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Buffy comes up with a plan: The gang makes an attack on the First's army, aided by Willow, who performs a powerful spell to imbue all of the Potentials with Slayer powers. Meanwhile, wearing the amulet that Angel brought, Spike becomes the decisive factor in the victory, and Sunnydale is eradicated. Buffy and the gang look back on what's left of Sunnydale, deciding what to do next.

Link to the reaction:

So you know guys  ''Firefly'' will take Buffy's spot next.





I never really thought about the graves of Joyce and Tara being destroyed. However, Tara may not have been buried in Sunnydale. When Willow visits that grave, it does look like it's in a different area we hadn't seen before and it's also by a lake. I can't remember Buffy ever patrolling in a cemetery by a lake. I wonder if they had her buried closer to her family. That's a small consolation I guess!


I joined here when I found your reactions to Buffy. That was a great journey with you.))) I know, you said next is Firefly, but will you be reacting to Charmed (original 1998) at some point? Coz that would be awsome.


This was probably the best reaction i have ever watched to the buffy finale


I know spuffy is really in your heart right now and really fresh in your heart, i also remember how much bangel made you cry the way spuffy did, the angel episode i will remember you or even when buffy had to say goodbye and kill angel in season 2 comes 2 mind but i remember a lot of moments, also a lot of ppl commented in your 7X21 reaction who probably have rewatched buffy and angel countless times to really take a step back amd see who should really be with buffy, and really if she ended up with spike i would be happy but i also would be happy if she ended up with angel, and riley well i guess know one wants to go their so we want talk about that lol but i put this is one of the comments on 7x21 so ill kind of re say here someone commented in a reunion show when someone asked sarah michelle gellar who buffy should be with and she said as buffy she would of said angel but said shes is not saying that as herself as sarah...in my mind i thought maybe she said she shes saying it as sarah because maybe it was because she didnt want to say herself because james marsters was with her when she said that, sarah michelle gellar was asked in interviews who was the better kisser between James Marsters and david borenaz and she said david boreanaz and also fun facts which some people already know but for the people that dont they can google it, when sarah and david had to film their break up scene in season 3 of buffy sarah was completely distraught and as they were filming it they had to stop a bunch of times because sarah was getting very emotional, also in the angel episode i will remember you sarah had real tears in the scene, you can even hear david call buffy sarah in that scene which can also be looked up, so as much as i love spuffy, i think sarah would would say as buffy and as sarah that angel would of been her choice


I think the best thing to do as someone that has had one run in buffy and still has spuffy fresh in their head, maybe watch some youtube spike and buffy tributes, some angel and buffy tributes and if you consider him and option some riley and buffy tributes lol and then really decide who you really think buffy should be with buffy

The Witch Hawk

WOW - what a WILD ride we've all gone on with you these years. I've seen A LOT of Buffy reactors, and you are among the best- definitely my personal favorite! Your reactions were so enjoyable to watch - watching you laugh, cry, your surprise, your screams, whenever you got chills, and of course whenever the tears would well up in your eyes - your reactions were amazing. Your channel, and then the Patreon, helped me keep my sanity during the height of the pandemic! I moved into a new apartment during the pandemic, and on the that first weird night when the apartment didn't really feel like home yet, you posted a BTVS reaction and I was able to watch it and sort of "break in" the new place or christen it in style! So corny! Here's how to keep the Buffy magic going, at least for a bit longer: 1. Watch BUffy the Vampire Slayer the Movie 2. Watch the ORIGINAL BTVS show pilot (on youtube) 3. Maybe re-watch the pilot or maybe your very first reaction to the pilot, if you wanna get really meta. I know I'd love to see it! 4. If you are feeling up to it, I'd LOVE a show review - a grant assessment of the show and your experience with it. 5. Maybe a ranking of the seasons, or your favorite episodes. I know I have a favorite season! I will MISS THESE REVIEWS SO MUCH! This trully is the end of an ERA!


Slayers. Every one of us. Thank you so much, Sofie, for sharing this journey with us. Your sensitivity and insightfulness has truly enhanced my experience in rewatching this amazing show. From my first watch, I too felt that Buffy was speaking to all of us when she said, "Make your choice: Are you ready to be strong?" This show empowered all of us who watched it, laughed with it and cried with it. We saw ourselves in these characters- when they were good, when they were bad, when they lost their way and when they found their way home again. It has been so beautiful to take that journey again with you. I loved what you said about Buffy and Spike repeatedly colliding and yet missing each other. Even when they are "there" together, they never quite meet at the same place. It is heartbreaking. And though I almost always agree with your observations, I disagree with you during the last episode where Buffy asks Spike, "Does it have to mean something?" I do not think she was looking to him to define what is between them. I think quite the opposite, she does not want to have to define it right now. For Spike to define it is him again asking for something from her, wanting a piece of her that she is not ready to give. And I think Spike instinctively understands that when he answers, "Not right now". I guess Buffy makes her feelings more clear to Angel in her "cookie dough" speech. She is still trying to define herself and is not ready to add another person into that equation yet. On a more technical note, I found it interesting on rewatch how the writers and showrunner made an effort to distance the viewers from everything that ties us to Sunnydale, the town, in the final season. Less time at the Bronze, no Magic Shop, no real emotional ties to the new school, less time at the graveyard (Spike doesn't even have a crypt there anymore)... and even the Summers home no longer feels like the familiar home it once did with all the Potentials running around. We have very few scenes of Buffy or Dawn in their respective bedrooms, especially near the end. I believe this was all very purposely done to make us feel less attached at the end of the show when it all disappears. Much like the brief mentions of Anya and Spike by the bus, the creators wanted the show to end on an upbeat, hopeful note and didn't want the viewers to feel sad or mournful over what was lost. As for Anya's death, I think it was a graphic illustration of Buffy's point that "there are always casualties in war"... and they are anything but casual. Perhaps it was also Joss and the writers making a political comment on war in general, considering the war in Afghanistan was still quite new when this show aired. And also Emma Caulfield asked to be killed off- I believe due to conflicts with the producers of the show and she did not want any chance of being asked to return for Angel or Buffy remakes or anything of the sort. Anyway... I am looking forward to sharing the rest of AtS with you, S5 will be quite a ride!

Ryan Martinez

I love this finale except for one thing. Anya's death was treated like nothing. Xander's reaction should have been soul crushing, not cracking jokes about the mall 20 seconds later after hearing about it. That always bothered me. Anya deserved better. Finales are tough to stick the landing and I feel that Buffy did, but Anya's death and the lack of emotion after really pissed me off.

Robin Davies

Thanks for all the great reactions. I’d love to see reactions to some other Buffy content like the unbroadcast pilot episode, The Making of Once More With Feeling, and Buffy Meets Blackwood (a very enjoyable interview with Sarah).

Keenan White

I’d like to think that eventually off screen, once all the dust settled that they all took the time to mourn the deaths of the fallen, there just wasn’t time to fit all of that into the final episode.

Ava Sinclair

I have loved watching this show with you so much and my only regret is that I didn't find your videos sooner, though of course I've gone back and watched all of them. Man, I am so going to miss going on this ride with you and Alley...all my favorite creators are finishing Buffy and I hate it lol. I love your reactions most of all because I love how much you love this show and how your reactions were my reactions when I first saw it. You're so insightful and uncanny with your predictions of things that would happen and how much do I love that you memorized Spike's speech to Buffy? SO MUCH. I will happily watch Firefly with you but please please after Firefly, please consider watching Sense8. After seeing how you are with Buffy I know you'll love Sense8, I absolutely know it. While it's a very different show from Buffy it also has an amazing cast. fantastic and very clever writing, and will make you laugh your ass off one moment and cry your eyes out the next. Please watch it pretty please please...ok I'll shut up about it now. Anyways...as always I loved your reaction and especially, as sad as it was, when you screamed when Anya died. I loved Anya so much and that was so hard to watch. I got my son's boyfriend addicted to this show this last year and one of the things we've discussed is how Spike's death, though excruciating, was for a purpose. Anya's death was just to hurt us, like Buffy said to Faith 'War is about death. Stupid, pointless death'. Her death was so so fucking pointless. I hate it. I knew they were going hurt us one last time but I still couldn't prepare for it. They could have killed Kennedy off instead. (I'm kidding, I would not have wanted that to happen to Willow even if I couldn't give two fucks about Kennedy. Not after Tara. *pause for sobbing* I liked the finale, and there were a few things I loved, like Buffy's 'are you ready to be strong' monologue (so damn good and I love that you cried), all of Buffy and Spike, Andrew and Anya...but for such a fantastic show it was more lackluster than I would have liked. I think all of season 7 was. It wasn't bad; this show is too amazing to ever be bad but it felt super rushed and for what feels like the first time ever, they kinda missed on the casting with some of these Potentials. Most of them were boring and took up way too much screen time. The one I really liked, they killed. RIP Amanda and also fuck you Joss Whedon. I really wish this had been a two hour finale and we could have really soaked in the magnitude of what happened. I mean, Anya deserved way way more of an acknowledgement than she got. Nobody aside from Xander even noticed she was missing. Grumble grumble maybe I'm just trying to find something to complain about because after twenty years I still can't deal with the fact that it's over. But we still have another season of Angel with you and I can't wait for that. Thanks for all of the good times Sofie, all the heart you've put into this, and I'm looking forward to some more!


I love that Buffy tells Spike she loves him, the moment she *feels* his soul (their hands on fire) and truly sees him


With this being the series finale of buffy, it would of been cool to have other characters from angel show up like wesley and cordelia, like you know how giles and principal wood teamed up to defend a territory of the school, how cool would it would of been to see giles and Wesley team up


If you’re looking for someone new to follow on a 3rd Buffy ride, I recommend Domi.e. She reminds me of Alley. She’s a bit unique in that she has seen some later seasons of Angel but tbh she doesn’t seem to remember much and what she does remember seems to confuse her more than help her (which is entertaining in its own right)! She’s in the middle of S5 on YT and S6 on Patreon.


Oh stephanie we all know you dont want buffy with.spike nor angel and not even riley, you would much prefer buffy with parker lol


Now give me that buffy and parker tribute lol


Oh yeah, but just for the eyebrows… a Buffy-Parker’s Eyebrows tribute❤️🤨. He really was a prize- they should have given him a bigger story arc.

Enas Bassiony

Ugh ..that team up .. like they seriously teamed Xander with Dawn and Anya with Andrew and then sent the 2 strong trained fighters together .. who made that decision?!


Yeh and when buffy xander in the finale "I want you with Dawn" i was like do you want ur sister to die because that litteraly nakes no sense yes xander would protect dawn with his life but buffy should know that xander stands no chance against an uber vamp.... thr smart thing would of be to let will do the slayer spell before going to the school so willow could joing the fight after

Enas Bassiony

I think they waited last minute to avoid the First knowing about it.. it feels Buffy or spy on them or whatever .. so maybe she wanted to surprise it .. although if it does spy on them that also means it heard the whole speech and so it knew so not really sure 🤣

Jessica George

There is a youtube video about Spike and Buffy and its one of my favorite videos about them. Its by the channel TCreations called Buffy and Spike| Their Story. Its 10 mins long. but its beautiful.

Mel Saville

I am so glad Firefly is next!!! Maybe after Angel finishes you round out your Whedonverse classics with Dollhouse, it has ELiza Dushku(Faith) as the main character.

Mark Coyne

Welcome to the other side, Sofie. I was 20 when the series ended; I'm 40 now and can't tell you how many times I've rewatched since then. This show'll stay with you, pretty much forever and I hope one day you enjoy someone's reactions as much as we have watching you take this emotional journey.


Not sure if anybody else remembers but remember what Cassie said to Spike? "She'll tell you". Makes me think of this episode.


I have seen the are you ready to be strong speech probably one hundred times and every time I get goosebumps all over my body.

Rachel Munns

Thank you for sharing your reactions to this show. Buffy is my all-time favorite hero and this show is dear to my heart. I appreciated your thoughts on the finale. Our girl, Buffy, earned it for sure. P.S. I love season five but I would have been so bummed if that was the end.