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End of Days

Wielding a mystical new weapon, Buffy rejoins the fray on the eve of the final confrontation; Angel (David Boreanaz) fights at Buffy's side against a revitalized Caleb (Nathan Fillion).

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Eric Hunter

It is completely possible to still love your high school sweetheart, and love the person you are involved with as an adult.


I’m not ready. 😭😭

Henry Sowell

I'm so glad Sofie didn't catch the "Guest Starring David Boreanaz" credit at the beginning of the episode. Made for a much better reaction that way. My only big complaint about BTVS is how they ruined so many surprises by putting their names in the opening credits like that.

Syed Hasnain

I try to see it in a more understandable light every time I rewatch. "Oh technically she's not with Spike. Regardless of what happened the night before it makes sense that-" but they really did stain the significance of the last night Buffy/Spike had spent together, Buffy telling him she was there with him on the best night of his life etc. for something that Joss Whedon literally admitted was fan service to give Bangels a little something something. If Spike had some ensouled Angel-adjacent love interest and he immediately made out with them after what happened just recently with Spuffy, I would also be like "wtf is wrong with him for doing this right now?" lol. Having the right to kiss someone else (which she absolutely does have that right, to be clear) is only one component of if it settles right as a viewer especially after 7x20. I've heard the take that this moment and acceptance of it is necessary after Spike's actions in season 6 like the Buffyverse's soul lore specifically only exists for Angel (which is not a new double standard at all), but if ensouled Spike was in some way to be held to task for that, a relationship with Buffy after the fact would not even be feasible. She forgives him specifically because of the understanding that the demon, not the man, was steering the wheel at his worst. Season 6 Spuffy is not in any way in play by the time we get here; not for Buffy and hopefully not for Spike though I doubt he'll ever stop feeling terrible for what he was (which he typically only lets Buffy in on). With a soul, there is no other major love interest Buffy has who fully embraced her power, leadership and freedom quite to the levels Spike has, nor gained such clarity about everything after the fact of the soul. But *having* the freedom to make out with someone else so soon after 7x20 doesn't in itself make it not messed up from the POV of many fans following along, and it's an understandable "wtf?" in my opinion. But characters, like real people, make decisions everyone doesn't agree with, and part of watching a TV show is interpretating their personal choices through one's own compass with all the information available. The immediate Bangel kissy coziness here would have tracked for me even a little earlier in the season whether I liked it or not, but not at all where it was placed. Anyway, I know that whole interaction is shoehorned pandering stuff because if I fast forward through it and put it out of mind, nothing else feels different or like I'm missing a piece of story. The finale was a doozy so I look forward to seeing your take on everything!

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Loved the reaction SoFie…let’s do this as I am eager to see how the finale episode lands with you 🙂👍

Jasmine Bellucci

Sorry, but as much as I LOVE spuffy, bangel will always be my otp. Sarah M. Gellar herself said that the only one that buffy loved in her life is Angel.

Briony Addey

Given Spike's past actions where he tried to control Buffy, tried to override her consent, ignore her will and desires, I think it's really important that if Spike actually loved Buffy now, it has to be a love situated in his understanding of how wrong that was, how poisonous and harmful his sense of ownership, entitlement and control was, to them both. Buffy allowing herself this little glorious moment with Angel was honouring her feelings and her desires in that time and place. She also knows that Spike, if he actually does love her, would understand and respect that (and deal with any feelings of jealousy himself and not make it her problem). It makes me laugh a bit that Whedon thought this was Bangel fan service, I wonder if someone who had more if a grasp on the dynamics pushed for it? The function of Buffy acting on her desires and kissing Angel is vital. The only way the writers could allow this intimacy with Spike is by showing it's on Buffy's terms, and that she's not internalised his (past) sense of control over her and entitlement to her. We're so conditioned to the male perspective as a culture, that even with all that context, there's an instinct to feel like Buffy somehow betrayed Spike here. Even though in the next scene that same sentiment is what the First Evil whispers into Spike's ear when it says 'That bitch'. If Whedon really didn't understand the importance of all of that... Well that makes sense, given what we know about him.


Joss Whedon actually confirmed that the Bangel kiss was fanservice added there just to please the bangel fans, because they were still a pretty loud group when the series was airing. The whole thing being fanservive makes it even worse for me. I wish they would have just hugged. The kiss didn't make a lot of sense at this point anymore, and IMO makes Buffy look kinda bad.


Sure, but don't make out with them if you're kinda involved with another person.

Enas Bassiony

Sarah didn't actually say that, in the last reunion she literally said that Buffy loved both but as Sarah she thinks that if Buffy had to choose she would go for Angel, and that was neglected by Joss who said that Spike is the guy she would settle with in the same reunion, while Angel is the type of Romeo and Juliet romance.. and I have to agree that bangel is high school love at first sight where two people fall in love instantly and deeply but don't really share much.. they didn't fall in love because they knew each other well enough to love the good and the bad .. they fell in love first than faced some of the bad and it tore them apart ... Sarah does ship bangel and I believe it's partially because she had an actual major crush on David during the first seasons.. I mean her scenes with David were the most realistic out of all her acting tbh

Enas Bassiony

Even if I liked Bangel , which I don't .. I would still see their scene as fanservice because it clearly is .. it's not just about Buffy and Spike, Angel developed real feelings for Cordy there .. and the feelings that Spike and Buffy or Angel and Cordy share are far more mature, real and raw than the "if only" state Buffy and Angel are in ... they started off as 26 years old man falling for a 15 years old girl which is far from ok, when he decided to leave her she literally used the argument that she kills her gold fish aka not mature enough to decide or think if she wants to have kids .. and she grew up and changed away from him .. he was no where in her life for years.. he does not know THIS Buffy and she doesn't know THIS Angel either .. I'm happy they brought him back btw but only for the nostalgia factor .. you can even feel the lack of chemistry and how non intimate they were on contrast to say their reunion in S5

Eric Hunter

I am not a Bike 'shipper, or a Bangel 'shipper, so I don't have a horse in this race, but Buffy wasn't making out with Angel. She kissed him to say hello, and to thank him for saving her life.

Briony Addey

Yes, I agree, the age difference between Buffy and Angel is problematic. That's a bigger conversation! But I'd say showing Buffy in a relationship with someone who tried to rape her is also problematic, and as I was arguing, I think that's one of the reasons the Angel kiss has a deeper narrative function. But regarding Angel and Cordy, I'm not sure whether they've even spoken in a year or so. I agree they had deep feelings for each other in S3, but, I'm not sure they're as raw as all that after all that time (and all the Beast master /Connor stuff of S4). I just think that outside of commitments to other people (and neither Angel or Buffy have those) or a break up that involves cruelty or betrayal, exes who've loved each other deeply (particularly with 'first loves') will often have moments like this kiss- feels pretty natural to me. I'm not arguing Buffy & Angel (or Buffy & Spike for that matter) are soulmates, or should be together. I'm just saying exes kiss sometimes, and it's good to have it crystallised that although Spike is in Buffy's heart, she understands she doesn't owe him anything.

Roy Ben-Ami

I loved the kiss and Angel's return. IMO it makes total sense, fanservice or not. That love is eternal and you can't never really let go of it. When the world is ending, in that moment, after they haven't seen each other in forever, this kiss is not only expected but required :D Nobody knows these characters better than Whedon and he did a marvelous job with their relationship imo. "I will remember you" is still my favorite "buffy episode" across both shows.


I get your POV, Briony, but I think the fact that Spike just held Buffy (as she asked) the night before and didn’t force the “Does it have to mean something?” conversation is proof enough that Spike is in a different head space now (and really, according to BtVS cannon, a different person) and is not trying to control her anymore. The kiss was unnecessary and just pulled many viewers out of the moment.

Syed Hasnain

Agreed, Stephanie. And it's a "you're telling us one thing in the larger narrative and brushing it aside for a brief return to nostalgic cuteness." She doesn't "owe" Spike faithfulness (she's not even in an established relationship with him), but the depth of the last night Buffy/Spike spent makes not just the immediate makeout but (now that SoFie has completed the series) the entire "maybe some day we can still be together!" conversation incredibly out of place and not just for Buffy. Cordelia/Angel went DEEP in my opinion and it doesn't settle well with me that she's in a coma while Angel is desperately trying to position himself for a hypothetical maybe someday with Buffy either. It's just... exactly what Whedon admitted it was imo


Just to play devils advocate i know in the reunion you are talking she said a buffy she would of said angel but maybe it was because she didnt want to say herself because james marsters was with her when she said that, sarah michelle gellar was asked in interviews who was the better kisser between James Marsters and david borenaz and she said david boreanaz and also fun facts which some people already know but for the people that dont they can google it, when sarah and david had to film their break up scene in season 3 sarah was completely distraught and as they were filming it they had to stop a bunch of times because sarah was getting very emotional, also in the angel episode i will remember you sarah had real tears in the scene, you can even hear david call buffy sarah in that which can also be looked up, so as much as i love spuffy, i think sarah would would say as buffy and as sarah that angel would of been her choice

Enas Bassiony

How is it that you like Bangel and "I will remember you" is your fav episode?!! That is THE MOST anti-Bangel episode ever made .. to the point where it literally feels like a parody that's mqking fun of Bangel fans actually .. that in addition to being one of the weekest overall plots


Yeh enas ummm do you not even remember seeing Sofies reaction to that, she was crying so hard it made her love bangel even more and she didnt even think she could she anyone with buffy after watching that episode(of course that changed) but dude relax no need to get hostile about it


Well maria i can completely see what your saying but technically they werent involved, buffy even went ona date with principal woof like 6 episodes before, too me the only time in the show where making out with someone when they were involved with other people xander shouldnt of made out with willow because she was dating oz and willow shouldnt of made out with xander because he dating cordelia(which almost killed cordelia) that was bad, you can count oz kissing veruca too when he was dating willow.... but even though i can complete see and understand where your coming from, buffy technically wasnt cheating on spike with angel

Enas Bassiony

Who's hostile?! 😂😂😂 .. I swear there is something wrong with this comment section .. everytime you ask someone a simple question a third part jumps into the comments and is like "chill" and "why are you so mad" and "you're hostile" .. and the funniest part is that mostly coming from others not even the person you asked 🤣 .. and despite being aggressive to answer your question we ALL liked the episode when we first saw it and cried and all that.. then you get the time to think about it, and realize Angel wasn't actually there to save Buffy or anything and you start to see all the flaws of the episode.. Sofie mentioned afterwards that Angel chose his powers over Buffy because once you get past David and Sarah's amazing acting you see what a lame episode it is .. my opinion babe, no need to feel like you have to attack me for it .. and on my part I apologise for thinking I could start a conversation with someone apparently that is being hostile here😂😂😂

Jonathan Hall

I've heard that if they don't put the names in the opening credits they had to pay huge fines to the Screen Actors Guild. Some of the episodes for big reveals like with Giles they paid the money for the surprise but they couldn't always afford to do that.

Zoé Turcotte

SoFie always Xander,Willow,Giles and the others trust in Buffy it’s just their fear that took over in last episode me I watch the entire series a thousand times for when I was little and after for say that and make a fact

Leora Nechama

Frustrating that they felt they needed Buffy to kiss Angel for showing up last minute when Spike has been there in her life giving to her. Angel and Buffy love the idea of each other and their star-crossed love. Spike loved Buffy to me.

Rio de Tanana

Fandoms and shipping are toxic.