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The Bloody Crown

With the Mikaelson compound overrun by an army of enemies, Klaus must face judgement for centuries of cruelty. Elsewhere, an unexpected arrival stuns Marcel, while Elijah, Freya, and Kol search for a way to save their family.

Link to the reaction:





Back to back episodes?! 🔥


OH BOY...We finishing this!


When are incredible season finale? Really enjoyed the reactions to the season.

Jasmine Reigns

Oh to see Claire Holt again 🥹 I’ve missed her and the relationships within the Mikaelson family is so precious to watch. Can’t wait for season 4 😭


No matter how many times i've watched these last 2 episodes... they always make me cry as if i'm watching them for the first time. So powerful. Each character in this series is so strong and compelling. Even those I don't always agree with everything they say... that's actually very rare for me. As always, loved your reaction!!


This season is really a great perfect intrigue that comes full circle...And you're hella right when saying that Freya at this point even if she's not an Original or a vampire regardless is like the POWERHOUSE for their family lol...Her magic can find a solution to almost anything at this point lol she's really OP. Klaus has come a long way, from the selfish prick he was to someone ready to sacrifice and suffer endlessly to save his siblings. And all in a way that felt like a meaningful, worthwhile and natural progression too!

Jay zay

Tbh I don’t think Marcel had the guts to actually kill Klaus when it came down to it. Once he was given an ultimatum he jumped at it.


I don't think it's about having the guts, but more about not actually WANTING to kill him. Not because he wanted him to suffer, but because despite everything he does still love him. Which is where all the anger comes from, he loves Klaus a lot and I think deep down he knows that Klaus loves him too. He's just fed up and angry and hurt. But at the end of the day, he still loves Klaus and he definitely still loves Rebekah. And honestly, he probably still even loves Elijah, which again, is where all the pain and anger comes from. So I think it's less about him not having the guts to kill Klaus and more not having the heart to. Despite everything, he is still the man who saved him and raised him and he doesn't ACTUALLY want him dead...


Season 3 was the best season of the originals and I stand by it. There are great moments in each season and all, but season 3 was perfectly written from start to finish.

Jay zay

Not sure about Elijah, he didn’t hesitate to bite him but I agree with you.


I definitely think it's different with Elijah for Marcel, but I do think there's a part of him that does still love him. Just the anger he has towards him overpowers it even more than with Klaus. I think there's still love there for him, but there's also a lot of hate there now.


The reason Elijah holds up better than Kol here is because Kol got bitten in the neck and Elijah in the arm, just like Finn was bitten in the neck and Cami in the arm. Finn and Kol reacted the same and started hallucinating while Cami and Elijah could hold it better. So it doesn't depend on strength, it depends on where you get bitten. It could just as well have been the other way around. The scene with Marcel and Vincent at the end, everything you said there is right and Vincent is right. That he begins with "The king is dead, the king is dead. All hail the king." was so him and the fact that he said "As long as they are sick and tired of the same old, same old that you and your pathetic family are "always and forevering about" about always and forever. He turned their sacred vow into a verb, he is so funny. Everything he says is right and good, as he usually does.

otaku AyMaNe

you getting closer and closer to reacting to Legacies AAAA I am very excited to have all TVD/TO/LEGACIES in your patreon to watch and rewatch all over

John Walker Is That Dude

Giving Marcel the serum was by far one of the dumbest things he has done. Don’t forget it season two Vincent gets mad at Marcel for the way he was murdering innocent witches. He’s the be of the dumbest and ineffective witches to ever live in this universe.

John Walker Is That Dude

It’s in last place for me cuz of the stuff established in season this show forgot about it and Vincent became one of the dumbest witches and character to ever be in this universe. Vincent was smart in season 2 to being dumb in season 3


Please don't comment like that on my comment. So many people have told you about the way you comment, can you please stop? Not going to have any discussion after this when you start with a comment like that, just negativity and hate from you all the time about so many characters and things and it makes the comment section negative and it's not fun. It wasn't dumb of Vincent to give Marcel the serum, it was smart and it has proven itself. Vincent is without a doubt one of the smartest witches out there and he’s not ineffective, it's also been proven so it's not even debatable. Even though Vincent didn't like what Marcel did before (what you mention), Vincent still gave the serum to Marcel for a reason (that reason is probably why you think it was dumb because you are biased, we all know why you talk like this about Vincent and about season 3, I saw your comment about Vincent up here where they talk about season 3) and they stand side by side as seen throughout the series. Of course he gets mad at Marcel when he murdered innocent witches but this is not about that, they are in a completely different situation now. Even Vincent who is against what happened can see it, he has said he respects Marcel but that doesn't mean he respects what Marcel did back then. Vincent will always be against what Marcel did before which is brought up sometimes but you have to see everything from a bigger perspective and with an open mind. If you had then you would never have said what you are saying now about Vincent and Marcel or all the other things you say about other characters as well. If you read comments you can see that you are alone in this and all the other things you comment, there is a reason for that. Like I said, so many people have said this to you but you still continue the same way. You are biased and choose not to see everything and that is sad. It's not fun to have negativity in the comments section so please don't discuss. It's good to see from all the characters' points of view.

Marlene Berber

When next reaction of the originals


THAT FIGHT SCENE ALWAYS GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS Also now you know why klaus was missing when Caroline went the find him in that episode of the vampire diaries