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Give 'Em Hell Kid

Freya's prophetic visions reveal that her family is on course to confront a dangerous new enemy, while Detective Kinney helps Vincent and Kol travel to the ancestral world to stop the witches and regain their city.

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Marlene Berber

Can’t wait for the next episode 😁


What a fantastic episode love the relationship between Klaus and Marcel and you’re probably right Klaus could’ve gone through to Marcel if Elijah didn’t show up


If they would had killed off Marcel I would had been done with the show all together. I didn’t even finish the episode until I spoil myself a bit. In hindsight I should had known something wasn’t right when Elijah didn’t just break his neck but I was so piss that I couldn’t even think straight. I also hated Hayley making excuses for Elijah. Was she really trying to compare Klaus killing Celeste to Elijah killing Marcel? One was a girlfriend that would had been dead now anyways and one was a father son. How do you compare the two? There’s was an episode in s1 we’re Marcel said something about Klaus not speaking to Elijah after finding out that he kill him. And, now Elijah done ‘kill him’ I love the parallels that we got to S1. There’s a lot of little callbacks throughout the season. But, I agree with everything that Marcel said. The serum didn’t make Lucien hate the Mikaelson. The serum didn’t make him evil. So why do they care that someone that they consider family takes the serum? Like, he said why should that serum change anything?


It wasn’t an extreme stretch, Elijah has truly loved a handful of people in his entire 1000 years of existence. He’s not like klaus or Kol that will sleep with endless woman and not think twice about them. If Elijah fell for someone and seeked it out it was true love to him. Making it quite strong in my opinion, to the extent of marcel? Maybe not exactly as they are different kinds of love but the extent klaus woulda gone for marcel I’m sure Elijah would’ve with Celeste and the only people Elijah cares for more than Celeste at that time is his family, which is why he blamed himself even though it was klaus’s fault. Same reason why klaus is hesitant but trying to understand Elijah cause it’s his brother. and the reason BOTH klaus and elijah care for the serum is because there being someone stronger than them and a threat of a weapon powerful enough of killing them. It is the same instinct they’ve followed for 1000 years and that’s that it endangers their family. Not so long ago in season 1 marcel wanted a way to kill the originals, and the time from then till now on the series timeline is only a few years. As much as marcel helps the mikaelson he’s been against them just as much, maybe not cause he wanted to and to the fault of the originals but I’m sure that klaus and Elijah both see they will disagree with marcel at times and him being the stronger of the three now can brute strength through any dispute. I believe Elijah’s concern was purely for his family’s saftey and klaus was for that and to know marcel would now be his better. I don’t agree with how Elijah handled the situation but his concern will always be his family and as someone who saw the visions of the end of his family as he’s always the one they focused on when a piece of the prophecy was fulfilled, he always showed tremendous concern so although I don’t agree with his solution I can admire the lengths he will go to, ensure his families survival as that’s who he is and that same instinct has saved everyone in his family multiple times including the heart breaking scene with davina and freya


To be fair even if Klaus hasn’t indirectly caused her death by now Celeste would had still been dead anyways. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I still don’t agree with the comparison of killing a girlfriend and someone child but okay. As for taking the serum, that didn’t just make whoever took it just hate the Mikaelsons. They saying that Marcel family in one breath but questioning his intentions in the next? Like he said why should anything change between them because Marcel being just as strong as them.


whens the last episode going to e posted? i cant wait lol!


That action being compared wasn’t if Celeste would die eventually but more the person that killed her, including the reasoning and the considerations taken on what that person meant to the other person. Because klaus killed her for no reason but the fact that Elijah was happy and not keeping him in check, Elijah at least had his family in consideration when he attempted to kill marcel, Klaus bit Elijah, and of 1,000 years of monstrous acts and traumatic memories what Elijah’s mind went to was the incident of Celeste, if that doesn’t show you the significant she meant to Elijah I don’t know what will. Again you can dislike both that’s up to you but seeing the reasoning behind the acts would be good to see as well. As for the serum, I didn’t say it makes a person evil or not, but history with the original family isn’t always a straight line and whether it’s the family, close friends, or acquaintances they inevitably at some point and multiple points end up wanting to kill one another be a disagreement or resentment, it’s always there. Marcel has plenty of times gone against the originals and most likely would at some point in the future and with the power to hurt and kill them, that isn’t a risk the original family is willing to take. As for calling him family, he is part of the family but isn’t ever going to be more family than Rebekah, Elijah, klaus, and freya are to eachother. And I’m sure we all know this, marcel is an interesting character in the originals because he’s will always be more important to klaus and Rebekah above everyone but their own blood. Which is much better than any character associated with the original family. And marcels has known this for a long time, which is what has led up to him with the serum. Again I understand marcels point of view and good for him for taking the serum but I’m not going to believe he was ever more important to the original family more than their own blood family


I love the idea of Elijah being desperatly hellbent on preventing the prophecy at all costs and in so doing fulfilling the prophecy in this...It's a cosmic justice in essence and touches upon inevitability of trying to abort destiny. I don't condone what Elijah did and still at the same time you relate to the 'in the heat of the moment' heat of passion thinking he was saving everyone because of the prophecy he had seen unfold under his eyes. Which I would wager he regretted almost immediately.

Jasmine Reigns

The character of Elijah is sooooo interesting , because we as the viewers from TVD know how dedicated he is to his family and to watch him Kill Marcel like that really showed just how far he would go which was shocking to me but should not have been because we’ve seen time and time again Elijah’s whole being is persevering his family. What I found most interesting is instant regretful he looked after killing Marcel , to watching Marcel grow up , teaching him to read and play music as a boy to ripping his heart out was devastating!


Yeah Elijah cares for marcel he just doesn’t show it, we saw this when he was a kid he treated him like a parent protecting his innocence before klaus got jealous. Elijah distanced himself from marcel to preserve some sort of klaus’s humanity which worked as some of the most peaceful times lived was when they ran early New Orleans with marcel. Overtime I think it just became second nature to keep marcel distant. Klaus told marcel each grieved him when they thought he died in their own way, that would include Elijah. Think when Elijah found out what marcel did with Rebekah he lost a lot of respect he once had for him because it tore Rebekah and klaus apart, doesn’t change the years he spent with his family though. But yes I agree Elijah is an interesting character and personally love that they kept his instinct to protect his family at all cost true to him even during these crazy times. Think that’s what makes Elijah as scary as he is, klaus is dangerous cause he’s the strongest but Elijah is relentless and unpredictable because depending on how much you hurt his family, he’ll reciprocate back. Also personally find it easy to relate to him, as anyone very close to their own family I can assume would do anything for their own as well

Jasmine Reigns

Very well said , he’s probably the most consistent character so far on the show to me


Him and Vincent in my opinion, Vincent morals have always been the same he just continuously gets strong armed but always strives to stay true to what he believes in, love Vincent’s character as well!

Jasmine Reigns

I agree with Vincent being an underrated character , and the actor does a phenomenal job with him


Josh is right on kol , the mikealsons always unite when threatened even if kol mad he eventually protect the family its the only reason they not killed each other off centuries ago even rebekah allways comes back