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Second of His Name

Daemon and the Sea Snake battle the Crabfeeder. The realm celebrates Aegon's second nameday and Rhaenyra faces the prospect of marriage.

Link to the reaction:

Watch a long style format:

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8hr2dle7udybkqr/HOTD%201X03.mp4?dl=0

Original format: ''This is more like an experiment to see if I'm gonna fly under the radar but if I find any problems I'm gonna have to delete the link''.

Password: SofieHOTD

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/99rtcr7hoqzi51u/HOTD%20Vers3.mp4?dl=0



Joseph LeRoy

Viserys: Daemon you're losing so I'm sending help. Daemon: Fuck that hold my beer. He is one of my favorite characters in the entire GoT universe. He is also George RR Martins favorite Targaryen.


Yes, Corlys’s son Laenor is half Targaryen so is his sister Laena (girl from ep 2) they are dragon riders. The guy with injured leg is Larys Strong son of Lyonel Strong Lord of Harrenhal,(who was offering to marry Rhaenyra to Laenor) that guy with him is Harvin Strong another son, guy who was watching Rhaenyra covered in blood)

Chantelle Miles

I believe King Viserys has Leprosy hence why he's falling apart. Another great reaction, cannot wait for ep 4.

Vishnu Vatheriparambil Mohandas

The intro is the Targaryen bloodline from Aegon the Conqueror to Rhaenyra. If you look at the first symbol it's the crown of Aegon the Conqueror and Doom of Valyria. Then the blood overflows the symbol which means Aegon is dead. The blood then flows to his sisters Rhaenys and Visenya. One line from Visenya goes to Maegor and it ends there because Maegor died without an heir. Meanwhile the line from Rhaenys goes to Aenys and then to Jaehaerys and Alysanne. Then there several kids branch out. From that Baelon and Alyssa lines connect and Viserys and Daemon is shown. Viserys' symbol is his crown. But you will see blood not overflowing Viserys' or Daenon's symbol because they are alive. Daemon's symbol is his helmet. And then you see a line from Viserys and Aemma (Aemma's symbol overflows with blood as she died in ep 1. Her symbol shows a falcon which says she's an Arryn) which then flows to Rhaenyra (symbol for Rhaenyra is her Valyrian steel necklace locket Daemon gave her). Blood then flows into the fire pit. Fire and blood. In each episode the intro change based on new characters being born and characters dying.

Vishnu Vatheriparambil Mohandas

Did you recognise the mask Drahar was wearing? That was the mask of sons of the Harpy. Also the guy with club foot who was sitting with women is the sin of Lyonel Strong, Master of Laws. He was the guy who advised Viserys to marry Laena and suggested in this episode that Laenor is a good match for Rhaenyra. The club foot guy, Larrys is his son. And his brother Harwin Breakbones is said to be the strongest knight in the seven kingdoms. Harwin was that guy who was smiling at Rhaenyra when she came all bloody back to the camp with the boar.


I'm looking forward to these like a huge event lol I love this show so damn much...Dare I say almost more than GOT so far because it really centers in the intrigue on what I loved most about GOT which was mirky political intrigue alliances, and medieval conflict of succession that just happens to have dragons lol This is more of that, more dragons and the story not focused on the ice zombie stuff which took more than half of GOT and that 'personally' was fine but was never what I enjoyed most in GOT even if the characters were amazing. This also has those thought, you just gotta love that Daemon is able to absolutely steal an entire episode by appearing in two scenes and not saying ONE word lmao. I also really enjoyed the white stag showing up to Rhaenyra and the fact that they have her slaughter this boar to show her covered in blood, and makes the connection between her and Daemon also covered in blood at the end of this in stark parallel to their words 'Fire and Blood'- I love that, and the fact that they draw parallel between them...(Btw that crab feeder skin thing is kind of an indefinite skin condition but not really greyscale that we know of, it doesn't look grayish or scaly, so assumed to be not really a contagious to the touch thing...There are time jumps and not really repercussions from it, which isn't a spoiler since it's nothing that happens from it lol)

Joseph LeRoy

Dude I've seen the intro dozens of times and never put all that together lol.

Vishnu Vatheriparambil Mohandas

They could have made the intro more understandable by adding names to each of those symbols. Like in Game of Thrones intro they added the names of each location.

Blackeyedlily (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-25 14:32:36 I totally agree! The Game of Thrones intro was so iconic. And I understand what they are going for here. Several people have done videos to break it all down. But I’m afraid that a lot of people just won’t catch onto it. And adding the names would have cleared that up entirely.
2023-06-22 02:24:42 I totally agree! The Game of Thrones intro was so iconic. And I understand what they are going for here. Several people have done videos to break it all down. But I’m afraid that a lot of people just won’t catch onto it. And adding the names would have cleared that up entirely.

I totally agree! The Game of Thrones intro was so iconic. And I understand what they are going for here. Several people have done videos to break it all down. But I’m afraid that a lot of people just won’t catch onto it. And adding the names would have cleared that up entirely.

Blackeyedlily (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-22 10:45:46 You are very perceptive and I think you pick up on the subtleties and motivations of the characters extremely well. I definitely think that you get Viserys and Daemon really well. As far as Laenor being a dragon rider, so is his mother, as she is half Targaryen and half Baratheon. You haven’t seen her dragon yet, but she is one of my favorites. She is called Meleys, the Red Queen. She is one of the few dragons that is identified as female. And she has these red spikes on her head that resemble a crown, thus her name, as she is also red. She was considered to be one of the fastest of the Targaryen’s dragons. Before Rhaenys became her rider, she was bonded with the mother of Viserys and Daemon, Alyssa Targaryen.
2023-06-22 02:36:17 You are very perceptive and I think you pick up on the subtleties and motivations of the characters extremely well. I definitely think that you get Viserys and Daemon really well. As far as Laenor being a dragon rider, so is his mother, as she is half Targaryen and half Baratheon. You haven’t seen her dragon yet, but she is one of my favorites. She is called Meleys, the Red Queen. She is one of the few dragons that is identified as female. And she has these red spikes on her head that resemble a crown, thus her name, as she is also red. She was considered to be one of the fastest of the Targaryen’s dragons. Before Rhaenys became her rider, she was bonded with the mother of Viserys and Daemon, Alyssa Targaryen.

You are very perceptive and I think you pick up on the subtleties and motivations of the characters extremely well. I definitely think that you get Viserys and Daemon really well. As far as Laenor being a dragon rider, so is his mother, as she is half Targaryen and half Baratheon. You haven’t seen her dragon yet, but she is one of my favorites. She is called Meleys, the Red Queen. She is one of the few dragons that is identified as female. And she has these red spikes on her head that resemble a crown, thus her name, as she is also red. She was considered to be one of the fastest of the Targaryen’s dragons. Before Rhaenys became her rider, she was bonded with the mother of Viserys and Daemon, Alyssa Targaryen.