter the house. so she had about 4-5minutes to get saved before she permanently die. just like when bonnie stopped matt's heart and she fainted yet she woke just in-time to save him.


Did Freya not cast the boundary spell that had Marcel trapped? Wouldn’t that had been broken when her heart stopped as well? If we would had saw Hope break the circle on screen; I would understand that they just wanted us to see how strong Hope is at a young age but because we didn’t see it, it feel like a continuity error.

otaku AyMaNe

The boundary spell thats trapping marcel isnt bound to her heartbeat unlike the spell she cast on the compound so hope did break the spell

otaku AyMaNe

I just realized the hollow has the same mark as Hayley, does that mean the hollow is Hayley's ancestor? and how can she do magic when she is supposed to be a werewolf. is Hayley secretly a witch,werewolf hybrid? are they going to introduce a new species witch/werewolf hybrid. OMG I can't wait till the next episode. but now hayley is a vampire meaning she can no longer use magic even if somehow she was a witch. HMMMMMMMMMM


You know, I never until you said it Sofie realized that the hollow has the same birthmark as Hayley!!! I've seen this show so many times and never noticed wow, funny the things that you can miss that are right before your eyes.