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Where Nothing Stays Buried

After a ruthless plan has left their family broken, Klaus, Elijah and Freya search for a way to take down Lucien once and for all. Also, Kol and Marcel make an urgent plea for help.

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Lucien's bite can kill Klaus it's that potent.


All I’m gonna say is that til this day I have never forgave Freya and Elijah for this. I love Freya in s2. She was my favorite and I like Elijah too but after this they went to the bottom of my list. Updated: Writing the rest of this comment after I watch the rest of video. I get what you saying with how Davina choices got her there. Okay. But, the ancestors, and Davina, herself didn’t make Freya and Elijah sacrifice her. They choose to do that. Like, I still blame them 100 percent for that. Because while Davina choices got her kill. It was there ‘choice’ to sacrifice her.


What Elijah and freya did was one of the coldest things ive seen in this show. Marcel has mourn davina 3 times now and i do not blame him for feeling the way in which he does. But there was no other way! if the storyline continued, klaus would’ve died, hayley would’ve died, and Elijah in state of rage would’ve went against Lucien short after with Freyas help dying to Lucien. There was no time for another way and I think we all know that. Because during the fight scene between klaus and hayley vs Lucien we were all rooting that Elijah and freya would get to klaus on time and they barley got there any delay would’ve marked the end for the original family. Elijah has always been the most relentless to protecting his family and with freya not having them for so long her combined with Elijah will do ANYTHING to protect their family. It was a heartbreaking scene cause I really liked davina as a character, but there wasn’t another way and although it was a heartless thing too it was a necessary thing for the survival of the original family. On a separate note I feel the words between Vincent and freya were some of the most impactful words from the opposite side of the original family. Vincent and marcels acting in this episode was top tier

Joseph LeRoy

I wonder how Marcel would've felt if Lucien killed Rebekka. Marcel is just as bad as the rest of the Mikaelsons, he just hasn't had the years to rack up the same reputation and body count. He kills tortures and enslaves vampires, werewolves and witches. But sure, let's give him more power so he can be worse than the Mikaelsons down the road.


On my end there is truly no taking sides in this...It's a hell of a complicated maelstrom of events and circumstances which is giving rise to the undoing of the Micheason's...What Freya and Elijah did was beneficial, and necessary and terrible and unjustifiable all at the same time. you really understand everyone's motives and perspective all at once, it's the mark of a great season- which is far from over...


This is I think the point in the series where you FINALLY start questioning who is the ones you need to root for. Davina, Vincent, even Haley early on, would question the Mikaelsons and call them out for being evil and making poor choices in the name of always and forever. Since they are the protagonists we rooted for them! However, I feel everything after this episode really starts shinning the light on how they are the bad guys and everyone else was actually right all along.

Enzo Reis

I wasn't a fan of Davina, so I don't care too much about her death. But the whole scene was shot beautifully. Davina's screams with the music in the background, Freya reciting the spell and breaking the cycle, really gave me goosebumps. But I understand Marcel's pain because he saw Davina as a daughter, so for me he has the full right to be angry. I just think it's unfair for him to use a mistake and totally disregard the Mikaelson family as if he wasn't part of it. And it was unfair what Freya and Elijah did, they could have found another way, but I understand that at the time of tension and nervousness, people don't think straight, besides that they didn't have enough time to find another way. But it's still unfair and wrong what they did, because even though I don't like Davina she's just a teenager. Anyway, everything that comes after that is just painful, because we understand both sides but, unfortunately, our attitudes have consequences.


Nah he punishes bad behavior. The mikaelsons kill for the fun of it. No comparison.


Hey just wanted to let you know the Lucian serum added 1000 more years to his age he was already 1000 years old plus the bite that’s why he had so much off an advantage over the Klaus an all off them… now that marcel ass the serum he will be 1300 years old cause he is 300 years old without it plus the bite he will still be stronger but he will not be as strong as Lucian if you continue watching into season 4 an etc you will find out that.. he still has the bite that can kill them but the mikalson is 1000 years old so marcel will have 300 years on them as strength they can fight him but he will still have an strength an bite advantage by a little bit season 4 will prove that an a little off the last episode off season 3 btw love your videos


You literally made all this up cuz the age thing was NEVER mentioned anywhere. I mean your theory makes sence, but still. And Marcel was born 1810 and turned 1835 so you didn‘t even get his age right. And Sofie doesn’t want any spoilers so please don‘t talk about episodes and season she hasn‘t seen yet. Thank you, have a nice day.


What spoiler was said 🤔… an the theory is true might’ve got his age wrong but ain’t even said a spoiler so don’t know what u talking about have a nice day yourself don’t believe me Julia pec said it 🫡


Go see for yourself 🫡Neva said a spoiler to begin with I said keep watching you’ll find out my guy


The spoiler we mean is the Marcel‘s strength thing. Sofie knows nothing about Marcel with the Serum‘s powers because she hasn‘t seen it yet. But you just explained his whole power level compaired to the Originals. When you talk about things that are going to happen in future episodes = Spoiler. Not a big spoiler but still a spoiler my guy. And can you tell me the title of the Video where Juli plec talked about it, cuz I‘m really interested in what she had to say.


Marcel was shown to also be stronger than the originals and Klaus, fighting them with ease but recently his strength seemed inferior to Lucien's, whether this is because Marcel was reluctant to fight or is simply inferior to Lucien due to being a younger vampire when turned or even both… if I can put pictures on here I’ll show u but I just copied the text not tryna to be a spoiler but it’s really common sense if u think about it Lucian wanted to become an upgrade orginal right with is 1000 years he already 1000 so do the math but I’m done trying to explain myself have a good day my guy


Yes he was shown like you said and and your point I actually agree with but that happend later. Sofie is on episode 19 and what you are talking about happend later, in ep 19 it wasn‘t even confirmed that Marcel even drank the serum, Vincent only gave it to him and told Marcel what he wants him to do. So no matter how you wanna spin it, IT‘S A SPOILER. Cuz we haven‘t even seen Marcel become the Beast yet. But whatever I‘m done too, you don’t get it and that’s cool, I don’t really care cuz it’s not that deep. Have a good day too my guy.


Ok now I see Your right about the spoiler I should’ve waited my apologies have a good day my guy be safe.


All good brother, appreciate that we can have a civil conversation like adults without name calling each other✌🏻


Like I said iv’e always been torn between a rock and a hard place with this…But in your estimation what was the best option then if you were Elijah, just let Klaus and Hayley get murdered by Lucien? It was definitely not like they had the luxury of time on their side, it was either do something in the moment or let it be…With the knowledge that his brother and the love of his life were killed so that they could save Davina…If you know Elijah so well I don’t think we can consider ourselves particularly surprised at the length he would go to save the lives of his siblings. He could have never lived with it. Again it’s really a hard call, I don’t condone or blame anyone in the circumstances, everyone was doing what they thought was right and what was in their best interest

Zeph 802

Elijah and Freya you will always be loved by me, you did what you had to do 😘


Nothing about the serum indicates a -number of years added to anyone-, that's not mentioned in any source that I have ever seen at least...it gave Lucian a heightened supernatural status as more powerful but doesn't 'add years' I don't know where you get that from. Yes vampire do get more powerful when they age, but the serum doesn't make them age, just like a werwolf being turned into a hybrid isn't a question of aging, just that they are made more powerful via their supernatural status.... So in the context it really doesn't matter all that much how old is someone/a vampire is who takes the serum or how strong they were before, they get that similar strength and abilities.


Or maybe it just highlights that there is no such things as 'the bad guys' and the 'good guys' it's very clear from the onset that Klaus and co are not supposed to represent models of virtue by any stretch...But neither do those who oppose them. Ie witches who claimed to be better than the hated Mickealsons ready to sacrifice an innocent child, or Davina ready to assassinate 12 people by proxy because her authority was questioned...No one is completely innocent, no one is completely evil. Everyone doing what they think is right in the moment


Sure, 'bad behavior' according to his own standards based on vampires etc who are supposed to be under his dominion and control.And be subordinate to him.....He's much more like Klaus than he likes to think in that respect trying to proclaim himself a King and preventing witches from doing magic under threat of death and banishing werewolves from their homes. Klaus etc are certainly not models of virtue by any stretch of the imagination but Marcel as well clearly is no saint....

Marlene Berber

When does the next episode come out

Jasmine Bellucci

Can't wait for the finale, season 3 is the best one!


Ok where precisely did she say the serum added 1000 years to Lucian, and i'm ready to take it back


Like, Sofie I also didn’t watch the original when it originally aired. All five seasons we’re always out. Therefore I knew we had two more seasons. And I didn’t think they would kill off the main character. 🤷🏽‍♀️ And by main character I mean the Mikaelsons/extended Mikaelson cause the other main characters been getting kill of since S1. Ex: Sophie. I was worried but the stakes probably would had felt more intense if I had watch it live. See, my thing is lack of communication. We literally saw Freya wait until Marcel and Kol left- two people with vampire hearing to tell Elijah. From previous episodes we seen how easy it is for characters to go into witch world or whatever you call it. Like, Davina did in episode 12? I can understand them not thinking Davina would help Klaus but I think she would had help Hayley. I feel like if they would had been honest, sent someone inside to keep Davina safe after they broke the circle. Then it would had been fine. I understand that it was the only option but it was like they didn’t even care to find a way to also protect Davina, or their brother and nephew heart. It wouldn’t had hurt them to ask first like they told Klaus and Hayley before hand. Now, I still wouldn’t had agree with them doing it after if Davina said no but, I could had respect them more if they had presented her with a choice.


Didn’t think you and me would ever find common ground John 😂 but FACTS😂


I can see your reasoning but there was not time, they were not even going to steal davinas ancestral magic had it not been for them literally figuring out that Lucien got to hayley and klaus. The way the show was written was that there wasn’t time which there was not. Time as seen in a show as a viewer isn’t how time works in a show in the storyline. They show scenes in consequential order but that’s so we know what’s going on, these scenes can be happening at the same time but they can’t show 2 scenes at the same time so they’ll show one than another. It’s fine that people don’t like freya and Elijah for the choice they made as it was heartless but there wasn’t a way around it by the way it was written. There was no time to ask, or think of another way, or find another way, or protect davina. It is what it is and that sucked cause again I loved davina as a character, but understand why it was done so

John Walker Is That Dude

Shaun are I going to forget that for almost a year before the Mikaelsons came back to their town Marcel was murdering witches for fun for practicing the smallest amount Magic he would live their dead bodies for the witches to see and than get rid of the bodies before the humans saw them the next morning. Marcel Enjoyed murdering Sophie’s sister so are we going to act like that didn’t happen is that what we are doing